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Line 56: -- errbuf Standard error buffer

52: -- Concurrent job version of export_from_gl_interface.
53: -- History
54: -- 04-18-01 O Monnier Created
55: -- Arguments
56: -- errbuf Standard error buffer
57: -- retcode Standard return code
58: -- x_filename The file name
59: -- x_dir The directory
60: -- x_output_type The output type (TEXT or XML)

Line 57: -- retcode Standard return code

53: -- History
54: -- 04-18-01 O Monnier Created
55: -- Arguments
56: -- errbuf Standard error buffer
57: -- retcode Standard return code
58: -- x_filename The file name
59: -- x_dir The directory
60: -- x_output_type The output type (TEXT or XML)
61: PROCEDURE export_from_gl_interface(errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,