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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

     if jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'P' then
        l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.planned_end_date;
Line: 60

     elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'A' then
        l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.actual_end_date;
Line: 63

     elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'S' then
        l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.scheduled_end_date;
Line: 66

     elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected is null then
        -- Niraj Bug 4609285 Commented following 2 lines. Making default as Scheduled Date in case of Null value
	   -- l_due_date :=  null;
Line: 75

         select importance_level
         into l_importance_level
         from jtf_task_priorities_vl
         where task_priority_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_priority_id;
Line: 97

         select priority_code
         into l_priority_code
         from ieu_uwqm_priorities_b
         where priority_level = l_importance_level;
Line: 107

         select priority_code
         into l_priority_code
         from ieu_uwqm_priorities_b
         where priority_level = 4;
Line: 117

      select 'CLOSE' into l_task_status
      from jtf_task_statuses_vl
      where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
      or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
      or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
      or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
      and task_status_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_status_id;
Line: 126

          select 'SLEEP' into l_task_status
          from jtf_task_statuses_vl
          where nvl(on_hold_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
          and task_status_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_status_id;
Line: 140

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
               --where  object_code = 'TASK'
	       --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 153

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.source_object_type_code
		-- and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 171

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
		   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		 --AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 221

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 258

Line: 278

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
                and    workitem_obj_code = l_workitem_obj_code
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 385

   PROCEDURE update_task_uwqm_pre ( x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) As

    l_work_item_id NUMBER;    L_MSG_COUNT NUMBER;
Line: 433

    l_update_task_reqd_flag	VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 439

    l_update_task_reqd_flag := 'n';
Line: 444

	/*** This procedure will sync up any updates on the Task Work item
	**   First the Activation Status is checked
	**   If the Work Source is activated, then check if any Tasks Rules Function is registered
	**   If the task Rules function is present, then execute it
	**   If there is not Tasks Rules Function registered, update the work repository item
	**   In certain cases like Work items in 'Closed' status, the work item may not be present in the work repository
	**   If the work item does not exist then create them

       -- reset del task pkg lvl variable
	l_del_task_id := null;
Line: 462

	if jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'P' then
	   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.planned_end_date;
Line: 465

	elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'A' then
	   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.actual_end_date;
Line: 468

	elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'S' then
	   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.scheduled_end_date;
Line: 471

	elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected is null then
	   -- Niraj Bug 4609285 Commented following 2 lines. Making default as Scheduled Date in case of Null value
	-- l_due_date :=  null;
Line: 480

	  select importance_level
	  into l_importance_level
	  from jtf_task_priorities_vl
	  where task_priority_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_priority_id;
Line: 490

	  select priority_code, priority_id
	  into l_priority_code, l_priority_id
	  from ieu_uwqm_priorities_b
	  where priority_level = l_importance_level;
Line: 500

	  select priority_code, priority_id
	  into l_priority_code, l_priority_id
	  from ieu_uwqm_priorities_b
	  where priority_level = 4;
Line: 510

	select task_status_id into l_task_status_id from jtf_tasks_b
	where task_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 515

       select 'CLOSE' into l_task_status
       from jtf_task_statuses_vl
       where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
       or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
       or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
       or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
       and task_status_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_status_id;
Line: 525

	  select 'SLEEP' into l_task_status
	  from jtf_task_statuses_vl
	  where nvl(on_hold_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
	  and task_status_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_status_id;
Line: 543

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
               --where  object_code = 'TASK'
	       --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 556

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.source_object_type_code
              	--and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 574

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
                   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		 --AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 622

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 647

Line: 681

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 715

		if jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'P' then
		   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.planned_end_date;
Line: 718

		elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'A' then
		   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.actual_end_date;
Line: 721

		elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected = 'S' then
		   l_due_date :=  jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.scheduled_end_date;
Line: 724

		elsif jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.date_selected is null then
		   -- Niraj Bug 4609285 Commented following 2 lines. Making default as Scheduled Date in case of Null value
             -- l_due_date :=  null;
Line: 736

	     select	assignee_id,
	     into 	l_assignee_id,
	     from 	ieu_uwqm_items
	     where 	workitem_pk_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
	--                     and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 781

   		l_update_task_reqd_flag := 'y';
Line: 783

	        l_update_task_reqd_flag := 'n';
Line: 787

          if (l_update_task_reqd_flag = 'y') THEN
	  	  -- Start IF-2
		  if (jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.entity = 'TASK')
		  	 -- Start IF-3
			 if ((l_task_status = 'CLOSE') and (l_count = 0)) THEN
			 	x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 823

					select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
					into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
					from jtf_task_assignments c
					where c.task_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
					and c.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
					and c.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
					and c.resource_id in ( select resource_id
							from jtf_rs_group_members
							where group_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.owner_id
							and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
					and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
								    from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
								    where a.task_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
								    and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
								    and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
								    and a.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
								    and a.resource_id in  ( select resource_id
											    from jtf_rs_group_members
												    where group_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.owner_id
											    and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
								    and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_id))
					and rownum < 2;
Line: 862

				l_event_key := 'UPDATE_WR_ITEM';
Line: 870

Line: 912

			      p_api_version => 1.0,
			      p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
			      p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
			      p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
			      p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id,
			      p_title => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_name,
			      p_party_id => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.customer_id,
			      p_priority_code => l_priority_code,
			      p_due_date => l_due_date,
			      p_owner_id => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.owner_id,
			      p_owner_type => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.owner_type_code,
			      p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
			      p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
			      p_source_object_id => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.source_object_id,
			      p_source_object_type_code => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.source_object_type_code,
			      p_application_id => 690,
			      p_work_item_status => l_task_status,
			      p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
			      p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
			      p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
			      x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
			      x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
			      x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 969

  end update_task_uwqm_pre;
Line: 972

  PROCEDURE delete_task_uwqm_pre ( x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) As

   l_msg_count NUMBER;
Line: 1011

             select source_object_type_code
             into   l_task_source_obj_type_code
             from   jtf_tasks_b
             where  task_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 1026

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
              -- where  object_code = 'TASK'
               --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1039

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = l_task_source_obj_type_code
               --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1057

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
                   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		 --AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1105

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 1119

	--insert into p_temp values ('act sts: '||l_activation_status||' rules func: '||l_tasks_rules_func);
Line: 1131

Line: 1164

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 1178

Line: 1199

		      select 'Y'
		      into   l_wi_exists
		      from ieu_uwqm_items
		      where workitem_pk_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id
		      and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 1209

		   --insert into p_temp(msg) values ('WI exists in table: '||l_wi_exists);
Line: 1211

		   -- Closed Work Items are not currently migrated. No updates will be done to UWQ Metaphor table
		   -- if the Task is in closed/deleted status and the Work Item is not present in UWQ table.

		   if (l_wi_exists = 'Y')

			       select task_type_id, entity into l_task_type_id, l_entity
			       from jtf_tasks_b
			       where task_id = jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 1229

Line: 1241

				p_api_version => 1.0,
				p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
				p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
				p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
				p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_tasks_pub.p_task_user_hooks.task_id,
				p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
				p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
				p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
				p_due_date => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
				p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
				p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
				p_assignee_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
				p_assignee_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
				p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
				p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
				p_application_id => 690,
				p_work_item_status => 'DELETE',
				p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
				p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
				p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
				x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
				x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
				x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 1272

		        --insert into p_temp values('ret success');
Line: 1279

		        --insert into p_temp values ('del tsk id: '||l_del_task_id);
Line: 1283

			--insert into p_temp values('excep');
Line: 1292

  end delete_task_uwqm_pre;
Line: 1348

    l_ins_date_selected   varchar2(1);
Line: 1363

    l_update_wr_item_call	varchar2(5);			  -- Niraj, Bug 4220060, Added
Line: 1395

             select source_object_type_code
             into   l_task_source_obj_type_code
             from   jtf_tasks_b
             where  task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 1411

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
              -- where  object_code = 'TASK'
              -- and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1424

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = l_task_source_obj_type_code
               --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1442

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
		   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		-- AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 1491

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 1507

/*	 insert into p_temp(msg) values ('assignee_role: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignee_role||
					 ' booking end date: '|| jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.booking_end_date); */
Line: 1516

		    SELECT booking_end_date
		    INTO   l_ins_due_date
		    WHERE  task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		    AND    assignee_role = 'OWNER';
Line: 1527

		--insert into p_temp(msg) values ('due date: '||l_ins_due_date);
Line: 1570

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 1605

		      select task_status_id, deleted_flag
		      into l_tsk_sts_id, l_del_flag
		      from jtf_tasks_b
		      where task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 1620

		      select 'CLOSE' into l_task_status
		      from jtf_task_statuses_vl
		      where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
		      and task_status_id = l_tsk_sts_id;
Line: 1632

		      select 'Y'
		      into   l_wi_exists
		      from ieu_uwqm_items
		      where workitem_pk_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		      and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 1642

		  -- insert into p_temp(msg) values ('Task Status Id from Tasks table: '||l_tsk_sts_id||' l_wi_exists: '||l_wi_exists||' l_del_flag: '||l_del_flag);
Line: 1644

		   -- Closed Work Items are not currently migrated. No updates will be done to UWQ Metaphor table
		   -- if the Task is in closed/deleted status and the Work Item is not present in UWQ table return Success.

		   if ( ( (l_task_status = 'CLOSE') or (l_del_flag = 'Y') )
			and (l_wi_exists = 'N'))
		     --   insert into p_temp(msg) values ('close/del and rec does not exists.. ret success');
Line: 1653

			--   insert into p_temp(msg) values (' else condn');
Line: 1656

				-- insert into p_temp(msg) values (' selecting data from tasks table');
Line: 1660

					  select tb.task_id, tb.task_number, tb.customer_id, tb.owner_id, tb.owner_type_code,
						 tb.source_object_id, tb.source_object_type_code,
						 tb.planned_start_date, tb.planned_end_date, tb.actual_start_date, tb.actual_end_date,
						 tb.scheduled_start_date, tb.scheduled_end_date,tb.task_type_id,
						 tb.task_status_id, tt.task_name, tp.importance_level, ip.priority_code
					  into l_ins_task_id, l_ins_task_number, l_ins_customer_id, l_ins_owner_id, l_ins_owner_type_code,
					       l_ins_source_object_id, l_ins_source_object_type_code, l_ins_planned_start_date, l_ins_planned_end_date,
					       l_ins_actual_ins_start_date, l_ins_actual_ins_end_date, l_ins_scheduled_start_date, l_ins_scheduled_end_date,
					       l_ins_task_type_id, l_ins_task_status_id, l_ins_task_name, l_ins_importance_level, l_ins_priority_code
					  from jtf_tasks_b tb, jtf_tasks_tl tt, jtf_task_priorities_vl tp, ieu_uwqm_priorities_b ip
					  where tb.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
					  and tb.entity = 'TASK'
					  and tb.task_id = tt.task_id
					  and tt.language = userenv('LANG')
					  and tp.task_priority_id = nvl(tb.task_priority_id, 4)
					  and least(tp.importance_level, 4) = ip.priority_level;
Line: 1679

				         -- insert into p_temp(msg) values('raising err ');
Line: 1689

				       select 'CLOSE' into l_ins_task_status
				       from jtf_task_statuses_vl
				       where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
				       and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 1698

					  select 'SLEEP' into l_ins_task_status
					  from jtf_task_statuses_vl
					  where nvl(on_hold_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
					  and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 1709

					insert into p_temp(msg) values('1'||l_ins_task_id||' '|| l_ins_task_number||' '|| l_ins_customer_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_type_code);
Line: 1710

					insert into p_temp(msg) values('2'||l_ins_source_object_id||' '|| l_ins_source_object_type_code||' '|| l_ins_due_date||' '|| l_ins_planned_start_date);
Line: 1711

					insert into p_temp(msg) values('3'||l_ins_planned_end_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_start_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_end_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_start_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_end_date);
Line: 1712

					insert into p_temp(msg) values('4'||l_ins_task_type_id||' '|| l_ins_task_status_id||' '|| l_ins_task_name||' '|| l_ins_importance_level||' '|| l_ins_priority_code);
Line: 1719

				     select owner_id, owner_type, source_object_id, source_object_type_code, assignee_id -- Niraj, 4220060, Added assignee_id
				     into  l_owner_id, l_owner_type, l_source_object_id, l_source_object_type_code, l_wr_assignee_id  -- Niraj, 4220060, Added
				     from ieu_uwqm_items
				     where workitem_pk_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		--                     and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 1738

			    select 'OPEN' INTO l_status
			    from jtf_task_statuses_vl b
			    where nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
				  and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
				  and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
				  and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
				  and b.task_status_id =  jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignment_status_id;
Line: 1754

				     -- insert into p_temp(msg) values('selecting asg id from jtf tsk asg table');
Line: 1756

					     select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
					     into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
					     from jtf_task_assignments c
					     where c.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
					     and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
								      from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
								      where a.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
								      and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
								     and a.resource_type_code <> 'RS_TEAM'
								     and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
								     and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_iD))
					     and assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
					     and c.resource_type_code <> 'RS_TEAM'
					     and c.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
					     and rownum < 2;
Line: 1781

					--insert into p_temp(msg) values('setting asg id to hooks data');
Line: 1788

			    select task_type_id, entity into l_task_type_id, l_entity
			    from jtf_tasks_b
			    where task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 1801

					select count(0) into l_task_asg_count
					from jtf_task_assignments
					where task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
					and assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE';
Line: 1808

					--insert into p_temp(msg) values('asg type: '||l_assignee_type||' asg id: '||l_assignee_id|| ' own id: '||l_owner_id);
Line: 1814

					   select 'Y' into l_group_id
					   from jtf_rs_group_members
					   where resource_id = l_assignee_id
					   and group_id = l_owner_id
					   and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
					   and rownum < 2;
Line: 1850

						      select assignee_id, assignee_type_actual
						      into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
						      from ieu_uwqm_items
						      where workitem_pk_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		--                                       and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 1862

						        select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
							into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
							from jtf_task_assignments c
							where c.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
							and c.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
							and c.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
							and c.resource_id in ( select resource_id
									from jtf_rs_group_members
									where group_id = l_owner_id
									and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
							--and c.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
							and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
										    from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
										    where a.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
										    and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
										    and a.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
										    and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
										    and a.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
										    and a.resource_id in  ( select resource_id
													    from jtf_rs_group_members
													    where group_id = l_owner_id
													    and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
										    and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_id)

							and rownum < 2;
Line: 1895

							-- insert into p_temp(msg) values ('excep: '||l_SQL_ERR|| l_SQL_CODE);
Line: 1914

				l_update_wr_item_call := 'Y';
Line: 1916

			     	l_update_wr_item_call := 'N';
Line: 1919

			  -- insert into p_temp(msg) values ('update flag: '||l_update_wr_item_call);
Line: 1921

			   -- Start 'l_update_wr_item_call' check
			   IF (l_update_wr_item_call = 'Y') Then		-- Niraj, 4220060
			     l_workitem_comment_code2 := 'GRP_MAX_ASSGN';
Line: 1930

Line: 1939

			 /*    insert into p_temp(msg) values ('asg role: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignee_role ||
                             ' entity: '||l_entity|| ' group id: '||l_group_id); */
Line: 1949

					   -- insert into p_temp(msg) values (' calling insert ');
Line: 1980

					    --insert into p_temp(msg) values (' calling update ');
Line: 1981

					    p_api_version => 1.0,
					    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
					    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
					    p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
					    p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id,
					    p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_due_date => l_ins_due_date,
					    p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
					    p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
					    p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_application_id => 690,
					    p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
					    p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
					    p_work_item_status => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
					    x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
					    x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
					    x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2012

			          -- Create or Update Task User Hook should have been invoked
				  -- before invoking Create/Update Task Assignment if the assignee role is owner.
				  -- So update the rec only if its present in IEU_UWQM_ITEMS
			          if (l_wi_exists <> 'N')

					    --insert into p_temp(msg) values (' calling update ');
Line: 2019

					    p_api_version => 1.0,
					    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
					    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
					    p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
					    p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id,
					    p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_due_date => l_ins_due_date,
					    p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
					    p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
					    p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_application_id => 690,
					    p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
					    p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
					    p_work_item_status => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
					    x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
					    x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
					    x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2050

					-- insert into p_temp(msg) values (' wr proc was not called..returning success ');
Line: 2056

			-- End 'l_update_wr_item_call' check

		end if; /* Work Item exists in UWQ Work Repository */
Line: 2072

  PROCEDURE update_task_assign_uwqm_pre ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) As

     l_msg_count NUMBER;
Line: 2096

     l_other_asg_update_flag varchar2(5);
Line: 2113

    l_update_wr_item_call varchar2(5);
Line: 2132

    l_ins_date_selected   varchar2(1);
Line: 2156

  /*** Update Task Assignee
   **   First the Activation Status is checked
   **   If the Work Source is activated, then check if any Tasks Rules Function is registered
   **   If the task Rules function is present, then execute it
   **   If the Task Rules function is not registered then the assignee will be created based on the following rules for Standard Tasks
   **   1. Update assignee in UWQ if Owner is a Group and the assignee should be a member of the group
   **   2. If the Owner is not a group, then Assignee will not be created in UWQ
   **   3. If the Assignee is not a member of the Group, then UWQ Assignee will be the most recent Group member if it exists.
   **      If there are no group members present, then the assignee will be null

       -- reset del task pkg lvl variable
	l_del_task_id := null;
Line: 2179

             select source_object_type_code
             into   l_task_source_obj_type_code
             from   jtf_tasks_b
             where  task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 2194

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
               --where  object_code = 'TASK'
	       --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2207

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = l_task_source_obj_type_code
	       --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2225

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
		   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		 --AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2274

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 2290

	/* insert into p_temp(msg) values ('assignee_role: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignee_role||
					 ' booking end date: '|| jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.booking_end_date); */
Line: 2301

		    SELECT booking_end_date
		    INTO   l_ins_due_date
		    WHERE  task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		    AND    assignee_role = 'OWNER';
Line: 2322

Line: 2355

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 2395

		      select task_status_id, deleted_flag
		      into l_tsk_sts_id, l_del_flag
		      from jtf_tasks_b
		      where task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 2410

		      select 'CLOSE' into l_task_status
		      from jtf_task_statuses_vl
		      where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
		      and task_status_id = l_tsk_sts_id;
Line: 2422

		      select 'Y'
		      into   l_wi_exists
		      from ieu_uwqm_items
		      where workitem_pk_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		      and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 2432

		 --  insert into p_temp(msg) values ('Task Status Id from Tasks table: '||l_tsk_sts_id||' l_wi_exists: '||l_wi_exists||' l_del_flag: '||l_del_flag);
Line: 2434

		   -- Closed Work Items are not currently migrated. No updates will be done to UWQ Metaphor table
		   -- if the Task is in closed/deleted status and the Work Item is not present in UWQ table.

		   if ( ( (l_task_status = 'CLOSE') or (l_del_flag = 'Y') )
			and (l_wi_exists = 'N'))
		        --   insert into p_temp(msg) values ('close/del and rec does not exists.. ret success');
Line: 2443

				  -- If the work item status is not closed or deleted and if the work item does not exist in Work Repository
				  -- then create the work item
				   if (l_wi_exists = 'N')
					--insert into p_temp values (' selecting data from tasks table');
Line: 2451

						  select tb.task_id, tb.task_number, tb.customer_id, tb.owner_id, tb.owner_type_code,
							 tb.source_object_id, tb.source_object_type_code,
							 tb.planned_start_date, tb.planned_end_date, tb.actual_start_date, tb.actual_end_date,
							 tb.scheduled_start_date, tb.scheduled_end_date,tb.task_type_id,
							 tb.task_status_id, tt.task_name, tp.importance_level, ip.priority_code
						  into l_ins_task_id, l_ins_task_number, l_ins_customer_id, l_ins_owner_id, l_ins_owner_type_code,
						       l_ins_source_object_id, l_ins_source_object_type_code,
						       l_ins_planned_end_date, l_ins_actual_ins_start_date, l_ins_actual_ins_end_date, l_ins_scheduled_start_date, l_ins_scheduled_end_date,
						       l_ins_task_type_id, l_ins_task_status_id, l_ins_task_name, l_ins_importance_level, l_ins_priority_code
						  from jtf_tasks_b tb, jtf_tasks_tl tt, jtf_task_priorities_vl tp, ieu_uwqm_priorities_b ip
						  where tb.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
						  and tb.entity = 'TASK'
						  and tb.task_id = tt.task_id
						  and tt.language = userenv('LANG')
						  and tp.task_priority_id = nvl(tb.task_priority_id, 4)
						  and least(tp.importance_level, 4) = ip.priority_level;
Line: 2471

					         -- insert into p_temp values('raising err ');
Line: 2480

					       select 'CLOSE' into l_ins_task_status
					       from jtf_task_statuses_vl
					       where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
					       or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
					       or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
					       or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
					       and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 2489

						  select 'SLEEP' into l_ins_task_status
						  from jtf_task_statuses_vl
						  where nvl(on_hold_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
						  and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 2500

						insert into p_temp values('1'||l_ins_task_id||' '|| l_ins_task_number||' '|| l_ins_customer_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_type_code);
Line: 2501

						insert into p_temp values('2'||l_ins_source_object_id||' '|| l_ins_source_object_type_code||' '|| l_ins_due_date||' '|| l_ins_planned_start_date);
Line: 2502

						insert into p_temp values('3'||l_ins_planned_end_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_start_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_end_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_start_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_end_date);
Line: 2503

						insert into p_temp values('4'||l_ins_task_type_id||' '|| l_ins_task_status_id||' '|| l_ins_task_name||' '|| l_ins_importance_level||' '|| l_ins_priority_code);
Line: 2510

					     select owner_id, owner_type, source_object_id, source_object_type_code, assignee_id -- Niraj, 4220060, Added assignee_id
					     into  l_owner_id, l_owner_type, l_source_object_id, l_source_object_type_code, l_wr_assignee_id  -- Niraj, 4220060, Added
					     from ieu_uwqm_items
					     where workitem_pk_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
		--                             and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 2522

				    select 'OPEN' INTO l_status
				    from jtf_task_statuses_vl b
				    where nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
					  and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
					  and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
					  and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
					  and b.task_status_id =  jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignment_status_id;
Line: 2540

					     select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
					     into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
					     from jtf_task_assignments c
					     where c.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
					     and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
								      from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
								      where a.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
								      and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
								     and a.resource_type_code <> 'RS_TEAM'
								     and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
								     and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									  and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_iD))
					     and assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
					     and c.resource_type_code <> 'RS_TEAM'
					     and c.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
					     and rownum < 2;
Line: 2570

				    select task_type_id, entity into l_task_type_id, l_entity
				    from jtf_tasks_b
				    where task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id;
Line: 2584

							   select 'Y' into l_group_id
							   from jtf_rs_group_members
							   where resource_id = l_assignee_id
							   and group_id = l_owner_id
							   and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
							   and rownum < 2;
Line: 2593

						-- insert into p_temp values(' grp member: '||l_group_id);
Line: 2598

						        select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
							into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
							from jtf_task_assignments c
							where c.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
							and c.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
							and c.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
							and c.resource_id in ( select resource_id
									from jtf_rs_group_members
									where group_id = l_owner_id
									and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
							--and c.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
							and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
										    from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
										    where a.task_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id
										    and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
										    and a.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
										    and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
										    and a.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
										    and a.resource_id in  ( select resource_id
													    from jtf_rs_group_members
													    where group_id = l_owner_id
													    and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
										    and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
										    and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_id)

							and rownum < 2;
Line: 2631

							-- insert into p_temp values ('excep: '||l_SQL_ERR|| l_SQL_CODE);
Line: 2636

							/** insert into p_temp values('task id: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id||
								  ' task asg id: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id||
								  ' owner id: '||l_owner_id ||
								  ' asg id: '||l_assignee_id||' asg type: '|| l_assignee_type); **/
Line: 2662

				l_update_wr_item_call := 'Y';
Line: 2664

			     	l_update_wr_item_call := 'N';
Line: 2667

			   -- Start 'l_update_wr_item_call' check
			   IF (l_update_wr_item_call = 'Y') Then		-- Niraj, 4220060
			     l_audit_trail_rec := SYSTEM.WR_AUDIT_TRAIL_NST();
Line: 2674

Line: 2689

	--                    and (nvl(l_update_wr_item_call, 'Y') = 'Y')

			          if (l_wi_exists = 'N')
					-- insert into p_temp values (' calling insert ');
Line: 2725

						-- insert into p_temp values(' calling update wr item' );
Line: 2726

					    p_api_version => 1.0,
					    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
					    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
					    p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
					    p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id,
					    p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_due_date => l_ins_due_date,
					    p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
					    p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
					    p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_application_id => 690,
					    p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
					    p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
					    p_work_item_status => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
					    x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
					    x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
					    x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2754

					-- insert into p_temp values(' called update wr items.. ret sts: '||x_return_status);
Line: 2757

			          -- Create or Update Task User Hook should have been invoked
				  -- before invoking Create/Update Task Assignment if the assignee role is owner.
				  -- So update the rec only if its present in IEU_UWQM_ITEMS
			          if (l_wi_exists <> 'N')

					-- insert into p_temp(msg) values(' calling update wr item' );
Line: 2764

					    p_api_version => 1.0,
					    p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
					    p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
					    p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
					    p_workitem_pk_id => jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_id,
					    p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_due_date => l_ins_due_date,
					    p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
					    p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
					    p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
					    p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_application_id => 690,
					    p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
					    p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
					    p_work_item_status => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
					    p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
					    x_msg_count => L_MSG_COUNT,
					    x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
  					    x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2804

		         -- End 'l_update_wr_item_call' check

		      end if; /* Task Work Item exists in UWQ Metaphor */
Line: 2822

 end update_task_assign_uwqm_pre;
Line: 2824

 PROCEDURE delete_task_assign_uwqm_pre (x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2 ) As

    l_msg_count number;
Line: 2845

    l_other_asg_deleted_flag varchar2(5);
Line: 2876

    l_ins_date_selected   varchar2(1);
Line: 2904

         select task_id
         into l_task_id
         from jtf_task_all_assignments
         where task_assignment_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id;
Line: 2916

             select source_object_type_code
             into   l_task_source_obj_type_code
             from   jtf_tasks_b
             where  task_id = l_task_id;
Line: 2930

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id1
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
               --where  object_code = 'TASK'
               --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2943

                 Select ws_id
                 into   l_ws_id2
                 from   ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b
                 where  object_code = l_task_source_obj_type_code
               --and    nvl(not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 2961

                   SELECT a.ws_id, b.ws_code
                   INTO   l_association_ws_id, l_association_ws_code
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
                   WHERE  child_ws_id = l_ws_id1
                   AND    parent_ws_id = l_ws_id2
		   AND    a.ws_id = b.ws_id
		 --AND    nvl(b.not_valid_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 3010

                   SELECT ws_b.tasks_rules_function
                   INTO   l_tasks_rules_func
                   FROM   ieu_uwqm_ws_assct_props ws_b
                   WHERE  ws_b.ws_id = l_association_ws_id;
Line: 3026

	/* insert into p_temp(msg) values ('assignee_role: '||jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.assignee_role||
					 ' booking end date: '|| jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.booking_end_date); */
Line: 3033

	    SELECT booking_end_date
	    INTO   l_ins_due_date
	    WHERE  task_id = (select task_id from jtf_task_all_assignments
			      where  task_assignment_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id)
	    AND    assignee_role = 'OWNER';
Line: 3045

	--insert into p_temp(msg) values (' selected due date: '||l_ins_due_date);
Line: 3054

Line: 3087

                Select owner_id
                into   l_orig_grp_owner
                from   ieu_uwqm_items
                where  WORKITEM_PK_ID = l_task_id
--                and    workitem_obj_code = 'TASK'
--                and    owner_type_actual = 'RS_GROUP';
Line: 3123

		      select task_status_id, deleted_flag
		      into l_tsk_sts_id, l_del_flag
		      from jtf_tasks_b
		      where task_id = l_task_id;
Line: 3138

		      select 'CLOSE' into l_task_status
		      from jtf_task_statuses_vl
		      where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
		      or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
		      and task_status_id = l_tsk_sts_id;
Line: 3150

		      select 'Y'
		      into   l_wi_exists
		      from ieu_uwqm_items
		      where workitem_pk_id =l_task_id
		      and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 3160

		  -- insert into p_temp(msg) values ('del tsk asg..Task Status Id from Tasks table: '||l_tsk_sts_id||' l_wi_exists: '||l_wi_exists||' l_del_flag: '||l_del_flag);
Line: 3162

		   -- Closed Work Items are not currently migrated. No updates will be done to UWQ Metaphor table
		   -- if the Task is in closed/deleted status and the Work Item is not present in UWQ table.

                   if (l_wi_exists = 'N')

			   if ( (l_task_status = 'CLOSE') or (l_del_flag = 'Y') )
				--insert into p_temp(msg) values ('close/del and rec does not exists.. ret success');
Line: 3175

			        -- This work item is being deleted

					select count(0) into l_task_asg_count
					from jtf_task_assignments
					where task_id = l_task_id
					and assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE';
Line: 3185

				--insert into p_temp values ('del based on l_del_task_id.. task asg cnt: '||l_task_asg_count);
Line: 3187

				-- Set the del_task_id to null if this is the last assignee being deleted.
				if (l_task_asg_count = 1)
				   l_del_task_id := null;
Line: 3197

				--insert into p_temp values (' selecting data from tasks table');
Line: 3201

					  select tb.task_id, tb.task_number, tb.customer_id, tb.owner_id, tb.owner_type_code,
						 tb.source_object_id, tb.source_object_type_code,
						-- decode(tb.date_selected, 'P', tb.planned_end_date,
						-- 'A', tb.actual_end_date, 'S', tb.scheduled_end_date, null, tb.scheduled_end_date) due_date,
						 tb.planned_start_date, tb.planned_end_date, tb.actual_start_date, tb.actual_end_date,
						 tb.scheduled_start_date, tb.scheduled_end_date,tb.task_type_id,
						 tb.task_status_id, tt.task_name, tp.importance_level, ip.priority_code, tb.entity
					  into l_ins_task_id, l_ins_task_number, l_ins_customer_id, l_ins_owner_id, l_ins_owner_type_code,
					       l_ins_source_object_id, l_ins_source_object_type_code,
					       l_ins_planned_start_date, l_ins_planned_end_date, l_ins_actual_ins_start_date, l_ins_actual_ins_end_date, l_ins_scheduled_start_date, l_ins_scheduled_end_date,
					       l_ins_task_type_id, l_ins_task_status_id, l_ins_task_name, l_ins_importance_level, l_ins_priority_code, l_entity
					  from jtf_tasks_b tb, jtf_tasks_tl tt, jtf_task_priorities_vl tp, ieu_uwqm_priorities_b ip
					  where tb.task_id = l_task_id
					  and tb.entity = 'TASK'
					  and tb.task_id = tt.task_id
					  and tt.language = userenv('LANG')
					  and tp.task_priority_id = nvl(tb.task_priority_id, 4)
					  and least(tp.importance_level, 4) = ip.priority_level;
Line: 3222

				         -- insert into p_temp values('raising err ');
Line: 3231

				       select 'CLOSE' into l_ins_task_status
				       from jtf_task_statuses_vl
				       where (nvl(closed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(completed_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
				       or nvl(rejected_flag, 'N') = 'Y')
				       and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 3240

					  select 'SLEEP' into l_ins_task_status
					  from jtf_task_statuses_vl
					  where nvl(on_hold_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
					  and task_status_id = l_ins_task_status_id;
Line: 3250

					insert into p_temp values('1'||l_ins_task_id||' '|| l_ins_task_number||' '|| l_ins_customer_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_id||' '|| l_ins_owner_type_code);
Line: 3251

					insert into p_temp values('2'||l_ins_source_object_id||' '|| l_ins_source_object_type_code||' '|| l_ins_due_date||' '|| l_ins_planned_start_date);
Line: 3252

					insert into p_temp values('3'||l_ins_planned_end_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_start_date||' '|| l_ins_actual_ins_end_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_start_date||' '|| l_ins_scheduled_end_date);
Line: 3253

					insert into p_temp values('4'||l_ins_task_type_id||' '|| l_ins_task_status_id||' '|| l_ins_task_name||' '|| l_ins_importance_level||' '|| l_ins_priority_code);
Line: 3259

					select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
					into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
					from jtf_task_assignments c
					where c.task_id = l_task_id
					and c.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
					and c.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
					and c.resource_id in ( select resource_id
							from jtf_rs_group_members
							where group_id = l_owner_id
							and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
					--and c.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
					and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
								    from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
								    where a.task_id = l_task_id
								    and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
								    and a.task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id
								    and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
								    and a.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
								    and a.resource_id in  ( select resource_id
											    from jtf_rs_group_members
											    where group_id = l_owner_id
											    and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
								    and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
								    and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_id)

					and rownum < 2;
Line: 3292

					-- insert into p_temp values ('excep: '||l_SQL_ERR|| l_SQL_CODE);
Line: 3302

Line: 3314

				  --insert into p_temp values ('entity: '||l_entity);
Line: 3317

				    --insert into p_temp values ('create wr item');
Line: 3357

			     select resource_id, resource_type_code
			     into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
			     from jtf_task_assignments c
			     where c.task_id = l_task_id
			     and task_assignment_id = jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id;
Line: 3368

			     select task_type_id, entity into l_task_type_id, l_entity
			     from jtf_tasks_b
			     where task_id = l_task_id;
Line: 3377

			     select owner_id, owner_type, source_object_id, source_object_type_code
			     into  l_owner_id, l_owner_type, l_source_object_id, l_source_object_type_code
			     from ieu_uwqm_items
			     where workitem_pk_id = l_task_id
	--                     and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 3392

					      select assignee_id, assignee_type_actual
					      into l_uwq_assignee_id, l_uwq_assignee_type
					      from ieu_uwqm_items
					      where workitem_pk_id = l_task_id
	--                                      and workitem_obj_code = 'TASK';
Line: 3404

						l_other_asg_deleted_flag := 'N';
Line: 3406

						   select c.resource_id, c.resource_type_code
						 into l_assignee_id, l_assignee_type
						from jtf_task_assignments c
						where c.task_id = l_task_id
						and c.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
						and c.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
						and c.resource_id in ( select resource_id
								from jtf_rs_group_members
								where group_id = l_owner_id
								and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
						and c.last_update_date = (select max(a.last_update_date)
									    from jtf_task_assignments a,jtf_task_statuses_vl b
									    where a.task_id = l_task_id
									    and a.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'
									    and a.assignment_status_id = b.task_status_id
									    and a.resource_type_code not in ('RS_TEAM', 'RS_GROUP')
									    and a.resource_id in  ( select resource_id
												    from jtf_rs_group_members
												    where group_id = l_owner_id
												    and nvl(delete_flag,'N') <> 'Y')
									    and (nvl(b.closed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									    and nvl(b.completed_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									    and nvl(b.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									    and nvl(b.rejected_flag, 'N') = 'N'
									    and b.task_status_id = c.assignment_status_id)
									    and task_assignment_id <> jtf_task_assignments_pub.p_task_assignments_user_hooks.task_assignment_id)
						and rownum < 2;
Line: 3438

						l_other_asg_deleted_flag := 'Y';
Line: 3456

Line: 3468

			   if (l_entity = 'TASK') and (nvl(l_other_asg_deleted_flag, 'N') = 'N')then
			      p_api_version => 1.0,
			      p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,
			      p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
			      p_workitem_obj_code => 'TASK',
			      p_workitem_pk_id => l_task_id,
			      p_title => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
			      p_party_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
			      p_priority_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
			      p_due_date => l_ins_due_date,
			      p_owner_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
			      p_owner_type => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
			      p_assignee_id => l_assignee_id,
			      p_assignee_type => l_assignee_type,
			      p_source_object_id => FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
			      p_source_object_type_code => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
			      p_application_id => 690,
			      p_user_id  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
			      p_login_id => FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
			      p_work_item_status => FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
			      p_audit_trail_rec => l_audit_trail_rec,
			      x_msg_data => L_MSG_DATA,
			      x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
			      x_return_status => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 3496

				  (nvl(l_other_asg_deleted_flag, 'N') = 'Y') then
			      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 3512

 end delete_task_assign_uwqm_pre;