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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

    SELECT order_type_lookup_code
      INTO X_order_type
      FROM po_line_types
     WHERE line_type_id = X_line_type_id;
Line: 80

     SELECT count(*)
       INTO X_count
       FROM po_lines
      WHERE po_header_id = X_po_header_id
        AND po_line_id = X_po_line_id
        AND item_id = X_item_id
        AND (item_revision = X_item_revision
             (item_revision is NULL AND X_item_revision is NULL)
        AND line_type_id = X_line_type_id
        AND category_id = X_category_id;
Line: 115

     SELECT count(*)
       INTO X_count
       FROM po_lines
      WHERE po_header_id = X_po_header_id
        AND po_line_id = X_po_line_id
        AND item_description = X_item_description
        AND line_type_id = X_line_type_id
        AND category_id = X_category_id;
Line: 142

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO   X_count
    WHERE  po_header_id = X_po_header_id
           AND po_line_id = X_po_line_id
	   AND job_id = p_job_id
           AND line_type_id = X_line_type_id
           AND category_id = X_category_id;
Line: 186

     SELECT count(*)
       INTO X_count
       FROM po_lines
      WHERE po_header_id = X_po_header_id
        AND po_line_id = X_po_line_id
        AND line_num = p_line_num;
Line: 226

                             x_last_update_date               IN DATE,
                             x_last_updated_by                IN NUMBER,
                             x_po_header_id                   IN NUMBER,
                             x_po_line_id                     IN NUMBER,
                             x_last_update_login              IN NUMBER,
                             x_creation_date                  IN DATE,
                             x_created_by                     IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity                       IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity_received              IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity_accepted              IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity_rejected              IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity_billed                IN NUMBER,
                             x_quantity_cancelled             IN NUMBER,
                             x_unit_meas_lookup_code          IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_po_release_id                  IN NUMBER,
                             x_ship_to_location_id            IN NUMBER,
                             x_ship_via_lookup_code           IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_need_by_date                   IN DATE,
                             x_promised_date                  IN DATE,
                             x_last_accept_date               IN DATE,
                             x_price_override                 IN NUMBER,
                             x_encumbered_flag                IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_encumbered_date                IN DATE,
                             x_fob_lookup_code                IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_freight_terms_lookup_code      IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_taxable_flag                   IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_tax_name                       IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_estimated_tax_amount           IN NUMBER,
                             x_from_header_id                 IN NUMBER,
                             x_from_line_id                   IN NUMBER,
                             x_from_line_location_id          IN NUMBER,
                             x_start_date                     IN DATE,
                             x_end_date                       IN DATE,
                             x_lead_time                      IN NUMBER,
                             x_lead_time_unit                 IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_price_discount                 IN NUMBER,
                             x_terms_id                       IN NUMBER,
                             x_approved_flag                  IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_approved_date                  IN DATE,
                             x_closed_flag                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_cancel_flag                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_cancelled_by                   IN NUMBER,
                             x_cancel_date                    IN DATE,
                             x_cancel_reason                  IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_firm_status_lookup_code        IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_firm_date                      IN DATE,
                             x_attribute_category             IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute1                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute2                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute3                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute4                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute5                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute6                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute7                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute8                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute9                     IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute10                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_unit_of_measure_class          IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute11                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute12                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute13                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute14                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_attribute15                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_inspection_required_flag       IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_receipt_required_flag          IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_qty_rcv_tolerance              IN NUMBER,
                             x_qty_rcv_exception_code         IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_enforce_ship_to_loc_code       IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_allow_sub_receipts_flag        IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_days_early_receipt_allowed     IN NUMBER,
                             x_days_late_receipt_allowed      IN NUMBER,
                             x_receipt_days_exception_code    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_invoice_close_tolerance        IN NUMBER,
                             x_receive_close_tolerance        IN NUMBER,
                             x_ship_to_organization_id        IN NUMBER,
                             x_shipment_num                   IN NUMBER,
                             x_source_shipment_id             IN NUMBER,
                             x_shipment_type                  IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_closed_code                    IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_request_id                     IN NUMBER,
                             x_program_application_id         IN NUMBER,
                             x_program_id                     IN NUMBER,
                             x_program_update_date            IN DATE,
                             x_ussgl_transaction_code         IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_government_context             IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_receiving_routing_id           IN NUMBER,
                             x_accrue_on_receipt_flag         IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_closed_reason                  IN VARCHAR2,
                             x_closed_date                    IN DATE,
                             x_closed_by                      IN NUMBER,
                             x_org_id                         IN NUMBER,
                             x_def_inv_org_id                 IN NUMBER,
                             x_header_processable_flag        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                             x_hd_type_lookup_code            IN VARCHAR2,
                             X_item_id                        IN NUMBER,
                             X_item_revision                  IN VARCHAR2,
                             p_item_category_id               IN NUMBER,          --< Shared Proc FPJ >
                             x_transaction_flow_header_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,  --< Shared Proc FPJ >
                             p_order_type_lookup_code         IN VARCHAR2, --
                             p_purchase_basis                 IN VARCHAR2, --
                             p_job_id                         IN NUMBER

   x_progress                 VARCHAR2(3) := null;
Line: 458

     INTO   x_temp_count
     WHERE  po_line_id = x_po_line_id;
Line: 571

         select poh.start_date, poh.end_date, pol.expiration_date
         into   l_header_start_date, l_header_end_date, l_exp_date
         from   po_headers poh,
                po_lines pol
         where  poh.po_header_id = x_po_header_id
         and    pol.po_line_id = x_po_line_id;
Line: 636

            select price_break_lookup_code
            into   l_pb_lookup_code
            from   po_lines
            where  po_header_id = x_po_header_id
            and    po_line_id = x_po_line_id;
Line: 676

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO X_temp_count
           FROM mtl_item_revisions
          WHERE inventory_item_id = X_item_id
            AND organization_id = x_ship_to_organization_id
            AND revision = X_item_revision;
Line: 705

         SELECT count(*)
           INTO X_temp_count
           FROM mtl_system_items
          WHERE inventory_item_id = X_item_id
            AND organization_id = x_ship_to_organization_id;
Line: 866

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO X_temp_count
        FROM po_locations_val_v
       WHERE location_id = X_ship_to_location_id
         AND ship_to_site_flag = 'Y'
         AND (inventory_organization_id IS NULL
              inventory_organization_id = X_ship_to_organization_id
	      X_ship_to_organization_id IS NULL
Line: 1423

      select count(*) into X_temp_count
      from rcv_routing_headers
      where routing_header_id = x_receiving_routing_id;
Line: 1497

       SELECT unit_price
       INTO l_line_price
       FROM po_lines
       WHERE po_header_id = x_po_header_id
       AND   po_line_id = x_po_line_id;
Line: 1559

	INTO    X_temp
	FROM	po_line_locations
	WHERE	line_location_id = X_line_location_id;