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Line 92: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

88: Exception
89: When No_Data_found then
90: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD', 'CSD_PARTY_SITE_NOT_FOUND');
91: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID', p_cust_site_use_id);
92: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
93: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
94: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module , ' Party site id not found for customer acct site use id ' || p_cust_site_use_id );
95: End If;

Line 122: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

118: Exception
119: When No_Data_found then
120: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_PARTY_SITE_USE_NOT_FOUND');
121: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('PARTY_SITE_ID',l_Party_Site_Id);
122: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
123: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
124: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module , ' Party id is not found for party site id ' || x_party_site_id );
125: End If;
126: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;

Line 131: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

127: When Too_Many_Rows Then
128: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_TOO_MANY_PARTY_LOCATIONS');
129: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('PARTY_SITE_ID',l_Party_Site_Id);
130: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('SITE_USE_TYPE',p_Site_Use_Type);
131: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
132: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
133: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module , ' Too many Party site use id are found for party site id ' || x_party_site_id );
134: End If;
135: Raise Fnd_Api.G_Exc_Error ;

Line 146: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get

142: When Fnd_Api.G_Exc_Error Then
143: x_return_status := Fnd_Api.G_Ret_Sts_Error ;
145: --- Standard call to get message count and if count is greater then 1, get message info
146: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get
147: (p_count => x_msg_count,
148: p_data => x_msg_data );
149: When Others Then
150: x_return_status := Fnd_Api.G_Ret_Sts_Unexp_Error ;

Line 154: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level

150: x_return_status := Fnd_Api.G_Ret_Sts_Unexp_Error ;
151: If Fnd_Log.Level_Exception >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
152: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Exception,C_Module , x_msg_data );
153: End If;
154: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
156: THEN
157: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
158: END IF;


151: If Fnd_Log.Level_Exception >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
152: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Exception,C_Module , x_msg_data );
153: End If;
154: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
156: THEN
157: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
158: END IF;
159: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,

Line 157: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );

153: End If;
154: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
156: THEN
157: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
158: END IF;
159: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,
160: p_data => x_msg_data );
161: If Fnd_Log.Level_Exception >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then

Line 159: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,

156: THEN
157: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
158: END IF;
159: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,
160: p_data => x_msg_data );
161: If Fnd_Log.Level_Exception >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
162: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Exception,C_Module , x_msg_data );
163: End If;

Line 484: Fnd_Msg_Pub.initialize;

480: End If;
482: -- Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE.
483: If Fnd_Api.to_Boolean( p_init_msg_list ) Then
484: Fnd_Msg_Pub.initialize;
485: End If;
487: -- Initialize API return status to success
488: x_return_status := Fnd_Api.G_Ret_Sts_Success;

Line 545: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

541: -- Check if IR1 and IR2 are same
542: If p_Req_Header_Id_In = P_Req_header_id_Out Then
543: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IR1_AND_IR2_SAME');
544: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('Req_Header_Id',p_Req_Header_Id_In);
545: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
546: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
547: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Val_IR1_and_IR2_are_same',
548: 'Input parameters Req_Header_Id_In and Req_Header_Id_Out has same value');
549: End If;

Line 562: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

558: -- Check if IO1 and IO2 are same.
559: If P_ISO_header_id_in = P_ISO_header_id_Out Then
560: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IO1_AND_IO2_SAME');
561: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('Order_Header_Id',p_ISO_Header_Id_In);
562: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
563: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
564: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Val_IO1_and_IO2_are_same',
565: 'Input parameters ISO_Header_Id_In and ISO_Header_Id_Out has same value');
566: End If;

Line 580: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

577: If ( l_inc_type_id Is NULL ) Then
578: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_SR_REC_TYPE_REQ_COL_NULL');
579: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('COLUMN_NAME',c_COl_SR_Type );
580: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
581: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
582: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.SR_Type_Validation','SR Type is Null') ;
583: End If;
584: --- Message will say: 'SR Type, required column for SR record Type is null';

Line 598: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

594: -- Check if SR Severity Id is NULL, If so raise error
595: If (l_inc_severity_id Is NULL) Then
596: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_SR_REC_TYPE_REQ_COL_NULL');
597: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('COLUMN_NAME',C_Col_SR_Severity );
598: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
599: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
600: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.SR_Severity_Validation','SR Severity is null' ) ;
601: End If;
602: --- Message will say: 'SR Severity, required column for SR record Type is null';

Line 632: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

628: --- Check if Default values for RO exist
629: If (l_Repair_Type_id Is Null) Then
630: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_RO_REC_TYPE_REQ_COL_NULL');
631: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('COLUMN_NAME',C_Col_Repair_Type );
632: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
633: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
634: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Repair_Type_Validation','Repair Type is Null' ) ;
635: End If;
636: -- Message will say: 'Repair Type, required column for SR record Type is null';

Line 669: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

665: --- Check if any of the defaulted values for required columns of SR Record type has null value.
666: If (l_inc_status_Id Is NULL ) Then
667: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_SR_REC_TYPE_REQ_COL_NULL');
668: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('COLUMN_NAME',C_Col_SR_Status );
669: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
670: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
671: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.SR_Status_Validation','SR Status is NULL' ) ;
672: End If;
673: --- Message will say: 'SR Status, required column for SR record Type is null';

Line 698: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

694: -- Check if Repair Mode is Null If Repair Mode is null then raise exception
695: If l_Repair_Mode Is Null Then
696: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_REPAIR_MODE_IS_NULL');
697: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('REPAIR_TYPE',l_Repair_Type_Name );
698: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
699: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
700: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || '.Repair_Type_Validation','Repair Mode is Null for repair type :' || l_Repair_Type_Name);
701: End If;
702: X_Return_Status := Fnd_API.G_Ret_Sts_Error ;

Line 708: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

704: End If;
705: Exception
706: When No_Data_FOund Then
707: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_INVALID_REPAIR_TYPE');
708: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
709: If Fnd_Log.Level_Statement >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
710: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Statement,C_Module || '.Repair_Type_Validation','Repair Type Id is invalid');
711: End If;
712: X_Return_Status := Fnd_API.G_Ret_Sts_Error ;

Line 727: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

723: --- Raise Exception and stop processing
724: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IR_IO_REC_NOT_FOUND');
725: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('REQ_HDR_ID', p_Req_Header_Id_IN);
726: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('SO_HDR_ID', P_ISO_header_id_in);
727: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
728: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
729: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Records_Validation','no records are found for move in') ;
730: End If;
731: Close Get_SRandRO_from_IRandISO_In ;

Line 740: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

736: --- Raise Exception and stop processing
737: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IR_IO_MANY_REC_FOUND');
738: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('REQ_HDR_ID', p_Req_Header_Id_IN);
739: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('SO_HDR_ID', P_ISO_header_id_in);
740: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
741: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
742: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Records_Validation','too many move in records are found' ) ;
743: End If;
744: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;

Line 767: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

763: --- Raise Exception and stop processing
764: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IR_IO_REC_NOT_FOUND');
765: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('REQ_HDR_ID',p_Req_Header_Id_Out);
766: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('SO_HDR_ID',p_ISO_Header_Id_Out);
767: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
768: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
769: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure, C_Module || '.Records_Validation','No move out records are found' ) ;
770: End If;
771: Close Get_PrdTxn_from_IRandISO_Out ;

Line 780: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

776: --- Raise Exception and stop processing
777: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_IR_IO_MANY_REC_FOUND');
778: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('REQ_HDR_ID', p_Req_Header_Id_Out);
779: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('SO_HDR_ID', p_ISO_Header_Id_Out);
780: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
781: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
782: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Records_Validation','Too many move out records are found' ) ;
783: End If;
784: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;

Line 802: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;

798: l_Item_Out := l_IRandISO_Out_Rec.Concatenated_Segments ;
799: Fnd_Message.Set_Name('CSD','CSD_SR_NUM_ATTR_DIFFER');
800: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('ITEM_IN', l_Item_in);
801: Fnd_Message.Set_Token('ITEM_OUT', l_Item_Out);
802: Fnd_Msg_Pub.Add;
803: If Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure >= Fnd_Log.G_Current_Runtime_Level Then
804: Fnd_Log.String(Fnd_Log.Level_Procedure,C_Module || '.Serial_Control_Validation','Serial number attributes are different for items on IO1 and IO2 lines' ) ;
805: End If;
806: Raise FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR ;

Line 1353: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get

1350: -- If there is an error then rollback all database transactions for this API
1351: Rollback To Create_InternalRO;
1352: --- Standard call to get error messages if count is Null
1353: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get
1354: (p_count => x_msg_count,
1355: p_data => x_msg_data ) ;
1356: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;

Line 1362: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get

1358: When FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR Then
1359: -- If there is an error then rollback all database transactions for this API
1360: Rollback To Create_InternalRO;
1361: --- Standard call to get error messages if count is Null
1362: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get
1363: (p_count => x_msg_count,
1364: p_data => x_msg_data );
1365: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;

Line 1371: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level

1367: When Others Then
1368: -- If there is an error then rollback all database transactions for this API
1369: Rollback To Create_InternalRO;
1370: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
1371: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
1373: THEN
1374: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
1375: END IF;


1368: -- If there is an error then rollback all database transactions for this API
1369: Rollback To Create_InternalRO;
1370: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
1371: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
1373: THEN
1374: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
1375: END IF;
1376: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,

Line 1374: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );

1370: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
1371: IF FND_MSG_PUB.Check_Msg_Level
1373: THEN
1374: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
1375: END IF;
1376: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,
1377: p_data => x_msg_data );

Line 1376: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,

1373: THEN
1374: FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg(G_PKG_NAME ,c_api_name );
1375: END IF;
1376: FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(p_count =>x_msg_count,
1377: p_data => x_msg_data );
1379: End Create_InternalRO ;