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Line 634: , NVL (pol.start_date, HR_GENERAL.start_of_time)

630: , pol.unit_price
631: , pol.matching_basis
632: , pol.purchase_basis
633: , pol.order_type_lookup_code
634: , NVL (pol.start_date, HR_GENERAL.start_of_time)
635: , NVL (pol.expiration_date, HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)
636: , pol.job_id
637: , poll.line_location_id
638: , NVL (poll.approved_flag, 'N')

Line 635: , NVL (pol.expiration_date, HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)

631: , pol.matching_basis
632: , pol.purchase_basis
633: , pol.order_type_lookup_code
634: , NVL (pol.start_date, HR_GENERAL.start_of_time)
635: , NVL (pol.expiration_date, HR_GENERAL.end_of_time)
636: , pol.job_id
637: , poll.line_location_id
638: , NVL (poll.approved_flag, 'N')
639: , NVL (poll.cancel_flag, 'N')

Line 1655: p_attributes.detail_date_to = HR_GENERAL.end_of_time )

1651: -- and we set the parameters so it only counts SUBMITTED blocks
1652: -- So we only count an old block if it is SUBMITTED and active
1653: IF p_attributes.old_block = 'N' OR
1654: ( p_attributes.timecard_approval_status = 'SUBMITTED' AND
1655: p_attributes.detail_date_to = HR_GENERAL.end_of_time )
1656: THEN
1657: -- assumption is that this entry exists in the cache
1658: -- be careful if moving this block of code
1659: g_po_line_cache(p_attributes.po_line_id).timecard_amount := get_po_line(p_attributes.po_line_id).timecard_amount + p_attributes.po_billable_amount;

Line 4271: IF l_blocks(blk_idx).date_to <> HR_GENERAL.end_of_time THEN

4267: l_attributes_rec.resource_id := l_blocks(blk_idx).resource_id;
4268: l_attributes_rec.old_block := 'N';
4270: -- emulate the deleted attribute
4271: IF l_blocks(blk_idx).date_to <> HR_GENERAL.end_of_time THEN
4272: l_attributes_rec.detail_deleted := 'Y';
4273: ELSE
4274: l_attributes_rec.detail_deleted := 'N';
4275: END IF;