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2 /* $Header: amsvdsls.pls 115.12 2003/12/30 12:36:42 kbasavar ship $ */
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- History
5 -- 22-Feb-2001 choang   Created.
6 -- 23-Feb-2001 choang   Added schedule preview and aggregation.
7 -- 18-Apr-2001 choang   Added semicolon after exit for standards.
8 -- 27-Oct-2002 choang   added get_target_positive_values to spec.
9 -- 18-Jul-2003 kbasavar Bug # 3004437. Added is_b2b_data_source
10 -- 09-Dec-2003 kbasvaar Added is_org_prod_affn for Org Prod Affinity Model
11 ---------------------------------------------------------------
13    ---------------------------------------------------------------
14    --
15    -- Purpose
16    --    Populate no_of_rows_used, no_of_rows_targeted
17    --    in AMS_LIST_SELECT_ACTIONS for models and scoring
18    --    runs.
19    --
20    -- Parameters
21    --    p_object_type - types could be model or scoring run;
22    --       MODL and SCOR, respectively.
23    --    p_object_id - ID of the object to be previewed.
24    -- Note
25    --
26    ---------------------------------------------------------------
27    PROCEDURE Preview_Selections (
28       p_arc_object      IN VARCHAR2,
29       p_object_id       IN NUMBER,
30       x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
31    );
33    ---------------------------------------------------------------
34    --
35    -- Purpose
36    --    Consolidate the selections which were made for model
37    --    building or scoring to generate a unique list of
38    --    parties.
39    --
40    -- Parameters
41    --    p_object_type - types could be model or scoring run;
42    --       MODL and SCOR, respectively.
43    --    p_object_id - ID of the object to be previewed.
44    -- Note
45    --
46    ---------------------------------------------------------------
47    PROCEDURE Aggregate_Selections (
48       p_arc_object      IN VARCHAR2,
49       p_object_id       IN NUMBER,
50       x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
51    );
54    ---------------------------------------------------------------
55    --
56    -- Purpose
57    --    Wrapper registered with concurrent manager for
58    --    initiating the preview build of model or
59    --    score selections.
60    --
61    -- Parameters
62    --    errbuf - standard out variable for conc programs.
63    --    retcode - standard out variable for conc programs.
64    --    p_arc_object - types could be model or scoring run;
65    --       MODL and SCOR, respectively.
66    --    p_object_id - ID of the object to be previewed.
67    -- Note
68    --
69    ---------------------------------------------------------------
70    PROCEDURE schedule_preview (
71       errbuf         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
72       retcode        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
73       p_arc_object   IN VARCHAR2,
74       p_object_id    IN NUMBER
75    );
78    ---------------------------------------------------------------
79    --
80    -- Purpose
81    --    Wrapper registered with concurrent manager for
82    --    initiating the aggregation build of model or
83    --    score selections.
84    --
85    -- Parameters
86    --    errbuf - standard out variable for conc programs.
87    --    retcode - standard out variable for conc programs.
88    --    p_arc_object - types could be model or scoring run;
89    --       MODL and SCOR, respectively.
90    --    p_object_id - ID of the object to be previewed.
91    -- Note
92    --
93    ---------------------------------------------------------------
94    PROCEDURE schedule_aggregation (
95       errbuf         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
96       retcode        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
97       p_arc_object   IN VARCHAR2,
98       p_object_id    IN NUMBER
99    );
101    ---------------------------------------------------------------
102    -- Purpose:
103    --    Get Target Positive Values
104    --
105    -- Note:
106    --    A Data Mining Target field may have multiple positive
107    --    target values defined in AMS_DM_TARGET_VALUES_B along with
108    --    value comparison conditions. For example, the target column
109    --    is considered positive if it is >= 10 AND <= 20
110    --    This procedure constructs the sql statement that combines all
111    --    positive values defined for the target..
112    --
113    -- Parameter:
114    --    p_target_id       IN NUMBER
115    --    p_target_field    IN  VARCHAR2
116    --    x_sql_stmt        OUT VARCHAR2
117    ---------------------------------------------------------------
118    PROCEDURE get_target_positive_values (
119       p_target_id          IN NUMBER,
120       p_target_field       IN VARCHAR2,
121       x_sql_stmt           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
122    );
124    ---------------------------------------------------------------
125    --
126    -- Purpose
127    --    Checks if the data source attached to the passed
128    --    model is B2B or B2C.
129    --
130    ---------------------------------------------------------------
131    PROCEDURE is_b2b_data_source (
132       p_model_id     IN NUMBER,
133       x_is_b2b      OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
134    );
136    ---------------------------------------------------------------
137    --
138    -- Purpose
139    --    To get the workflow URL
140    --
141    ---------------------------------------------------------------
142    PROCEDURE get_wf_url (
143 	       p_item_key     IN VARCHAR2,
144 	       x_monitor_url   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
145 	    );
147    ---------------------------------------------------------------
148    -- Purpose:
149    --    Get the relation condition between a master data source and given child data source
150    --
151    -- Note:
152    --
153    -- Parameter:
154    --    p_master_ds_id       IN NUMBER
155    --    p_child_ds_id        IN NUMBER
156    --    x_sql_stmt           OUT VARCHAR2
157    ---------------------------------------------------------------
158    PROCEDURE get_related_ds_condition (
159       p_master_ds_id          IN NUMBER,
160       p_child_ds_id           IN NUMBER,
161       x_sql_stmt              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
162    );
164    ---------------------------------------------------------------
165    -- Purpose:
166    --    Determine whether a model is Org Product Affinity
167    --
168    -- Parameter:
169     --      p_model_id  IN NUMBER
170     --      x_is_org_prod     OUT BOOLEAN
171    ---------------------------------------------------------------
173    PROCEDURE is_org_prod_affn (
174       p_model_id     IN NUMBER,
175       x_is_org_prod      OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN
176    );
178 END AMS_DMSelection_PVT;