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Line 1: package body hr_dm_download as

1: package body hr_dm_download as
2: /* $Header: perdmdn.pkb 120.0 2005/05/30 21:16:58 appldev noship $ */
4: /*---------------------------- PRIVATE ROUTINES ------------------------------*/

Line 109: hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','entry:hr_dm_download.main', 5);

105: if (p_concurrent_process = 'Y') then
106: hr_dm_utility.message_init;
107: end if;
109: hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','entry:hr_dm_download.main', 5);
110: hr_dm_utility.message('PARA','(p_migration_id - ' || p_migration_id ||
111: ')(p_last_migration_date - ' || p_last_migration_date ||
112: ')', 10);
113: -- get the download phase_id

Line 124: l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Migration Id ' ||

120: open csr_migration_info;
121: fetch csr_migration_info into l_business_group_id, l_migration_type;
122: if csr_migration_info%notfound then
123: close csr_migration_info;
124: l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Migration Id ' ||
125: to_char(p_migration_id) || ' not found.';
126: raise e_fatal_error;
127: end if;
128: close csr_migration_info;

Line 134: l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Chunk Size not ' ||

130: -- find the chunk size
131: l_chunk_size := hr_dm_utility.chunk_size(p_business_group_id => l_business_group_id);
133: if l_chunk_size is null then
134: l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Chunk Size not ' ||
135: 'defined for business group ' || l_business_group_id;
136: raise e_fatal_error;
137: end if;

Line 239: hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','exit:hr_dm_download.main', 25);

237: hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Download - main controller', 15);
238: hr_dm_utility.message('SUMM','Download - main controller', 20);
239: hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','exit:hr_dm_download.main', 25);
240: hr_dm_utility.message('PARA','(retcode - ' || retcode ||
241: ')(errbuf - ' || errbuf || ')', 30);
243: -- error handling

Line 251: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main',l_fatal_error_message,'R');

247: close csr_table_range;
248: end if;
249: retcode := 0;
250: errbuf := 'An error occurred during the migration - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
251: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main',l_fatal_error_message,'R');
252: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
253: when others then
254: if csr_table_range%isopen then
255: close csr_table_range;

Line 252: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');

248: end if;
249: retcode := 0;
250: errbuf := 'An error occurred during the migration - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
251: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main',l_fatal_error_message,'R');
252: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
253: when others then
254: if csr_table_range%isopen then
255: close csr_table_range;
256: end if;

Line 262: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');

258: errbuf := 'An error occurred during the migration - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
259: -- update status to error
260: hr_dm_utility.update_migration_ranges(p_new_status => 'E',
261: p_id => l_range_id);
262: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
263: --
264: end main;
265: --
266: end hr_dm_download;

Line 266: end hr_dm_download;

262: hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
263: --
264: end main;
265: --
266: end hr_dm_download;