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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

  FUNCTION insert_interface_code(
  		l_rcv_transaction_rec IN OUT NOCOPY rcvtxn_transaction_rec_tp
  	, p_organization_id IN NUMBER)
    l_receipt_source_code      VARCHAR2(30)  := l_rcv_transaction_rec.receipt_source_code;
Line: 140

      print_debug('entering insert_interface_code 10: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 152

        SELECT reason_id
        INTO   l_reason_id
        FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
        WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_mmtt_temp_id;
Line: 164

		    print_debug('l_reason_id '||l_reason_id||' Updated to RTI,Transaction Interface Id'||l_interface_transaction_id,1);
Line: 172

    SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO   l_interface_transaction_id
Line: 214

    SELECT rt.movement_id,
    INTO   l_movement_id,
    FROM   rcv_transactions rt
    WHERE  rt.transaction_id = l_parent_transaction_id;
Line: 226

     * Insert these two additional columns in RTI
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level  >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      l_validation_flag := 'Y';
Line: 247

      print_debug('insert_inspect_rec_rti: validation_flag : ' || l_validation_flag || ', lpn_group_id: ' || l_lpn_group_id, 4);
Line: 252

      SELECT muom.uom_code
        INTO l_uom_code
        FROM mtl_units_of_measure muom
        WHERE muom.unit_of_measure = l_uom;
Line: 266

    INSERT INTO rcv_transactions_interface
               , interface_transaction_id
               , GROUP_ID
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , created_by
               , creation_date
               , last_update_login
               , interface_source_code
               , source_document_code
               , destination_type_code
               , transaction_date
               , quantity
               , unit_of_measure
               , shipment_header_id
               , shipment_line_id
               , substitute_unordered_code
               , employee_id
               , parent_transaction_id
               , inspection_status_code
               , inspection_quality_code
               , po_header_id
               , po_release_id
               , po_line_id
               , po_line_location_id
               , po_distribution_id
               , po_revision_num
               , po_unit_price
               , currency_code
               , currency_conversion_rate
               , requisition_line_id
               , req_distribution_id
               , routing_header_id
               , routing_step_id
               , packing_slip
               , vendor_item_num
               , comments
               , attribute_category
               , attribute1
               , attribute2
               , attribute3
               , attribute4
               , attribute5
               , attribute6
               , attribute7
               , attribute8
               , attribute9
               , attribute10
               , attribute11
               , attribute12
               , attribute13
               , attribute14
               , attribute15
               , transaction_type
               , location_id
               , processing_status_code
               , processing_mode_code
               , transaction_status_code
               , category_id
               , vendor_lot_num
               , reason_id
               , primary_quantity
               , primary_unit_of_measure
               , item_id
               , item_revision
               , to_organization_id
               , deliver_to_location_id
               , destination_context
               , vendor_id
               , deliver_to_person_id
               , subinventory
               , locator_id
               , wip_entity_id
               , wip_line_id
               , wip_repetitive_schedule_id
               , wip_operation_seq_num
               , wip_resource_seq_num
               , bom_resource_id
               , use_mtl_lot
               , use_mtl_serial
               , movement_id
               , currency_conversion_date
               , currency_conversion_type
               , qa_collection_id
               , ussgl_transaction_code
               , government_context
               , vendor_site_id
               , oe_order_header_id
               , oe_order_line_id
               , customer_id
               , customer_site_id
               , put_away_rule_id
               , put_away_strategy_id
               , lpn_id
               , transfer_lpn_id
               , cost_group_id
               , mmtt_temp_id
               , mobile_txn
               , transfer_cost_group_id
               , validation_flag
               , lpn_group_id
               , project_id
               , task_id
               , org_id          --
               , uom_code
    VALUES      (
               , l_interface_transaction_id
               , l_group_id
               , SYSDATE
               , l_user_id
               , l_user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , l_logon_id
               , 'RCV'
               , l_source_document_code
               , l_dest_type_code
               , l_transaction_date
               , l_quantity
               , l_uom
               , l_shipment_hdr_id
               , l_shipment_line_id
               , l_substitute_code
               , l_employee_id
               , l_parent_transaction_id
               , l_inspection_code
               , l_quality_code
               , l_po_hdr_id
               , l_po_release_id
               , l_po_line_id
               , l_po_line_location_id
               , l_po_dist_id
               , l_po_rev_num
               , l_po_unit_price
               , l_currency_code
               , l_currency_conv_rate
               , l_req_line_id
               , l_req_dist_id
               , l_routing_id
               , l_routing_step_id
               , l_packing_slip
               , l_vendor_item_num
               , l_comments
               , l_attribute_category
               , l_attribute1
               , l_attribute2
               , l_attribute3
               , l_attribute4
               , l_attribute5
               , l_attribute6
               , l_attribute7
               , l_attribute8
               , l_attribute9
               , l_attribute10
               , l_attribute11
               , l_attribute12
               , l_attribute13
               , l_attribute14
               , l_attribute15
               , l_transaction_type
               , l_location_id
               , 'PENDING'
               , l_processor_value
               , 'PENDING'
               , l_category_id
               , l_vendor_lot
               , l_reason_id
               , l_primary_qty
               , l_primary_uom
               , l_item_id
               , l_item_revision
               , l_org_id
               , l_deliver_to_location_id
               , l_dest_context
               , l_vendor_id
               , l_deliver_to_person_id
               , l_subinventory
               , l_locator_id
               , l_wip_entity_id
               , l_wip_line_id
               , l_wip_repetitive_schd_id
               , l_wip_operation_seq_num
               , l_wip_resource_seq_num
               , l_bom_resource_id
               , l_mtl_lot
               , l_mtl_serial
               , l_movement_id
               , TRUNC(l_currency_conv_date)
               , l_currency_conv_type
               , l_qa_collection_id
               , l_ussgl_transaction_code
               , l_government_context
               , l_vendor_site_id
               , l_oe_order_header_id
               , l_oe_order_line_id
               , l_customer_id
               , l_customer_site_id
               , l_put_away_rule_id
               , l_put_away_strategy_id
               , l_lpn_id
               , l_transfer_lpn_id
               , l_cost_group_id
               , l_mmtt_temp_id
               , 'Y'
               , -- MOBILE_TXN
               , l_validation_flag
               , l_lpn_group_id
               , l_project_id
               , l_task_id
               , l_operating_unit_id  --
               , l_uom_code
Line: 488

  SELECT  mp.lcm_enabled_flag
  INTO    v_lcm_enabled_org
  FROM    mtl_parameters mp
  WHERE	  mp.organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 493

  SELECT  rp.pre_receive
  INTO    v_pre_receive
  FROM    rcv_parameters rp
  WHERE	  rp.organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 500

		  INTO		v_lcm_ship_line_id, v_unit_landed_cost
		  FROM		rcv_shipment_lines
		  WHERE		shipment_line_id = l_shipment_line_id;
Line: 505

		  UPDATE	rcv_transactions_interface
		  SET		lcm_shipment_line_id = v_lcm_ship_line_id,
				    unit_landed_cost = v_unit_landed_cost
		  WHERE		interface_transaction_id = l_interface_transaction_id
		  AND		to_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 520

      print_debug('exiting insert_interface_code 10: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 522

  END insert_interface_code;
Line: 524

  PROCEDURE insert_lot_serial(
    p_lot_serial_break_tbl      IN  inv_rcv_common_apis.trans_rec_tb_tp
  , p_transaction_temp_id       IN  NUMBER
  , p_lot_control_code          IN  NUMBER
  , p_serial_control_code       IN  NUMBER
  , p_interface_transaction_id  IN  NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_debug NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
Line: 534

      print_debug('entering insert_lot_serial 10: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 545

      INSERT INTO rcv_lots_interface
                 , last_update_date
                 , last_updated_by
                 , creation_date
                 , created_by
                 , last_update_login
                 , request_id
                 , program_application_id
                 , program_id
                 , program_update_date
                 , lot_num
                 , quantity
                 , transaction_date
                 , expiration_date
                 , primary_quantity
                 , item_id
                 , shipment_line_id
        SELECT rti.interface_transaction_id
             , rti.last_update_date
             , rti.last_updated_by
             , rti.creation_date
             , rti.created_by
             , rti.last_update_login
             , rti.request_id
             , rti.program_application_id
             , rti.program_id
             , rti.program_update_date
             , mtlt.lot_number
             , mtlt.transaction_quantity
             , rti.transaction_date
             , mtlt.lot_expiration_date
             , mtlt.primary_quantity
             , rti.item_id
             , rti.shipment_line_id
        FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
        WHERE  rti.interface_transaction_id = p_interface_transaction_id
        AND    mtlt.transaction_temp_id = rti.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 590

        INSERT INTO rcv_serials_interface
                   , last_update_date
                   , last_updated_by
                   , creation_date
                   , created_by
                   , last_update_login
                   , request_id
                   , program_application_id
                   , program_id
                   , program_update_date
                   , transaction_date
                   , fm_serial_num
                   , to_serial_num
                   , serial_prefix
                   , lot_num
                   , vendor_serial_num
                   , vendor_lot_num
                   , item_id
                   , organization_id
          SELECT rti.interface_transaction_id
               , rti.last_update_date
               , rti.last_updated_by
               , rti.creation_date
               , rti.created_by
               , rti.last_update_login
               , rti.request_id
               , rti.program_application_id
               , rti.program_id
               , rti.program_update_date
               , rti.transaction_date
               , mtst.fm_serial_number
               , mtst.to_serial_number
               , mtst.serial_prefix
               , mtlt.lot_number
               , NULL
               , rti.vendor_lot_num
               , rti.item_id
               , rti.to_organization_id
          FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp mtst
          WHERE  rti.interface_transaction_id = p_interface_transaction_id
          AND    mtlt.transaction_temp_id = rti.interface_transaction_id
          AND    mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = mtst.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 644

        INSERT INTO rcv_serials_interface
                   , last_update_date
                   , last_updated_by
                   , creation_date
                   , created_by
                   , last_update_login
                   , request_id
                   , program_application_id
                   , program_id
                   , program_update_date
                   , transaction_date
                   , fm_serial_num
                   , to_serial_num
                   , serial_prefix
                   , lot_num
                   , vendor_serial_num
                   , vendor_lot_num
                   , item_id
                   , organization_id
          SELECT rti.interface_transaction_id
               , rti.last_update_date
               , rti.last_updated_by
               , rti.creation_date
               , rti.created_by
               , rti.last_update_login
               , rti.request_id
               , rti.program_application_id
               , rti.program_id
               , rti.program_update_date
               , rti.transaction_date
               , mtst.fm_serial_number
               , mtst.to_serial_number
               , mtst.serial_prefix
               , NULL
               , NULL
               , rti.vendor_lot_num
               , rti.item_id
               , rti.to_organization_id
          FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti, mtl_serial_numbers_temp mtst
          WHERE  rti.interface_transaction_id = p_interface_transaction_id
          AND    mtst.transaction_temp_id = rti.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 692

      print_debug('exiting insert_lot_serial 10: ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 694

  END insert_lot_serial;
Line: 868

      SELECT displayed_field
           , lookup_code
      INTO   l_final_destination_type_dsp
           , l_final_destination_type_code
      FROM   po_lookup_codes
      WHERE  lookup_code = 'INVENTORY'
      AND    lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 884

      SELECT lpn_id
           , transfer_lpn_id
           , content_lpn_id
           , cost_group_id
           , put_away_rule_id
           , put_away_strategy_id
      INTO   p_rcv_transaction_rec.lpn_id
           , p_rcv_transaction_rec.transfer_lpn_id
           , l_content_lpn_id
           , p_rcv_transaction_rec.cost_group_id
           , p_rcv_transaction_rec.put_away_rule_id
           , p_rcv_transaction_rec.put_away_strategy_id
      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 909

      SELECT cost_group_id
      INTO   p_rcv_transaction_rec.transfer_cost_group_id
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines
      WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_rcv_rcvtxn_rec.shipment_line_id;
Line: 934

          SELECT NVL(lpn_controlled_flag, 1)
          INTO   l_lpn_controlled_flag
          FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
          WHERE  secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory_code
          AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1146

          SELECT project_id
               , task_id
          INTO   l_project_id
               , l_task_id
          FROM   po_req_distributions
          WHERE  requisition_line_id = l_req_line_id;
Line: 1157

          SELECT project_id
               , task_id
          INTO   l_project_id
               , l_task_id
          FROM   oe_order_lines_all
          WHERE  line_id = l_oe_order_line_id;
Line: 1254

        SELECT nvl(rsh.asn_type, 'NNN')
        INTO l_asn_line_flag
        FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
             rcv_shipment_lines rsl
        WHERE rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
        AND   rsl.shipment_line_id = p_rcv_rcvtxn_rec.shipment_line_id;
Line: 1284

                        SELECT lookup_code
                        INTO l_tmp_destination_code
                        FROM po_lookup_codes
                        WHERE lookup_code = 'EXPENSE'
                        AND lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 1292

                        SELECT lookup_code
                        INTO l_tmp_destination_code
                        FROM po_lookup_codes
                        WHERE lookup_code = 'INVENTORY'
                        AND lookup_type = 'RCV DESTINATION TYPE';
Line: 1322

      SELECT NVL(match_option, 'P')
      INTO   l_matchflag
      FROM   po_line_locations_all
      WHERE  line_location_id = l_linelocationid;
Line: 1332

        SELECT currency_conversion_date
             , currency_conversion_rate
        INTO   l_ratedate
             , l_rate
        FROM   rcv_transactions
        WHERE  transaction_id = l_rcvtrxid;
Line: 1411

      l_interface_transaction_id := insert_interface_code(
          , p_organization_id);
Line: 1450

          , p_transaction_temp_id
          , p_lot_control_code
          , p_serial_control_code
          , l_interface_transaction_id);
Line: 1478

      UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
      SET transaction_status_code = 'PENDING'
        , processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
      WHERE  parent_transaction_id = l_rcv_transaction_id
      AND    GROUP_ID = l_group_id
      AND    transaction_status_code = 'INSPECTION'
      AND    processing_status_code = 'INSPECTION'
      AND    transaction_type IN('ACCEPT', 'REJECT');
Line: 1532

      SELECT   rsup.from_organization_id from_organization_id
             , rsup.to_organization_id to_organization_id
             , rt.source_document_code source_document_code
             , rsh.receipt_source_code receipt_source_code
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id rcv_transaction_id
             , rt.transaction_date transaction_date
             , rt.transaction_type transaction_type
             , rt.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom
             , rt.primary_quantity primary_quantity
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rt.po_revision_num po_revision_num
             , rsup.po_release_id po_release_id
             , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
             , rt.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rt.po_unit_price po_unit_price
             , rsl.category_id category_id
             , rsup.item_id item_id
             , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
             , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
             , rsup.item_revision item_revision
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , rt.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rt.employee_id employee_id
             , rsl.comments comments
             , rsup.req_header_id req_header_id
             , rsup.req_line_id req_line_id
             , rsup.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
             , rsup.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
             , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
             , rsl.government_context government_context
             , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
             , rt.inspection_status_code inspection_status_code
             , rt.inspection_quality_code inspection_quality_code
             , rt.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
             , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
             , rt.substitute_unordered_code substitute_unordered_code
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_id
             , rt.routing_step_id routing_step_id
             , rt.reason_id reason_id
             , rt.currency_code currency_code
             , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate
             , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date
             , rt.currency_conversion_type currency_conversion_type
             , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
             , rsup.destination_type_code destination_type_code_hold
             , pod.destination_type_code final_destination_type_code
             , rt.location_id location_id
             , pod.deliver_to_person_id final_deliver_to_person_id
             , pod.deliver_to_location_id final_deliver_to_location_id
             , rsl.to_subinventory subinventory
             , NVL(pol.un_number_id, msi.un_number_id) un_number_id
             , NVL(pol.hazard_class_id, msi.hazard_class_id) hazard_class_id
             , rsup.creation_date creation_date
             , rt.attribute_category attribute_category
             , rt.attribute1 attribute1
             , rt.attribute2 attribute2
             , rt.attribute3 attribute3
             , rt.attribute4 attribute4
             , rt.attribute5 attribute5
             , rt.attribute6 attribute6
             , rt.attribute7 attribute7
             , rt.attribute8 attribute8
             , rt.attribute9 attribute9
             , rt.attribute10 attribute10
             , rt.attribute11 attribute11
             , rt.attribute12 attribute12
             , rt.attribute13 attribute13
             , rt.attribute14 attribute14
             , rt.attribute15 attribute15
             , rt.qa_collection_id qa_collection_id
             , rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
             , rt.oe_order_line_id oe_order_line_id
             , rsh.customer_id customer_id
             , rsh.customer_site_id customer_site_id
             , pod.wip_entity_id wip_entity_id
             , pod.wip_operation_seq_num po_operation_seq_num
             , pod.wip_resource_seq_num po_resource_seq_num
             , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , pod.wip_line_id wip_line_id
             , pod.bom_resource_id bom_resource_id
             , pod.destination_subinventory final_subinventory
             , rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY --OPM Convergence
             , rt.SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE --OPM Convergence
	     --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
	     , rsup.to_subinventory              from_subinventory_code
	     , rsup.to_locator_id                from_locator_id
      FROM     rcv_transactions rt
             , rcv_supply rsup
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , mtl_system_items msi
             , po_lines pol
             , po_distributions pod
      WHERE    rsup.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id
      AND      rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND      pod.line_location_id = rsup.po_line_location_id
      AND      pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND      rsl.shipment_line_id = rsup.shipment_line_id
      AND      rt.transaction_id = rsup.rcv_transaction_id
      AND      rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
      AND      pol.po_line_id = rsup.po_line_id
      AND      msi.organization_id = rsup.to_organization_id
      AND      msi.inventory_item_id = rsup.item_id
      ORDER BY rt.transaction_date DESC;
Line: 1660

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 1691

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1913

      SELECT   rsup.from_organization_id from_organization_id
             , rsup.to_organization_id to_organization_id
             , rt.source_document_code source_document_code
             , rsh.receipt_source_code receipt_source_code
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id rcv_transaction_id
             , rt.transaction_date transaction_date
             , rt.transaction_type transaction_type
             , rt.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom
             , rt.primary_quantity primary_quantity
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rt.po_revision_num po_revision_num
             , rsup.po_release_id po_release_id
             , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
             , rt.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rt.po_unit_price po_unit_price
             , rsl.category_id category_id
             , rsup.item_id item_id
             , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
             , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
             , rsup.item_revision item_revision
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , rt.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rt.employee_id employee_id
             , rsl.comments comments
             , rsup.req_header_id req_header_id
             , rsup.req_line_id req_line_id
             , rsup.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
             , rsup.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
             , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
             , rsl.government_context government_context
             , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
             , rt.inspection_status_code inspection_status_code
             , rt.inspection_quality_code inspection_quality_code
             , rt.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
             , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
             , rt.substitute_unordered_code substitute_unordered_code
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_id
             , rt.routing_step_id routing_step_id
             , rt.reason_id reason_id
             , rt.currency_code currency_code
             , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate
             , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date
             , rt.currency_conversion_type currency_conversion_type
             , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
             , rsup.destination_type_code destination_type_code_hold
             , pod.destination_type_code final_destination_type_code
             , rt.location_id location_id
             , pod.deliver_to_person_id final_deliver_to_person_id
             , pod.deliver_to_location_id final_deliver_to_location_id
             , rsl.to_subinventory subinventory
             , NVL(pol.un_number_id, msi.un_number_id) un_number_id
             , NVL(pol.hazard_class_id, msi.hazard_class_id) hazard_class_id
             , rsup.creation_date creation_date
             , rt.attribute_category attribute_category
             , rt.attribute1 attribute1
             , rt.attribute2 attribute2
             , rt.attribute3 attribute3
             , rt.attribute4 attribute4
             , rt.attribute5 attribute5
             , rt.attribute6 attribute6
             , rt.attribute7 attribute7
             , rt.attribute8 attribute8
             , rt.attribute9 attribute9
             , rt.attribute10 attribute10
             , rt.attribute11 attribute11
             , rt.attribute12 attribute12
             , rt.attribute13 attribute13
             , rt.attribute14 attribute14
             , rt.attribute15 attribute15
             , rt.qa_collection_id qa_collection_id
             , rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
             , rt.oe_order_line_id oe_order_line_id
             , rsh.customer_id customer_id
             , rsh.customer_site_id customer_site_id
             , pod.wip_entity_id wip_entity_id
             , pod.wip_operation_seq_num po_operation_seq_num
             , pod.wip_resource_seq_num po_resource_seq_num
             , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , pod.wip_line_id wip_line_id
             , pod.bom_resource_id bom_resource_id
             , pod.destination_subinventory final_subinventory
             , rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY --OPM Convergence
             , rt.SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE --OPM Convergence
	     --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
	     , rsup.to_subinventory              from_subinventory_code
	     , rsup.to_locator_id                from_locator_id
      FROM     rcv_transactions rt
             , rcv_supply rsup
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , mtl_system_items msi
             , po_lines pol
             , po_distributions pod
      WHERE    rsup.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id
      AND      rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND      pod.line_location_id = rsup.po_line_location_id
      AND      pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND      rsl.shipment_line_id = rsup.shipment_line_id
      AND      rt.transaction_id = rsup.rcv_transaction_id
      AND      rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
      AND      pol.po_line_id = rsup.po_line_id
      AND      msi.organization_id = rsup.to_organization_id
      AND      msi.inventory_item_id = rsup.item_id
      ORDER BY rt.transaction_date DESC;
Line: 2021

      SELECT   rsup.from_organization_id from_organization_id
             , rsup.to_organization_id to_organization_id
             , rt.source_document_code source_document_code
             , rsh.receipt_source_code receipt_source_code
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id rcv_transaction_id
             , rt.transaction_date transaction_date
             , rt.transaction_type transaction_type
             , rt.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom
             , rt.primary_quantity primary_quantity
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rt.po_revision_num po_revision_num
             , rsup.po_release_id po_release_id
             , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
             , rt.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rt.po_unit_price po_unit_price
             , rsl.category_id category_id
             , rsup.item_id item_id
             , null
             , null
             , rsup.item_revision item_revision
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , rt.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rt.employee_id employee_id
             , rsl.comments comments
             , rsup.req_header_id req_header_id
             , rsup.req_line_id req_line_id
             , rsup.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
             , rsup.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
             , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
             , rsl.government_context government_context
             , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
             , rt.inspection_status_code inspection_status_code
             , rt.inspection_quality_code inspection_quality_code
             , rt.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
             , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
             , rt.substitute_unordered_code substitute_unordered_code
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_id
             , rt.routing_step_id routing_step_id
             , rt.reason_id reason_id
             , rt.currency_code currency_code
             , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate
             , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date
             , rt.currency_conversion_type currency_conversion_type
             , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
             , rsup.destination_type_code destination_type_code_hold
             , pod.destination_type_code final_destination_type_code
             , rt.location_id location_id
             , pod.deliver_to_person_id final_deliver_to_person_id
             , pod.deliver_to_location_id final_deliver_to_location_id
             , rsl.to_subinventory subinventory
             , un_number_id un_number_id
             , hazard_class_id hazard_class_id
             , rsup.creation_date creation_date
             , rt.attribute_category attribute_category
             , rt.attribute1 attribute1
             , rt.attribute2 attribute2
             , rt.attribute3 attribute3
             , rt.attribute4 attribute4
             , rt.attribute5 attribute5
             , rt.attribute6 attribute6
             , rt.attribute7 attribute7
             , rt.attribute8 attribute8
             , rt.attribute9 attribute9
             , rt.attribute10 attribute10
             , rt.attribute11 attribute11
             , rt.attribute12 attribute12
             , rt.attribute13 attribute13
             , rt.attribute14 attribute14
             , rt.attribute15 attribute15
             , rt.qa_collection_id qa_collection_id
             , rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
             , rt.oe_order_line_id oe_order_line_id
             , rsh.customer_id customer_id
             , rsh.customer_site_id customer_site_id
             , pod.wip_entity_id wip_entity_id
             , pod.wip_operation_seq_num po_operation_seq_num
             , pod.wip_resource_seq_num po_resource_seq_num
             , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , pod.wip_line_id wip_line_id
             , pod.bom_resource_id bom_resource_id
             , pod.destination_subinventory final_subinventory
             , rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY --OPM Convergence
             , rt.SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE --OPM Convergence
	     --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
	     , rsup.to_subinventory              from_subinventory_code
	     , rsup.to_locator_id                from_locator_id
      FROM     rcv_transactions rt
             , rcv_supply rsup
             , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
             , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
             , po_lines pol
             , po_distributions pod
      WHERE    rsup.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id
      AND      rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND      pod.line_location_id = rsup.po_line_location_id
      AND      pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND      rsl.shipment_line_id = rsup.shipment_line_id
      AND      rt.transaction_id = rsup.rcv_transaction_id
      AND      rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
      AND      pol.po_line_id = rsup.po_line_id
      ORDER BY rt.transaction_date DESC;
Line: 2157

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2202

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2220

	  SELECT item_description
	    INTO   g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).item_desc
	    FROM   po_lines_all pla
	    WHERE pla.po_header_id =g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).po_header_id
	    AND pla.po_line_id =g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).po_line_id;
Line: 2358

	    SELECT   uom_code
	      INTO   l_rcvtxn_uom_code
	      FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
	      WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
	      AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
	      AND    unit_of_measure = p_rcvtxn_uom
	      AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2383

	       SELECT  uom_code
		 INTO  l_rcvtxn_uom_code
		 FROM  mtl_units_of_measure
		 WHERE unit_of_measure = p_rcvtxn_uom
		 AND   ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2399

	    SELECT  uom_code
	      INTO  l_prim_uom_code
	      FROM  mtl_units_of_measure
	      WHERE unit_of_measure = l_rcvtxn_match_table_detail(match_result_count).primary_unit_of_measure
	      AND   ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2452

	 -- then simply insert RTI with the MMTT column as null
	 IF p_original_txn_temp_id IS NULL OR l_rcvtxn_match_table_detail.COUNT = 1 THEN
	    l_new_txn_temp_id := p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 2463

		  SELECT move_order_line_id
		    INTO l_orig_mol_id
		    FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 2503

	       SELECT transaction_temp_id
		 INTO l_new_txn_temp_id
		 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		 WHERE move_order_line_id = l_mo_splt_tb(1).line_id;
Line: 2516

	    print_debug('create_po_rcvtxn_intf_rec RTI to be inserted with mmtt id: ' ||
			l_new_txn_temp_id || ' p_transaction_temp_id = ' ||
Line: 2566

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN

      IF (p_lot_control_code > 1 OR p_serial_control_code > 1) THEN
	      --BUG 3326408
	      IF (p_lot_control_code > 1 AND p_serial_control_code = 6) THEN
	        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
	          print_debug('create_po_rcvtxn_intf_rec 65.3: serial_control_code IS 6, need TO NULL OUT mtli', 4);
Line: 2579

	          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
	          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 2698

      SELECT   rsup.from_organization_id from_organization_id
             , rsup.to_organization_id to_organization_id
             , rt.source_document_code source_document_code
             , rsh.receipt_source_code receipt_source_code
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id rcv_transaction_id
             , rt.transaction_date transaction_date
             , rt.transaction_type transaction_type
             , rt.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom
             , rt.primary_quantity primary_quantity
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rt.po_revision_num po_revision_num
             , rsup.po_release_id po_release_id
             , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
             , rt.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rt.po_unit_price po_unit_price
             , rsl.category_id category_id
             , rsup.item_id item_id
             , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
             , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
             , rsup.item_revision item_revision
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , rt.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rt.employee_id employee_id
             , rsl.comments comments
             , rsup.req_header_id req_header_id
             , rsup.req_line_id req_line_id
             , rsup.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
             , rsup.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
             , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
             , rsl.government_context government_context
             , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
             , rt.inspection_status_code inspection_status_code
             , rt.inspection_quality_code inspection_quality_code
             , rt.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
             , '' vendor_item_number
             , rt.substitute_unordered_code substitute_unordered_code
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_id
             , rt.routing_step_id routing_step_id
             , rt.reason_id reason_id
             , rt.currency_code currency_code
             , rt.currency_conversion_rate currency_conversion_rate
             , rt.currency_conversion_date currency_conversion_date
             , rt.currency_conversion_type currency_conversion_type
             , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
             , rsup.destination_type_code destination_type_code_hold
             , rsup.destination_type_code final_destination_type_code
             , rt.location_id location_id
             , rsl.deliver_to_person_id final_deliver_to_person_id
             , rsl.deliver_to_location_id final_deliver_to_location_id
             , rsl.to_subinventory subinventory
             , msi.un_number_id un_number_id
             , msi.hazard_class_id hazard_class_id
             , rsup.creation_date creation_date
             , rt.attribute_category attribute_category
             , rt.attribute1 attribute1
             , rt.attribute2 attribute2
             , rt.attribute3 attribute3
             , rt.attribute4 attribute4
             , rt.attribute5 attribute5
             , rt.attribute6 attribute6
             , rt.attribute7 attribute7
             , rt.attribute8 attribute8
             , rt.attribute9 attribute9
             , rt.attribute10 attribute10
             , rt.attribute11 attribute11
             , rt.attribute12 attribute12
             , rt.attribute13 attribute13
             , rt.attribute14 attribute14
             , rt.attribute15 attribute15
             , rt.qa_collection_id qa_collection_id
             , rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
             , rt.oe_order_line_id oe_order_line_id
             , rsh.customer_id customer_id
             , rsh.customer_site_id customer_site_id
             , NULL wip_entity_id
             , NULL po_operation_seq_num
             , NULL po_resource_seq_num
             , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , NULL wip_line_id
             , NULL bom_resource_id
             , NULL final_subinventory
             , rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY --OPM Convergence
             , rt.SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE --OPM Convergence
	     --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
	     , rsup.to_subinventory              from_subinventory_code
	     , rsup.to_locator_id                from_locator_id
      FROM     rcv_transactions rt
      			 , rcv_supply rsup
      			 , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
      			 , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
      			 , mtl_system_items msi
      WHERE    rsup.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id
      AND      rsup.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
      AND      rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND      rsl.shipment_line_id = rsup.shipment_line_id
      AND      rt.transaction_id = rsup.rcv_transaction_id
      AND      rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
      AND      msi.organization_id = rsup.to_organization_id
      AND      msi.inventory_item_id = rsup.item_id
      ORDER BY rt.transaction_date DESC;
Line: 2838

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2848

    SELECT asn_type
    INTO   l_asn_type
    FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
    WHERE  shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 2862

      SELECT receipt_source_code
      INTO   l_source_code
      FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
      WHERE  shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id;
Line: 2907

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3041

	 SELECT   uom_code
	   INTO   l_rcvtxn_uom_code
	   FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
	   WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
	   AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
	   AND    unit_of_measure = p_rcvtxn_uom
	   AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 3084

	 -- then simply insert RTI with the MMTT column as null
	 IF p_original_txn_temp_id IS NULL OR l_rcvtxn_match_table_detail.COUNT = 1 THEN
	    l_new_txn_temp_id := p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 3095

		  SELECT move_order_line_id
		    INTO l_orig_mol_id
		    FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 3134

	       SELECT transaction_temp_id
		 INTO l_new_txn_temp_id
		 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		 WHERE move_order_line_id = l_mo_splt_tb(1).line_id;
Line: 3147

	    print_debug('create_int_shp_rcvtxn_intf_rec RTI to be inserted with mmtt id: ' ||
			l_new_txn_temp_id || ' p_transaction_temp_id = ' ||
Line: 3174

        print_debug('create_int_shp_rcvtxn_intf_rec 125 - before update_rcv_serials_supply' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3192

       * No updates to rcv_serials_supply if INV J and PO J are installed
      IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level < inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) OR
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level < inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
        IF l_rcv_rcvtxn_rec.req_line_id IS NOT NULL
           AND p_serial_control_code NOT IN(1, 6) THEN
          -- update rss for req
            x_return_status        => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count            => l_msg_count
          , x_msg_data             => x_message
          , p_shipment_line_id     => l_rcv_rcvtxn_rec.shipment_line_id
Line: 3208

          print_debug('create_int_shp_rcvtxn_intf_rec: 127 - before update_rcv_serials_supply' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 3212

          print_debug('create_int_shp_rcvtxn_intf_rec: 127.6 - INV and PO patch levels are J or higher. No update to rcv_supply', 4);
Line: 3224

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      l_msni_count := 0;
Line: 3238

            SELECT count(1)
            INTO   l_msni_count
            FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_interface
            WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
            AND    product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3248

              UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
		          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
		          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3367

      SELECT   rsup.from_organization_id from_organization_id
             , rsup.to_organization_id to_organization_id
             , rt.source_document_code source_document_code
             , rsh.receipt_source_code receipt_source_code
             , rsup.rcv_transaction_id rcv_transaction_id
             , rt.transaction_date transaction_date
             , rt.transaction_type transaction_type
             , rt.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom
             , rt.primary_quantity primary_quantity
             , rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
             , rt.po_revision_num po_revision_num
             , rsup.po_release_id po_release_id
             , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
             , rt.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
             , rsup.po_line_id po_line_id
             , rt.po_unit_price po_unit_price
             , rsl.category_id category_id
             , rsup.item_id item_id
             , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
             , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
             , rsup.item_revision item_revision
             , rsup.po_line_location_id po_line_location_id
             , rt.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
             , rt.employee_id employee_id
             , rsl.comments comments
             , rsup.req_header_id req_header_id
             , rsup.req_line_id req_line_id
             , rsup.shipment_header_id shipment_header_id
             , rsup.shipment_line_id shipment_line_id
             , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
             , rsl.government_context government_context
             , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
             , rt.inspection_status_code inspection_status_code
             , rt.inspection_quality_code inspection_quality_code
             , rt.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
             , '' vendor_item_number
             , rt.substitute_unordered_code substitute_unordered_code
             , rt.routing_header_id routing_id
             , rt.routing_step_id routing_step_id
             , rt.reason_id reason_id
             , rt.currency_code currency_code
             , rt.currency_conversion_rate currency_conversion_rate
             , rt.currency_conversion_date currency_conversion_date
             , rt.currency_conversion_type currency_conversion_type
             , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
             , rsup.destination_type_code destination_type_code_hold
             , rsup.destination_type_code final_destination_type_code
             , rt.location_id location_id
             , rsl.deliver_to_person_id final_deliver_to_person_id
             , rsl.deliver_to_location_id final_deliver_to_location_id
             , rsl.to_subinventory subinventory
             , msi.un_number_id un_number_id
             , msi.hazard_class_id hazard_class_id
             , rsup.creation_date creation_date
             , rt.attribute_category attribute_category
             , rt.attribute1 attribute1
             , rt.attribute2 attribute2
             , rt.attribute3 attribute3
             , rt.attribute4 attribute4
             , rt.attribute5 attribute5
             , rt.attribute6 attribute6
             , rt.attribute7 attribute7
             , rt.attribute8 attribute8
             , rt.attribute9 attribute9
             , rt.attribute10 attribute10
             , rt.attribute11 attribute11
             , rt.attribute12 attribute12
             , rt.attribute13 attribute13
             , rt.attribute14 attribute14
             , rt.attribute15 attribute15
             , rt.qa_collection_id qa_collection_id
             , rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
             , rt.oe_order_line_id oe_order_line_id
             , rsh.customer_id customer_id
             , rsh.customer_site_id customer_site_id
             , NULL wip_entity_id
             , NULL po_operation_seq_num
             , NULL po_resource_seq_num
             , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
             , NULL wip_line_id
             , NULL bom_resource_id
             , NULL final_subinventory
             , rt.SECONDARY_QUANTITY --OPM Convergence
             , rt.SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE --OPM Convergence
	     --The following columns are needed for matching in cases where no LPN is involved
             , rsup.to_subinventory              from_subinventory_code
	     , rsup.to_locator_id                from_locator_id
      FROM     rcv_transactions rt
      			 , rcv_supply rsup
      			 , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
      			 , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
      			 , mtl_system_items msi
      WHERE    rsup.rcv_transaction_id = v_rcv_txn_id
      AND      rsup.oe_order_line_id = v_order_line_id
      AND      rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND      rsl.shipment_line_id = rsup.shipment_line_id
      AND      rt.transaction_id = rsup.rcv_transaction_id
      AND      rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
      AND      msi.organization_id = rsup.to_organization_id
      AND      msi.inventory_item_id = rsup.item_id
      ORDER BY rt.transaction_date DESC;
Line: 3497

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 3539

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   g_rcvtxn_match_table_gross(g_rcvtxn_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3669

	 SELECT   uom_code
	   INTO   l_rcvtxn_uom_code
	   FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
	   WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
	   AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
	   AND    unit_of_measure = p_rcvtxn_uom
	   AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 3707

	 -- then simply insert RTI with the MMTT column as null
	 IF p_original_txn_temp_id IS NULL OR l_rcvtxn_match_table_detail.COUNT = 1 THEN
	    l_new_txn_temp_id := p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 3718

		  SELECT move_order_line_id
		    INTO l_orig_mol_id
		    FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 3757

	       SELECT transaction_temp_id
		 INTO l_new_txn_temp_id
		 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
		 WHERE move_order_line_id = l_mo_splt_tb(1).line_id;
Line: 3773

	 print_debug('create_rma_rcvtxn_intf_rec RTI to be inserted with mmtt id: ' ||
		     l_new_txn_temp_id || ' p_transaction_temp_id = ' ||
Line: 3818

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      IF (p_lot_control_code > 1 OR p_serial_control_code > 1) THEN

	 l_split_lot_serial_ok := inv_rcv_integration_apis.split_lot_serial(
                p_api_version   => 1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst  => FND_API.G_FALSE
              , x_return_status =>  l_return_status
              , x_msg_count     =>  l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data      =>  x_message
              , p_new_rti_info  =>  l_new_rti_info);
Line: 3909

       SELECT rsup.po_header_id po_header_id
	     ,rsup.oe_order_header_id oe_order_header_id
	 FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh
	     ,rcv_supply rsup
	 WHERE rsh.receipt_num = p_receipt_num
	 AND   rsh.shipment_header_id = rsup.shipment_header_id
	 AND   rsup.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
	 AND   rsup.item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 4152

      /* SELECT MIN(rti.interface_transaction_id) */
      SELECT   MAX(rti.interface_transaction_id)
      FROM     rcv_transactions_interface rti
      WHERE    rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      GROUP BY rti.lpn_id;
Line: 4169

       SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
	 INTO   inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
	 FROM hr_organization_information hoi
	 WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
	 AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information' ;
Line: 4347

      /* SELECT MIN(rti.interface_transaction_id) */
      SELECT   MAX(rti.interface_transaction_id)
      FROM     rcv_transactions_interface rti
      WHERE    rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      GROUP BY rti.lpn_id;
Line: 4365

       SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
	 INTO   inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
	 FROM hr_organization_information hoi
	 WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
	 AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information' ;
Line: 4729

      SELECT DISTINCT rti.interface_transaction_id
      FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti
      WHERE  rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id;
Line: 4768

	  SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
	    INTO   inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
	    FROM hr_organization_information hoi
	    WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
	    AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information' ;
Line: 4802

    SELECT unit_of_measure
    INTO   l_rcvtxn_uom
    FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
    WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND    uom_code = p_rcvtxn_uom_code
    AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 4822

	  SELECT po_header_id
	    , po_line_id
	    , po_release_id
	    INTO   l_po_header_id
	    , l_po_line_id
	    , l_po_release_id
	    FROM   po_line_locations
	    WHERE  line_location_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 4892

      SELECT shipment_header_id
      INTO   l_shipment_header_id
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines
      WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 4948

      SELECT header_id
      INTO   l_oe_order_header_id
      FROM   oe_order_lines_all
      WHERE  line_id = p_reference_id;
Line: 5091

Line: 5094

  PROCEDURE update_rcv_serials_supply(
    x_return_status     OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count         OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER
  , x_msg_data          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  , p_shipment_line_id  IN          NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_progress      VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 5107

      print_debug('Enter update_rcv_serials_supply 10' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 5116

    SAVEPOINT sp_update_rss;
Line: 5118

    SELECT rsi.fm_serial_num
    INTO   l_serial_number
    FROM   rcv_serials_interface rsi, rcv_transactions_interface rti
    WHERE  rti.shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
    AND    rti.interface_transaction_id = rsi.interface_transaction_id;
Line: 5130

    UPDATE rcv_serials_supply
    SET shipment_line_id = (SELECT shipment_line_id
                            FROM   rcv_serials_supply
                            WHERE  serial_num = l_serial_number)
    WHERE  shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id;
Line: 5138

    UPDATE rcv_serials_supply
    SET shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
    WHERE  serial_num = l_serial_number;
Line: 5145

      print_debug('Complete update_rcv_serials_supply 40' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 5152

        inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('INV_rcv_std_deliver_apis.update_rcv_serials_supply', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 5158

        print_debug('Exception in update_rcv_serials_supply 50' || SQLCODE || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 5160

  END update_rcv_serials_supply;
Line: 5162

  FUNCTION insert_mtli_helper(
          p_txn_if_id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        , p_lot_number      IN            VARCHAR2
        , p_txn_qty         IN            NUMBER
        , p_prm_qty         IN            NUMBER
        , p_item_id         IN            NUMBER
        , p_org_id          IN            NUMBER
        , p_serial_temp_id  IN            NUMBER
        , p_product_txn_id  IN            NUMBER
        , p_secondary_quantity IN NUMBER --OPM Convergence
        , p_secondary_uom   IN NUMBER --OPM Convergence
    --Local variables
    l_lot_status_id         NUMBER;
Line: 5186

    SELECT  expiration_date
          , status_id
    INTO    l_expiration_date
          , l_lot_status_id
    FROM    mtl_lot_numbers
    WHERE   lot_number = p_lot_number
    AND     inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND     organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 5197

	  SELECT  mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
	    INTO    l_txn_if_id
	    FROM    sys.dual;
Line: 5203

		print_debug('insert_mtli_helper: Error retrieving from seq.',1);
Line: 5204

		print_debug('insert_mtli_helper: SQLCODE: '||SQLCODE||' SQLERRM:'||Sqlerrm,1);
Line: 5210

       print_debug('insert_mtli_helper: l_txn_if_id: '||l_txn_if_id,1);
Line: 5214

      (p_product_transaction_id     => l_product_txn_id
       ,p_product_code              => l_prod_code
       ,p_interface_id              => l_txn_if_id
       ,p_org_id                    => p_org_id
       ,p_item_id                   => p_item_id
       ,p_lot_number                => p_lot_number
       ,p_transaction_quantity      => p_txn_qty
       ,p_primary_quantity          => p_prm_qty
       ,p_serial_interface_id       => p_serial_temp_id
       ,x_return_status             => l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count                 => l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data                  => l_msg_data
       ,p_sec_qty                   => p_secondary_quantity
Line: 5233

        print_debug('insert_mtli_helper: Error occurred while creating interface lots: ' || l_msg_data,1);
Line: 5245

        print_debug('Exception occurred in insert_mtli_helper: ',1);
Line: 5248

  END insert_mtli_helper;
Line: 5250

  FUNCTION insert_msni_helper(
          p_txn_if_id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        , p_serial_number   IN            VARCHAR2
        , p_item_id         IN            NUMBER
        , p_org_id          IN            NUMBER
        , p_product_txn_id  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    --Local variables
    l_serial_status_id      NUMBER;
Line: 5272

    SELECT  status_id
    INTO    l_serial_status_id
    FROM    mtl_serial_numbers
    WHERE   serial_number = p_serial_number
    AND     inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 5279

          p_api_version                 =>  1.0
        , p_init_msg_lst                =>  l_false
        , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
        , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_txn_if_id
        , p_fm_serial_number            =>  p_serial_number
        , p_to_serial_number            =>  p_serial_number
        , p_organization_id             =>  p_org_id
        , p_inventory_item_id           =>  p_item_id
        , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
        , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_txn_id
        , p_product_code                =>  l_prod_code
        , p_att_exist                   =>  l_yes
        , p_update_msn                  =>  l_no);
Line: 5299

        print_debug('insert_msni_helper: Error occurred while creating interface serials: ' || l_msg_data,1);
Line: 5305

       print_debug('insert_msni_helper: msni '||p_txn_if_id||' inserted for serial '||p_serial_number,1);
Line: 5313

        print_debug('Exception occurred in insert_msni_helper: ',1);
Line: 5316

  END insert_msni_helper;
Line: 5348

    SELECT distinct
           rsl.source_document_code       source_document_code
          ,rsl.po_line_location_id        po_line_location_id
          ,rsl.po_distribution_id         po_distribution_id
          ,rsl.shipment_line_id           shipment_line_id
          ,rsl.oe_order_line_id           oe_order_line_id
          ,rsh.receipt_source_code        receipt_source_code
          ,rss.serial_num                 serial_num
          ,rt.uom_code                    uom_code
          ,rss.transaction_id             rcv_transaction_id
          ,rss.lot_num                    lot_num
          ,rs.secondary_quantity          secondary_quantity
          ,msni.transaction_interface_id  transaction_interface_id
          ,rsl.asn_line_flag              asn_line_flag
     FROM rcv_supply rs,
          rcv_transactions rt,
          rcv_serials_supply rss,
          rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
          rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
          mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
    WHERE rs.item_id = p_item_id
      --Bug 5250046: Removed the nvl and Modified the condition on item_revision.
      AND (p_revision is null or rs.item_revision = p_revision)
      AND rs.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND nvl(rs.lpn_id,-1) = nvl(p_lpn_id,-1)
      AND rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
      AND msni.product_code = 'RCV'
      AND msni.product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
      AND rss.serial_num between msni.fm_serial_number and msni.to_serial_number
      AND nvl(rss.lot_num,'@$#_') = nvl(p_lot_number, '@$#_')
      AND rss.supply_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
      AND rs.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
      AND rs.rcv_transaction_id = rss.transaction_id
      AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
      AND decode(rt.routing_header_id, 2,
                decode(rt.inspection_status_code,'NOT INSPECTED',1, 'ACCEPTED',2,'REJECTED', 3)
                ,-1) = nvl(p_inspection_status, -1)
      ORDER BY  rcv_transaction_id
Line: 5389

                      rsl.source_document_code source_document_code
                     ,rsl.po_line_location_id  po_line_location_id
                     ,rsl.po_distribution_id   po_distribution_id
                     ,rsl.shipment_line_id     shipment_line_id
                     ,rsl.oe_order_line_id     oe_order_line_id
                     ,rs.supply_source_id      supply_source_id
                     ,rs.rcv_transaction_id    rcv_transaction_id
                     ,rsh.receipt_source_code  receipt_source_code
                     ,rt.uom_code              uom_code
                     ,rs.secondary_quantity    secondary_quantity
		     ,Nvl(rls.primary_quantity,0) lot_prim_qty
		     ,Nvl(rls.quantity,0)         lot_qty
                     ,decode(rt.uom_code, p_rcvtxn_uom_code, 1, 2) ORDERING1
                     ,decode(rt.uom_code, p_rcvtxn_uom_code, (p_rcvtxn_qty - rs.quantity), 0) ORDERING2
                     ,rsl.asn_line_flag              asn_line_flag
                FROM rcv_supply rs,
                     rcv_transactions rt,
                     rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
                     rcv_lots_supply rls,
                     rcv_shipment_headers rsh
               WHERE rs.item_id = p_item_id
                 --Bug 5250046: Removed the nvl and Modified the condition on item_revision.
                 AND (p_revision is null or rs.item_revision = p_revision)
                 AND rs.to_organization_id = p_organization_id
                 AND nvl(rs.lpn_id,-1) = nvl(p_lpn_id,-1)
                 AND nvl(rt.subinventory,'@$#_') = nvl(v_from_sub,'@$#_')
                 AND nvl(rt.locator_id,-1) = nvl(v_from_locator_id, -1)

--4502518 Issue 26: redundant check.  Also, it will fail
--        when putting lines that have been corrected
--                 AND nvl(rt.transfer_lpn_id,-1) = nvl(p_lpn_id,-1)

                 AND rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
                 AND rt.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
                 AND rs.supply_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
                 AND rls.transaction_id (+) = rs.supply_source_id
                 AND nvl(rls.lot_num, '@$#_') = nvl(p_lot_number, '@$#_')
                 AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
                 AND decode(rt.routing_header_id, 2,
                     decode(rt.inspection_status_code,'NOT INSPECTED',1, 'ACCEPTED',2,'REJECTED', 3)
                     ,-1) = nvl(p_inspection_status, -1)
                 --Bug 5331779 - Begin change
		 --Adding the following to make sure that we do not pickup RS with serial numbers
		   AND NOT exists
		   (SELECT '1' FROM rcv_serials_supply rss
		    WHERE rss.transaction_id = rs.supply_source_id
		    AND rss.supply_type_code = 'RECEIVING')
		   --Bug 5331779-End change
Line: 5449

  l_qty_to_insert           NUMBER;
Line: 5455

  l_lot_sec_qty_to_insert   NUMBER;
Line: 5475

  l_mmtt_id_to_insert       NUMBER;
Line: 5536

       select subinventory_code
             , locator_id
         into l_from_sub
         from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
        where wlpn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 5598

		 SELECT SUM(primary_quantity)
		   ,    SUM(transaction_quantity)
		   INTO l_processed_lot_prim_qty
		   ,    l_processed_lot_qty
		   FROM mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		   WHERE product_code = 'RCV'
		   AND   product_transaction_id
		   IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
		       FROM   rcv_transactions_interface
		       WHERE  parent_transaction_id = l_rtv_rec.rcv_transaction_id
		   AND   lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 5656

 SELECT UOM_CODE INTO l_rtv_rec.uom_code FROM
 mtl_item_uoms_view WHERE organization_id=p_organization_id
 AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
 AND unit_of_measure =
                       ( SELECT unit_of_measure FROM RCV_TRANSACTIONS
                         WHERE TRANSACTION_ID = l_rtv_rec.rcv_transaction_id);
Line: 5705

	   SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
	     INTO l_new_intf_id
	     FROM dual;
Line: 5711

                 l_qty_to_insert := inv_convert.inv_um_convert( item_id     => p_item_id,
                              precision     => 6,
                          from_quantity     => l_avail_qty,
                              from_unit     => l_rtv_rec.uom_code,
                                to_unit     => p_rcvtxn_uom_code,
                              from_name     => null,
                                to_name     => null );
Line: 5722

                    print_debug('QTY TO INSERT1: = '||L_QTY_TO_INSERT , 1);
Line: 5729

                 l_qty_to_insert := l_avail_qty;
Line: 5732

                    print_debug('QTY TO INSERT2: = '||L_QTY_TO_INSERT , 1);
Line: 5749

		    ,x_new_mmtt_id      => l_mmtt_id_to_insert
		    ,x_return_status    => l_return_status
		    ,x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
		    ,x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
Line: 5777

		 l_new_rti_info(1).quantity              := L_qty_to_insert;
Line: 5809

	      l_qty_to_insert := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
                                item_id     => p_item_id,
                              precision     => 6,
                          from_quantity     => l_remaining_prim_qty,
                              from_unit     => l_primary_uom_code,
                                to_unit     => p_rcvtxn_uom_code,
                              from_name     => null,
                                to_name     => null );
Line: 5819

                    print_debug('QTY TO INSERT3: = ' || L_QTY_TO_INSERT , 1);
Line: 5823

		    UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		      SET  product_transaction_id = l_new_intf_id
		      WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
		      AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 5831

		 l_mmtt_id_to_insert := p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 5876

              l_secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity * (l_qty_to_insert/p_rcvtxn_qty);
Line: 5899

                  , p_rcvtxn_qty                 => L_qty_to_insert
                  , p_rcvtxn_uom_code            => p_rcvtxn_uom_code
                  , p_transaction_temp_id        => l_new_intf_id
                  , p_lot_control_code           => p_lot_control_code
                  , p_serial_control_code        => p_serial_control_code
                  , p_original_txn_temp_id       => l_mmtt_id_to_insert
                  , x_return_status              => l_return_status
                  , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
                  , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
                  , p_inspection_status_code     => p_inspection_status_code
                  , p_lpn_id                     => p_lpn_id
                  , p_transfer_lpn_id            => p_transfer_lpn_id
                  , p_lot_number                 => p_lot_number
                  , p_parent_txn_id              => l_rtv_rec.rcv_transaction_id
                  , p_secondary_quantity         => l_secondary_quantity   --OPM Integration
                  , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom   --OPM Integration
Line: 5994

               SELECT rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
                 INTO l_new_intf_id
                 FROM dual;
Line: 6004

                  select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval
                    into l_ser_txn_temp_id from dual;
Line: 6061

           l_result := insert_msni_helper(
                        p_txn_if_id       =>  l_rti_tb(l_txn_id)(l_lot_num).serial_intf_id
                      , p_serial_number   =>  l_serial_rec.serial_num
                      , p_org_id          =>  p_organization_id
                      , p_item_id         =>  p_item_id
                      , p_product_txn_id  =>  l_rti_tb(l_txn_id)(l_lot_num).rti_id
Line: 6071

                    print_debug('Failure while Inserting MSNI records - lot and serial controlled item',1);
Line: 6079

               print_debug('insert_msni_helper: Error occurred while creating interface serials: ' || l_msg_data,1);
Line: 6118

		 l_qty_to_insert :=  l_rti_tb(k)(l).quantity;
Line: 6120

		 l_qty_to_insert := inv_convert.inv_um_convert
		                        ( item_id     => p_item_id,
					  precision     => 6,
					  from_quantity     => l_rti_tb(k)(l).quantity,
					  from_unit     => l_primary_uom_code,
					  to_unit     => p_rcvtxn_uom_code,
					  from_name     => null,
					  to_name     => null );
Line: 6133

		 print_debug(' qty to insert = ' || l_qty_to_insert, 1);
Line: 6165

	      IF l_avail_qty < l_qty_to_insert THEN
		 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
		    print_debug('l_avail_qty: ' || l_avail_qty, 1);
Line: 6186

		       ,x_new_mmtt_id      => l_mmtt_id_to_insert
		       ,x_return_status    => l_return_status
		       ,x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
		       ,x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
Line: 6211

		 l_mmtt_id_to_insert := p_original_txn_temp_id;
Line: 6218

                    select secondary_transaction_quantity
		      into l_original_lot_sec_qty
		      from mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtli
                      where mtli.lot_number = p_lot_number
		      and mtli.product_code = 'RCV'
		      and mtli.product_transaction_id =  p_transaction_temp_id ;
Line: 6229

		    l_lot_sec_qty_to_insert := l_original_lot_sec_qty * (l_qty_to_insert / p_rcvtxn_qty);
Line: 6233

                   print_debug('Lot Secondary qty to insert = ' || l_lot_sec_qty_to_insert, 1);
Line: 6237

                   print_debug('BEFORE CALLING THE insert_mtli_helper API ', 1);
Line: 6240

		   print_debug('  p_txn_qty       => '|| l_qty_to_insert,1);
Line: 6246

		   print_debug('  p_secondary_quantit=> '|| l_lot_sec_qty_to_insert,1);
Line: 6250

                l_result := insert_mtli_helper
		               (p_txn_if_id         =>  l_lot_temp_id
				, p_lot_number      =>  l_rti_tb(k)(l).lot_number
				, p_txn_qty         =>  l_qty_to_insert
				, p_prm_qty         =>  l_rti_tb(k)(l).quantity
				, p_item_id         =>  p_item_id
				, p_org_id          =>  p_organization_id
				, p_serial_temp_id  =>  l_rti_tb(k)(l).serial_intf_id
				, p_product_txn_id  =>  l_rti_tb(k)(l).rti_id
				, p_secondary_quantity =>  l_lot_sec_qty_to_insert --OPM Convergence
				, p_secondary_uom      => p_secondary_uom);   --OPM Convergence
Line: 6264

                      print_debug('Failure while Inserting MTLI records - lot and serial controlled item',1);
Line: 6285

                l_secondary_quantity := p_secondary_quantity * (l_qty_to_insert/p_rcvtxn_qty);
Line: 6301

                  , p_rcvtxn_qty                 => L_qty_to_insert
                  , p_rcvtxn_uom_code            => p_rcvtxn_uom_code
                  , p_transaction_temp_id        => l_new_intf_id
                  , p_lot_control_code           => p_lot_control_code
                  , p_serial_control_code        => p_serial_control_code
                  , p_original_txn_temp_id       => l_mmtt_id_to_insert
                  , x_return_status              => l_return_status
                  , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
                  , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
                  , p_inspection_status_code     => p_inspection_status_code
                  , p_lpn_id                     => p_lpn_id
                  , p_transfer_lpn_id            => p_transfer_lpn_id
                  , p_lot_number                 => p_lot_number
                  , p_parent_txn_id              => l_parent_txn_id
                  , p_secondary_quantity         => l_secondary_quantity   --OPM Integration
                  , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom        --OPM Integration