24: scenario:
25: A user may set the AFLOG level to statement and may not set the EDW_DEBUG flag
26: to Yes. In this case, we need to start the detailed logging.
27: we need to have two separate entities, edw_debug and then fnd since we
28: want to keep separate the file logging and the fnd logging
29: */
30: --do not directly access AFLOG_ENABLED and AFLOG_LEVEL
32: g_debug := true;
27: we need to have two separate entities, edw_debug and then fnd since we
28: want to keep separate the file logging and the fnd logging
29: */
30: --do not directly access AFLOG_ENABLED and AFLOG_LEVEL
32: g_debug := true;
33: ELSE
34: g_debug := false;
35: END IF;
59: PROCEDURE debug_line(
60: p_text VARCHAR2) IS
62: IF (g_debug) THEN
63: put_line(p_text,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
64: END IF;
65: END debug_line;
67: procedure put_conc_log(p_text varchar2) is
100: PROCEDURE put_line(
101: p_text VARCHAR2
102: ) IS
103: BEGIN
104: put_line(p_text,FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
105: END put_line;
106: ----------------------
107: PROCEDURE put_line(
108: p_text VARCHAR2,
109: p_severity number
110: ) IS
111: Begin
112: put_conc_log(p_text);
113: if p_severity>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL and g_version_GT_1159 then --this is for perf
114: put_fnd_log(p_text,p_severity);
115: end if;
116: Exception when others then
117: null;
110: ) IS
111: Begin
112: put_conc_log(p_text);
113: if p_severity>=FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL and g_version_GT_1159 then --this is for perf
114: put_fnd_log(p_text,p_severity);
115: end if;
116: Exception when others then
117: null;
118: End;
116: Exception when others then
117: null;
118: End;
120: procedure put_fnd_log(p_text varchar2,p_severity number) is
121: l_len number;
122: l_start number:=1;
123: l_end number:=1;
124: last_reached boolean:=false;
129: l_len:=nvl(length(p_text),0);
130: if l_len <=0 then
131: return;
132: end if;
133: if g_fnd_log_module is null then
134: g_fnd_log_module:='bis.edw.collection';
135: end if;
136: while true loop
137: l_end:=l_start+3990;
130: if l_len <=0 then
131: return;
132: end if;
133: if g_fnd_log_module is null then
134: g_fnd_log_module:='bis.edw.collection';
135: end if;
136: while true loop
137: l_end:=l_start+3990;
138: if l_end>=l_len then
138: if l_end>=l_len then
139: last_reached:=true;
140: end if;
141: --check added to supress GSCC warning
142: if(p_severity >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
143: FND_LOG.STRING(p_severity,g_fnd_log_module,substr(p_text, l_start,3990));
144: end if;
145: l_start:=l_start+3990;
146: if last_reached then
139: last_reached:=true;
140: end if;
141: --check added to supress GSCC warning
142: if(p_severity >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL) then
143: FND_LOG.STRING(p_severity,g_fnd_log_module,substr(p_text, l_start,3990));
144: end if;
145: l_start:=l_start+3990;
146: if last_reached then
147: exit;
147: exit;
148: end if;
149: end loop;
150: Exception when others then
151: put_conc_log('Error in put_fnd_log '||sqlerrm);
152: null;
153: End;
155: function is_oracle_apps_GT_1159 return boolean is