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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 64

  SELECT    /*+ cardinality (inc, 1) */ plc.item_id
  ,     plc.item_revision
  ,     plc.category_id
  ,     psc.quantity
  ,     plc.unit_meas_lookup_code
  ,     pod.creation_date
  ,     phc.currency_code
  ,     pod.po_distribution_id
  ,     psc.ship_to_location_id
  ,     psc.price_override
  ,     psc.need_by_date
  ,     phc.org_id
  ,     psc.ship_to_organization_id
  ,     to_number(hro.org_information3) org_information3
  ,     nvl(pod.rate_date,pod.creation_date) rate_date
  ,     phc.rate_type
  FROM  poa_edw_po_dist_inc   inc,
        po_distributions_all  pod
  ,     po_line_locations_all psc
  ,     po_lines_all          plc
  ,     po_doc_style_headers  style
  ,     po_headers_all        phc
  ,     po_headers_all        ga
  ,     hr_organization_information  hro
  WHERE inc.primary_key         = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
  and   phc.po_header_id        = plc.po_header_id
  and   plc.po_line_id          = psc.po_line_id
  and   psc.line_location_id    = pod.line_location_id
  and   psc.shipment_type       = 'STANDARD'
  and   phc.style_id            = style.style_id
  and   nvl(style.progress_payment_flag,'N') = 'N'
  and   psc.approved_flag       = 'Y'
  and   plc.contract_id        is null
    and   plc.from_header_id      = ga.po_header_id(+)
    AND   Nvl(ga.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'
  and   plc.item_id             is not null
  and   pod.creation_date       is not null
  and   inc.batch_id            = c_batch_no
  and   to_number(hro.organization_id) = psc.ship_to_organization_id
  and   hro.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
  and   nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT'
  and   exists (SELECT 'blanket item'
                FROM po_lines_all pl
                ,    po_headers_all ph
                WHERE ph.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
                and   ph.po_header_id = pl.po_header_id
                and   nvl(pl.unit_meas_lookup_code,
                                 nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1'))
                               = nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1')
                and   pod.creation_date between
                                        nvl(ph.start_date, pod.creation_date)
                                    and nvl(ph.end_date, pod.creation_date)
                and   trunc(pod.creation_date) <= nvl(pl.expiration_date, pod.creation_date)
                and   pl.item_id = plc.item_id
                and   nvl(pl.item_revision, nvl(plc.item_revision, '-1'))
                                 = nvl(plc.item_revision, '-1')
                and (
                     (nvl(ph.global_agreement_flag,'N') = 'N'
                      and ph.org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
                     (ph.global_agreement_flag = 'Y'
                      and exists
                      (select 'enabled'
                       from po_ga_org_assignments poga
                       where poga.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
                       and poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                       and ((poga.purchasing_org_id in
                             (select /*+ leading(tfh) */ tfh.start_org_id
                              from mtl_transaction_flow_headers tfh,
                                   financials_system_params_all fsp1,
                                   financials_system_params_all fsp2
                              where pod.creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date,pod.creation_date)
                                                            and nvl(tfh.end_date,pod.creation_date)
                              and tfh.flow_type = 2
                              and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
                              and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                              and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
                              and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                              and (
                                   (tfh.qualifier_code is null) or
                                   (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = plc.category_id)
                              and tfh.end_org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
                              and (
                                   (tfh.organization_id = psc.ship_to_organization_id) or
                                   (tfh.organization_id is null)
                            or poga.purchasing_org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
Line: 167

    /* Delete from poa_bis_savings all rows which will is approved
     * and was modified in the date range specified.
     * These rows will be reinserted with the new modified information.

    x_progress := '015';
Line: 175

      DELETE FROM poa_bis_savings poa
      WHERE distribution_transaction_id IN
            (SELECT primary_key FROM poa_edw_po_dist_inc WHERE batch_id = p_batch_no);
Line: 179

    /* Insert rows for POs created for one-time items in which no blankets
     * exists  (non-contracts)

    x_progress := '020';
Line: 184

    INSERT INTO poa_bis_savings
       (    purchase_amount
       ,    contract_amount
       ,    non_contract_amount
       ,    pot_contract_amount
       ,    potential_saving
       ,    total_purchase_qty
       ,    distribution_transaction_id
       ,    document_type_code
       ,    purchase_creation_date
       ,    item_id
       ,    item_description
       ,    category_id
       ,    supplier_site_id
       ,    supplier_id
       ,    requestor_id
       ,    ship_to_location_id
       ,    ship_to_organization_id
       ,    operating_unit_id
       ,    buyer_id
       ,    project_id
       ,    task_id
       ,    currency_code
       ,    rate_type
       ,    rate_date
       ,    cost_center_id
       ,    account_id
       ,    company_id
       ,    rate
       ,    approved_date
       ,    Currency_Conv_Rate
       ,    created_by
       ,    creation_date
       ,    last_updated_by
       ,    last_update_date
       ,    last_update_login
       ,    request_id
       ,    program_application_id
       ,    program_id
       ,    program_update_date)
       (SELECT /*+ cardinality (inc, 1) */
             decode(psc.consigned_flag ,'Y'
                                    ,decode(sign(nvl(pod.amount_delivered,0) -nvl(pod.amount_billed,0)) ,1
                                           ) *nvl(pod.rate,1)
                                    ,(nvl(pod.amount_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.amount_cancelled,0)) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
                                    ,decode(sign(nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0) -nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)) ,1
                                           ) * nvl(psc.price_override,0) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
                                    ,(nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0)) * nvl(psc.price_override,0) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
       ,     Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
       ,     decode(psc.consigned_flag
                                          ,nvl(pod.amount_billed,0))) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
       ,    Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
       ,    Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
       ,    decode(psc.consigned_flag
       ,    pod.po_distribution_id
       ,    phc.type_lookup_code
       ,    pod.creation_date
       ,    plc.item_id
       ,    plc.item_description
       ,    plc.category_id
       ,    phc.vendor_site_id
       ,    phc.vendor_id
       ,    pod.deliver_to_person_id
       ,    psc.ship_to_location_id
       ,    psc.ship_to_organization_id
       ,    psc.org_id
       ,    phc.agent_id
       ,    pod.project_id
       ,    pod.task_id
       ,    gl.currency_code
       ,    phc.rate_type
       ,    nvl(phc.rate_date, pod.creation_date)
       ,    pod.code_combination_id
       ,    NULL
       ,    NULL
       ,    pod.rate
       ,    NVL(POA_OLTP_GENERIC_PKG.get_approved_date_poh(pod.creation_date, phc.po_header_id),
       ,    POA_CURRENCY_PKG.get_global_currency_rate (phc.rate_type,
                    decode(phc.rate_type, 'User', gl.currency_code,
                           NVL(phc.currency_code, gl.currency_code)),
                    NVL(pod.rate_date, pod.creation_date), phc.rate)
       ,    fnd_global.user_id
       ,    p_start_time
       ,    fnd_global.user_id
       ,    p_start_time
       ,    fnd_global.login_id
       ,    fnd_global.conc_request_id
       ,    fnd_global.prog_appl_id
       ,    fnd_global.conc_program_id
       ,    p_start_time
       FROM poa_edw_po_dist_inc   inc,
            gl_sets_of_books      gl
       ,    po_distributions_all  pod
       ,    po_doc_style_headers  style
       ,    po_line_locations_all psc
       ,    po_lines_all          plc
      ,    po_headers_all        phc
      , po_headers_all ga
       WHERE inc.primary_key         = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
       and   phc.po_header_id        = plc.po_header_id
       and   plc.po_line_id          = psc.po_line_id
       and   psc.line_location_id    = pod.line_location_id
       and   psc.shipment_type       = 'STANDARD'
       and   phc.style_id            = style.style_id
       and   nvl(style.progress_payment_flag,'N') = 'N'
      	 AND   plc.from_header_id        = ga.po_header_id(+)
	 AND   Nvl(ga.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       and   psc.approved_flag       = 'Y'
       and   nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99')  <> 'AGREEMENT'
       and   plc.contract_id        is null
       and   gl.set_of_books_id      = pod.set_of_books_id
       and   plc.item_id             is null
       and   pod.creation_date       is not null
       and   inc.batch_id            = p_batch_no);
Line: 349

    /* Insert rows for POs created for non-one-time items in which no blankets
     * exists  (non-contracts). These are considered leakage.  So, for
     * each of these rows, we still need to calculate their potential
     * savings.

    INSERT INTO poa_bis_savings
       (    purchase_amount
       ,    contract_amount
       ,    non_contract_amount
       ,    pot_contract_amount
       ,    potential_saving
       ,    total_purchase_qty
       ,    distribution_transaction_id
       ,    document_type_code
       ,    purchase_creation_date
       ,    item_id
       ,    item_description
       ,    category_id
       ,    supplier_site_id
       ,    supplier_id
       ,    requestor_id
       ,    ship_to_location_id
       ,    ship_to_organization_id
       ,    operating_unit_id
       ,    buyer_id
       ,    project_id
       ,    task_id
       ,    currency_code
       ,    rate_type
       ,    rate_date
       ,    cost_center_id
       ,    account_id
       ,    company_id
       ,    rate
       ,    approved_date
       ,    Currency_Conv_Rate
       ,    created_by
       ,    creation_date
       ,    last_updated_by
       ,    last_update_date
       ,    last_update_login
       ,    request_id
       ,    program_application_id
       ,    program_id
       ,    program_update_date)
       (SELECT /*+ cardinality(inc, 1) */ decode(psc.consigned_flag
                                          ,nvl(pod.AMOUNT_billed,0))) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
                                   * nvl(pod.rate,1)))
                                           *nvl(psc.price_override,0) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
       ,      Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
	   ,      decode(psc.consigned_flag
	                                      ,nvl(pod.AMOUNT_billed,0))) * nvl(pod.rate,1)
       ,     Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
       ,     Decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', NULL, 0)
	   ,    decode(psc.consigned_flag
       ,    pod.po_distribution_id
       ,    phc.type_lookup_code
       ,    pod.creation_date
       ,    plc.item_id
       ,    plc.item_description
       ,    plc.category_id
       ,    phc.vendor_site_id
       ,    phc.vendor_id
       ,    pod.deliver_to_person_id
       ,    psc.ship_to_location_id
       ,    psc.ship_to_organization_id
       ,    psc.org_id
       ,    phc.agent_id
       ,    pod.project_id
       ,    pod.task_id
       ,    gl.currency_code
       ,    phc.rate_type
       ,    nvl(phc.rate_date, pod.creation_date)
       ,    pod.code_combination_id
       ,    NULL
       ,    NULL
       ,    pod.rate
       ,    NVL(POA_OLTP_GENERIC_PKG.get_approved_date_poh(pod.creation_date, phc.po_header_id),
       ,    POA_CURRENCY_PKG.get_global_currency_rate (phc.rate_type,
                    decode(phc.rate_type, 'User', gl.currency_code,
                    NVL(pod.rate_date, pod.creation_date), phc.rate)
       ,    fnd_global.user_id
       ,    p_start_time
       ,    fnd_global.user_id
       ,    p_start_time
       ,    fnd_global.login_id
       ,    fnd_global.conc_request_id
       ,    fnd_global.prog_appl_id
       ,    fnd_global.conc_program_id
       ,    p_start_time
       FROM poa_edw_po_dist_inc   inc,
            gl_sets_of_books      gl
       ,    po_distributions_all  pod
       ,    po_line_locations_all psc
       ,    po_lines_all          plc
       ,    po_headers_all        phc
       ,    po_headers_all        ga
       ,    po_doc_style_headers  style
       ,    hr_organization_information  hro
       WHERE inc.primary_key         = pod.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID
       and   phc.po_header_id        = plc.po_header_id
       and   plc.po_line_id          = psc.po_line_id
       and   psc.line_location_id    = pod.line_location_id
       and   psc.shipment_type       = 'STANDARD'
       and   phc.style_id            = style.style_id
       and   nvl(style.progress_payment_flag,'N') = 'N'
       and   psc.approved_flag       = 'Y'
       and   plc.contract_id        is NULL
	 AND   plc.from_header_id        = ga.po_header_id(+)
	 AND   Nvl(ga.global_agreement_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       and   gl.set_of_books_id      = pod.set_of_books_id
       and   plc.item_id             is not null
       and   pod.creation_date       is not null
       and   inc.batch_id            = p_batch_no
       and   to_number(hro.organization_id) = psc.ship_to_organization_id
       and   hro.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
       and   nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT'
       and   not exists (SELECT 'blanket item'
                FROM po_lines_all pl
                ,    po_headers_all ph
                WHERE ph.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
                and   ph.po_header_id = pl.po_header_id
                and   nvl(pl.unit_meas_lookup_code,
                                 nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1'))
                               = nvl(plc.unit_meas_lookup_code, '-1')
                and   pod.creation_date between
                                        nvl(ph.start_date, pod.creation_date)
                                    and nvl(ph.end_date, pod.creation_date)
                and   trunc(pod.creation_date) <= nvl(pl.expiration_date, pod.creation_date)
                and   pl.item_id = plc.item_id
                and   nvl(pl.item_revision, nvl(plc.item_revision, '-1'))
                                 = nvl(plc.item_revision, '-1')
                and (
                     (nvl(ph.global_agreement_flag,'N') = 'N'
                      and ph.org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
                     (ph.global_agreement_flag = 'Y'
                      and exists
                      (select 'enabled'
                       from po_ga_org_assignments poga
                       where poga.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
                       and poga.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                       and ((poga.purchasing_org_id in
                             (select  tfh.start_org_id
                              from mtl_transaction_flow_headers tfh,
                                   financials_system_params_all fsp1,
                                   financials_system_params_all fsp2
                              where pod.creation_date between nvl(tfh.start_date,pod.creation_date)
                                                            and nvl(tfh.end_date,pod.creation_date)
                              and tfh.flow_type = 2
                              and fsp1.org_id = tfh.start_org_id
                              and fsp1.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                              and fsp2.org_id = tfh.end_org_id
                              and fsp2.purch_encumbrance_flag = 'N'
                              and (
                                   (tfh.qualifier_code is null) or
                                   (tfh.qualifier_code = 1 and tfh.qualifier_value_id = plc.category_id)
                              and tfh.end_org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
                              and (
                                   (tfh.organization_id = psc.ship_to_organization_id) or
                                   (tfh.organization_id is null)
                            or poga.purchasing_org_id = to_number(hro.org_information3)
Line: 595

    select sysdate into l_start_time from dual;
Line: 597

      select warehouse_currency_code,
      from edw_local_system_parameters;
Line: 669

                                       v_lowest_possible_price, p_start_time);
Line: 679

    select sysdate into l_end_time from dual;
Line: 703

     insert_npcontract -

  PROCEDURE insert_npcontract (p_po_distribution_id IN NUMBER,
                   p_lowest_price IN NUMBER,
                   p_start_time IN DATE)

  v_npcontract_purchase_amount  NUMBER;
Line: 749

    POA_LOG.debug_line('Insert_npcontract: entered');
Line: 752

    SELECT  decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', null, decode(psc.closed_code, 'FINALLY_CLOSED',
                           - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)),
                   1, nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0), nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                * nvl(psc.price_override,0) * nvl(pod.rate, 1),
                (nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                * nvl(psc.price_override,0) * nvl(pod.rate,1)))
      ,     decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', null, decode(psc.closed_code, 'FINALLY_CLOSED',
                           - nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)),
                    1, nvl(pod.quantity_delivered,0), nvl(pod.quantity_billed,0)))
                * (nvl(psc.price_override,0)-(decode(nvl(p_lowest_price,0),0,
                * nvl(pod.rate,1),
                (nvl(pod.quantity_ordered,0) - nvl(pod.quantity_cancelled,0))
                * (nvl(psc.price_override,0)-(decode(nvl(p_lowest_price,0), 0,
                * nvl(pod.rate,1)))
      ,    decode(psc.consigned_flag, 'Y', null, pod.quantity_ordered)
      ,    pod.po_distribution_id
      ,    phc.type_lookup_code
      ,    pod.creation_date
      ,    plc.item_id
      ,    plc.item_description
      ,    plc.category_id
      ,    phc.vendor_site_id
      ,    phc.vendor_id
      ,    pod.deliver_to_person_id
      ,    psc.ship_to_location_id
      ,    psc.ship_to_organization_id
      ,    psc.org_id
      ,    phc.agent_id
      ,    pod.project_id
      ,    pod.task_id
      ,    gl.currency_code
      ,    phc.rate_type
      ,    nvl(phc.rate_date, pod.creation_date)
      ,    pod.code_combination_id
      ,    pod.rate
      ,    NVL(POA_OLTP_GENERIC_PKG.get_approved_date_poh(pod.creation_date, phc.po_header_id),
      ,    POA_CURRENCY_PKG.get_global_currency_rate (phc.rate_type,
                    decode(phc.rate_type, 'User', gl.currency_code,
                    NVL(pod.rate_date, pod.creation_date), phc.rate)
      INTO v_npcontract_purchase_amount,
      FROM  gl_sets_of_books gl
      ,     po_distributions_all pod
      ,     po_line_locations_all psc
      ,     po_lines_all plc
      ,     po_headers_all phc
      WHERE pod.po_distribution_id  = p_po_distribution_id
      and   pod.line_location_id    = psc.line_location_id
      and   psc.po_line_id          = plc.po_line_id
      and   plc.po_header_id        = phc.po_header_id
      and   gl.set_of_books_id      = pod.set_of_books_id
      and   nvl(pod.distribution_type,'-99') <> 'AGREEMENT';
Line: 839

      SELECT count(*) INTO v_rowcount FROM poa_bis_savings
      WHERE distribution_transaction_id = v_po_distribution_id;
Line: 849

        DELETE FROM poa_bis_savings
        WHERE distribution_transaction_id = v_po_distribution_id;
Line: 861

      INSERT INTO poa_bis_savings
       (    purchase_amount
       ,    contract_amount
       ,    non_contract_amount
       ,    pot_contract_amount
       ,    potential_saving
       ,    total_purchase_qty
       ,    distribution_transaction_id
       ,    document_type_code
       ,    purchase_creation_date
       ,    item_id
       ,    item_description
       ,    category_id
       ,    supplier_site_id
       ,    supplier_id
       ,    requestor_id
       ,    ship_to_location_id
       ,    ship_to_organization_id
       ,    operating_unit_id
       ,    buyer_id
       ,    project_id
       ,    task_id
       ,    currency_code
       ,    rate_type
       ,    rate_date
       ,    cost_center_id
       ,    account_id
       ,    company_id
       ,    rate
       ,    approved_date
       ,    Currency_Conv_Rate
       ,    created_by
       ,    creation_date
       ,    last_updated_by
       ,    last_update_date
       ,    last_update_login
       ,    request_id
       ,    program_application_id
       ,    program_id
       ,    program_update_date)
Line: 946

     v_buf := 'Insert non contract function: ' || sqlcode || ': ' || sqlerrm || ': ' || x_progress;
Line: 953

  END insert_npcontract;