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Line 377: -- truncate the isc_fs_capacity_f fact table

373: , l_error_message ) = 0 then
374: bis_collection_utilities_log( 'Obsolete Departure/Arrival Task base summary table truncated', 1 );
375: end if;
377: -- truncate the isc_fs_capacity_f fact table
378: l_stmt_id := 95;
379: if truncate_table
380: ( l_isc_schema

Line 381: , 'ISC_FS_CAPACITY_F'

377: -- truncate the isc_fs_capacity_f fact table
378: l_stmt_id := 95;
379: if truncate_table
380: ( l_isc_schema
382: , l_error_message ) <> 0 then
383: logger( l_proc_name, l_stmt_id, l_error_message );
384: raise l_exception;
385: end if;

Line 395: parallel(isc_fs_capacity_f)

391: l_stmt_id := 100;
392: insert /*+ append
393: parallel(isc_fs_tasks_f)
394: parallel(isc_fs_task_assignmnts_f)
395: parallel(isc_fs_capacity_f)
396: */
397: ALL
398: when source_object_type_code = 'SR' and task_rn = 1 then into
399: isc_fs_tasks_f

Line 622: isc_fs_capacity_f

618: , g_request_id
619: )
620: when source_object_type_code = 'TASK' and task_rn = 1 then into
621: -- R12 dep/arr
622: isc_fs_capacity_f
623: ( task_id
624: , owner_id
625: -- R12 resource type impact
626: , owner_type

Line 935: -- simple columns for isc_fs_capacity_f

931: , x.asgn_actual_start_date
932: , x.asgn_actual_end_date
933: --
934: -- R12 dep/arr
935: -- simple columns for isc_fs_capacity_f
936: --
937: , x.object_capacity_id
938: , x.capacity_date
939: , x.capacity_hours

Line 2498: -- do the merge into isc_fs_capacity_f

2495: l_rowcount := l_rowcount + l_temp_rowcount;
2497: -- R12 dep/arr
2498: -- do the merge into isc_fs_capacity_f
2499: l_stmt_id := 90;
2500: merge into isc_fs_capacity_f o
2501: using (
2502: select /*+ ordered use_nl(T,TA,DG,OC) */

Line 2500: merge into isc_fs_capacity_f o

2497: -- R12 dep/arr
2498: -- do the merge into isc_fs_capacity_f
2499: l_stmt_id := 90;
2500: merge into isc_fs_capacity_f o
2501: using (
2502: select /*+ ordered use_nl(T,TA,DG,OC) */
2503: t.task_id
2504: -- R12 resource type impact