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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

   SELECT count(operation_completed) into l_op_complete_count
   FROM wip_operation_networks won, wip_operations wo
   WHERE won.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
   AND won.next_operation =  p_operation_sequence_number
   AND won.organization_id =  p_organization_id
   AND wo.wip_entity_id =  p_wip_entity_id
   AND wo.operation_seq_num = won.prior_operation
   AND wo.organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND nvl(wo.operation_completed,'N')='N' ;
Line: 63

    select operation_completed
      into l_complete_yn
      from wip_operations where
      wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
      operation_seq_num = p_operation_sequence_number and
      organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 98

      select operation_completed
        into l_cur_completed_yn
        from wip_operations where
        wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
        operation_seq_num = p_operation_sequence_number and
        organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 108

        FOR cur_operation_record IN (select next_operation from wip_operation_networks where
                                       wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
                                       prior_operation = p_operation_sequence_number and
                                       organization_id = p_organization_id) LOOP

          SELECT operation_completed INTO
            l_completed_yn from wip_operations where
            wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
            operation_seq_num = cur_operation_record.next_operation and
            organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 127

        FOR cur_operation_record IN (select prior_operation from wip_operation_networks where
                                       wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
                                       next_operation = p_operation_sequence_number and
                                       organization_id = p_organization_id) LOOP

          SELECT operation_completed INTO
            l_completed_yn from wip_operations where
            wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
            operation_seq_num = cur_operation_record.prior_operation and
            organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 175

    ,p_stored_last_update_date     IN    DATE  -- old update date, for locking only
    ,p_qa_collection_id            IN    NUMBER
    ,p_vendor_id                   IN   NUMBER      := NULL
    ,p_vendor_site_id              IN   NUMBER      := NULL
    ,p_vendor_contact_id           IN   NUMBER      := NULL
    ,p_reason_id                   IN   NUMBER      := NULL
    ,p_reference                   IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute_category	   IN	VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute1		   IN	VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute2                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute3                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute4                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute5                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute6                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute7                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute8                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute9                  IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute10                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute11                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute12                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute13                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute14                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
    ,p_attribute15                 IN   VARCHAR2    := NULL
  ) IS

  l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'complete_operation';
Line: 215

  l_db_last_update_date DATE;
Line: 257

      SELECT last_update_date, operation_completed, shutdown_type
      INTO   l_db_last_update_date, l_db_status, l_shutdown_type
      FROM wip_operations
      WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
        and operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
Line: 265

           select actual_start_date ,actual_end_date ,actual_duration
           into l_act_st_date ,l_act_end_date,l_act_duration
           from eam_op_completion_txns
            wip_entity_id      = p_wip_entity_id      and
            operation_seq_num  = p_operation_seq_num   and
            transaction_type = 1 and
            last_update_date = (select max(last_update_date)
                                 from eam_op_completion_txns
                                where wip_entity_id  = p_wip_entity_id and
                                      operation_seq_num  = p_operation_seq_num and
                                      transaction_type = 1);
Line: 281

      IF  l_db_last_update_date <> p_stored_last_update_date THEN
        eam_execution_jsp.add_message(p_app_short_name => 'EAM', p_msg_name => 'EAM_WO_STALED_DATA');
Line: 319

        select nvl(min(period_start_date), sysdate+1)
        into l_open_acct_per_date
        from org_acct_periods
        where organization_id = (select organization_id from wip_discrete_jobs where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id)
        and open_flag = 'Y';
Line: 346

        select ml.lookup_code
        into l_reconciliation_code
        from mfg_lookups ml			-- Fix for Bug 3509465
        where ml.lookup_type = 'WIP_EAM_RECONCILIATION_CODE'
          and ml.meaning = p_reconciliation_code;
Line: 506

      ,p_stored_last_update_date     IN    DATE -- old update date, for locking only
      ,p_duration                    IN    NUMBER
      ,p_reconciliation_value        IN    VARCHAR2
     ) IS

    l_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR(30) := 'operation_handover';
Line: 523

    l_db_last_update_date DATE;
Line: 609

            ,organization_id  --
        FROM wip_operations
            wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
        and operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num
        FOR UPDATE;
Line: 631

        IF  l_db_last_update_date <> nvl(p_stored_last_update_date, l_db_last_update_date) THEN
          eam_execution_jsp.add_message(p_app_short_name => 'EAM', p_msg_name => 'EAM_OP_STALED_DATA');
Line: 646

        select count(*)
        into l_count from wip_operations
        where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and operation_seq_num = p_new_op_seq_num;
Line: 655

          select department_id
          into l_department_id
          from bom_departments
          where organization_id = l_org_id
            and department_code like p_assigned_department;
Line: 700

      select *
        into opRow
        from wip_operations
        where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
          and operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num;
Line: 724

       ,p_stored_last_update_date => p_stored_last_update_date
Line: 744

       ,p_stored_last_update_date => p_stored_last_update_date
Line: 752

	select max(transaction_id) into l_transaction_id
	from eam_op_completion_txns
	where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
	and operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num;
Line: 757

	update eam_op_completion_txns
	set handover_operation_seq_num = p_new_op_seq_num
	where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
	and operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num
	and transaction_id = l_transaction_id;
Line: 766

        opRow.Last_Update_Date := sysdate;
Line: 767

        opRow.Last_Updated_By := g_last_updated_by;
Line: 768

        opRow.Last_Update_Login := g_last_update_login;
Line: 956

      SELECT prior_operation
             FROM wip_operation_networks
             WHERE wip_entity_id =  p_wip_entity_id
             AND next_operation =  p_old_op_seq_num;
Line: 989

      SELECT prior_operation
             FROM wip_operation_networks
             WHERE wip_entity_id =  p_wip_entity_id
             AND prior_operation =  p_old_op_seq_num;
Line: 1033

			FROM wip_operations
			    wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
			AND operation_seq_num = nxtOpCurVar.prior_operation;
Line: 1065

			nxtOpCurVar.last_updated_by := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 1066

			nxtOpCurVar.last_update_login := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 1068

			nxtOpCurVar.last_update_date := sysdate;
Line: 1071

			INSERT INTO wip_operation_networks
			(  prior_operation
			(  nxtOpCurVar.prior_operation
Line: 1138

			FROM wip_operations
			    wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
			AND operation_seq_num = prvOpCurVar.next_operation;
Line: 1169

			prvOpCurVar.Last_Updated_By := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 1170

			prvOpCurVar.Last_Update_Login := FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 1172

			prvOpCurVar.Last_Update_Date := sysdate;
Line: 1176

			INSERT INTO wip_operation_networks
			(  prior_operation
			(  p_new_op_seq_num
Line: 1366

       select operation_seq_num
       into l_new_op_seq_num
       from wip_operations
       where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
       and operation_seq_num = p_new_op_seq_num;
Line: 1379

     select resource_id into l_resource_id
     from wip_operation_resources
     where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
     and operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num
     and resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num;
Line: 1385

     select bd.department_id into l_dept
     from bom_department_resources bdr,bom_departments bd
     where bd.department_id = bdr.department_id
     and resource_id = l_resource_id
     and bd.department_id in (select department_id
                             from bom_departments
                             where department_code=p_department);
Line: 1401

      select *
      into curRow
      from wip_operation_resources r
      where r.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
        and r.operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num
        and r.resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num;
Line: 1408

      select quantity_open
        into l_quantity_open
        from wip_operation_resources_v v
        where v.wip_entity_id = curRow.Wip_Entity_Id
          and v.operation_seq_num = curRow.Operation_Seq_Num
          and v.resource_seq_num = curRow.Resource_Seq_Num;
Line: 1430

        select department_id
        into l_department_id
        from bom_departments bd
        where bd.department_code like p_department
          and bd.organization_id = curRow.Organization_Id
          and nvl(bd.disable_date, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 1448

        select count(*)
        into l_num_non_compatible_resources
        from wip_operation_resources wor
        where wor.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
          and wor.operation_seq_num = p_old_op_seq_num
          and wor.resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num
          and wor.resource_id not in (
            select bdr.resource_id
            from bom_department_resources bdr
            where bdr.department_id = l_department_id
Line: 1468

   select start_quantity
   into l_start_quantity
   from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
   where wdj.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 1482

	     SELECT 1 INTO l_res_valid
	     FROM wip_operation_resources
	     WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
	     AND operation_seq_num = p_new_op_seq_num
	     AND resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num;
Line: 1494

             SELECT 1 INTO l_inst_valid
	     FROM wip_op_resource_instances
	     WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
	     AND operation_seq_num = p_new_op_seq_num
	     AND resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num
             AND instance_id = p_employee_id;
Line: 1516

     newRow.Last_Update_Date := sysdate;
Line: 1518

     newRow.Last_Updated_By := g_last_updated_by;
Line: 1519

     newRow.Last_Update_Login := g_last_updated_by;
Line: 1520

     newRow.Created_By := g_last_updated_by;
Line: 1589

				SELECT full_name
				INTO l_employee_name
				FROM per_all_people_f papf,bom_resource_employees bre
				WHERE bre.instance_id  = p_employee_id
				and papf.person_id = bre.person_id
				and( trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date
				and papf.effective_end_date);
Line: 1725

  procedure validate_insert (p_wip_entity_id      IN       NUMBER
                             ,p_operation_seq_num  IN       NUMBER
                             ,p_department_code    IN       VARCHAR2
                             ,p_organization_id    IN       NUMBER
                             ,p_resource_code      IN       VARCHAR2
                             ,p_uom_code           IN       VARCHAR2
                             ,p_usage_rate         IN       NUMBER
                             ,p_assigned_units     IN       NUMBER
                             ,p_start_date         IN       DATE
                             ,p_end_date           IN       DATE
                             ,p_activity           IN       VARCHAR2
                             ,x_uom_status         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_operation_status   OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_department_status  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_res_status         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_usage_status       OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_assigned_units     OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_assigned           OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_dates              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                             ,x_activity           OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER)  IS

              l_res_code  varchar2(80);
Line: 1777

                 select res.resource_code,
                  from cst_activities cst, mtl_uom_conversions muc, bom_resources res, bom_department_resources bdr
                  where nvl(res.disable_date,sysdate+2) > sysdate
                  and res.resource_id = bdr.resource_id
                  and res.default_activity_id = cst.activity_id(+)
                  and (cst.organization_id = res.organization_id or cst.organization_id is null)
                  and nvl(cst.disable_date(+), sysdate+2) > sysdate
                  and res.unit_of_measure = muc.uom_code
                  and muc.inventory_item_id = 0
                  and res.organization_id = p_organization_id
                  and department_id = (select department_id
                                       from wip_operations
                                       where wip_entity_id =  p_wip_entity_id
                                       and operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num);
Line: 1796

	select wo.operation_seq_num, bd.department_code
	 from wip_operations wo, bom_departments bd
	 where bd.department_id = wo.department_id
	 and bd.organization_id = wo.organization_id
	 and wo.organization_id = p_organization_id
         and wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id;
Line: 1805

	 select activity
	      from cst_activities
	      where nvl(disable_date, sysdate + 2) > sysdate and
	    (organization_id is null or organization_id = p_organization_id ) ;
Line: 1857

    END validate_insert;
Line: 1862

    procedure insert_into_wor(  p_api_version        IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_init_msg_list      IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
                  ,p_commit             IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
                  ,p_validation_level   IN       NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                  ,p_wip_entity_id      IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_operation_seq_num  IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_organization_id    IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_usage_rate   IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_resource_code      IN       VARCHAR2
                  ,p_uom_code           IN       VARCHAR2
  		,p_resource_seq_num   IN NUMBER
                  ,p_dept_code          IN VARCHAR2
  		,p_assigned_units     IN NUMBER
  		,p_basis              IN NUMBER
                  ,p_scheduled_flag     IN NUMBER
  		,p_charge_type        IN NUMBER
  		,p_schedule_sequence  IN NUMBER
  		,p_std_rate           IN VARCHAR2
  		,p_start_date         IN DATE
  		,p_end_date           IN DATE
  		,p_activity           IN VARCHAR2
		,p_mod		      IN VARCHAR2
  		,x_update_status      OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                  ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
                  ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                  ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)  IS

     l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_into_wor';
Line: 1894

    l_update_status          NUMBER := 1;
Line: 1961

                   SAVEPOINT get_insert_into_wor_pvt;
Line: 1999

      select resource_id
      into   l_resource_id
     from bom_resources
     where resource_code = p_resource_code
     and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2013

    select activity_id
    into l_activity_id
  from cst_activities
  where activity = p_activity
  and organization_id = organization_id;
Line: 2024

	if (p_mod='UPDATE') then
                        -- first query up the old resource for use in scheduling decision.
                        select scheduled_flag, schedule_seq_num,
                          start_date, completion_date, usage_rate_or_amount, uom_code, assigned_units
                          into l_old_scheduled_flag, l_old_schedule_sequence, l_old_start_date
                          , l_old_end_date, l_old_usage_rate, l_old_uom_code, l_old_assigned_units
                          from wip_operation_resources
                          where wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
                          and operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
                          and resource_seq_num = p_resource_seq_num
                          and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2047

			l_eam_res_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 2114

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'updatewor.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 2119

			l_update_status := 0;
Line: 2121

	elsif (p_mod='INSERT') then
                        -- first find out whether we will need to call the
                        -- scheduler finally
                        if p_scheduled_flag = 1 then
                          l_call_scheduler := 1;
Line: 2196

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'insertwor.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 2204

	end if;-- end of insertion and updation
Line: 2205

	x_update_status := l_update_status;
Line: 2216

		       ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wor_pvt;
Line: 2227

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wor_pvt;
Line: 2235

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wor_pvt;
Line: 2243

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wor_pvt;
Line: 2256

  END insert_into_wor;
Line: 2325

	    select meaning
	    from mfg_lookups
	    where lookup_type = g_supply_type
	     and (lookup_code = 1 or  lookup_code = 4) ;
Line: 2331

	 select msinv.secondary_inventory_name,
			     SUM(moq.transaction_quantity) on_hand_quantity

	      from mtl_secondary_inventories msinv, mtl_onhand_quantities moq
	      where  moq.organization_id=msinv.organization_id
		      and nvl(msinv.disable_date, sysdate+2) > sysdate
		     and moq.subinventory_code = msinv.secondary_inventory_name
		     and msinv.organization_id = p_organization_id
		     and moq.inventory_item_id = (select inventory_item_id from mtl_system_items_kfv
		     where organization_id = p_organization_id
		     and concatenated_segments =p_concatenated_segments)
	      group by msinv.secondary_inventory_name, moq.inventory_item_id, msinv.organization_id, msinv.description, msinv.locator_type
		     order by msinv.secondary_inventory_name;
Line: 2347

           select concatenated_segments
            from mtl_item_locations_kfv
            where (disable_date > sysdate or disable_date is null)
            and organization_id = p_organization_id
            and subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code ;
Line: 2472

   PROCEDURE insert_into_wro(
                   p_api_version        IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_init_msg_list      IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
                  ,p_commit             IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
                  ,p_validation_level   IN       NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                  ,p_wip_entity_id      IN       NUMBER
                  ,p_organization_id    IN       NUMBER
  		,p_concatenated_segments  IN   VARCHAR2
  	 	,p_description            IN   VARCHAR2
                  ,p_operation_seq_num    IN     NUMBER
   		,p_supply             	IN     VARCHAR2
  		,p_required_date        IN     DATE
  		,p_quantity            IN      NUMBER
  		,p_comments            IN      VARCHAR2
  		,p_supply_subinventory  IN     VARCHAR2
  		,p_locator 		IN     VARCHAR2
  		,p_mrp_net_flag         IN     VARCHAR2
  		,p_material_release     IN     VARCHAR2
  		,x_invalid_update_operation  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  		,x_invalid_update_department OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
  		,x_invalid_update_description OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
                          ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
                  ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
                  ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
                  ,x_update_status        OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
				  ,p_supply_code          IN     NUMBER :=NULL
  				  ,p_one_step_issue       IN   varchar2:=fnd_api.g_false
				  ,p_released_quantity     IN    NUMBER := NULL)

                   l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_into_wro';
Line: 2522

  		   invalid_update_operation     NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2523

                   invalid_update_department    NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2524

  		   invalid_update_description   NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2525

                   l_update_status              NUMBER := 0;
Line: 2577

                   SAVEPOINT get_insert_into_wro_pvt;
Line: 2608

          select inventory_item_id
          into l_inventory_item_id
          from mtl_system_items_kfv
          where concatenated_segments = p_concatenated_segments
          and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2616

  	select 1, wro.operation_seq_num,wro.department_id,msikfv.description
          into l_material_exists, l_existing_operation, l_existing_department, l_existing_description
          from wip_requirement_operations wro, mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv
          where wro.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
          and  wro.organization_id = p_organization_id
  	and  wro.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
          and  wro.organization_id = msikfv.organization_id
	  and wro.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
  	and  wro.inventory_item_id = msikfv.inventory_item_id;
Line: 2632

          select department_id
          into l_department_id
  	from wip_operations
  	where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
          and operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
  	and organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2641

          select lookup_code
  	      into l_supply
          from mfg_lookups
          where lookup_type = g_supply_type
          and meaning = p_supply;
Line: 2652

  	select inventory_location_id
          into l_locator
  	from mtl_item_locations_kfv
  	where organization_id = p_organization_id
  	and concatenated_segments = p_locator
  	and subinventory_code = p_supply_subinventory ;
Line: 2684

   select material_issue_by_mo into l_material_issue_by_mo_temp
     from wip_discrete_jobs
     wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
	 organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2689

   update wip_discrete_jobs set material_issue_by_mo='N'
     wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
	 organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2699

  		invalid_update_operation := 1;
Line: 2703

  		invalid_update_department := 1;
Line: 2707

  		invalid_update_description := 1;
Line: 2711

  	    if ((invalid_update_operation = 0) and (invalid_update_department = 0)
               and (invalid_update_description = 0)) then

	        l_eam_mat_req_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 2774

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'updatewro.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 2778

                 l_update_status := 1;
Line: 2849

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'insertwro.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 2860

   update wip_discrete_jobs set material_issue_by_mo=l_material_issue_by_mo_temp
     wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
	 organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2866

      x_invalid_update_operation  := invalid_update_operation ;
Line: 2867

      x_invalid_update_department := invalid_update_department;
Line: 2868

      x_invalid_update_description  := invalid_update_description;
Line: 2869

      x_update_status := l_update_status;
Line: 2880

		        ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wro_pvt;
Line: 2890

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wro_pvt;
Line: 2897

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wro_pvt;
Line: 2904

                      ROLLBACK TO get_insert_into_wro_pvt;
Line: 2916

    END insert_into_wro;
Line: 2919

   PROCEDURE delete_resources (
            p_api_version        IN       NUMBER
  	   ,p_init_msg_list      IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
  	   ,p_commit             IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
           ,p_validation_level   IN       NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
           ,p_wip_entity_id      IN       NUMBER
           ,p_operation_seq_num  IN       NUMBER
           ,p_resource_seq_num   IN       NUMBER
           ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
           ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
           ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)  IS

         l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_resources';
Line: 2996

                   SAVEPOINT get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 3032

      select organization_id, resource_id
      into l_organization_id, l_resource_id
      from wip_operation_resources
      where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
      and operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num
      and resource_seq_num = l_resource_seq_num;
Line: 3050

        select count(*)
        into  l_exists
        from wip_op_resource_instances
        where wip_entity_id     = l_wip_entity_id and
              operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num and
              resource_seq_num  = l_resource_seq_num;
Line: 3093

        l_eam_res_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 3161

		         ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 3173

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 3181

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 3189

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 3200

      END delete_resources;
Line: 3221

SELECT department_id
  INTO l_department_id
 WHERE bd.organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND department_code = p_department_code
   AND NVL (bd.disable_date, sysdate+2) > sysdate
   SELECT '1'
    WHERE wor.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND wor.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
      AND wor.operation_seq_num = p_operation_seq_num
      AND wor.resource_id not in
	SELECT bdr.resource_id
	WHERE bdr.department_id = bd.department_id
Line: 3270

SELECT lookup_code
  INTO l_lookup_code
 WHERE lookup_type = g_shutdown_type
   AND meaning     = p_meaning ;
Line: 3309

SELECT bdp.department_id, bso.standard_operation_id,
  INTO l_department_id, l_standard_operation_id,
 WHERE bso.organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND bso.operation_code = p_operation_code
   AND bso.line_id IS NULL
   AND NVL ( bso.operation_type, 1) = 1
   AND bdp.organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND bso.department_id = bdp.department_id
   AND NVL ( bdp.disable_date, sysdate + 2) > sysdate ;
Line: 3342

procedure insert_into_wo (  p_wip_entity_id		 IN       NUMBER
                           ,p_operation_seq_num		 IN       NUMBER
                           ,p_standard_operation_id	 IN	  NUMBER
			   ,p_organization_id		 IN       NUMBER
                           ,p_description		 IN       VARCHAR2
                           ,p_department_id	         IN       NUMBER
                           ,p_shutdown_type		 IN       VARCHAR2
			   ,p_first_unit_start_date	 IN	  VARCHAR2
			   ,p_last_unit_completion_date  IN       VARCHAR2
			   ,p_duration			 IN       NUMBER
			   ,p_long_description           IN       VARCHAR2 := null
                           ,x_return_status	         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
			   ,x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER )  IS

     l_return_status              VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 3408

	  FROM  bom_standard_operations bso,
	        bom_std_op_resources bsor
	  WHERE bso.standard_operation_id = bsor.standard_operation_id
	  AND   bsor.standard_operation_id = p_standard_operation_id
	  AND   bso.organization_id = p_organization_id
	  AND   bsor.autocharge_type NOT IN (2,3);
Line: 3418

       SAVEPOINT label_insert_into_wo;
Line: 3495

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'insertwo.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              =>l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 3505

	     ROLLBACK TO label_insert_into_wo;	-- Fix for 3582756
Line: 3512

        ROLLBACK TO label_insert_into_wo;	-- Fix for 3823415
Line: 3516

        ROLLBACK TO label_insert_into_wo;	-- Fix for 3582756
Line: 3520

       ROLLBACK TO label_insert_into_wo;	-- Fix for 3582756
Line: 3522

  END insert_into_wo;
Line: 3528

procedure update_wo ( p_wip_entity_id		   IN       NUMBER
                     ,p_operation_seq_num	   IN       NUMBER
		     ,p_organization_id		   IN       NUMBER
                     ,p_description		   IN       VARCHAR2
                     ,p_shutdown_type		   IN       VARCHAR2
		     ,p_first_unit_start_date	   IN	    VARCHAR2
	             ,p_last_unit_completion_date  IN       VARCHAR2
		     ,p_duration		   IN       NUMBER
		     ,p_long_description           IN       VARCHAR2 := null
		     ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
		     ,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER )  IS

     l_return_status              VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 3591

Line: 3609

    l_eam_op_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 3664

  		         , p_debug_filename          => 'updatewo.log'
  		         , p_output_dir              => l_output_dir
                         , p_debug_file_mode         => 'w'
Line: 3673

Line: 3680

Line: 3684

END update_wo;
Line: 3741

first_unit_start_date ,
wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
operation_seq_num = p_from_operation ;
Line: 3762

first_unit_start_date ,
wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
operation_seq_num = p_to_operation ;
Line: 3788

    count(*) into l_restrict_date_change
    (select '1' from eam_prior_operations_v
     where next_operation = p_from_operation
     and schedule_end_date > p_sche_start_date
	 and wip_entity_id  = p_wip_entity_id);
Line: 3800

	 select count(*) into l_restrict_date_change
     from dual
	 (select '1' from eam_next_operations_v
	  where prior_operation =  p_from_operation
	  and schedule_start_date < p_sche_end_date
	  and wip_entity_id  = p_wip_entity_id);
Line: 3816

	  update wip_operations
	  first_unit_start_date = p_sche_start_date,
	  last_unit_start_date = p_sche_start_date,
	  first_unit_completion_date = p_sche_end_date,
	  last_unit_completion_date  = p_sche_end_date
	  wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
	  operation_seq_num = p_from_operation ;
Line: 3834

    count(*) into l_restrict_date_change
    (select '1' from eam_prior_operations_v
     where next_operation = p_to_operation
     and schedule_end_date > p_sche_start_date
	 and wip_entity_id  = p_wip_entity_id);
Line: 3846

	 select count(*) into l_restrict_date_change
	 from dual
	 (select '1' from eam_next_operations_v
	  where prior_operation =  p_to_operation
	  and schedule_start_date < p_sche_start_date
	  and wip_entity_id  = p_wip_entity_id);
Line: 3861

	  update wip_operations
	  first_unit_start_date = p_sche_start_date,
	  last_unit_start_date = p_sche_start_date,
	  first_unit_completion_date = p_sche_end_date,
	  last_unit_completion_date  = p_sche_end_date
	  wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
	  operation_seq_num = p_to_operation ;
Line: 3885

select count(1) into l_loop_available
from dual
p_from_operation in (select next_operation
                                from (select * from wip_operation_networks
                                         where next_operation <> p_to_operation and
                                          wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id)
                                start with prior_operation = p_to_operation
                                connect by prior_operation = prior next_operation) ;
Line: 4060

PROCEDURE delete_link(p_from_operation IN NUMBER,
                                          p_to_operation     IN NUMBER,
                                          p_dep_direction    IN NUMBER,
                                          p_wip_entity_id    IN NUMBER,
                                          p_organization_id  IN NUMBER,
                                          p_user_id            IN NUMBER,
                                          x_error_flag     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                                          x_error_mssg  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS

    /* Added for implementing WO API */
     l_eam_wo_rec EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_wo_rec_type;
Line: 4123

l_eam_op_network_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PVT.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 4131

SAVEPOINT delete_op_network;
Line: 4185

          ROLLBACK TO delete_op_network;
Line: 4188

End delete_link;
Line: 4220

  select status_type , nvl(firm_planned_flag,2), scheduled_start_date,
  into l_status_type, l_firm, l_start_date, l_completion_date
  from wip_discrete_jobs
  where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
    and organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 4296

  SELECT count(operation_seq_num)
    INTO  l_op_count
    FROM  wip_operations
   WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
         organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4304

      SELECT wo.operation_seq_num, bd.department_code
        INTO  op_seq_num, op_dept_code
        FROM  wip_operations wo, bom_departments bd
       WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
              wo.organization_id = p_organization_id and
              wo.organization_id = bd.organization_id and
              wo.department_id = bd.department_id;
Line: 4336

  SELECT count(operation_seq_num)
    INTO  l_op_count
    FROM  wip_operations
   WHERE wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
         organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4344

      SELECT wo.operation_seq_num, wo.first_unit_start_date, wo.last_unit_completion_date, bd.department_code
        INTO  x_op_seq_num, x_op_start_date, x_op_end_date, x_op_dept_code
        FROM  wip_operations wo, bom_departments bd
        WHERE  wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id and
               wo.organization_id = p_organization_id and
               wo.organization_id = bd.organization_id and
               wo.department_id = bd.department_id;
Line: 4377

    SELECT department_id
    INTO l_department_id
    FROM bom_departments
    WHERE department_code like p_department
    AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4385

      SELECT bdr.resource_id
      INTO l_resource_id
      FROM bom_department_resources bdr , bom_resources br
      WHERE bdr.department_id = l_department_id
      AND bdr.resource_id = br.resource_id
      AND br.resource_code like p_resource_code
      AND br.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4405

  /* API to check if operation can be deleted from self service side */

   procedure check_op_deletion
  ( p_wip_entity_id               IN NUMBER,
    p_operation_seq_num		  IN NUMBER,
    x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_wip_entity_id		  NUMBER;
Line: 4427

    select count(*)
      into l_count_routing
      from wip_operation_networks
    where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id and ( prior_operation  = p_operation_seq_num or next_operation   = p_operation_seq_num);
Line: 4432

     select count(*)
       into l_count_mat
       from wip_requirement_operations
     where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
        and operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num;
Line: 4438

    select count(*)
       into l_count_di
     from wip_eam_direct_items
    where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
    and operation_seq_num         = l_operation_seq_num
    and rownum =1;
Line: 4445

    select count(*)
      into l_count_res
     from wip_operation_resources
    where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
    and operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num;
Line: 4452

     select operation_completed
     into l_completed
      from wip_operations
     where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
       and operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num;
Line: 4475

  /* API to delete operation from self service side */

    procedure delete_operation (
      p_api_version                  IN    NUMBER         := 1.0
      ,p_init_msg_list               IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_TRUE
      ,p_commit                      IN    VARCHAR2      := FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_organization_id             IN    NUMBER
      ,p_wip_entity_id   	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_operation_seq_num	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,p_department_id  	     IN	   NUMBER
      ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
      ,x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
      ,x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
     ) is

	l_api_name constant varchar2(30) := 'Delete_Operations';
Line: 4540

Line: 4561

       l_eam_op_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE          :=EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 4617

Line: 4622

Line: 4638

Line: 4644

end delete_operation;
Line: 4650

 PROCEDURE update_wro
	       p_commit            IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
	      ,p_organization_id             IN    NUMBER
	      ,p_wip_entity_id   	     IN	   NUMBER
	      ,p_operation_seq_num	     IN	   NUMBER
	      ,p_inventory_item_id          IN    NUMBER
	      ,p_update                     IN  NUMBER
	      ,p_required_qty               IN  NUMBER
	      ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
	      ,x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
	      ,x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
                 l_eam_wo_rec EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.eam_wo_rec_type;
Line: 4704

     SAVEPOINT update_wro;
Line: 4709

     IF(p_update=1) THEN                  --update wro
		l_eam_mat_req_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 4765

     ELSE        --delete from wro
                l_eam_mat_req_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 4823

		      ROLLBACK TO update_wro;
Line: 4835

	      ROLLBACK TO update_wro;
Line: 4838

 END update_wro;
Line: 4840

   PROCEDURE delete_instance (
            p_api_version        IN       NUMBER
  	   ,p_init_msg_list      IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
  	   ,p_commit             IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
           ,p_validation_level   IN       NUMBER   := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
           ,p_wip_entity_id      IN       NUMBER
           ,p_organization_id      IN       NUMBER
           ,p_operation_seq_num  IN       NUMBER
           ,p_resource_seq_num   IN       NUMBER
           ,p_instance_id	   IN       NUMBER
           ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
           ,x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
           ,x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)  IS

         l_api_name       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_instance';
Line: 4910

                   SAVEPOINT delete_instance_pvt;
Line: 4940

        l_eam_res_inst_rec.transaction_type := EAM_PROCESS_WO_PUB.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 5005

		         ROLLBACK TO delete_instance_pvt;
Line: 5017

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 5025

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 5033

                        ROLLBACK TO get_delete_resources_pvt;
Line: 5044

      END delete_instance;