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Line 24: --rvangala 07-OCT-2003 Value for CORE_INDICATOR_CODE passed to IGS_EN_SUA_API.UPDATE_UNIT_ATTEMPT

20: -- The parameters passed to the business events too have changed.
21: --kkillams 11-03-2003 Initialized the workflow parameter list variable
22: -- while declaring wiht wf_parameter_list_t();
23: -- w.r.t. but no:2840162
24: --rvangala 07-OCT-2003 Value for CORE_INDICATOR_CODE passed to IGS_EN_SUA_API.UPDATE_UNIT_ATTEMPT
25: -- added as part of Prevent Dropping Core Units. Enh Bug# 3052432
26: -------------------------------------------------------------------
28: FUNCTION getmessagetext (p_message_name IN VARCHAR2

Line 395: -- table to igs_en_sua_api.update_unit_attempt.

391: --
392: --Change History:
393: --Who When What
394: --pradhakr 15-Dec-2002 Changed the call to the update_row of igs_en_su_attempt
395: -- table to igs_en_sua_api.update_unit_attempt.
396: -- Changes wrt ENCR031 build. Bug# 2643207
397: --ptandon 25-Aug-2003 Modified the signature to add a new parameter of
398: -- type t_modified_pos_tab and added logic to retain the
399: -- same priority/preference weight for a given position

Line 401: --rvangala 07-OCT-2003 Value for CORE_INDICATOR_CODE passed to IGS_EN_SUA_API.UPDATE_UNIT_ATTEMPT

397: --ptandon 25-Aug-2003 Modified the signature to add a new parameter of
398: -- type t_modified_pos_tab and added logic to retain the
399: -- same priority/preference weight for a given position
400: -- as part of Waitlist Enhancements Build (Bug# 3052426)
401: --rvangala 07-OCT-2003 Value for CORE_INDICATOR_CODE passed to IGS_EN_SUA_API.UPDATE_UNIT_ATTEMPT
402: -- added as part of Prevent Dropping Core Units. Enh Bug# 3052432
403: -------------------------------------------------------------------
405: IS

Line 636: igs_en_sua_api.update_unit_attempt (

632: -- wrapper to the update row of the TBH.
634: -- Added two more parameters to the call X_WLST_PRIORITY_WEIGHT_NUM and X_WLST_PREFERENCE_WEIGHT_NUM
635: -- as part of Waitlist Enhancements Build - Bug# 3052426 (ptandon)
636: igs_en_sua_api.update_unit_attempt (
637: X_ROWID => cur_sua_rec.ROW_ID,
638: X_PERSON_ID => cur_sua_rec.PERSON_ID,
639: X_COURSE_CD => cur_sua_rec.COURSE_CD,
640: X_UNIT_CD => cur_sua_rec.UNIT_CD,