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1 PACKAGE itg_setup AS
2 /* $Header: itghlocs.pls 120.2 2005/12/22 04:15:11 bsaratna noship $ */
4         -- Name
5         --      setup
6         -- Purpose
7         --      This procedure is called from a concurrent program(can be called from anywhere actually).
8         --      This procedure does the setup required for ITG
9         --              i)      Setup default TP location in HR_LOCATIONS
10         --              ii)     Setup XMLGateway trading partner definition
11         --              iii)    Enable all the ITG triggers
12         --      HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.
13         -- Arguments
14         --      x_err_buf                       => API out result param for concurrent program calls
15         --      x_retcode                       => API out result param for concurrent program calls
16         -- Notes
17         --      All the input arguments are used in the call to setup_hr_locations
18         --      The concurrent program will be failed in case of any error
19         PROCEDURE setup(
20                                           x_errbuf         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
21                                           x_retcode        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
22                                 );
24         -- Name
25         --      setup_hr_loc
26         -- Purpose
27         --      This procedure sets up the ITG default trading partner information (OIPC Default TP) in the
28         --      HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table. This is required for the ITG XMLGateway trading partner setup.
29         -- Arguments
30         --      x_err_buf                       => API param for concurrent program calls
31         --      x_retcode                       => API param for concurrent program calls
32         --      p_location_code                 => Should have value 'OIPC Default TP'
33         --      p_description                   => Some description
34         --      p_addr_line_1                   => Some address line 1
35         --      p_country                       => Some country
36         --      p_style                         => Some address style
37         -- Notes
38         --      We really do not care what value go in here so long as a record
39         --      with location code 'OIPC Default TP' is created in Hr_Locations table
40         --      All the params input here are mandatory, to the HR APIs which create a location
41         --      Defaulting is done in the Concurrent Program definition which wraps this call
42         PROCEDURE setup_hr_loc(
43                                           x_errbuf         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
44                                           x_retcode        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
45                                           p_location_code  IN VARCHAR2,
46                                           p_description    IN VARCHAR2,
47                                           p_addr_line_1    IN VARCHAR2,
48                                           p_country        IN VARCHAR2,
49                                           p_style          IN VARCHAR2
50                                 );
52         -- Name
53         --      setup_ecx_tp_header
54         -- Purpose
55         --      This procedure sets up the XMLGateway Trading Partner Setup Header block
56         --      for a given location code
57         -- Arguments
58         --      x_err_buf                       => API param for concurrent program calls
59         --      x_retcode                       => API param for concurrent program calls
60         --      p_location_code                 => location code for which TP setup is defined
61         -- Notes
62         --      The given location code should already be present in HR_Locations_all
63         PROCEDURE setup_ecx_tp_header(
64                                           x_errbuf         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
65                                           x_retcode        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
66                                           x_tp_hdr_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
67                                           p_location_code  IN VARCHAR2,
68                                           p_email_id       IN VARCHAR2
69                                 );
71         -- Name
72         --      setup_tp_details
73         -- Purpose
74         --      This procedure sets up the XMLGateway Trading Partner Setup Details block
75         --      for a given location code. i.e. all the transactions for ITG and mappings
76         --      are seeded here
77         -- Arguments
78         --      x_err_buf                       => API param for concurrent program calls
79         --      x_retcode                       => API param for concurrent program calls
80         --      p_location_code                 => ECX Tp Header id for given location
81         -- Notes
82         --      The given location code should already be present in HR_Locations_all
83         PROCEDURE setup_tp_details(
84                                         x_errbuf        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
85                                         x_retcode       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
86                                         p_tp_hdr_id     NUMBER);
88         -- Name
89         --      add_or_update_tp_detail
90         -- Purpose
91         --      This procedure sets up the XMLGateway Trading Partner Setup detail
92         --      for a single transaction based on the params
93         --      If detail record is present it updates else inserts
94         -- Arguments
95         --      x_err_buf                       => API param for concurrent program calls
96         --      x_retcode                       => API param for concurrent program calls
97         --      <paramlist>                     => corresponds to the ecx_tp_api, nothing to talk abt
98         -- Notes
99         --      none
100         PROCEDURE add_or_update_tp_detail(
101                                                 x_errbuf        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
102                                                 x_retcode       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
103                                                 x_tp_dtl_id     NUMBER,
104                                                 p_txn_type      VARCHAR2,
105                                                 p_txn_subtype   VARCHAR2,
106                                                 p_std_code      VARCHAR2,
107                                                 p_ext_type      VARCHAR2,
108                                                 p_ext_subtype   VARCHAR2,
109                                                 p_direction     VARCHAR2,
110                                                 p_map           VARCHAR2,
111                                                 p_conn_type     VARCHAR2,
112                                                 p_hub_user_id   NUMBER,
113                                                 p_protocol      VARCHAR2,
114                                                 p_protocol_addr VARCHAR2,
115                                                 p_user          VARCHAR2,
116                                                 p_passwd        VARCHAR2,
117                                                 p_routing_id    NUMBER,
118                                                 p_src_loc       VARCHAR2,
119                                                 p_ext_loc       VARCHAR2,
120                                                 p_doc_conf      NUMBER,
121                                                 p_tp_hdr_id     NUMBER,
122                                                 p_party_type    VARCHAR2
124                                          );
126         -- Name
127         --      trigger_control
128         -- Purpose
129         --      Enable or disable all the V3 Connector triggers based on the
130         --      boolean value of the p_enable argument.
131         -- Arguments
132         --      x_errbuf                       => API error mesg param
133         --      x_retcode                      => API result param
134         --      p_enable                       => true - enable / false - disable trigger
135         -- Notes
136         --      The trigger list here MUST track the list of triggers
137         --      created in itgoutev.sql
138         PROCEDURE trigger_control(
139                                         x_errbuf       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
140                                         x_retcode      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
141                                         p_enable       BOOLEAN);
143         -- Name
144         --      set_errmesg
145         -- Purpose
146         --      Helper routine, wraps FND_MESSAGE API call
147         -- Arguments
148                 --      x_err_buf       => FND message containing error with context info
149                 --      p_errcode       => Error code
150                 --      p_errmesg       => Error message
151         -- Notes
152         --      None
153         PROCEDURE set_errmesg(          x_errbuf          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
154                                         p_errcode         IN  VARCHAR2,
155                                         p_errmesg         IN  VARCHAR2);
157 END itg_setup;