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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

  SELECT gl.currency_code
  INTO   gc_func_currency
  FROM   gl_ledgers                 gl
        ,gl_access_set_norm_assign  gasna
  WHERE  gasna.access_set_id     = fnd_profile.VALUE('GL_ACCESS_SET_ID')
  AND    gl.ledger_id            = gasna.ledger_id
  AND    gl.ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY';
Line: 55

  SELECT FSEG.segment_name
  INTO   gc_ctrl_seg
  FROM   fnd_id_flex_structures   fst
        ,fnd_id_flex_segments     fseg
  WHERE  fst.id_flex_code     =  fseg.id_flex_code
  AND    fst.id_flex_num      =  fseg.id_flex_num
  AND    fst.application_id   =  fseg.application_id
  AND    fseg.id_flex_code    =  'GL#'
  AND    fseg.id_flex_num     =  P_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID
  AND    fseg.application_id  =  101
  AND    fseg.segment_num     =  P_CONTROL_SEGMENT;
Line: 69

  IF P_CURRENCY_TYPE = 'Selected Currency' THEN
    gc_currency_code_where:=' TRX.invoice_currency_code   = :P_CURRENCY_CODE ';