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1 PACKAGE hr_person_info_util_ss AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: hrperuts.pkh 115.20 2002/12/05 19:33:37 snachuri noship $*/
4 -- Global variables
5    gv_default_result_code     constant
6                              wf_item_activity_statuses.activity_result_code%type
7                              := 'HR_SUBMIT_FOR_APPROVAL';
8    gv_wf_process_sect_attr_name    constant wf_item_attributes.name%type
9                              := 'HR_PERINFO_PROCESS_SECTION';
11    gv_wf_action_type_attr_name    constant wf_item_attributes.name%type
12                              := 'HR_PERINFO_ACTION_TYPE';
14    gv_update_attr_value           constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
15                              := 'UPDATE';
17    gv_add_attr_value              constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
18                              := 'ADD';
20    --
21    -- PB : For Contacts module.
22    --
23    gv_add_upd_attr_value          constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
24                              := 'ADD_OR_UPDATE';
26    gv_del_attr_value              constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
27                              := 'DELETE';
29    gv_view_future_changes_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
30                              := 'VIEW_FUTURE_CHANGES';
32    gv_view_pending_approval_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
33                              := 'VIEW_PENDING_APPROVAL_CHANGES';
35    gv_basic_details_sect     constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
36                              := 'BASIC_DETAILS';
38    gv_main_address_sect      constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
39                              := 'MAIN_ADDRESS';
41    gv_secondary_address_sect constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
42                              := 'SECONDARY_ADDRESS';
44    --
45    -- PB : For Contacts module.
46    --
47    gv_contacts_sect          constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
48                              := 'CONTACTS';
50    gv_update_basic_details_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
51                              := 'HR_UPDATE_BASIC_DETAILS';
53    gv_view_basic_details_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
54                              := 'HR_VIEW_BASIC_DETAILS';
56    gv_update_main_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
57                              := 'HR_UPDATE_MAIN_ADDRESS';
59    gv_add_main_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
60                              := 'HR_ADD_MAIN_ADDRESS';
62    gv_view_main_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
63                              := 'HR_VIEW_MAIN_ADDRESS';
65    gv_update_second_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
66                              := 'HR_UPDATE_SECONDARY_ADDRESS';
68    gv_add_second_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
69                               := 'HR_ADD_SECONDARY_ADDRESS';
71    gv_view_second_address_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
72                               := 'HR_VIEW_SECONDARY_ADDRESS';
73    --
74    -- PB : For Contacts module.
75    --
76    gv_add_upd_contacts_value constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
77                               := 'HR_ADD_UPD_CONTACT';
79    gv_del_contacts_value     constant wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type
80                               := 'HR_DEL_CONTACT';
82 --
83 --
84 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- --------------------- < check_pending_approval_items> ---------------------
86 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 -- Purpose: This procedure will check whether there are any pending approval
88 --          items in workflow for a given process name and process section
89 --          name.  If the p_process_name parameter is passed in, then this
90 --          procedure will be searching for Personal Information pending
91 --          approval items.  This procedure returns three output parameters.
92 --
93 -- Input Parameters:
94 --   p_item_type - required.
95 --   p_process_name - required.  It is the process name coded in the FND Form
96 --                    function parameters.
97 --   p_api_name      - This api_name in conjunction with the p_item_type and
98 --                     p_item_key parameters will uniquely identify the
99 --                     activity_id which was used to save recs to the trans
100 --                     table.
101 --   p_result_code - This result code is used in collaboration with the derived
102 --                   activity_id to check for pending approval items.
103 --                   If it is null,it will be defaulted to 'SUBMIT_FOR_APPROVAL'
104 --                   result code.
105 --   p_current_person_id - the person_id for whom the action is to be performed.
106 --
107 --   p_address_context - this is used by Address section in the Personal
108 --                       Information Overview page.  Since primary and secondary
109 --                       address use the same api name, we need this parameter
110 --                       to indicate further filtering by transaction values for
111 --                       "P_PRIMARY_FLAG" equals to "Y" or "N".
112 --                       Valid values are "PRIMARY" or "SECONDARY".
113 --
114 --  Output Parameters:
115 --   1) p_multiple_item_keys - this parameter will have a value only if p_trans_rec_count >1.
116 --                             If not it is null.
117 --   2) p_pending_item_key - this parameter will return the pending item key value.
118 --
119 -- Inovked by: Java code.
120 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 PROCEDURE check_pending_approval_items (
122     p_item_type                       in  varchar2
123    ,p_process_name                    in  varchar2
124    ,p_api_name                        in  varchar2
125    ,p_result_code                     in  varchar2 default null
126    ,p_current_person_id               in  number
127    ,p_address_context                 in  varchar2 default null
128    ,p_multiple_item_keys              out nocopy varchar2
129    ,p_pending_item_key                out nocopy varchar2
130 );
132 --
133 --
134 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 -- |-------------------------------< process_action >----------------------------|
136 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 -- Purpose: This procedure will be called from the overview page, which will route
138 --          for the process section (e.g:- BASIC_DETAILS or MAIN_ADDRESS) to either
139 --          type of change or update page, depending on the link on the overview page.
140 --
141 -- Parameters:
142 --   Input
143 --   p_item_type - required. It is the item type for the workflow process.
144 --   p_item_key  - required.  It is the item key for the workflow process.
145 --   p_actid  - required. It is the item key for the workflow process.
146 --   p_funcmode  - required.  It is the func mode for the workflow process.
148 --  Output Parameters:
149 --   1) p_resultout - will populate the result code for the activity
150 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 PROCEDURE process_action
153   (p_item_type     in  varchar2
154   ,p_item_key      in  varchar2
155   ,p_actid         in  number
156   ,p_funcmode      in  varchar2
157   ,p_resultout     out nocopy varchar2
158 );
160 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 -- |-------------------------------< is_duplicate_person >-----------------------|
162 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 -- Purpose: This procedure can be used to check if there are any duplicate persons
164 --          this will internally call hr_generl2.is_duplicate_person function.
165 --
166 -- Parameters:
167 --   Input
171 --   p_date_of_birth  - required.
168 --   p_first_name - required.
169 --   p_last_name  - required.
170 --   p_national_identifier  - required.
173 --  Output Parameters:
174 --   1) p_resultout - will have a value of 0 for flase
175 --                                         1 for true
176 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 PROCEDURE is_duplicate_person
179   (p_first_name                  in  varchar2
180   ,p_last_name                   in  varchar2
181   ,p_national_identifier         in  varchar2
182   ,p_date_of_birth               in  date
183   ,p_effective_date              in  date
184   ,p_resultout                   out nocopy number
185 );
187 --
188 -- Fix 2091186 Start
189 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 -- |--------------------< create_ignore_df_validation >-----------------------|
191 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 -- Purpose: To add descriptive flex field to ignorable list.
193 -- Parameters:
194 --   Input
195 --   p_flex_name - required.
196 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 PROCEDURE create_ignore_df_validation
199 ( p_flex_name varchar2
200 );
202 --
203 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 -- |--------------------< remove_ignore_df_validation >-----------------------|
205 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 -- Purpose: To remove descriptive flex field validation.
207 -- Parameters:
208 --   Input
209 --   none.
210 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 PROCEDURE remove_ignore_df_validation
213 ;
214 --
215 -- Fix 2091186 End
217 -- |--------------------< get_trns_employee_number >-----------------------|
218 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 -- Purpose: To get the employee number stored in the basic details step. This
220 -- procedure will be called from assignment and supervisor wrappers to get the
221 -- employee number while hiring an applicant.
222 -- Parameters:
223 --   Input
224 --   none.
225 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 PROCEDURE get_trns_employee_number
228 ( p_item_type varchar2
229  ,p_item_key  varchar2
230  ,p_employee_number out nocopy varchar2
231 );
236 -- this procedure checks if the SSN entered is duplicate or not.If value of profile
233 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 -- |-------------------------< check_ni_unique>------------------------|
235 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 -- HR: NI Unique Error or Warning is 'Warning' then warning is raised for duplicate
238 -- SSN entered else if value is 'Error' or null then error is raised.
240 procedure check_ni_unique
241 (p_national_identifier in  varchar2 default null
242 ,p_business_group_id            in        number
243 ,p_person_id                    in        number
244 ,p_ni_duplicate_warn_or_err out nocopy varchar2);
245 --
247 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 -- |-----------------------< validate_national_identifier>--------------------|
249 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 -- this procedure checks if the national identifier entered is in valid format
251 -- or not.If value of profile HR: National Identifier Validation is 'Warning on Fail'
252 -- then warning is raised.
254 procedure validate_national_identifier(
255   p_national_identifier    VARCHAR2,
256   p_birth_date             DATE,
257   p_gender                 VARCHAR2,
258   p_event                  VARCHAR2 default 'WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD',
259   p_person_id              NUMBER,
260   p_business_group_id      NUMBER,
261   p_legislation_code       VARCHAR2,
262   p_effective_date         DATE,
263   p_warning            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
264   p_person_type_id         NUMBER default NULL,
265   p_region_of_birth         VARCHAR2 default NULL,
266   p_country_of_birth        VARCHAR2 default NULL);
267 --
269 END hr_person_info_util_ss;
271 --