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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 89

                                    Newly elig does update, not insert.
                                    First Elig records have start date.
                                    Newly Elig recs start date
                                    Unless there is an 'overlapping' past rec:
                                    Newly inelig recs update (corr) old rec
                                    with computed end date, then update
                                    record with start date = end date +1.
                                    Newly elig recs update (corr) old rec
                                    with computed (strt date-1), then update
                                    record with computed start date.

                                    First inelig have end date +1 in
                                    start date
  24 Jan 98   lmcdonal   110.8      Add opt_id back into c_elig_per_opt.
                                         Add order by to c_opt_next_popl_yr.
  24 Jan 98   lmcdonal   110.9      Add set_name before all raise
                                    Remove strt, end dt RL processing.
  03 Feb 98   lmcdonal   110.10     Remove 'when other's in exception.
  06 Mar 98   gperry     110.11     Removed certain cursors so code
                                    now uses global structures. Other
                                    general tidying up of code.
  08 Apr 98   gperry     110.12     Added output string info for
                                    improvements to the log.
  26 May 98   thayden    110.13     Chg AFDPPSY to AFDFPPSY.
  27 May 98   gperry     110.14     Added calls to formula cover
  06 Jun 98   jmohapat   110.15     Added call to deenroll for newly ineligible
  07 Jun 98   jmohapatra 110.16     procedure name changed to
  10 Jun 98   lmcdonal   110.17     made header line after create line.
  12 Jun 98   gperry     110.18     Fixed update modes so we can
                                    handle update_overrides.
  14 Jun 98   gperry     110.19     Fixed log messages.
  07 Jul 98   jmohapat   110.20     Added batch who cols to call of
                                    apis like(ben_elig_person_option_api.
                                    create_elig_person_option and update,
                                    _person and update)
  23 Jul 98   thayden    110.21     Added Inelg rsn cd.
  23 Oct 98   gperry     115.11     Added in extra call to
                                    ben_newly_ineligible to handle
                                    plans as well as programs.
  26 Oct 98   gperry     115.12     Corrected ben_elig_per_f so
                                    pgm_id is populated if pl_id has
                                    a program parent.
  23 Nov 98   gperry     115.13     Supports new columns for
                                    ben_elig_per_f and
  23 Nov 98   gperry     115.14     Added inelg_rsn_cd.
  02 Jan 99   gperry     115.15     Made trk inelig per flag work.
  18 Jan 99   G Perry    115.16     LED V ED
  25 Jan 99   G Perry    115.17     Fixed first time inelig case
                                    for options.
  17 Feb 99   G Perry    115.18     Added once_r_cntug_cd to insert
                                    and update of elig_per and
  25 Feb 99   G Perry    115.19     Converted get_start_end_dates
                                    to use generic call to
  09 Mar 99   G Perry    115.20     IS to AS.
  03 May 99   S Das      115.23     Added parameters to genutils.formula.
  04 May 99   S Das      115.24     Added jurisdiction code.
  05 May 99   G Perry    115.25     Changed code to use
                                    ben_comp_object routine.
                                    ben_elig_object routine.
                                    Both routines use hashed indexes.
  06 May 99   G Perry    115.26     Added call to ben_comp_object
                                    that was missed in last arcs in.
  06 May 99   jcarpent   115.27     Fork of 115.19 to change cache
  06 May 99   jcarpent   115.28     Same as 115.26
  14 May 99   bbulusu    115.29     Added waiting period logic in check_prev_el.
                                    Added function get_prtn_st_dt_aftr_wtg.
  14 May 99   G Perry    115.30     Added support for PLIP and PTIP.
  14 Jun 99   T Mathers  115.31     Changed to_dates to be NLS compliant
  17 Jun 99   bbulusu    115.32     Added wait_perd_cmpltn_dt to the Elig per
                                    and elig per opt apis. Added hr_api.g_sot.
  23 Jun 99   G Perry    115.33     performance fixes and fixed balas spurious
                                    use of dates.
  28 Jun 99   jcarpent   115.34     Added per_in_ler_id to elig_per api call.
                                    and added p_per_in_ler_id to check_prev_elg
  08 Jul 99   maagrawa   115.35     Modified c_ptnl_le cursor to look for
                                    non-voided potentials (Bug 2698).
  11 Jul 99   mhoyes     115.36   - Added new trace messages.
                                  - Removed + 0s from all cursors.
  12 Jul 99   jcarpent   115.37   - Added checks for backed out nocopy pil.
  13 Jul 99   mhoyes     115.38   - Added trace messages.
  20-JUL-99   Gperry     115.39     genutils -> benutils package rename.
  28-JUL-99   mhoyes     115.40   - Added trace messages.
                                  - Removed product join from cursor
  03-AUG-99   jcarpent   115.41   - changed prev_elig_check cursor to
                                    weed out nocopy backed out nocopy pils.
  10-AUG-99   Gperry     115.42     Removed references to g_cache_person.
                                    Fix all date formula calls to use
  19-AUG-99   Shdas      115.43     Added pl_ordr_num,plip_ordr_num,ptip_ordr_num
                                    in create_eligible_person and oipl_ordr_num
                                    in create_elig_person_option.
              GPerry                Added call to get benefits assignment if no
                                    employee assignment is found.
  17-SEP-99   pbodla     115.44     Bug 2551 fixes. Code reshuffled see comments
  01-OCT-99   gperry     115.45     Backport of 115.42 with Eligibility fixed.
                                    Now still elig records
                                    get created even though eligibility hasn't
  04-OCT-99   gperry     115.46     Leapfrog of 115.44 with Eligibility fixed.
  03-NOV-99   mhoyes     115.47   - Added eligibility transition state.
                                    OUT NOCOPY parameters to check_prev_elig.
                                  - Added new logic to flag when a non tracked
                                    first time in-eligible occurs. This is only
                                    stored and passed as an OUT NOCOPY parameter. No
                                    elig per is written.
                                  - Passed p_override_validation to EPO and PEP
                                    APIs to bypass insert_validate validation.
                                    This doubles the execution speed of these
                                    two APIs.
  12-NOV-99   mhoyes     115.48   - Added new trace messages.
  12-NOV-99   stee       115.49   - Added business_group_id parameter to some
                                    of the calls to ben_determine_date
  10-JAN-00   stee       115.50   - Get per_in_ler info in get_start_end_dates
                                    procedure for date calculations.
  11-Feb-00   jcarpent   115.51   - Use db mode globals.
                                  - pass pgm_id to beninelg
  21-FEB-00   tguy       115.52     Fixed heirarchy in get_start_end_dates
                                    procedure to walk down levels of comp obj
                                    wwbugs: 1161304,1161305,1183241,1167918
  23-Feb-00   lmcdonal   115.53     Bug 1167918:  Only inherit plip, ptip, pgm
                                    if plan/oipl is in a program.  And if plan
                                    is in pgm, look for plip before pl.
                                    Get ptip inheritance to work.
  24-Feb-00   jcarpent   115.54   - same as 115.51
  24-Feb-00   jcarpent   115.55   - Don't call beninelg unless have oipl, pl,
                                    or pgm. - patch of 115.51
  24-Feb-00   jcarpent   115.56   - Leapfrog. same fix as above to 115.53.
  26-Feb-00   mhoyes     115.57   - Added p_comp_obj_tree_row to
                                    check_prev_elig and passed into
  03-Mar-00   mhoyes     115.58   - Passed p_comp_obj_tree_row into
  03-Mar-00   mhoyes     115.59   - Phased out nocopy ben_env_object.
  07-Mar-00   gperry     115.60     Fixed trk_inelig_per_flag for PTIP and PLIP.
  31-Mar-00   gperry     115.61     Added oiplip support hangs off plip.
  03-Apr-00   mmogel     115.62   - Added tokens to message calls to make
                                    messages more meaningful to the user
  07-Apr-00   gperry     115.63     If person fails waiting period make them
                                    ineligible for the object.
                                    WWBUG 1230645, previously it errored rec.
  15-Mar-00   mhoyes     115.64   - Modified calls to create_Eligible_Person to
                                  - Re-referenced and cleared junk from get
                                    start and end dates.
                                  - Modified calls to
                                    create_Elig_Person_Option to
  22-May-00   mhoyes     115.65   - Replaced benutils function call to get the
                                    per in ler with a cache call.
  22-May-00   mhoyes     115.66   - Reduced cache calls in get start and end
                                    dates by using passed in records.
  23-May-00   shdas      115.67   - bug5224 call ben_newly_inelig.main if inelig for
                                    plip and ptip.
  24-May-00   mhoyes     115.68   - Tuned check_prev_elig cursors.
  02-Jun-00   mhoyes     115.70   - Re-instated 115.68.
  28-Jun-00   mhoyes     115.71   - Passed current row information into waiting
                                  - Cached eligibility cursors.
  30-Jun-00   mhoyes     115.72   - Passed in context parameters into bendrpar.
  13-Jul-00   mhoyes     115.73   - Removed context parameters.
  04-Aug-00   jcarpent   115.74   - 5412. Don't reset override fields
                                    when doing an update.
  14-Sep-00   mhoyes     115.75   - Removed highly executed hr_utility.set_location
  02-Oct-00   pbodla     115.76   - Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
                                    When elig per or opt rows are created they
                                    should be created as of least of p_effective_date
                                    and p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
  06-Oct-00   pbodla     115.77   - Above fix caused problem for selection and
                                    temporal mode of benmngle run : due to null
                                    passed to effective_date while pep/epo
                                    api's are called. So put a nvl around
  29-Nov-00   Tmathers   115.78   -  Fixed Invalid cursor error, wwbug
                                  -  1517275, caused by having a Temporal
                                  -  LE created by BENDRPAR then re-closing
                                  -  already closed cursor.
  15-Dec-00   rchase     115.79   -  Bug 1531030. p_comp_rec and p_oiplip_rec
                                     were not being refreshed with updated info.
  01-May-01   mhoyes     115.80   -  Pointed c_prev_oiplip_elig_check to the
                                     EPO cache.
  18-Jul-01   kmahendr   115.81   -  Bug#1871579-Effective date is passed as least of
                                     p_effective_date or lf_evt_ocrd_dt to cursors in
  01-Aug-01   kmahendr   115.82   -  Plan not in programs not getting deenrolled on selection
                                     mode-bug#1871579. nvl is used to return effective date
                                     for least function in 3 places where it was not there before
  27-aug-01   tilak      115.83      bug:1949361 jurisdiction code is
                                              derived inside benutils.formula.
  26-sep-01   tjesumic   115.84      wait_perd_Strt_dt added
  19-dec-01   pbodla     115.85      CWB Changes - Look for non comp potential
                                     life events when waiting periods are defined.
  20-Dec-01   ikasire    115.86      added dbdrv lines
  07-Jan-02   Rpillay    115.87      Added Set Verify Off.
  11-Mar-02   mhoyes     115.88      Dependent eligibility tuning.
  12-Mar-02   pbodla     115.89      Bug 2284417 : Do not update the per in ler id
                                     with new per in ler id as this peice of
                                     row should belong to previous per in ler.
                                     Next update will update the per in ler id as
                                     well as new prtn strt dt.
  12-Jul-02   mhoyes     115.90    - Added calls to get_curroiplippep_dets and
  20-Aug-02   mhoyes     115.91    - Populated comp object list row eligible values.
  12-Oct-02   ikasire    115.92    - Bug 2551834 fixed the codes ALDCPPSY and ALDCPPY
                                     in get_start_and_end_dates procedure
  29-Jan-03   kmahendr   115.93    - In P mode participation start date and end date are
                                     defaulted to Event and 1 day before event
  10-feb-03   hnarayan   115.94    - Added NOCOPY Changes
  11-Mar-03   rpillay    115.95    - Bug 2806554 - Changed default for
                                     Participation End Date Code from AEOT to
  17-Mar-03   vsethi     115.96    - Bug 2650247 - populating the value of inelg_rsn_cd
  				     in p_comp_obj_tree_row record.
  07-Apr-03   mmudigon   115.97   -  Bug#2841136-Effective date is passed as
                                     least of p_effective_date or lf_evt_ocrd_dt
                                     to calls to ben_pep_cache.
                                     Corrected typo in determining DT Track mode
                                     for updating OIPLIP.
  24-Jun-03   hnarayan   115.98   -  Bug 3001411 - changed cursor c_ptnl_le to
                                     ignore LEs of type SCHEDDU, ABS, COMP and GSP
                                     becos the presence of these LE shud not make a
                                     person ineligible in case of waiting period setup.
  02-Sep-03   rpgupta    115.99   -  Bug  3111613  - if cache does'nt return any
  				     elig_per_id, raise an error
  18-Sep-03   mhoyes     115.100  -  Phased in calls to ben_pep_cache1 rather than
  19 Sep 03   mhoyes     115.101  -  3150329 - Update eligibility APIs.
  26 Sep 03   mhoyes     115.102  -  More update eligibility APIs.
  21 Jan 04   ikasire    115.103     BUG 3327841 - fixed the wrong assignment of epo
                                     data to pep. Also calling clear_down_cache
                                     to get the right data.
  02 Feb 04   ikasire    115.104     BUG 3327841 Using the ben_pep_cache1.get_currplnpep_dets
                                     to get the current pep info instread of depending on
  30 Mar 04   ikasire    115.105     fonm changes.
  15 Apr 04   ikasire    115.106     Bug 3550789 added a new procedure save_to_restore
                                     to save the PEP EPO data in certain cases when
                                     we loose the data and can't restore as part of
  1 June 04   kmahendr   115.108     removed assignment of prtn_strt_dt in fonm
                                     mode per prasad
  4 June 04   rpgupta    115.109     3597303 - Make person eligible even if a ptnl
                                     LE exists before the waiting period end
  28-Sep-04   abparekh   115.110     iRec : Modified procedure check_prev_elig
                                            Modified cursor c_prev_elig_check and
                                            c_prev_opt_elig_check in check_prev_elig
  28-Mar-05   ikasire    115.111     Bug 4241413 fix for the data type of
  26-Apr-05   mmudigon   115.112     Score and Weight
  17-Jun-05   abparekh   115.113     Bug 4438430 : Pass PER_IN_LER_ID while creating
                                                   ESW record
  12-jan-05   ssarkar    115.114     Bug 4947426 : passed  l_effective_dt to update_perf_Eligible_Person
  23-Jan-06   kmahendr   115.115     Bug#4960082 - newly_ineligible process is
                                     added to still_ineligible condition
  27-Jan-06   mhoyes     115.116     Bug#4968123 - hr_utility debug and locally
                                     defined plsql tuning.
  30-Jan-06   mhoyes     115.117     Bug#4968123 - moved out locall defined procs
                                     to ben_determine_eligibility3.
  30-Jan-06   mhoyes     115.118     Bug#4968123 - moved out cursors
                                     to ben_determine_eligibility4.
  28-Jun-06   swjain     115.119     Bug 5331889 Added person_id param in call to
				     benutils.formula in procedure get_start_end_dates
  24-Jul-06   kmahendr   115.120     Bug#5404392-added ben_newly_ineligible call
                                     in the case of first time ineligible.
  25-aug-06   ssarkar    115.121     bug# 5478994 - passed ler_id to update_perf_eligible_person
  11-Dec-06   rgajula    115.122     Bug 5682845 - passed the l_envplipid to the call to ben_pep_Cache.get_pilepo_dets.
  07-Feb-07   kmahendr   115.124     Fidelity Enh to update inelig rows and
                                     reversed fix made for 5682845
  08-Feb-07   kmahendr   115.125     Reversed the condition to update inelig rows
  16-Feb-07   rtagarra   115.126     ICM Changes.
  12-jun-07   rtagarra   115.127     ICM: Bug 6038232. Also incorporated changes of Bug 6000303 : Defer Deenrollment ENH
				     on 04-Dec-07 from branchline.
  23-Jan-2008 sallumwa   115.128     Bug 6601884 : For still ineligible records, when ineligibility is to be tracked,
                                     the records should be updated with correct datetrack mode for both ben_elig_per_f
				     and ben_elig_per_opt_f.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |----------------------< get_start_end_dates >------------------------------|
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure get_start_end_dates
  (p_comp_obj_tree_row    in     ben_manage_life_events.g_cache_proc_objects_rec
  ,p_pil_row              in     ben_per_in_ler%rowtype
  ,p_effective_date       in     date
  ,p_business_group_id    in     number
  ,p_person_id            in     number
  ,p_pl_id                in     number
  ,p_pgm_id               in     number
  ,p_oipl_id              in     number
  ,p_plip_id              in     number
  ,p_ptip_id              in     number
  ,p_prev_prtn_strt_dt    in     date
  ,p_prev_prtn_end_dt     in     date
  ,p_start_or_end         in     varchar2
  ,p_prtn_eff_strt_dt        out nocopy date
  ,p_prtn_eff_strt_dt_cd     out nocopy varchar2
  ,p_prtn_eff_strt_dt_rl     out nocopy number
  ,p_prtn_eff_end_dt         out nocopy date
/* 4968123
  l_proc                  varchar2(100):=g_package||'get_start_end_dates';
Line: 1126

         whether a new row will be inserted or an existing row will be
     4.  If a person is still eligible or ineligible, then nothing is done.
     5.  If a person is newly eligible, then a new row will be inserted.
     6.  If a person is newly ineligible, then an existing row will be
     7.  If a person is first-time eligible, then a new row will be inserted.
     8.  If a person is first-time ineligible, and the track ineligible persons
         flag is 'Y' on the program, plan or option we are processing then a
         new row will be inserted with elig_flag of 'N'.
     9.  If a person is found "eligible again"--meaning the history of the
         person shows that they were once eligible, then found ineligible
         and now are eligible again, then that person will be treated as
         though they are newly eligible, i.e. a row will be inserted.
  l_epo_row                   ben_derive_part_and_rate_facts.g_cache_structure;
Line: 1180

  l_update                    boolean;
Line: 1181

  l_update_override           boolean;
Line: 1182

  l_update_change_insert      boolean;
Line: 1210

    select pep.elig_per_id,
    from   ben_elig_per_f pep,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
    where  pep.person_id = c_person_id
    and    nvl(pep.pgm_id,-1)  = c_pgm_id
    and    nvl(pep.pl_id,-1)   = c_pl_id
    and    pep.plip_id is null
    and    nvl(pep.ptip_id,-1) = c_ptip_id
    and    c_effective_date
           between pep.effective_start_date
           and pep.effective_end_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=pep.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id(+)=pep.business_group_id
    and    (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') -- found row condition
            or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null                  -- outer join condition
    and    nvl(pil.assignment_id, -9999) = decode ( l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd,
				           nvl(pil.assignment_id, -9999) )             -- iRec : Match assignment_id for iRec
Line: 1248

    select epo.elig_per_opt_id,
    from   ben_elig_per_opt_f epo,
           ben_per_in_ler pil,
           ben_elig_per_f pep
    where  pep.person_id   = c_person_id
    and    pep.pl_id = c_pl_id
    and    epo.opt_id = c_opt_id
    and    pep.elig_per_id = epo.elig_per_id
    and    pep.pgm_id is null
    and    c_effective_date
           between pep.effective_start_date
           and pep.effective_end_date
    and    c_effective_date
           between epo.effective_start_date
           and epo.effective_end_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=epo.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id(+)=epo.business_group_id
    and    (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
            or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null)
    and    nvl(pil.assignment_id,-9999) = decode ( l_benmngle_parm_rec.mode_cd,
				          nvl(pil.assignment_id, -9999)    );             -- iRec : Match assignment_id for iRec
Line: 1289

    select epo.elig_per_opt_id,
    from   ben_elig_per_opt_f epo,
           ben_per_in_ler pil,
           ben_elig_per_f pep
    where  pep.person_id = c_person_id
    and    pep.pgm_id    = c_pgm_id
    and    pep.plip_id   = c_plip_id
    and    epo.opt_id    = c_opt_id
    and    pep.elig_per_id = epo.elig_per_id
    and    c_effective_date
           between pep.effective_start_date
           and pep.effective_end_date
    and    c_effective_date
           between epo.effective_start_date
           and epo.effective_end_date
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=epo.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id(+)=epo.business_group_id
    and    (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
            or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null) ;
Line: 1322

    select  pep.prtn_strt_dt
    from    ben_elig_per_f pep,
            ben_per_in_ler pil
    where   pep.person_id = p_person_id
    and     nvl(pep.pgm_id,-1) =
    and     nvl(pep.pl_id,-1) = nvl(p_pl_id,-1)
    and     nvl(pep.plip_id,-1) = nvl(p_plip_id,-1)
    and     nvl(pep.ptip_id,-1) = nvl(p_ptip_id,-1)
    and     c_prtn_eff_strt_dt between pep.prtn_strt_dt
            and (pep.prtn_end_dt + c_add_one)
    and     pep.elig_flag = c_elig_flag
    and     pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=pep.per_in_ler_id
    and     pil.business_group_id(+)=pep.business_group_id
    and     (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT') -- found row condition
             or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null                  -- outer join condition
Line: 1340

  cursor c_get_pl_id(c_effective_date date) is select pl_id
  from ben_plip_f cpp
  where cpp.plip_id = p_plip_id
  and     c_effective_date
            between cpp.effective_start_date
            and cpp.effective_end_date;
Line: 1348

  select pl.pl_id
    from ben_ptip_f ctp,ben_pl_f pl
   where ctp.ptip_id = p_ptip_id
     and pl.pl_typ_id = ctp.pl_typ_id
     and     c_effective_date
            between ctp.effective_start_date
            and ctp.effective_end_date
     and     c_effective_date
            between pl.effective_start_date
            and pl.effective_end_date;
Line: 1369

    select epo.prtn_strt_dt
    from   ben_elig_per_opt_f epo,
           ben_elig_per_f pep,
           ben_per_in_ler pil
    where  pep.person_id   = p_person_id
    and    pep.pl_id = l_envpl_id
    and    nvl(pep.pgm_id,-1) = nvl(l_envpgm_id,-1)
    and    pep.elig_per_id = epo.elig_per_id
    and    c_prtn_eff_strt_dt
           between epo.prtn_strt_dt
           and (epo.prtn_end_dt + c_add_one)
    and    epo.opt_id = l_oipl_rec.opt_id
    and    epo.elig_flag = c_elig_flag
    and    pil.per_in_ler_id(+)=epo.per_in_ler_id
    and    pil.business_group_id(+)=epo.business_group_id+0
    and    (   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
            or pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd is null);
Line: 1399

    select 's'
    from   ben_ptnl_ler_for_per ptl,
           ben_ler_f ler
    where  ptl.person_id = p_person_id
    and    ptl.ler_id <> p_ler_id
    and    ler.ler_id = ptl.ler_id
    and    ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP', 'ABS', 'SCHEDDU', 'GSP', 'IREC')   -- iRec
    and    ptl.ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd <> 'VOIDD'
    and    ptl.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
           between p_effective_date
           and     v_wait_end_dt
    and    ptl.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1413

  select plip.ordr_num from ben_plip_f plip
  where plip.pgm_id = nvl(p_pgm_id,l_envpgm_id)
  and pl_id = p_pl_id
    and     c_effective_date
            between plip.effective_start_date
            and plip.effective_end_date
    and    plip.business_group_id   = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1872

              hr_utility.set_location ('New update for elig per opt',100);
Line: 1879

		-- Get the datetrack update mode. If the record already exists and the effective date is
		-- same as start date, then update should be done in correction mode. In that case, the old
		-- record should be inserted in the backup table

		  (p_effective_date       => l_effective_dt,
		   p_base_table_name      => 'BEN_ELIG_PER_OPT_F',
		   p_base_key_column      => 'elig_per_opt_id',
		   p_base_key_value       => l_elig_per_opt_id,
		   p_correction           => l_correction,
		   p_update               => l_update,
		   p_update_override      => l_update_override,
		   p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 1893

		if l_update_override then
		  l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 1900

		elsif l_update then
		  l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 1916

		-- insert into backup table if updating in correction mode

		IF l_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_correction AND
		   l_per_in_ler_id <> NVL(l_prev_per_in_ler_id,-1) THEN
		   (p_current_per_in_ler_id  => l_per_in_ler_id
		   ,p_per_in_ler_id          => l_prev_per_in_ler_id
		   ,p_elig_per_id            => NULL
		   ,p_elig_per_opt_id        => l_elig_per_opt_id
		   ,p_effective_date         => l_effective_dt
Line: 1930

            (p_validate                     => FALSE,
             p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
             p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
             p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
             p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
             p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
             p_elig_flag                    => 'N',
             p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
             p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
             p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
             p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
             p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
             p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
             p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
             p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
             p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
             p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
             p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
             p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
             p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
             p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
             p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
             p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
             p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
             p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
             p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
             p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
             p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
             p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
             p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
             p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
             p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
             p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
             p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
             p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
             p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
             p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
             p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
             p_wait_perd_cmpltn_date        => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
             p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
             p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
             p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
             p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
             p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
             p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
             p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 2061

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 2062

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).p_datetrack_mode:= 'UPDATE';
Line: 2320

         p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
         -- Bypass insert validate validation for performance
         p_override_validation          => TRUE
Line: 2398

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 2451

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 2455

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 2459

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 2519

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         -- p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
         p_wait_perd_cmpltn_date        => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 2639

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 2715

            (p_validate                     => FALSE,
             p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
             p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
             -- Bug 2284417 : Do not update the per in ler id with new
             -- per in ler id as this row peice of row should belong to
             -- previous per in ler. Next update will update the
             -- per in ler id as well as new prtn strt dt.
             -- p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
             p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
             p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
             p_prtn_end_dt                  => l_prtn_eff_strt_dt-1,
        --     p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
             p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
             p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
             p_datetrack_mode               => hr_api.g_correction,
             p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
             p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
             p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
             p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 2756

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 2760

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 2764

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 2822

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         -- p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         p_wait_perd_cmpltn_date        => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 2943

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 3003

          (p_validate                     => FALSE,
           p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
           p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
           -- Bug 2284417 : Do not update the per in ler id with new
           -- per in ler id as this row peice of row should belong to
           -- previous per in ler. Next update will update the
           -- per in ler id as well as new prtn strt dt.
           -- p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
           p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
           p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
           p_prtn_end_dt                  => l_prtn_eff_end_dt,
     --      p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
           p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
           p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
           p_datetrack_mode               => hr_api.g_correction,
           p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
           p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
           p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
           p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 3039

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 3043

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 3047

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 3074

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_elig_per_opt_id,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date                => p_effective_date,
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number_opt,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
         p_inelg_rsn_cd                 => p_inelg_rsn_cd);
Line: 3192

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 3383

         p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
         p_inelg_rsn_cd                 => p_inelg_rsn_cd
         -- Bypass insert validate validation for performance
        ,p_override_validation          => TRUE);
Line: 3456

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 3618

           p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
           -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
           p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
           -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
           p_override_validation          => TRUE);
Line: 3692

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 3716

           p_update               => l_update,
           p_update_override      => l_update_override,
           p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 3720

        if l_update_override then
          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 3724

        elsif l_update then
          l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 3749

          (p_validate                     => FALSE,
           p_elig_per_opt_id              => l_prev_oiplip_elig_check.elig_per_opt_id,
           p_elig_per_id                  => l_prev_oiplip_elig_check.elig_per_id,
           p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
           p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
           p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
           p_elig_flag                    => 'Y',
           p_prtn_strt_dt                 => null,
           p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
           p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_oiplip_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
           p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_oiplip_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
           p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_oiplip_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
           p_rt_age_val                   => p_oiplip_rec.rt_age_val,
           p_rt_los_val                   => p_oiplip_rec.rt_los_val,
           p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_oiplip_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
           p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_oiplip_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
           p_rt_age_uom                   => p_oiplip_rec.rt_age_uom,
           p_rt_los_uom                   => p_oiplip_rec.rt_los_uom,
           p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_oiplip_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
           p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
           p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
           p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
           p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
           p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
           p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
           p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_oiplip_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
           p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_oiplip_rec.comp_ref_amt,
           p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_oiplip_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
           p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_oiplip_rec.comp_ref_uom,
           p_age_val                      => p_oiplip_rec.age_val,
           p_los_val                      => p_oiplip_rec.los_val,
           p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_oiplip_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
           p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_oiplip_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
           p_age_uom                      => p_oiplip_rec.age_uom,
           p_los_uom                      => p_oiplip_rec.los_uom,
           p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_oiplip_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
           p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
           p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
           p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
           p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
           p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
           p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
           -- p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => null,
           p_wait_perd_cmpltn_date          => null,
           p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => null,
           -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
           p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
           -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
           p_object_version_number        => l_prev_oiplip_elig_check.object_version_number,
           p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
           p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
           p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
           p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
           p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 3870

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_epo_object(l_count_icm1).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 4162

          hr_utility.set_location ('New update for elig per'||l_elig_per_id,101);
Line: 4163

          hr_utility.set_location ('Update mode'||l_datetrack_mode,102);
Line: 4186

	      -- same as start date, then update should be done in correction mode. In that case, the old
	      -- record should be inserted in the backup table

	      if g_debug then
		hr_utility.set_location('ben_determine_eligibility2.check_prev_elig DTAPI_FDUM ', 889);
Line: 4202

		 p_update               => l_update,
		 p_update_override      => l_update_override,
		 p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 4210

              if l_update_override then
 	        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 4217

              elsif l_update then
                l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 4253

            (p_validate                     => FALSE,
             p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
             p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
             p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
             p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
             p_elig_flag                    => 'N', --l_elig_flag,
             p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
             p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
	     p_ler_id                       => p_ler_id,  -- bug 5478994
             p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
             p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
             p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
             p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
             p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
             p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
             p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
             p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
             p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
             p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
             p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
             p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
             p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
             p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
             p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
             p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
             p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
             p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
             p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
             p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
             p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
             p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
             p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
             p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
             p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
             p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
             p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
             p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
             p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
             p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
             p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
             p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number,
             p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
             p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
             p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
             p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
             p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
             p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 4389

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 4396

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).p_datetrack_mode:= 'UPDATE';
Line: 4664

         p_program_update_date          => sysdate
         -- Bypass insert validate validation for performance
        ,p_override_validation          => TRUE);
Line: 4745

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 4799

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 4804

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 4808

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 4882

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
	 p_ler_id                       => p_ler_id,  -- bug 5478994
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 5002

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 5085

          (p_validate                   => FALSE,
           p_elig_per_id                => l_elig_per_id,
           p_effective_start_date       => l_effective_start_date,
           p_effective_end_date         => l_effective_end_date,
           p_prtn_end_dt                => (l_prtn_eff_strt_dt -1),
           p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
           p_effective_date             => l_effective_dt,  -- 4947426
           p_datetrack_mode             => hr_api.g_correction,
           p_program_application_id     => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
           p_program_id                 => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
           p_request_id                 => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
           p_program_update_date        => sysdate);
Line: 5115

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 5119

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 5123

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 5188

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
	 p_ler_id                       => p_ler_id,  -- bug 5478994
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         p_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt          => l_wait_perd_cmpltn_dt,
         p_wait_perd_strt_dt            => l_wait_perd_strt_dt,
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate);
Line: 5311

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 5389

          (p_validate                   => FALSE,
           p_elig_per_id                => l_elig_per_id,
           p_effective_start_date       => l_effective_start_date,
           p_effective_end_date         => l_effective_end_date,
           p_prtn_end_dt                => l_prtn_eff_end_dt,
           p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
        --   p_effective_date             => p_effective_date,
           p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
           p_datetrack_mode             => hr_api.g_correction,
           p_program_application_id     => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
           p_program_id                 => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
           p_request_id                 => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
           p_program_update_date        => sysdate);
Line: 5419

         p_update               => l_update,
         p_update_override      => l_update_override,
         p_update_change_insert => l_update_change_insert);
Line: 5423

      if l_update_override then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update_override;
Line: 5427

      elsif l_update then
        l_datetrack_mode := hr_api.g_update;
Line: 5460

        (p_validate                     => FALSE,
         p_elig_per_id                  => l_elig_per_id,
         p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date,
         p_per_in_ler_id                => l_per_in_ler_id,
         p_elig_flag                    => l_elig_flag,
         p_prtn_strt_dt                 => l_prtn_strt_dt,
         p_prtn_end_dt                  => null,
	 p_ler_id                       => p_ler_id,  -- bug 5478994
         p_rt_comp_ref_amt              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_amt,
         p_rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val        => p_comp_rec.rt_cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_rt_comp_ref_uom              => p_comp_rec.rt_comp_ref_uom,
         p_rt_age_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_val,
         p_rt_los_val                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_val               => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_val,
         p_rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd     => p_comp_rec.rt_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_rt_age_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_age_uom,
         p_rt_los_uom                   => p_comp_rec.rt_los_uom,
         p_rt_pct_fl_tm_val             => p_comp_rec.rt_pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_rt_frz_los_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_age_flag              => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_cmp_lvl_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag        => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_hrs_wkd_flag          => 'N',
         p_rt_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag => 'N',
         p_once_r_cntug_cd              => p_comp_rec.once_r_cntug_cd,
         p_comp_ref_amt                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_amt,
         p_cmbn_age_n_los_val           => p_comp_rec.cmbn_age_n_los_val,
         p_comp_ref_uom                 => p_comp_rec.comp_ref_uom,
         p_age_val                      => p_comp_rec.age_val,
         p_los_val                      => p_comp_rec.los_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_val                  => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_val,
         p_hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd        => p_comp_rec.hrs_wkd_bndry_perd_cd,
         p_age_uom                      => p_comp_rec.age_uom,
         p_los_uom                      => p_comp_rec.los_uom,
         p_pct_fl_tm_val                => p_comp_rec.pct_fl_tm_val,
         p_frz_los_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_age_flag                 => 'N',
         p_frz_cmp_lvl_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_pct_fl_tm_flag           => 'N',
         p_frz_hrs_wkd_flag             => 'N',
         p_frz_comb_age_and_los_flag    => 'N',
         p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number,
         -- Bugs : 1412882, part of bug 1412951
         p_effective_date               => l_effective_dt,
         -- p_effective_date               => p_effective_date,
         p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode,
         p_program_application_id       => fnd_global.prog_appl_id,
         p_program_id                   => fnd_global.conc_program_id,
         p_request_id                   => fnd_global.conc_request_id,
         p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
         p_inelg_rsn_cd                 => p_inelg_rsn_cd);
Line: 5581

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;
Line: 5755

         p_program_update_date          => sysdate,
         p_inelg_rsn_cd                 => p_inelg_rsn_cd
         -- Bypass insert validate validation for performance
        ,p_override_validation          => TRUE
Line: 5837

ben_icm_life_events.g_cache_pep_object(l_count_icm).program_update_date :=sysdate;