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1 PACKAGE dbms_drs IS
2   -- ------------
4   -- ------------
5   --
6   -- This package contains procedures used in the DR Server (Hot Standby).
7   -- There are two forms of each major function; one is a blocking procedure,
8   -- which does not return until the command is completed. The other is a
9   -- non-blocking function which returns with a request identifier which may
10   -- be used to return the result of the command.
11   --
12   --------------------------
14   --------------------------
15   --
16   -- There is 1 non-blocking function:
17   --    do_control
18   --
19   -- These functions take an incoming document type described in the
20   -- Design Specification for DR Server API. Before the document is parsed
21   -- and processed, it is added to a request queue with a request id returned.
22   -- Therefore, the only reason why the non-blocking functions would raise
23   -- an exception is when the request cannot be added to the request queue.
24   --
25   -- Once all pieces of the outgoing document have been retrieved, the
26   -- user should delete the request using the 'delete_request' procedure.
27   --
28   --------------------------
30   --------------------------
31   --
32   -- There are several blocking procedures:
33   --    do_control
34   --    delete_request
35   --    cancel_request
36   --    get_property
37   --
38   -- With the exception of delete_request, cancel_request and get_property*,
39   -- all the blocking procedures work the same way: as with the
40   -- non-blocking functions, each command takes an incoming document type
41   -- described in the Design Specification for the DR Server API.
42   -- Unlike the non-blocking functions, the blocking functions wait until
43   -- the command completes before returning the first piece of the document.
44   -- All initial requests should request the first piece (piece=1).
45   --
46   -- If there is only one piece of the outgoing document, then the procedure
47   -- returns the first and only piece with a NULL request id. The request id
48   -- is automatically deleted prior to returning from the procedure.
49   --
50   -- If there is more than one piece of the outgoing document, then the
51   -- procedure returns the request id along with the first piece of the
52   -- outgoing document. The user should continue to call the blocking function
53   -- with increasing piece numbers until the last piece is retrieved. Prior
54   -- to returning the last piece, the function autmatically deletes the request
55   -- id and a NULL request id is returned to the user.
56   --
57   -- As with the non-blocking functions, the blocking procedures will not
58   -- raise an exception unless they cannot make the request. The user should
59   -- check the outgoing document for the results of the command issued.
60   --
61   -- The remaining blocking functions (delete_request, cancel_request,
62   -- get_property*) may
63   -- be used to delete, cancel a request, or get a named non-XML property
64   -- respectively. delete_request may be used with a valid request id that
65   -- was retrieved using either the blocking or non-blocking functions.
66   -- Deleting a request that hasn't completed is not permitted and will
67   -- raise an exception. To cancel a request that is in progress, use the
68   -- cancel_request function. The cancel request function will automatically
69   -- delete the request information after cancelling the request.
70   --
71   -- Note: Do not mix blocking and non-blocking functions using the request_id.
72   --
73   -- get_property* returns the first piece of a named property value that is
74   -- identified by name rather than by object id.
75   --
76   --
77   -- ------------------------
78   -- EXAMPLES
79   -- ------------------------
80   --
81   -- ------------------------
82   -- Non-blocking example
83   -- ------------------------
84   --
85   -- declare
86   --  rid integer;
87   --  indoc varchar2(4000);
88   --  outdoc varchar2(4000);
89   --  p integer;
90   -- begin
91   --  indoc:='<dummy>foo</dummy>';
92   --
93   --  rid :=dbms_drs.do_control(indoc);
94   --  dbms_output.put_line('Request_id = '|| rid);
95   --
96   --  outdoc :=NULL;
97   --  p:=1;
98   --  while (outdoc is null)
99   --  loop
100   --    -- should really sleep a couple of ms
101   --
102   --    outdoc:=dbms_drs.get_response(rid,p);
103   --  end loop;
104   --
105   --  dbms_output.put_line(outdoc);
106   --  begin
107   --    while (outdoc is not NULL)
108   --    loop
109   --      p:=p+1;
110   --
111   --      outdoc:=dbms_drs.get_response(rid,p);
112   --
113   --      dbms_output.put_line(outdoc);
114   --    end loop;
115   --  exception
116   --    when no_data_found then
117   --    -- we got past last piece
118   --    NULL;
119   --  end;
120   --  dbms_drs.delete_request(rid);
121   -- end;
122   --
123   -- ------------------------
124   -- Blocking example
125   -- ------------------------
126   --
127   -- declare
128   --  rid integer;
129   --  indoc varchar2(4000);
130   --  outdoc varchar2(4000);
131   --  p integer;
132   -- begin
133   --  p:=1;
134   --  indoc:='<dummy>foo</dummy>';
135   --  dbms_drs.do_control(indoc,outdoc,rid,p);
136   --  dbms_output.put_line(outdoc);
137   --
138   --  p:=2;
139   --  while(rid is NOT NULL)
140   --  loop
141   --    dbms_drs.do_control(indoc,outdoc,rid,p);
142   --    dbms_output.put_line(outdoc);
143   --    p:=p+1;
144   --  end loop;
145   -- end;
146   --
147   --
148   -- ------------------------
150   -- ------------------------
152   procedure do_control(
153         indoc      IN     VARCHAR2,
154         outdoc     OUT    VARCHAR2,
155         request_id IN OUT INTEGER,
156         piece      IN     INTEGER,
157         context    IN     VARCHAR2 default NULL );
158   -- Control blocking API - OBSELETE, for test use only
159   --                      - See do_control_raw below
160   -- Perform a control operation. This is the blocking form of the procedure.
161   -- Input parameters:
162   --    indoc      - the document containing the control commands. The
163   --                 document type (DDT) is DO_CONTROL.
164   --    request_id - the request id for returning multiple output pieces
165   --                 must be NULL for the first piece.
166   --    piece      - the piece of the output document to return. For new
167   --                 requests, the piece must be 1. For values greater than
168   --                 1, a valid request_id must be supplied.
169   --    context    - the context of command, usually NULL.
170   -- Output parameters:
171   --    outdoc - the result of the command. DDT may be either RESULT or VALUE.
172   --    request_id - the request id for returning the next output piece
173   --                 will be NULL if the current piece does not exist
174   --                 or is the last piece.
175   -- Exceptions:
176   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
177   --
179   procedure do_control_raw(
180         indoc      IN     RAW,
181         outdoc     OUT    RAW,
182         request_id IN OUT INTEGER,
183         piece      IN     INTEGER,
184         context    IN     VARCHAR2 default NULL,
185         client_id  IN     INTEGER  default 0 );
186   -- Control blocking API - designed for solving NLS problem
187   -- Send DG Broker control request. It is blocking call.
188   -- Input parameters:
189   --    indoc      - the document containing the control commands. The
190   --                 document type (DDT) is DO_CONTROL.
191   --    request_id - the request id for returning multiple output pieces
192   --                 must be NULL for the first piece.
193   --    piece      - the piece of the output document to return. For new
194   --                 requests, the piece must be 1. For values greater than
195   --                 1, a valid request_id must be supplied.
196   --    context    - the context of command, usually NULL.
197   --    client_id  - For clients to identify itself - GUI or CLI.
198   --                 Default value is 0, which means not GUI nor CLI.
199   --
200   -- Output parameters:
201   --    outdoc - the result of the command. DDT may be either RESULT or VALUE.
202   --    request_id - the request id for returning the next output piece
203   --                 will be NULL if the current piece does not exist
204   --                 or is the last piece.
205   -- Exceptions:
206   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
207   --
209   function do_control(indoc in varchar2) return integer;
210   -- Control non-blocking API - OBSELETE, for test use only
211   --                          - See do_control_raw below
212   -- Perform a control operation. This is the non-blocking form of the
213   -- procedure.
214   -- Input parameters:
215   --    indoc      - the document containing the control commands. The
216   --                 document type (DDT) is DO_CONTROL.
217   -- Return Value: The request id for the request.
218   --
219   -- Exceptions:
220   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
221   --
223   function do_control_raw( indoc IN RAW ) return integer;
224   -- Control non-blocking API - designed for solving NLS problem
225   -- Perform a control operation. This is the non-blocking form of the
226   -- procedure.
227   -- Input parameters:
228   --    indoc      - the document containing the control commands. The
229   --                 document type (DDT) is DO_CONTROL.
230   -- Return Value: The request id for the request.
231   --
232   -- Exceptions:
233   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
234   --
236   function get_response(rid in integer, piece in integer) return varchar2;
237   -- Get Result (non-blocking) - OBSELETE, for test use only
238   --                           - See get_repsonse_raw below
239   -- Get the result of a non-blocking command. If the command hasn't finished,
240   -- the answer will be NULL. If the piece is beyond the end of the document
241   -- the answer will be NULL.
242   -- Input parameters:
243   --    rid      - the request to delete.
244   --    piece    - the piece to get, starting from 1.
245   -- Returns:
246   --    outdoc   - the answer to the request, if any, or NULL otherwise.
247   --
248   -- Exceptions:
249   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
250   --
252   function get_response_raw(rid in integer, piece in integer) return RAW;
253   -- Get Result (non-blocking) - designed for solving NLS problem
254   -- Get the result of a non-blocking command. If the command hasn't finished,
255   -- the answer will be NULL. If the piece is beyond the end of the document
256   -- the answer will be NULL.
257   -- Input parameters:
258   --    rid      - the request to delete.
259   --    piece    - the piece to get, starting from 1.
260   -- Returns:
261   --    outdoc   - the answer to the request, if any, or NULL otherwise.
262   --
263   -- Exceptions:
264   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
265   --
267   procedure delete_request(rid in integer);
268   -- Delete Request (blocking).
269   -- Input parameters:
270   --    rid      - the request to delete.
271   --
272   -- Exceptions:
273   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
274   --
276   procedure cancel_request(rid in integer);
277   -- Cancel Request (blocking).
278   -- Input parameters:
279   --    rid      - The request to cancel.
280   --
281   -- Exceptions:
282   --   bad_request (ORA-16508)
283   --
285   function get_property( site_name in varchar2,
286                      resource_name in varchar2,
287                      property_name in varchar2) return varchar2;
288   -- get_property
289   -- get a named property. This function is equivalent to using
290   -- getid to return the object id, followed by a <do_monitor><property>
291   --   request.
292   --
293   -- Input parameters:
294   --    site_name  - The name of the site (optional). If omitted,
295   --                 resource_name must be NULL and DRC properties are
296   --                 retrieved.
297   --    resource_name  - The name of the resource (optional). If omitted,
298   --                 then site DRC properties are retrieved. Otherwise,
299   --                 resource properties are retrieved.
300   --
301   --    property_name - the name of the property to return.
302   --
303   -- Output parameters:
304   --    none
305   -- Returns:
306   --    The property value converted to a string. If the value_type is XML
307   --    then the first 4000 bytes of the XML document are returned.
308   -- Exceptions:
309   --
311   function get_property_obj(object_id in integer,
312    property_name in varchar2) return varchar2;
313   -- get_property
314   -- get a named property. This function is equivalent to
315   -- calling a <DO_MONITOR><PROPERTY>...
316   --   request and parsing the resulting string.
317   --
318   -- Input parameters:
319   --    object_id  - The object_handle.
320   --    property_name - the name of the property to return.
321   --
322   -- Output parameters:
323   --    none
324   -- Returns:
325   --    The property value converted to a string. If the value_type is XML
326   --    then the first 4000 bytes of the XML document are returned.
327   -- Exceptions:
328   --
330   function dg_broker_info( info_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2;
331   -- get Data Guard Broker Information
332   -- It now recognizes the following information names:
333   --   'VERSION'   - the version of Data Guard Broker;
334   --   'DMONREADY' - whether Data Guard Broker is ready to receive requests.
335   -- Returns:
336   --   The requested information specified by info_name, or
337   --   'UNSUPPORTED' if info_name is not supported
338   -- Exceptions:
339   --   none
340   --
342   procedure sleep(seconds in integer);
343   -- Sleep (blocking).
344   -- Input parameters:
345   --    seconds    - Number of seconds to sleep.
346   --
347   -- Output parameters:
348   --    none
349   --
350   -- Exceptions:
351   --   none
352   --
354   procedure dump_meta( options  IN integer,
355                        metafile IN varchar2,
356                        dumpfile IN varchar2 );
357   -- DUMP data guard broker METAdata file content into a readable text file.
358   -- Input parameters:
359   --   options  - Indicates which metafile(s) to be dumped
360   --                - the file indicated by fnam/fnamlen
361   --                - the "current" metadata file
362   --                - the "alternate" metadata file
363   --                - first the "current", then the "alternate"
364   --   metafile - Metadata filespec to be dumped. Ignored unless selected by
365   --              the options argument.
366   --   dumpfile - The readable output filespec.
369   --
370   -- The old ping procedure that was used in and prior to
371   --
373                  iVersion  IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
374                  iFlags    IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
375                  iMiv      IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
376                  oVersion  OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
377                  oFlags    OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
378                  oFoCond   OUT VARCHAR2,
379                  oStatus   OUT BINARY_INTEGER);
381   --
382   -- Ping procedure since ( and )
383   --
385                  iVersion  IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
386                  iFlags    IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
387                  iMiv      IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
388                  iWaitStat IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
389                  oVersion  OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
390                  oFlags    OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
391                  oFoCond   OUT VARCHAR2,
392                  oStatus   OUT BINARY_INTEGER);
395   PROCEDURE ReadyToFailover(iObid    IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
396                             iVersion IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
397                             iFlags   IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
398                             iMiv     IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
399                             iFoCond  IN  VARCHAR2,
400                             oStatus  OUT BINARY_INTEGER);
402   PROCEDURE StateChangeRecorded(iObid IN BINARY_INTEGER,
403                                 iVersion IN BINARY_INTEGER);
405   PROCEDURE fs_failover_for_hc_cond(hc_cond IN BINARY_INTEGER,
406                              status OUT BINARY_INTEGER);
408   FUNCTION fs_failover_for_hc_cond(hc_cond IN BINARY_INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
410   PROCEDURE initiate_fs_failover(condstr IN varchar2,
411                                  status  OUT binary_integer);
413 pragma TIMESTAMP('2006-05-17:20:20:00');
415 end;