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APPS.IGS_AD_APP_REQ_PKG dependencies on IGS_AD_GEN_002

Line 196: ( l_appl_status = 'COMPLETED' AND NOT igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number)) THEN

192: -- for an withdrawn application , or for an complete application for which the offer response status is not 'Accepted' or
193: -- the offer response status is 'Defferal' with deferment status as 'Confirmed' , the fee related information cannot be inserted.
194: /* removed the following validation for bug 3374937
195: IF l_appl_status = 'WITHDRAWN' OR
196: ( l_appl_status = 'COMPLETED' AND NOT igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number)) THEN
197: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_AD_CANNOT_CHG_APPL_DTL');
198: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
199: app_exception.raise_exception;
200: -- ADDED following check for Bug# 3017800

Line 202: IF ( l_appl_status = 'COMPLETED' AND igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number) AND l_fee_type <> 'ENROLL_DEPOSIT' ) THEN

198: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
199: app_exception.raise_exception;
200: -- ADDED following check for Bug# 3017800
201: ELS*/
202: IF ( l_appl_status = 'COMPLETED' AND igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number) AND l_fee_type <> 'ENROLL_DEPOSIT' ) THEN
203: fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_AD_ENRDPT_UPD_CMP_APPL'); -- IGS_AD_ENRDPT_UPD_CMP_APPL: For a completed application only Enrollment Deposit fee records can be manupulated.
204: igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
205: app_exception.raise_exception;
206: END IF;

Line 213: IF igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number) THEN

209: -- 'Defferal' with deferment status as 'Confirmed' , only fee type of enroll_deposit can be entered. Also manual
210: -- creation of paid or partial fee payment is not allowed.
212: -- NSINHA 05-June-03 correctled the 'ENROLL_DEPOSIT' with 'PAID' and 'PARTIAL' fee status.
213: IF igs_ad_gen_002.valid_ofr_resp_status(new_references.person_id,new_references.admission_appl_number) THEN
214: -- NSINHA 05-June-03 Enh# 2860854 Enh for 'sf commercial payables integration'
215: igs_fi_com_rec_interface.chk_manage_account( l_manage_acc, l_message_name);
216: -- If manage_Accounts is STUDENT_FINANCE
217: IF (l_manage_acc = 'STUDENT_FINANCE') THEN

Line 645: igs_ad_app_req_pkg.g_pkg_cst_completed_chk := 'N'; -- this variable is called from the procedure igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat (rghosh)

641: x_credit_card_payee_cd ,
642: x_credit_card_status_code
643: );
645: igs_ad_app_req_pkg.g_pkg_cst_completed_chk := 'N'; -- this variable is called from the procedure igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat (rghosh)
647: igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat(
648: x_person_id,
649: x_admission_appl_number

Line 647: igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat(

643: );
645: igs_ad_app_req_pkg.g_pkg_cst_completed_chk := 'N'; -- this variable is called from the procedure igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat (rghosh)
647: igs_ad_gen_002.check_adm_appl_inst_stat(
648: x_person_id,
649: x_admission_appl_number
650: );
651: igs_ad_app_req_pkg.g_pkg_cst_completed_chk := 'Y';