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Line 387: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c

383: CURSOR c_get_resource_id IS
384: SELECT c.resource_id, c.source_id --employee id
385: FROM jtf_rs_role_relations a,
386: jtf_rs_roles_vl b,
387: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c
388: WHERE a.role_resource_type = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
389: AND a.role_resource_id = c.resource_id
390: AND a.role_id = b.role_id
391: AND b.role_code = 'CREDIT_ANALYST'

Line 447: l_resource_id jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl.resource_id%type;

443: funcmode in varchar2,
444: resultout out NOCOPY varchar2) IS
446: l_employee_id fnd_user.employee_id%type;
447: l_resource_id jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl.resource_id%type;
448: l_notification_id NUMBER;
449: l_user_name VARCHAR2(60);
450: l_display_name VARCHAR2(240);
451: l_failure_function VARCHAR2(60);

Line 478: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c

474: SELECT c.resource_id
475: INTO l_resource_id
476: FROM jtf_rs_role_relations a,
477: jtf_rs_roles_vl b,
478: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c
479: WHERE a.role_resource_type = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
480: AND a.role_resource_id = c.resource_id
481: AND a.role_id = b.role_id
482: AND b.role_code = 'CREDIT_ANALYST'

Line 763: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c

759: SELECT 'X'
760: INTO l_dummy
761: FROM jtf_rs_role_relations a,
762: jtf_rs_roles_vl b,
763: jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl c
764: WHERE a.role_resource_type = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
765: AND a.role_resource_id = c.resource_id
766: AND c.resource_id = l_credit_analyst_id
767: AND a.role_id = b.role_id

Line 790: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl

786: END IF;
787: BEGIN
788: SELECT source_id
789: INTO l_employee_id
790: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl
791: WHERE resource_id = l_credit_analyst_id
792: AND category = 'EMPLOYEE';