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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 95

  g_sql_insert              VARCHAR2(10000);
Line: 148

Line: 154

/*   If Funds Check succeeds, update the Source Distributions; otherwise   */
Line: 202

      select distinct 'Y'
        from gl_bc_packets
       where exists
            (select 'Y'
               from gl_bc_packets
              where reference1 = 'PO'
                and reference5 is not null
                and packet_id = packet_id);
Line: 212

      select 'Y'
        from financials_system_parameters
       where req_encumbrance_flag = 'Y';
Line: 329

for all the records inserted in the previous step using the
packet_id. */

             INTO    l_min_acct_unit , l_precision
             FROM    GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS GLSOB,
                     FND_CURRENCIES FC
             WHERE   GLSOB.set_of_books_id = FSP.set_of_books_id
             AND     FC.currency_code = GLSOB.currency_code;
Line: 341

        SET ENTERED_DR = ROUND(ENTERED_DR/l_min_acct_unit) * l_min_acct_unit ,
            ENTERED_CR = ROUND(ENTERED_CR/l_min_acct_unit) * l_min_acct_unit,
            ACCOUNTED_DR = ROUND(ACCOUNTED_DR/l_min_acct_unit ) * l_min_acct_unit ,
            ACCOUNTED_CR = ROUND(ACCOUNTED_CR/l_min_acct_unit) * l_min_acct_unit
        WHERE PACKET_ID = g_packetid;
Line: 348

        SET ENTERED_DR = ROUND(ENTERED_DR,l_precision),
            ENTERED_CR = ROUND(ENTERED_CR,l_precision),
            ACCOUNTED_DR = ROUND(ACCOUNTED_DR,l_precision),
            ACCOUNTED_CR = ROUND(ACCOUNTED_CR,l_precision)
        WHERE PACKET_ID = g_packetid;
Line: 451

      if not po_err_insert then

        PO_MESSAGE_S.APP_ERROR(error_name => 'PO_ALL_TRACE_ERROR',
                               token1 => 'FILE',
                               value1 => 'PO_FUNDS_CHECKER',
                               token2 => 'ERR_NUMBER',
                               value2 => '035',
                               token3 => 'SUBROUTINE',
                               value3 => 'PO_FUNDS_CONTROL()');
Line: 470

      if not po_err_insert then

        PO_MESSAGE_S.APP_ERROR(error_name => 'PO_ALL_TRACE_ERROR',
                               token1 => 'FILE',
                               value1 => 'PO_FUNDS_CHECKER',
                               token2 => 'ERR_NUMBER',
                               value2 => '040',
                               token3 => 'SUBROUTINE',
                               value3 => 'PO_FUNDS_CONTROL()');
Line: 600

/*   Insert into the Funds Checker queue                                   */
/*                                                                         */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  -- Parameters :

  -- p_doctyp : Header Type

  -- p_docsubtyp : Header Subtype

  -- p_lineid : Line ID

  -- p_shipid : Shipment ID

  -- p_distid : Distribution ID

  -- p_action : Action

  -- p_override_period : Override Period

  -- p_recreate_demand : Recreate Demand ?

  -- p_packetid : Funds Checker Queue Packet ID

  FUNCTION po_fc_ins(p_docid           IN     NUMBER,
                     p_doctyp          IN     VARCHAR2,
                     p_docsubtyp       IN     VARCHAR2,
                     p_lineid          IN     NUMBER,
                     p_shipid          IN     NUMBER,
                     p_distid          IN     NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
                     p_action          IN     VARCHAR2,
                     p_override_period IN     VARCHAR2,
                     p_recreate_demand IN     VARCHAR2,
                     p_packetid        IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS

    l_goodstmt  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 681

    g_sql_insert := 'insert into gl_bc_packets ' ||
                               '(packet_id, ' ||
                                'set_of_books_id, ' ||
                                'je_source_name, ' ||
                                'je_category_name, ' ||
                                'code_combination_id, ' ||
                                'actual_flag, ' ||
                                'period_name, ' ||
                                'period_year, ' ||
                                'period_num, ' ||
                                'quarter_num, ' ||
                                'currency_code, ' ||
                                'status_code, ' ||
                                'last_update_date, ' ||
                                'last_updated_by, ' ||
                                'budget_version_id, ' ||
                                'encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                                'entered_dr, ' ||
                                'entered_cr, ' ||
                                'accounted_dr, ' ||
                                'accounted_cr, ' ||
                                'ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                                'reference1, ' ||
                                'reference2, ' ||
                                'reference3, ' ||
                                'reference4, ' ||
                                'reference5, ' ||
                                'je_line_description) ';
Line: 858

      select gl_bc_packets_s.nextval,
        from financials_system_parameters fsp;
Line: 1055

    l_stmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                     'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                     '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                     '''Requisitions'', ' ||
                     'pord.budget_account_id, ' ||
                     '''E'', ' ||
                     'glp.period_name, ' ||
                     'glp.period_year, ' ||
                     'glp.period_num, ' ||
                     'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                     'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                     ':status_code, ' ||
                     'sysdate, ' ||
                     ':user_id, ' ||
                     'null, ' ||
                     'fsp.req_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                     'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                            'base_cur.precision), round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                     'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                            'base_cur.precision), round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                     'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                            'base_cur.precision), round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                     'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                            'base_cur.precision), round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                            '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                            'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                     'pord.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                     '''REQ'', ' ||
                     'porl.requisition_header_id, ' ||
                     'pord.distribution_id, ' ||
                     'prh.segment1, ' ||
                     'porl.reference_num, ' ||
                     'substr(porl.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                     'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                     'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                     'fnd_currencies base_cur, ' ||
                     'po_req_distributions pord, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_headers prh ' ||
               'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                 'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                 'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pord.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                 'and base_cur.currency_code = glsob.currency_code ' ||
                 'and nvl(pord.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(porl.cancel_flag, ''N'') =  '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                 'and porl.line_location_id is null ' ||
                 'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                 'and porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id ' ||
                 'and nvl(pord.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(fsp.req_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''Y'' ' ||
                 'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id';
Line: 1185

    g_sql_insert := g_sql_insert ||
Line: 1224

after inserting the records in the gl_bc_packets in the procedure
po_funds_control after the call po_fc_ins(insertion of gl_bc_packet).

Similar changes made in the function po_fc_selblnkrel and po_fc_selschrel */

    l_stmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                     'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                     '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                     '''Purchases'', ' ||
                     'pod.budget_account_id, ' ||
                     '''E'', ' ||
                     'glp.period_name, ' ||
                     'glp.period_year, ' ||
                     'glp.period_num, ' ||
                     'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                     'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                     ':status_code, ' ||
                     'sysdate, ' ||
                     ':user_id, ' ||
                     'null, ' ||
                     'fsp.purch_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'pod.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                     '''PO'', ' ||
                     'poll.po_header_id, ' ||
                     'pod.po_distribution_id, ' ||
                     'poh.segment1, ' ||
                     'decode(pod.req_distribution_id, null, null, ' ||
                            'prh.segment1), ' ||
                     'substr(pol.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                     'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                     'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                     'fnd_currencies doc_cur, ' ||
                     'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                     'po_line_locations poll, ' ||
                     'po_lines pol, ' ||
                     'po_headers poh, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                     'po_req_distributions pord ' ||
               'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                 'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                 'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pod.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                 'and doc_cur.currency_code = poh.currency_code ' ||
                 'and poll.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id ' ||
                 'and poll.shipment_type in (''STANDARD'', ''PLANNED'') ' ||
                 'and pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ' ||
                 'and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id ' ||
                 'and nvl(pod.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(poll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(pod.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                 'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                 'and pod.req_distribution_id = pord.distribution_id(+) ' ||
                 'and pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+) ' ||
                 'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id (+)';
Line: 1327

    l_bstmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                      'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                      '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                      '''Requisitions'', ' ||
                      'pord.budget_account_id, ' ||
                      '''E'', ' ||
                      'glp.period_name, ' ||
                      'glp.period_year, ' ||
                      'glp.period_num, ' ||
                      'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                      'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                      ':status_code, ' ||
                      'sysdate, ' ||
                      ':user_id, ' ||
                      'null, ' ||
                      'fsp.req_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                            'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                             'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) '||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'pord.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                      '''REQ'', ' ||
                      'porl.requisition_header_id, ' ||
                      'pord.distribution_id, ' ||
                      'prh.segment1, ' ||
                      'porl.reference_num, ' ||
                      'substr(porl.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                 'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                      'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                      'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                      'fnd_currencies base_cur, ' ||
                      'po_req_distributions pord, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                      'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                      'po_line_locations poll ' ||
                'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                  'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                  'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pod.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                  'and base_cur.currency_code = glsob.currency_code ' ||
                  'and poll.shipment_type in (''STANDARD'', ''PLANNED'') ' ||
                  'and pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(pod.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(poll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(pod.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                  'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                  'and :backing_doc_join_column = pod.req_distribution_id ' ||
                  'and porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(fsp.req_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''Y'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(pord.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                  'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(:recreate_demand, ''Y'') = ''Y''';
Line: 1498

    g_sql_insert := g_sql_insert ||
                    l_stmt || ' UNION ALL ' ||
Line: 1523

    l_stmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                     'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                     '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                     '''Purchases'', ' ||
                     'pod.budget_account_id, ' ||
                     '''E'', ' ||
                     'glp.period_name, ' ||
                     'glp.period_year, ' ||
                     'glp.period_num, ' ||
                     'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                     'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                     ':status_code, ' ||
                     'sysdate, ' ||
                     ':user_id, ' ||
                     'null, ' ||
                     'fsp.purch_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'pod.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                     '''PO'', ' ||
                     'poll.po_header_id, ' ||
                     'pod.po_distribution_id, ' ||
                     'poh.segment1, ' ||
                     'decode(pod.req_distribution_id, null, null, ' ||
                            'prh.segment1), ' ||
                     'substr(pol.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                     'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                     'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                     'fnd_currencies doc_cur, ' ||
                     'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                     'po_line_locations poll, ' ||
                     'po_lines pol, ' ||
                     'po_releases por, ' ||
                     'po_headers poh, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                     'po_req_distributions pord ' ||
               'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                 'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                 'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pod.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                 'and doc_cur.currency_code = poh.currency_code ' ||
                 'and poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id ' ||
                 'and por.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id ' ||
                 'and poll.shipment_type = ''BLANKET'' ' ||
                 'and pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ' ||
                 'and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id ' ||
                 'and nvl(pod.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(poll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(pod.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                 'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                 'and pod.req_distribution_id = pord.distribution_id(+) ' ||
                 'and pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+) ' ||
                 'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id (+)';
Line: 1623

    l_bstmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                      'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                      '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                      '''Requisitions'', ' ||
                      'pord.budget_account_id, ' ||
                      '''E'', ' ||
                      'glp.period_name, ' ||
                      'glp.period_year, ' ||
                      'glp.period_num, ' ||
                      'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                      'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                      ':status_code, ' ||
                      'sysdate, ' ||
                      ':user_id, ' ||
                      'null, ' ||
                      'fsp.req_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :dr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'decode(base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity, ' ||
                             'base_cur.precision), ' ||
                             'round((porl.unit_price + ' ||
                           'po_tax_sv.get_tax(''REQ'',PORD.distribution_id) ' ||
                             '/ PORD.req_line_quantity) * :cr_quantity / ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit) * ' ||
                             'base_cur.minimum_accountable_unit), ' ||
                      'pord.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                      '''REQ'', ' ||
                      'porl.requisition_header_id, ' ||
                      'pord.distribution_id, ' ||
                      'prh.segment1, ' ||
                      'porl.reference_num, ' ||
                      'substr(porl.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                 'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                      'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                      'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                      'fnd_currencies base_cur, ' ||
                      'po_req_distributions pord, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                      'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                      'po_line_locations poll ' ||
                'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                  'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                  'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pod.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                  'and base_cur.currency_code = glsob.currency_code ' ||
                  'and poll.shipment_type = ''BLANKET'' ' ||
                  'and pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(pod.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(poll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(pod.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                  'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                  'and :backing_doc_join_column = pod.req_distribution_id ' ||
                  'and porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(fsp.req_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''Y'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(pord.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                  'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(:recreate_demand, ''Y'') = ''Y''';
Line: 1794

    g_sql_insert := g_sql_insert ||
                    l_stmt || ' UNION ALL ' ||
Line: 1819

    l_stmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                     'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                     '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                     '''Purchases'', ' ||
                     'prd.budget_account_id, ' ||
                     '''E'', ' ||
                     'glp.period_name, ' ||
                     'glp.period_year, ' ||
                     'glp.period_num, ' ||
                     'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                     'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                     ':status_code, ' ||
                     'sysdate, ' ||
                     ':user_id, ' ||
                     'null, ' ||
                     'fsp.purch_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(prd.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(prd.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(prd.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(prd.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(prd.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(prd.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(prd.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((prll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ PRD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(prd.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'prd.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                     '''PO'', ' ||
                     'prll.po_header_id, ' ||
                     'prd.po_distribution_id, ' ||
                     'poh.segment1, ' ||
                     'decode(pod.req_distribution_id, null, null, ' ||
                            'prh.segment1), ' ||
                     'substr(pol.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                     'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                     'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                     'fnd_currencies doc_cur, ' ||
                     'po_distributions prd, ' ||
                     'po_line_locations prll, ' ||
                     'po_lines pol, ' ||
                     'po_headers poh, ' ||
                     'po_releases por, ' ||
                     'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                     'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                     'po_req_distributions pord ' ||
               'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                 'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                 'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, prd.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                 'and doc_cur.currency_code = poh.currency_code ' ||
                 'and prll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id ' ||
                 'and por.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id ' ||
                 'and prll.shipment_type = ''SCHEDULED'' ' ||
                 'and prd.line_location_id = prll.line_location_id ' ||
                 'and prd.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id ' ||
                 'and nvl(prd.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(prll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                 'and nvl(prd.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                 'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                 'and prd.source_distribution_id = pod.po_distribution_id(+) ' ||
                 'and pod.req_distribution_id = pord.distribution_id(+) ' ||
                 'and pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+) ' ||
                 'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id (+)';
Line: 1921

    l_bstmt := 'select :packet_id, ' ||
                      'glsob.set_of_books_id, ' ||
                      '''Purchasing'', ' ||
                      '''Purchases'', ' ||
                      'pod.budget_account_id, ' ||
                      '''E'', ' ||
                      'glp.period_name, ' ||
                      'glp.period_year, ' ||
                      'glp.period_num, ' ||
                      'glp.quarter_num, ' ||
                      'glsob.currency_code, ' ||
                      ':status_code, ' ||
                      'sysdate, ' ||
                      ':user_id, ' ||
                      'null, ' ||
                      'fsp.purch_encumbrance_type_id, ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :dr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                     'decode(doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit, null, ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override +  ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity ' ||
                            ', doc_cur.precision) * nvl(pod.rate, 1) , ' ||
                            'round((poll.price_override  + ' ||
                            '/ POD.quantity_ordered) * :cr_quantity' ||
                            ' / doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit)  ' ||
                            ' * doc_cur.minimum_accountable_unit' ||
                            ' * nvl(pod.rate, 1) ), ' ||
                      'pod.ussgl_transaction_code, ' ||
                      '''PO'', ' ||
                      'poll.po_header_id, ' ||
                      'pod.po_distribution_id, ' ||
                      'poh.segment1, ' ||
                      'decode(pod.req_distribution_id, null, null, ' ||
                             'prh.segment1), ' ||
                      'substr(porl.item_description, 1, 40) ' ||
                 'from gl_periods glp, ' ||
                      'gl_sets_of_books glsob, ' ||
                      'financials_system_parameters fsp, ' ||
                      'fnd_currencies doc_cur, ' ||
                      'po_distributions prd, ' ||
                      'po_line_locations prll, ' ||
                      'po_lines pol, ' ||
                      'po_headers poh, ' ||
                      'po_releases por, ' ||
                      'po_distributions pod, ' ||
                      'po_line_locations poll, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_headers prh, ' ||
                      'po_requisition_lines porl, ' ||
                      'po_req_distributions pord ' ||
                'where glsob.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id ' ||
                  'and glp.period_set_name = glsob.period_set_name ' ||
                  'and glp.period_name = nvl(:override_period, pod.gl_encumbered_period_name) ' ||
                  'and doc_cur.currency_code = poh.currency_code ' ||
                  'and prll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id ' ||
                  'and por.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id ' ||
                  'and prll.shipment_type = ''SCHEDULED'' ' ||
                  'and prd.line_location_id = prll.line_location_id ' ||
                  'and nvl(prd.encumbered_flag, ''N'') = '':encumbrance_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(prll.cancel_flag, ''N'') = '':cancel_state'' ' ||
                  'and nvl(prd.prevent_encumbrance_flag, ''N'') = ''N'' ' ||
                  'and :entity_level = :object_id ' ||
                  'and pod.po_distribution_id = prd.source_distribution_id ' ||
                  'and poll.line_location_id = pod.line_location_id ' ||
                  'and pol.po_line_id = pod.po_line_id ' ||
                  'and pod.req_distribution_id = pord.distribution_id(+) ' ||
                  'and pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+) ' ||
                  'and porl.requisition_header_id = prh.requisition_header_id (+)';
Line: 2097

    g_sql_insert := g_sql_insert ||
                    l_stmt || ' UNION ALL ' ||
Line: 2115

    cur_insert  INTEGER;
Line: 2116

    num_insert  INTEGER;
Line: 2119

      select gl_bc_packets_s.nextval
        from dual;
Line: 2217

    cur_insert := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
Line: 2218

    dbms_sql.parse(cur_insert, g_sql_insert, dbms_sql.v7);
Line: 2220

    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'packet_id', g_packetid);
Line: 2221

    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'status_code', l_status);
Line: 2222

    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'user_id', g_userid);
Line: 2223

    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'override_period', g_override_period);
Line: 2224

    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'object_id', l_objectid);
Line: 2226

    if INSTR(g_sql_insert, ':recreate_demand', 1) > 0 then
      dbms_sql.bind_variable(cur_insert, 'recreate_demand', g_recreate_demand);
Line: 2232

    num_insert := dbms_sql.execute(cur_insert);
Line: 2233

Line: 2240

             'Inserted ' || num_insert || ' Records into gl_bc_packets' ||
Line: 2258

      if dbms_sql.is_open(cur_insert) then
Line: 2384

      update po_req_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_fcmode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'N')
       where requisition_line_id in
            (select porl.requisition_line_id
               from po_requisition_lines porl
              where porl.requisition_header_id = g_docid
                and porl.line_location_id is null);
Line: 2398

      update po_req_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_fcmode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'N')
       where requisition_line_id = g_lineid;
Line: 2428

    update po_requisition_lines porl
       set encumbered_flag =
          (select decode(count(pord.distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
             from po_req_distributions pord
            where pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
              and pord.encumbered_flag = 'N')
     where porl.requisition_header_id = g_docid;
Line: 2467

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_header_id = g_docid;
Line: 2478

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where po_header_id = g_docid);
Line: 2490

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where po_header_id = g_docid);
Line: 2506

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_line_id = g_lineid;
Line: 2517

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where po_line_id = g_lineid);
Line: 2529

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where po_line_id = g_lineid);
Line: 2545

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where line_location_id = g_shipid;
Line: 2556

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where line_location_id = g_shipid);
Line: 2568

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where line_location_id = g_shipid);
Line: 2598

    update po_line_locations poll
       set encumbered_flag =
          (select decode(count(pod.po_distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
             from po_distributions pod
            where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
              and pod.encumbered_flag = 'N')
     where poll.po_header_id = g_docid;
Line: 2611

      update po_requisition_lines porl
         set encumbered_flag =
            (select decode(count(pord.distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
               from po_req_distributions pord
              where pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                and pord.encumbered_flag = 'N')
       where porl.requisition_line_id in
            (select prd.requisition_line_id
               from po_requisition_lines prl,
                    po_req_distributions prd,
                    po_distributions pod
              where prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
                and prd.distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id
                and pod.po_header_id = g_docid);
Line: 2628

      update po_requisition_lines porl
         set encumbered_flag =
            (select decode(count(pord.distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
               from po_req_distributions pord
              where pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                and pord.encumbered_flag = 'N')
       where porl.requisition_line_id in
            (select prd.requisition_line_id
               from po_requisition_lines prl,
                    po_req_distributions prd,
                    po_distributions pod
              where prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
                and prd.source_req_distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id
                and pod.po_header_id = g_docid);
Line: 2672

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_release_id = g_docid;
Line: 2683

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 2695

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 2711

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_line_id = g_lineid;
Line: 2722

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where po_line_id = g_lineid);
Line: 2734

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where po_line_id = g_lineid);
Line: 2750

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where line_location_id = g_shipid;
Line: 2761

        update po_req_distributions
           set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                        'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
         where distribution_id in
              (select req_distribution_id
                 from po_distributions
                where line_location_id = g_shipid);
Line: 2773

          update po_req_distributions
             set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                          'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
           where source_req_distribution_id in
                (select req_distribution_id
                   from po_distributions
                  where line_location_id = g_shipid);
Line: 2803

    update po_line_locations poll
       set encumbered_flag =
          (select decode(count(pod.po_distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
             from po_distributions pod
            where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
              and pod.encumbered_flag = 'N')
     where poll.po_release_id = g_docid;
Line: 2816

      update po_requisition_lines porl
         set encumbered_flag =
            (select decode(count(pord.distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
               from po_req_distributions pord
              where pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                and pord.encumbered_flag = 'N')
       where porl.requisition_line_id in
            (select prd.requisition_line_id
               from po_requisition_lines prl,
                    po_req_distributions prd,
                    po_distributions pod
              where prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
                and prd.distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id
                and pod.po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 2833

      update po_requisition_lines porl
         set encumbered_flag =
            (select decode(count(pord.distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
               from po_req_distributions pord
              where pord.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                and pord.encumbered_flag = 'N')
       where porl.requisition_line_id in
            (select prd.requisition_line_id
               from po_requisition_lines prl,
                    po_req_distributions prd,
                    po_distributions pod
              where prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id
                and prd.source_req_distribution_id = pod.req_distribution_id
                and pod.po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 2877

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_release_id = g_docid;
Line: 2886

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                      'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
       where po_distribution_id in
            (select po_distribution_id
               from po_distributions
              where po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 2898

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where po_line_id = g_lineid;
Line: 2907

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                      'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
       where po_distribution_id in
            (select po_distribution_id
               from po_distributions
              where po_line_id = g_lineid);
Line: 2919

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'Y', 'REVERSE', 'N',
                                      'LIQUIDATE', 'N', 'REJECT',
                                      encumbered_flag, 'N')
       where line_location_id = g_shipid;
Line: 2928

      update po_distributions
         set encumbered_flag = decode(g_pomode, 'RESERVE', 'N',
                                      'REVERSE', 'Y', encumbered_flag)
       where po_distribution_id in
            (select po_distribution_id
               from po_distributions
              where line_location_id = g_shipid);
Line: 2954

    update po_line_locations poll
       set encumbered_flag =
          (select decode(count(pod.po_distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
             from po_distributions pod
            where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
              and pod.encumbered_flag = 'N')
     where poll.po_release_id = g_docid;
Line: 2965

    update po_line_locations poll
       set encumbered_flag =
          (select decode(count(pod.po_distribution_id), 0, 'Y', 'N')
             from po_distributions pod
            where pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
              and pod.encumbered_flag = 'N')
     where poll.line_location_id in
          (select pod.line_location_id
             from po_distributions pod,
                  po_distributions prd
            where pod.po_distribution_id = prd.source_distribution_id
              and prd.po_release_id = g_docid);
Line: 3004

      select glbp.reference1 doc_type,
             to_number(glbp.reference2) doc_id,
             to_number(glbp.reference3) dist_id,
        from gl_bc_packets glbp
       where glbp.originating_rowid is null
         and glbp.packet_id = dist_packet_id
         and glbp.template_id is NULL
       order by packet_id, to_number(reference3);
Line: 3038

            update po_distributions
               set encumbered_flag =
                   decode(sign(c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 1, 'Y', 0, encumbered_flag, 'N')
             where po_distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3048

              update po_distributions
                 set encumbered_amount =
                     round((nvl(encumbered_amount, 0) + c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 3)
               where po_distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3059

            update po_distributions
               set encumbered_flag =
                   decode(sign(c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 1, 'N', 0, encumbered_flag, 'Y')
             where po_distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3072

            update po_req_distributions
               set encumbered_flag =
                   decode(sign(c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 1, 'Y', 0, encumbered_flag, 'N')
             where distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3082

              update po_req_distributions
                 set encumbered_amount =
                     round((nvl(encumbered_amount, 0) + c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 3)
               where distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3093

            update po_req_distributions
               set encumbered_flag =
                   decode(sign(c_pkt.accounted_dr - c_pkt.accounted_cr), 1, 'N', 0, encumbered_flag, 'Y')
             where distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3115

          update po_distributions
             set failed_funds_lookup_code = c_pkt.result_code
           where po_distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3122

          update po_req_distributions
             set failed_funds_lookup_code = c_pkt.result_code
           where distribution_id = c_pkt.dist_id;
Line: 3151


    l_linemsg   VARCHAR2(25);
Line: 3160

      select po_online_report_text_s.nextval
        from dual;
Line: 3178

      insert into po_online_report_text(online_report_id,
                                 select l_reportid,
                                        l_linemsg || to_char(prl.line_num) ||
                                        ' ' || l_distmsg ||
                                        to_char(prd.distribution_num) || ' ' ||
                                   from gl_bc_packets gbp,
                                        gl_lookups gll,
                                        po_requisition_lines prl,
                                        po_req_distributions prd
                                  where gbp.packet_id = g_packetid
                                    and gbp.status_code in ('R', 'F', 'T')
                                    and gbp.result_code = gll.lookup_code
                                    and gll.lookup_type = 'FUNDS_CHECK_RESULT_CODE'
                                    and gbp.reference3 = prd.distribution_id
                                    and prd.requisition_line_id = prl.requisition_line_id;
Line: 3216

               'Inserted ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Records into po_online_report_text' || g_delim;
Line: 3220

      insert into po_online_report_text(online_report_id,
                                 select l_reportid,
                                        l_linemsg || to_char(pol.line_num) ||
                                        ' ' || l_shipmsg ||
                                        to_char(poll.shipment_num) || ' ' ||
                                        l_distmsg ||
                                        to_char(pod.distribution_num) || ' ' ||
                                   from gl_bc_packets gbp,
                                        gl_lookups gll,
                                        po_lines pol,
                                        po_line_locations poll,
                                        po_distributions pod
                                  where gbp.packet_id = g_packetid
                                    and gbp.status_code in ('R', 'F', 'T')
                                    and gbp.result_code = gll.lookup_code
                                    and gll.lookup_type = 'FUNDS_CHECK_RESULT_CODE'
                                    and gbp.reference3 = pod.po_distribution_id
                                    and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
                                    and pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id;
Line: 3262

               'Inserted ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Records into po_online_report_text' || g_delim;
Line: 3283

  END po_err_insert;