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Line 225: -- IF BSC_APPS.CheckError('BSC_INTEGRATION_APIS.Translate_EDW_Time') THEN

221: -- BSC_INTEGRATION_APIS.Translate_EDW_Time(h_calendar_id,
222: -- TO_CHAR(h_start_year)||'-'||TO_CHAR(h_end_year),
223: -- h_origin_periodicity,
224: -- h_periodicity);
225: -- IF BSC_APPS.CheckError('BSC_INTEGRATION_APIS.Translate_EDW_Time') THEN
226: -- RAISE e_unexpected_error;
227: -- END IF;
228: --END IF;

Line 1375: IF NOT BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1371: -- We do not need to handle change of periodicity
1372: -- Also the origin table is also projection table with all the periodicities
1373: -- By design there is only one origin table
1375: IF NOT BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1376: -- Initialize some variables required only when there is change of periodicity
1377: -- to handle balance and total data columns
1378: IF x_periodicity <> x_origin_periodicity THEN
1379: -- Calculate the number of balance and total data columns

Line 1601: IF NOT BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1597: -- I am going to initialize the array h_origin_tables with the proper origin and use it
1598: -- instead of x_origin_tables
1599: FOR h_i IN 1..x_num_origin_tables LOOP
1600: h_origin_tables(h_i) := x_origin_tables(h_i);
1601: IF NOT BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1602: IF BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Is_Base_Table(x_origin_tables(h_i)) THEN
1603: h_proj_table_name := BSC_UPDATE_BASE_V2.Get_Base_Proj_Tbl_Name(x_origin_tables(h_i));
1604: IF h_proj_table_name IS NOT NULL THEN
1605: -- Base table is splitted in two: actuals and projection

Line 1758: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1754: x_num_key_columns_ori,
1755: 'AND')||
1756: ' AND ';
1757: END IF;
1758: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1759: h_lst_on := h_lst_on||'BSC_TMP_UNION.PERIODICITY_ID = '||x_origin_tables(h_i)||'.PERIODICITY_ID (+) AND ';
1760: END IF;
1761: h_lst_on := h_lst_on||'BSC_TMP_UNION.YEAR = '||x_origin_tables(h_i)||'.YEAR (+)'||
1762: ' AND '||'BSC_TMP_UNION.TYPE = '||x_origin_tables(h_i)||'.TYPE (+)'||

Line 1843: IF (BSC_APPS.bsc_mv) OR (x_periodicity = x_origin_periodicity) THEN

1839: h_lst_select_disag := h_lst_select_disag||', ';
1840: END IF;
1842: -- Create the string for the SELECT and FROM sub-statement when there is periodicity change.
1843: IF (BSC_APPS.bsc_mv) OR (x_periodicity = x_origin_periodicity) THEN
1844: -- BSC-MV Note: In this architecture there is no change of periodicity
1846: -- There is no change of periodicity
1847: h_lst_select_per := h_union_table||'.YEAR, '||h_union_table||'.TYPE, '||h_union_table||'.PERIOD';

Line 1856: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1852: h_sql:=h_sql||'parallel ('||x_sum_table||') ';
1853: end if;
1854: h_sql:=h_sql||' */';
1855: h_sql:=h_sql||'INTO '||x_sum_table;
1856: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1857: h_sql := h_sql||' ('||h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD, PERIODICITY_ID, PERIOD_TYPE_ID, '||
1858: h_lst_data_columns||')';
1859: ELSE
1860: h_sql := h_sql||' ('||h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD, '||

Line 1868: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1864: if BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.is_parallel then
1865: h_sql:=h_sql||'/*+'||l_parallel_hint||'*/ ';
1866: end if;
1867: h_sql := h_sql||h_lst_select_disag||h_lst_select_per;
1868: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1869: h_sql := h_sql||', '||h_union_table||'.PERIODICITY_ID, '||h_union_table||'.PERIOD_TYPE_ID';
1870: END IF;
1871: h_sql := h_sql||', '||h_lst_data_formulas||
1872: ' FROM '||h_lst_from;

Line 1879: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1875: ' WHERE '||h_lst_on;
1876: END IF;
1877: h_sql := h_sql||
1878: ' GROUP BY '||h_lst_select_disag||h_lst_select_per;
1879: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1880: h_sql := h_sql||', '||h_union_table||'.PERIODICITY_ID, '||h_union_table||'.PERIOD_TYPE_ID';
1881: END IF;
1882: BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Execute_Immediate(h_sql);
1883: COMMIT;

Line 1886: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN

1882: BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Execute_Immediate(h_sql);
1883: COMMIT;
1885: -- Enable indexes
1886: IF BSC_APPS.bsc_mv THEN
1887: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(x_sum_table,
1888: x_sum_table||'_U1',
1889: h_lst_key_columns||

Line 1891: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN

1887: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(x_sum_table,
1888: x_sum_table||'_U1',
1889: h_lst_key_columns||
1891: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN
1892: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
1893: END IF;
1894: ELSE
1895: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(x_sum_table,

Line 1898: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN

1894: ELSE
1895: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(x_sum_table,
1896: x_sum_table||'_U1',
1897: h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD',
1898: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN
1899: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
1900: END IF;
1901: END IF;

Line 2010: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN

2006: IF h_target_table_tot <> 'BSC_TMP_TOT_DATA' THEN
2007: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(h_target_table_tot,
2008: h_target_table_tot||'_U1',
2009: h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD',
2010: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN
2011: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
2012: END IF;
2013: END IF;
2014: END IF;

Line 2054: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN

2050: IF h_target_table_bal <> 'BSC_TMP_BAL_DATA' THEN
2051: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(h_target_table_bal,
2052: h_target_table_bal||'_U1',
2053: h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD',
2054: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN
2055: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
2056: END IF;
2057: END IF;
2058: END IF;

Line 2098: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN

2094: -- Enable indexes
2095: IF NOT BSC_UPDATE_UTIL.Create_Unique_Index(x_sum_table,
2096: x_sum_table||'_U1',
2097: h_lst_key_columns||'YEAR, TYPE, PERIOD',
2098: BSC_APPS.summary_index_tbs_type) THEN
2099: RAISE e_unexpected_error;
2100: END IF;
2102: END IF;