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Line 297: hr_locations hl,

294: SELECT MAX(org.organization_code)
295: INTO x_to_organization_code
296: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti,
297: hr_locations hl,
298: mtl_parameters org
299: -- BugFix 5219284, replaced org_organization_definitions with mtl_parameters for better performance.
300: WHERE rti.header_interface_id = x_header_interface_id
301: AND ( rti.ship_to_location_code = hl.location_code

Line 699: /* Changed hr_locations to hr_locations_all since we are searching

695: AND p_header_record.header_record.location_id IS NULL
696: AND p_header_record.header_record.transaction_type <> 'CANCEL'
697: AND -- added for support of cancel
698: p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id IS NOT NULL THEN
699: /* Changed hr_locations to hr_locations_all since we are searching
700: * using inventory_organization_id and for drop ship POs inventory
701: * orgid does not have any meaning.
702: */
703: SELECT MAX(hr_locations_all.location_id),

Line 703: SELECT MAX(hr_locations_all.location_id),

699: /* Changed hr_locations to hr_locations_all since we are searching
700: * using inventory_organization_id and for drop ship POs inventory
701: * orgid does not have any meaning.
702: */
703: SELECT MAX(hr_locations_all.location_id),
704: COUNT(*)
705: INTO x_location_id,
706: x_count
707: FROM hr_locations_all

Line 707: FROM hr_locations_all

703: SELECT MAX(hr_locations_all.location_id),
704: COUNT(*)
705: INTO x_location_id,
706: x_count
707: FROM hr_locations_all
708: WHERE hr_locations_all.inventory_organization_id = p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id
709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate
710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';

Line 708: WHERE hr_locations_all.inventory_organization_id = p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id

704: COUNT(*)
705: INTO x_location_id,
706: x_count
707: FROM hr_locations_all
708: WHERE hr_locations_all.inventory_organization_id = p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id
709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate
710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
712: IF (g_asn_debug = 'Y') THEN

Line 709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate

705: INTO x_location_id,
706: x_count
707: FROM hr_locations_all
708: WHERE hr_locations_all.inventory_organization_id = p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id
709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate
710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
712: IF (g_asn_debug = 'Y') THEN
713: asn_debug.put_line('count in hr_locations_all ' || x_count);

Line 710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';

706: x_count
707: FROM hr_locations_all
708: WHERE hr_locations_all.inventory_organization_id = p_header_record.header_record.ship_to_organization_id
709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate
710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
712: IF (g_asn_debug = 'Y') THEN
713: asn_debug.put_line('count in hr_locations_all ' || x_count);
714: END IF;

Line 713: asn_debug.put_line('count in hr_locations_all ' || x_count);

709: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.inactive_date, x_sysdate + 1) > x_sysdate
710: AND NVL(hr_locations_all.receiving_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
712: IF (g_asn_debug = 'Y') THEN
713: asn_debug.put_line('count in hr_locations_all ' || x_count);
714: END IF;
716: IF x_count = 1 THEN
717: p_header_record.header_record.location_id := x_location_id;

Line 1007: hr_locations hl,

1003: */
1005: INTO x_count
1006: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti,
1007: hr_locations hl,
1008: mtl_parameters org
1009: -- BugFix 5219284, replaced org_organization_definitions with mtl_parameters for better performance.
1010: WHERE rti.header_interface_id = p_header_record.header_record.header_interface_id
1011: AND rti.to_organization_code IS NULL

Line 1027: above sql to avoid full table scans on hr_locations.

1023: ship to org than the header's org. Here we consider those RTI records
1024: which have to_organization_code and to_rganization_id as null and
1025: ship_to_location_code as not null. A seperate sql is written using
1026: ship_location_code instead of adding it to the the WHERE caluse of the
1027: above sql to avoid full table scans on hr_locations.
1028: */
1029: IF x_count = 0 THEN
1031: INTO x_count

Line 1033: hr_locations hl,

1029: IF x_count = 0 THEN
1031: INTO x_count
1032: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti,
1033: hr_locations hl,
1034: mtl_parameters org
1035: -- BugFix 5219284, replaced org_organization_definitions with mtl_parameters for better performance.
1036: WHERE rti.header_interface_id = p_header_record.header_record.header_interface_id
1037: AND rti.to_organization_code IS NULL