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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 266

      SELECT  sr.result_id, sr.result_value_num, sr.result_value_char
      FROM    gmd_results sr,
              gmd_spec_results spr
      WHERE   sr.sample_id           = vSample_id
      AND     sr.test_id             = vTest_id
      AND     spr.result_id          = sr.result_id
      AND     spr.Event_spec_disp_id = vEvent_Spec_disp_id
      AND     (spr.evaluation_ind     <> '4C'
               OR spr.evaluation_ind  <> '5O')
      -- B3698232 The manager must evaluate the result for it to be considered for the simulator
      AND     spr.evaluation_ind IS NOT NULL
Line: 280

      SELECT  test_type, min_value_num, max_value_num, display_precision
      FROM    gmd_qc_tests_b
      WHERE   test_id = vTest_id;
Line: 286

      SELECT  min_value_num, max_value_num,
              min_value_char, max_value_char, display_precision
      FROM    gmd_spec_tests_b
      WHERE   spec_id = vSpec_id
      AND     test_id = vTest_id;
Line: 294

      SELECT rst.mean, rst.mode_char, rst.high_num, rst.low_num,
             rst.high_char, rst.low_char, rst.composite_result_id,
      FROM   gmd_composite_results rst, gmd_composite_spec_disp csd
      WHERE  rst.test_id                = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.test_id
      AND    rst.delete_mark            = 0
      AND    rst.composite_spec_disp_id = csd.composite_spec_disp_id
      AND    csd.composite_spec_disp_id = vComposite_spec_disp_id
      AND    csd.latest_ind             ='Y';
Line: 305

      SELECT composite_spec_disp_id
      FROM   gmd_composite_spec_disp
      WHERE  event_spec_disp_id = vEvent_spec_disp_id
      -- B3698232 Added disposition 'Complete' for the composite sample
      -- AND    disposition IN ('4A','5AV');
Line: 314

      SELECT display_precision
      FROM   gmd_qc_tests_b
      WHERE  test_id  = vTest_id;
Line: 548

      SELECT  se.sampling_event_id, se.sample_active_cnt, se.inventory_item_id,
              se.parent_lot_number, se.lot_number, se.subinventory, se.locator_id,
              sd.event_spec_disp_id,  sd.spec_id
      FROM    gmd_sampling_events se,
              gmd_event_spec_disp sd
      WHERE   se.sampling_event_id = sd.sampling_event_id
      AND     se.inventory_item_id = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.inventory_item_id
      AND     ((se.parent_lot_number = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.parent_lot_number)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.parent_lot_number IS NULL AND se.parent_lot_number IS NULL)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.parent_lot_number IS NOT NULL AND se.parent_lot_number IS NULL))
      AND     ((se.lot_number = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.lot_number)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.lot_number IS NULL AND se.lot_number IS NULL)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.lot_number IS NOT NULL AND se.lot_number IS NULL))
      AND     ((se.subinventory = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.subinventory)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.subinventory IS NULL AND se.subinventory IS NULL)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.subinventory IS NOT NULL AND se.subinventory IS NULL))
      AND     ((se.locator_id = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.locator_id)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.locator_id IS NULL AND se.locator_id IS NULL)
              OR (p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.locator_id IS NOT NULL AND se.locator_id IS NULL))
      AND     sd.spec_used_for_lot_attrib_ind = 'Y'
      -- B3698232 Added dispostion 'In-Progress' and 'Complete' for single sample
      -- AND     sd.disposition IN ('4A','5AV')
      AND     sd.disposition IN ('2I', '3C', '4A','5AV')
      AND     EXISTS (Select 1
                      From gmd_samples s, gmd_results r
                      Where s.sample_id =  r.sample_id
                      AND r.test_id = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.test_id
                      AND s.organization_id = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.organization_id
                      AND s.delete_mark = 0
                      AND r.delete_mark = 0
                      AND s.sampling_event_id = se.sampling_event_id)
      ORDER BY se.lot_number, se.parent_lot_number, se.subinventory, se.locator_id,
               se.last_update_date desc;
Line: 584

      SELECT  smp.sample_id
      FROM    gmd_samples smp, gmd_sample_spec_disp sd
      WHERE   smp.sampling_event_id = vSampling_Event_Id
      AND     smp.organization_id   = p_inv_rslt_inp_rec.organization_id
      AND     smp.sample_id         = sd.sample_id
      AND     sd.event_spec_disp_id = vEvent_spec_disp_id
      AND     smp.delete_mark       = 0
      AND     sd.disposition       NOT IN  ('0RT','7CN')
      ORDER BY smp.last_update_date desc;
Line: 697

      SELECT st.target_value_char, st.target_value_num ,
             st.min_value_char, st.min_value_num ,
             st.max_value_char, st.max_value_num ,
             qt.test_type, st.spec_id,
             NVL(st.display_precision, qt.display_precision) display_precision
      FROM   gmd_spec_tests_b st, gmd_qc_tests_b qt
      WHERE  st.spec_id = vSpec_id
      AND    st.test_id = vTest_id
      AND    st.test_id = qt.test_id;
Line: 708

      SELECT organization_id, parent_lot_number, lot_number,
             subinventory, locator_id
      FROM   gmd_inventory_spec_vrs
      WHERE  spec_vr_id = vSpec_vr_id;