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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

   x_sql_sttmnt := 'select ''BACKLOG'', ' ||
                      biv_core_pkg.g_base_column || ' col1,' ||
                     'sum(decode(stat.close_flag,''Y'',0,1)) col4,
                      sum(decode(sr.incident_status_id, :x_stat1,1,0)) col6,
                      sum(decode(sr.incident_status_id, :x_stat2,1,0)) col8,
                      sum(decode(sr.incident_status_id, :x_stat3,1,0)) col10,
                      :session_id '||
                     x_from_list || x_where_clause ||
                  ' group by ' || biv_core_pkg.g_base_column
                 -- || ' order by ' || nvl(biv_core_pkg.g_srt_by,'2')
Line: 68

   x_sql_sttmnt := 'insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code,col1,col4,
                     ' || x_sql_sttmnt  ;
Line: 84

Line: 85

   update biv_tmp_rt2
      set col12 = col4 - col6 - col8 - col10
    where report_code = 'BACKLOG'
      and session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 90

   select decode(biv_core_pkg.g_srt_by, '2', 'to_number(col4) desc',
                           '3', 'to_number(col6) desc',
                           '4', 'to_number(col8) desc',
                           '5', 'to_number(col10) desc',
                           '6', 'to_number(col12) desc',
                          'col2 asc')
           into l_order_by from dual;
Line: 99

          insert into biv_tmp_rt2 (report_code, rowno, col1, col2,
                                   col4, col6, col8, col10, col12, session_id)
           select ''BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS'', rownum,
                  col1, col2, col4, col6, col8, col10, col12,session_id
            from (select col1, col2, col4, col6, col8, col10, col12,session_id
                    from biv_tmp_rt2
                   where report_code = ''BACKLOG''
                     and session_id = :session_id
                   order by ' || l_order_by || ')
           where rownum <= :rows_to_display ';-- || nvl(biv_core_pkg.g_disp,10);
Line: 126

   update biv_tmp_rt2
      set col5= l_new_param_str||col1||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status1 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col7= l_new_param_str||col1||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status2 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col9= l_new_param_str||col1||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status3 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col11=l_new_param_str||col1||biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
                'P_OTHER_BLOG' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col3= l_new_param_str || col1 ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_BLOG' ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y' ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          creation_date = sysdate
     where report_code = 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS'
       and session_id  = l_session_id
Line: 147

   delete from biv_tmp_rt2
    where report_code = 'BACKLOG'
      and session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 154

  select count(*) into l_ttl_recs
    from biv_tmp_rt2
   where report_code = 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS'
     and session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 162

     insert into biv_tmp_rt2 (report_code, rowno,
                              col4, col6, col8, col10, col12, col13,session_id)
      select report_code, max(rowno) + 1, sum(col4), sum(col6), sum(col8),
              sum(col10), sum(col12), 'Y', session_id
        from biv_tmp_rt2
       where session_id = l_session_id
        and report_code = 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS'
       group by report_code, session_id;
Line: 184

   update biv_tmp_rt2
      set col5= l_ttl_param_str||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status1 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_UA' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'N' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col7= l_ttl_param_str||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status2 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_UA' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'N' ||
		 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col9= l_ttl_param_str||
                'P_STS_ID' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || x_status3 ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_UA' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'N' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
                'P_OTHER_BLOG' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_UA' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'N' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col3= l_ttl_param_str ||
                'P_BLOG' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_UA' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'N' ||
                 biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_PREVR' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS',
          col2= l_ttl_meaning,
          creation_date = sysdate
     where report_code = 'BIV_RT_BACKLOG_BY_STATUS'
       and session_id  = l_session_id
       and col13 = 'Y'
Line: 259

        select ' || biv_core_pkg.g_base_column || ' base_col,
               count(distinct sr.incident_id) no_of_srs,
               count(distinct task.task_id) no_of_tasks';
Line: 264

       insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code,rowno,
                                    col1,col4, col6,session_id)
         select ''X'', rownum,
                base_col, no_of_srs, no_of_tasks, :session_id
           from (' || l_sql_sttmnt || l_from_list || l_where_clause ||
           ' group by ' || biv_core_pkg.g_base_column  || ')';
Line: 278

Line: 280

   select decode(biv_core_pkg.g_srt_by,'2','to_number(col4) desc',
                                       '3','to_number(col6) desc',
                                         'col2 asc')
     into l_order_by
     from dual;
Line: 286

       insert into biv_tmp_rt2(report_code,rowno, col1,col2,
                               col4, col6,session_id)
        select ''BIV_RT_TASK_ACTIVITY'', rownum,
               col1, col2, col4, col6,session_id
          from ( select col1, col2, col4, col6,session_id
                   from biv_tmp_rt2
                  where report_code =''X''
                    and session_id = :session_id
                  order by ' || l_order_by || ' ,col2)
         where rownum <= :rows_to_display ';--|| nvl(biv_core_pkg.g_disp,'10') ;
Line: 327

   update biv_tmp_rt2
      set col5= l_new_param_str2||nvl(col1,biv_core_pkg.g_null)||
          col3= l_new_param_str1|| nvl(col1,biv_core_pkg.g_null) ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_OTT' ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y',
          creation_date = sysdate
     where report_code = 'BIV_RT_TASK_ACTIVITY'
       and session_id = l_session_id
Line: 337

   delete from biv_tmp_rt2
    where report_code = 'X';
Line: 343

   select count(*) into l_ttl_recs
     from biv_tmp_rt2
    where report_code = 'BIV_RT_TASK_ACTIVITY'
      and session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 351

      insert into biv_tmp_rt2 (report_code, rowno,
                               col4, col6, col13,session_id)
       select report_code, max(rowno) + 1, sum(col4), sum(col6),
               'Y', session_id
         from biv_tmp_rt2
        where session_id = l_session_id
         and report_code = 'BIV_RT_TASK_ACTIVITY'
        group by report_code, session_id;
Line: 378

   update biv_tmp_rt2
      set col5= l_ttl_param_str2||
          col3= l_ttl_param_str1||
                biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'P_OTT' ||
                biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || 'Y',
          col2= l_ttl_meaning,
          creation_date = sysdate
     where report_code = 'BIV_RT_TASK_ACTIVITY'
       and session_id = l_session_id
       and col13 = 'Y';
Line: 437

     insert into biv_tmp_rt2 (report_code, col1, col2, col3, col6,
                                   col8, col10,
                                   col12, col14, col15,col16, col17,
     select ''BIV_OPEN_TASKS'', ''task' ||
            biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep || 'task_id' || biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep
            || ''' || task.task_id,
            task.owner_id, tstat.name, null,
            task.creation_date, task.last_update_date,
            ''X' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||'SR_ID'||
            biv_core_pkg.g_value_sep || ''' || task.source_object_id,
      from ' || l_from_list || l_where_clause;
Line: 464

   biv_core_pkg.update_description('P_AGENT_ID','col3' ,'col4' , 'biv_tmp_rt2');
Line: 465

   biv_core_pkg.update_description('P_AGENT_ID','col17','col18', 'biv_tmp_rt2');
Line: 466

   biv_core_pkg.update_description('P_PRD_ID'  ,'col19','col20', 'biv_tmp_rt2');
Line: 505

    select sr.incident_id          col1,
           sr.incident_number      col2,
           sr.incident_owner_id    col3,
           sr.incident_type_id     col5,
           sr.customer_id          col7,
                                              sr.cp_component_id) col9,
           sr.sr_creation_channel  col10,
           sr.inventory_item_id    col11,
                                              sr.cp_subcomponent_id) col13,
           sr.product_revision     col14,
           sr.platform_id          col16,
           sr.incident_date        col17,
           sr.close_date           col18,
           trunc(sysdate) - trunc(sr.incident_date) col19,
           sr.last_update_date     col20,
           sr.incident_severity_id col22,
           sr.incident_status_id   col24
Line: 527

    insert into biv_tmp_hs2(report_code,rowno,
                                 col1, col2, col3, col5,
                                 col7, col9, col10, col11, col13, col14,
                                 col16, col17, col18,
                                 col19, col20, col22, col24,session_id,
     select ''BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'', rownum,
            col1, col2, col3, col5,
                                 col7, col9, col10,  col11, col13,
                                 col14, col16, col17, col18,
                                 col19, col20, col22, col24,:session_id,sysdate
       from ( ' || l_sql_sttmnt || ' )';
Line: 552

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col4 = (select substr(source_name,1,50) from jtf_rs_resource_extns s
                   where s.resource_id = r.col3)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 568

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col6 = (select substr(name,1,50) from cs_incident_types_vl s
                   where s.incident_type_id = r.col5)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 584

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col8 = (select substr(party_name,1,50) from hz_parties p
                   where p.party_id = r.col7)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 602

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col10= (select sr_creation_channel
                    from cs_incidents_all_tl inc
                   where inc.incident_id = r.col1
                     and inc.language = userenv('LANG'))
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 620

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col12= (select substr(description,1,50) from mtl_system_items_vl i
                   where i.organization_id   = biv_core_pkg.g_prd_org
                     and i.inventory_item_id = r.col11)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 639

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col9 = (select substr(description,1,50) from mtl_system_items_vl i
                   where i.organization_id   = biv_core_pkg.g_prd_org
                     and i.inventory_item_id = r.col9)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 658

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col13= (select substr(description,1,50) from mtl_system_items_vl i
                   where i.organization_id   = biv_core_pkg.g_prd_org
                     and i.inventory_item_id = r.col13)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 677

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col23= (select substr(name,1,50) from cs_incident_severities_vl s
                   where s.incident_severity_id = r.col22)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 694

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col25= (select substr(name,1,50) from cs_incident_statuses_vl s
                   where s.incident_status_id = r.col24)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 711

   update biv_tmp_hs2 r
      set col21= (select task.escalation_level
                    from jtf_tasks_b task,
                         jtf_task_references_b ref
                   where ref.object_type_code = 'SR'
                     and ref.object_id = r.col1
                     and ref.reference_code = 'ESC'
                     and ref.task_id = task.task_id
                     and task_type_id = 22)
    where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 739

   update biv_tmp_hs2
     set col15 = col1,
          col1 = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST' || biv_core_pkg.g_param_sep ||
                 'SR_ID=' || col1 || l_new_param_str
                 --'SrCreate_SrID=' || col1 || l_new_param_str
    where col1 is not null
      and report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
      and session_id  = l_session_id;
Line: 776

   select name into l_name
     from cs_incident_statuses_vl
    where incident_status_id = to_number(p_sts_id);
Line: 801

   update biv_tmp_hs2 rep
      set col26 = (select count(*)
                     from jtf_tasks_b tsk,
                          jtf_task_statuses_b tstat
                    where source_object_type_code = 'SR'
                      and source_object_id        = to_number(rep.col15)
                      and tsk.task_status_id      = tstat.task_status_id
                      and nvl(tstat.closed_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
     where report_code = 'BIV_SERVICE_REQUEST'
       and session_id  = biv_core_pkg.get_session_id;