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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_acct_stp_cnv AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI82B.pls 120.4 2006/05/04 23:32:53 sapanigr ship $ */
4 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Created by  : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
6 Date created: 23-May-2003
8 Purpose:
10 Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
12 Change History:
13 Who         When            What
14 sapanigr   05-May-2006      Bug 5178077: Modified procedure updt_ftci_acct_info to disable process in R12.
15 svuppala   14-JUL-2005      Enh 3392095 - impact of Tution Waivers build
16                             Modified igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row by adding two new columns
17                             post_waiver_gl_flag, waiver_notify_finaid_flag
18 gurprsin    18-Jun-2005    Bug# 3392088 , Modified call to igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_pkg.update_row method to include
19                            scope_rul_sequence_num and elm_rng_order_name
20 gurprsin   02-Jun-2005     Enh# 3442712 - Fee Based on Unit Level Attributes
21                            Added 4 new columns unit_level,unit_type_id,unit_class,unit_mode in insert_ftci_accounts
22                            Modifications to reflect the Addition of 4 new parameters to incorporate Unit Level Attributes.
23                            updated call to insert_ftci_accts in updt_ftci_acct_info procedure to pass new parameters with NULL values
24 svuppala   13-Apr-2005     Bug 4297359 - ER REGISTRATION FEE ISSUE - ASSESSED TO STUDENTS WITH NO LOAD
25                            Modifications to reflect the data model changes (NONZERO_BILLABLE_CP_FLAG) in
26                            Fee Type Calendar Instances Table
27 rmaddipa    17-Sep-2004     Enh# 3880438 Modified the procedure update_ftci_rev_acc_cd
28 jbegum      14-June-2003    Bug# 2998266 Obsoleted the column NEXT_INVOICE_NUMBER.
29 shtatiko    12-JUN-2003     Enh# 2831582, Modified updt_ftci_acct_info.
30 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32   skip EXCEPTION;
33   incomplete_setup EXCEPTION;
34   success EXCEPTION;
36 --Cursor to fetch all the fee type calendar instances for account conversion.
37   CURSOR cur_ftci IS
38     SELECT ca.start_dt,
39            ca.end_dt,
40            ft.s_fee_type,
41            h.name,
42            ftci.rowid,
43            ftci.*
44     FROM   igs_fi_fee_type ft,
45            igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst ftci,
46            igs_ca_inst ca,
47            igs_fi_hier_accounts h
48     WHERE  ft.fee_type = ftci.fee_type
49     AND    ftci.fee_cal_type = ca.cal_type
50     AND    ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number = ca.sequence_number
51     AND    ftci.acct_hier_id = h.acct_hier_id
52     ORDER BY ft.fee_type,
53              ftci.fee_cal_type,
54              ca.start_dt;
56   PROCEDURE insert_ftci_accounts(   p_v_fee_type                          IN     VARCHAR2,
57                                     p_v_fee_cal_type                      IN     VARCHAR2,
58                                     p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number            IN     NUMBER,
59                                     p_n_order_sequence                    IN     NUMBER,
60                                     p_n_natural_account_segment           IN     VARCHAR2,
61                                     p_v_rev_account_cd                    IN     VARCHAR2,
62                                     p_v_location_cd                       IN     VARCHAR2,
63                                     p_v_attendance_type                   IN     VARCHAR2,
64                                     p_v_attendance_mode                   IN     VARCHAR2,
65                                     p_v_course_cd                         IN     VARCHAR2,
66                                     p_n_crs_version_number                IN     NUMBER,
67                                     p_v_unit_cd                           IN     VARCHAR2,
68                                     p_n_unit_version_number               IN     NUMBER,
69                                     p_v_org_unit_cd                       IN     VARCHAR2,
70                                     p_v_residency_status_cd               IN     VARCHAR2,
71                                     p_n_uoo_id                            IN     NUMBER,
72                                     p_v_unit_level                        IN     VARCHAR2,
73                                     p_n_unit_type_id                      IN     NUMBER,
74                                     p_v_unit_mode                         IN     VARCHAR2,
75                                     p_v_unit_class                        IN     VARCHAR2
76                                   ) IS
77   /*------------------------------------------------------------------
78   Created by  : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
79   Date created: 23-May-2003
81   Purpose: Inserts record into igs_fi_ftci_accts table using the specified parameters.
83   Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
85   Change History:
86   Who         When            What
87   gurprsin    02-Jun-2005     Enh# 3442712, Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
88   -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
89   l_rowid   VARCHAR2(25);
90   l_n_acct_id igs_fi_ftci_accts.acct_id%TYPE;
92   BEGIN
94     l_rowid := NULL;
95     l_n_acct_id := NULL;
97     igs_fi_ftci_accts_pkg.insert_row (
98                                          x_rowid                        => l_rowid,
99                                          x_acct_id                      => l_n_acct_id,
100                                          x_fee_type                     => p_v_fee_type,
101                                          x_fee_cal_type                 => p_v_fee_cal_type,
102                                          x_fee_ci_sequence_number       => p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number,
103                                          x_order_sequence               => p_n_order_sequence,
104                                          x_natural_account_segment      => p_n_natural_account_segment,
105                                          x_rev_account_cd               => p_v_rev_account_cd,
106                                          x_location_cd                  => p_v_location_cd,
107                                          x_attendance_type              => p_v_attendance_type,
108                                          x_attendance_mode              => p_v_attendance_mode,
109                                          x_course_cd                    => p_v_course_cd,
110                                          x_crs_version_number           => p_n_crs_version_number,
111                                          x_unit_cd                      => p_v_unit_cd,
112                                          x_unit_version_number          => p_n_unit_version_number,
113                                          x_org_unit_cd                  => p_v_org_unit_cd,
114                                          x_residency_status_cd          => p_v_residency_status_cd,
115                                          x_uoo_id                       => p_n_uoo_id,
116                                          x_mode                         => 'R',
117                                          x_unit_level                   => p_v_unit_level,
118                                          x_unit_type_id                 => p_n_unit_type_id,
119                                          x_unit_mode                    => p_v_unit_mode,
120                                          x_unit_class                   => p_v_unit_class
121                                         );
122   END insert_ftci_accounts;
124   PROCEDURE update_ftci_rev_acc_cd( l_cur_ftci_details  cur_ftci%ROWTYPE,
125                                     p_v_rev_account_cd  igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rev_account_cd%TYPE) IS
126   /*------------------------------------------------------------------
127   Created by  : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
128   Date created: 05-Jun-2003
130   Purpose: Updates the FTCI record with the specified revenue account code parameter value.
132   Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
134   Change History:
135   Who         When            What
136  gurprsin    18-Jun-2005     Bug# 3392088 , Modified call to igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_pkg.update_row method to include
137                              scope_rul_sequence_num and elm_rng_order_name
138  svuppala    13-Apr-2005     Bug 4297359 - ER REGISTRATION FEE ISSUE - ASSESSED TO STUDENTS WITH NO LOAD
139                              TBH impact of NONZERO_BILLABLE_CP_FLAG field in Fee Type Calendar Instances Table
140  rmaddipa    17-Sep-2004     Added two parameters retention_level_code,complete_ret_flag.
141   -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143   BEGIN
145     igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst_pkg.update_row(
146                                          x_rowid                     =>  l_cur_ftci_details.rowid,
147                                          x_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci_details.fee_type,
148                                          x_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci_details.fee_cal_type,
149                                          x_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci_details.fee_ci_sequence_number,
150                                          x_fee_type_ci_status        =>  l_cur_ftci_details.fee_type_ci_status,
151                                          x_start_dt_alias            =>  l_cur_ftci_details.start_dt_alias,
152                                          x_start_dai_sequence_number =>  l_cur_ftci_details.start_dai_sequence_number,
153                                          x_end_dt_alias              =>  l_cur_ftci_details.end_dt_alias,
154                                          x_end_dai_sequence_number   =>  l_cur_ftci_details.end_dai_sequence_number,
155                                          x_retro_dt_alias            =>  l_cur_ftci_details.retro_dt_alias,
156                                          x_retro_dai_sequence_number =>  l_cur_ftci_details.retro_dai_sequence_number,
157                                          x_s_chg_method_type         =>  l_cur_ftci_details.s_chg_method_type,
158                                          x_rul_sequence_number       =>  l_cur_ftci_details.rul_sequence_number,
159                                          x_mode                      =>  'R',
160                                          x_initial_default_amount    =>  l_cur_ftci_details.initial_default_amount,
161                                          x_acct_hier_id              =>  l_cur_ftci_details.acct_hier_id,
162                                          x_rec_gl_ccid               =>  l_cur_ftci_details.rec_gl_ccid,
163                                          x_rev_account_cd            =>  p_v_rev_account_cd,
164                                          x_rec_account_cd            =>  l_cur_ftci_details.rec_account_cd,
165                                          x_ret_gl_ccid               =>  l_cur_ftci_details.ret_gl_ccid,
166                                          x_ret_account_cd            =>  l_cur_ftci_details.ret_account_cd,
167                                          x_retention_level_code      =>  l_cur_ftci_details.retention_level_code,
168                                          x_complete_ret_flag         =>  l_cur_ftci_details.complete_ret_flag,
169                                          x_nonzero_billable_cp_flag  =>  l_cur_ftci_details.nonzero_billable_cp_flag,
170                                          x_scope_rul_sequence_num    =>  l_cur_ftci_details.scope_rul_sequence_num,
171                                          x_elm_rng_order_name        =>  l_cur_ftci_details.elm_rng_order_name
172                                         );
173   END update_ftci_rev_acc_cd;
175   PROCEDURE updt_ftci_acct_info( errbuf    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
176                                  retcode   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
177                                 ) IS
178   /*------------------------------------------------------------------
179   Created by  : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
180   Date created: 23-May-2003
182   Purpose: Converts Existing Accounting Setup Details.
184   Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
186   Change History:
187   Who         When            What
188   sapanigr   05-May-2006      Bug 5178077: Added call to igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id. to disable process in R12
189   svuppala   14-JUL-2005      Enh 3392095 - impact of Tution Waivers build
190                               Modified igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row by adding two new columns
191                               post_waiver_gl_flag, waiver_notify_finaid_flag
192   gurprsin    02-Jun-2005     Enh#3442712, Modified calls to igs_fi_accts_pkg.get_uk2_for_validation by adding 4 new unit level parameters
193                               insert_ftci_accounts and updt_ftci_acct_info method
194   pmarada    19-Nov-2004      Bug 4017841, Removed the obsoleted res_dt_alias column reference from igs_fi_control table update row
195   uudayapr   23-dec-2003      Enh#3167098 Removed Column Name PRG_CHG_DT_ALIAS and added RES_DT_ALIAS in
196                                            igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row
197   shtatiko   12-JUN-2003      Enh# 2831582, Removed Obsoleted columns from igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row
198   -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
200   CURSOR cur_ctrl IS
201     SELECT fc.rowid, fc.*
202     FROM   igs_fi_control_all fc;
204   l_cur_ctrl  cur_ctrl%ROWTYPE;
206   CURSOR cur_chk_acct_rec_exists(cp_v_fee_type        igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE,
207                                  cp_v_fee_cal_type    igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
208                                  cp_n_seq_number      igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE
209                                  )IS
210     SELECT 'x'
211     FROM   igs_fi_ftci_accts
212     WHERE  fee_type = cp_v_fee_type
213     AND    fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
214     AND    fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_seq_number;
216     l_v_var    VARCHAR2(1);
217     l_n_seq    igs_fi_ftci_accts.order_sequence%TYPE;
219   CURSOR cur_hier(cp_n_acct_hier_id igs_fi_hier_acct_tbl.acct_hier_id%TYPE) IS
220     SELECT entity_type_code
221     FROM   igs_fi_hier_acct_tbl
222     WHERE  acct_hier_id = cp_n_acct_hier_id
223     ORDER BY order_sequence;
225   CURSOR cur_prg_rev_cd IS
226     SELECT course_cd, version_number, rev_account_cd
227     FROM   igs_ps_ver
228     WHERE  rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL
229     ORDER BY course_cd, version_number;
231   CURSOR cur_unit_rev_cd IS
232     SELECT unit_cd, version_number, rev_account_cd
233     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ver
234     WHERE  rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL
235     ORDER BY unit_cd, version_number;
237   CURSOR cur_uoo_rev_cd IS
238     SELECT uoo_id, rev_account_cd
239     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
240     WHERE  rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL
241     ORDER BY unit_cd, version_number, cal_type, ci_sequence_number, location_cd, unit_class;
243   CURSOR cur_loc_rev_cd IS
244     SELECT location_cd, rev_account_cd
245     FROM   igs_ad_location
246     WHERE  rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL
247     ORDER BY location_cd;
249   CURSOR cur_org_rev_cd IS
250     SELECT org_unit_cd, rev_account_cd
251     FROM   igs_or_unit_acct_cd
252     WHERE  rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL
253     ORDER BY org_unit_cd;
255   CURSOR cur_hier_oth(cp_acct_hier_id NUMBER) IS
256     SELECT entity_type_code
257     FROM   igs_fi_hier_acct_tbl
258     WHERE  acct_hier_id = cp_acct_hier_id
259     AND    entity_type_code IN ('FTCI','SA')
260     ORDER BY order_sequence;
262   CURSOR cur_hier_oth_count(cp_acct_hier_id NUMBER) IS
263     SELECT COUNT(entity_type_code)
264     FROM   igs_fi_hier_acct_tbl
265     WHERE  acct_hier_id = cp_acct_hier_id
266     AND    entity_type_code IN ('FTCI','SA');
268   l_v_fee_type         igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','FEE_TYPE');
269   l_v_fee_period       igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','FEE_PERIOD');
270   l_v_acct_hierarchy   igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','ACCT_HIERARCHY');
271   l_v_message_text     igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','MESSAGE_TEXT');
273   l_v_rev_account_cd   igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.rev_account_cd%TYPE;
274   l_v_entity_code      igs_fi_hier_acct_tbl.entity_type_code%TYPE;
276   --For Program.
277   TYPE prg_rec_type IS RECORD (
278     course_cd         igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
279     version_number    igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE,
280     rev_account_cd    igs_ps_ver.rev_account_cd%TYPE);
282   TYPE prg_tbl_type IS TABLE OF prg_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
283   prg_tbl prg_tbl_type;
286   --For Unit.
287   TYPE unit_rec_type IS RECORD (
288     unit_cd         igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
289     version_number  igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE,
290     rev_account_cd  igs_ps_unit_ver.rev_account_cd%TYPE);
292   TYPE unit_tbl_type IS TABLE OF unit_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
293   unit_tbl unit_tbl_type;
296   --For Unit Section.
297   TYPE usec_rec_type IS RECORD (
298     uoo_id          igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE,
299     rev_account_cd  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.rev_account_cd%TYPE);
301   TYPE usec_tbl_type IS TABLE OF usec_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
302   usec_tbl usec_tbl_type;
305   --For Location.
306   TYPE loc_rec_type IS RECORD (
307     location_cd     igs_ad_location.location_cd%TYPE,
308     rev_account_cd  igs_ad_location.rev_account_cd%TYPE);
310   TYPE loc_tbl_type IS TABLE OF loc_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
311   loc_tbl loc_tbl_type;
314   --For Organization Unit Code.
315   TYPE org_rec_type IS RECORD (
316     org_unit_cd     igs_or_unit_acct_cd.org_unit_cd%TYPE,
317     rev_account_cd  igs_or_unit_acct_cd.rev_account_cd%TYPE);
319   TYPE org_tbl_type IS TABLE OF org_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
320   org_tbl org_tbl_type;
322   i  PLS_INTEGER;
323   l_n_no_of_hier_entities NUMBER := 0;
325   l_org_id VARCHAR2(15);
327   BEGIN
329      BEGIN
330           l_org_id := NULL;
331           igs_ge_gen_003.set_org_id(l_org_id);
332        EXCEPTION
333          WHEN OTHERS THEN
334             fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
335             RETCODE:=2;
336             RETURN;
337      END;
339     --For Operating Student Finance module, user needs to setup the details in the System Options form.
340     --Check the set up done in System Options form.
341     OPEN cur_ctrl;
342     FETCH cur_ctrl INTO l_cur_ctrl;
343     --If no set up is done in System Options Form, message is logged in the log file and process completes with warning.
344     IF cur_ctrl%NOTFOUND THEN
345       CLOSE cur_ctrl;
346       fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ACCT_CNV_PRC_NOT_REQ');
347       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
348       retcode := 1;
349       RETURN;
350     ELSE--if record exists in igs_fi_control table...
351       CLOSE cur_ctrl;
353       --This process is intended to execute only when Oracle General Ledger is not installed in the system.
354       --Check if Oracle General Ledger is installed..
355       IF l_cur_ctrl.rec_installed = 'Y' THEN
356         --If yes, then log the error message in the logfile and the process completes with error.
357         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ACCT_CNV_PRC_NOT_VALID');
358         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
359         retcode := 2;
360         RETURN;
361       END IF;
363       --This process is intended to for onetime usage only. Check if the value of acct_conv_flag in igs_fi_control_all is null.
364       --If this value is not null, then message is logged in the log file and process completes with warning.
365       IF l_cur_ctrl.acct_conv_flag IS NOT NULL THEN
366         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ACCT_CNV_PRC_NOT_REQ');
367         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
368         retcode := 1;
369         RETURN;
370       END IF;
371     END IF;
373     i := 1;
374     --Capture the program details in table type variable.
375     FOR l_cur_prg_rev_cd IN cur_prg_rev_cd LOOP
376       prg_tbl(i).course_cd       := l_cur_prg_rev_cd.course_cd;
377       prg_tbl(i).version_number  := l_cur_prg_rev_cd.version_number;
378       prg_tbl(i).rev_account_cd  := l_cur_prg_rev_cd.rev_account_cd;
379       i := i + 1;
380     END LOOP;
382     i := 1;
383     --Capture the unit details in table type variable.
384     FOR l_cur_unit_rev_cd IN cur_unit_rev_cd LOOP
385       unit_tbl(i).unit_cd         := l_cur_unit_rev_cd.unit_cd;
386       unit_tbl(i).version_number  := l_cur_unit_rev_cd.version_number;
387       unit_tbl(i).rev_account_cd  := l_cur_unit_rev_cd.rev_account_cd;
388       i := i + 1;
389     END LOOP;
391     i := 1;
392     --Capture the unit section details in table type variable.
393     FOR l_cur_uoo_rev_cd IN cur_uoo_rev_cd LOOP
394       usec_tbl(i).uoo_id          := l_cur_uoo_rev_cd.uoo_id;
395       usec_tbl(i).rev_account_cd  := l_cur_uoo_rev_cd.rev_account_cd;
396       i := i + 1;
397     END LOOP;
399     i := 1;
400     --Capture the location details in table type variable.
401     FOR l_cur_loc_rev_cd IN cur_loc_rev_cd LOOP
402       loc_tbl(i).location_cd      := l_cur_loc_rev_cd.location_cd;
403       loc_tbl(i).rev_account_cd   := l_cur_loc_rev_cd.rev_account_cd;
404       i := i + 1;
405     END LOOP;
407     i := 1;
408     --Capture the organization unit code details in table type variable.
409     FOR l_cur_org_rev_cd IN cur_org_rev_cd LOOP
410       org_tbl(i).org_unit_cd      := l_cur_org_rev_cd.org_unit_cd;
411       org_tbl(i).rev_account_cd   := l_cur_org_rev_cd.rev_account_cd;
412       i := i + 1;
413     END LOOP;
416     --Loop through each FTCI record.
417     FOR l_cur_ftci IN cur_ftci LOOP
418       --log FTCI details in the log file.
419       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
420       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'');
421       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_fee_type||RPAD(' ',10,' ')||': '||l_cur_ftci.fee_type);
422       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_fee_period||RPAD(' ',8,' ')||': '||l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type||' '||l_cur_ftci.start_dt||' - '||l_cur_ftci.end_dt);
423       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_acct_hierarchy||RPAD(' ',1,' ')||': '||l_cur_ftci.name);
425       BEGIN
430           OPEN cur_chk_acct_rec_exists(l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
427         --If the System Fee Type of the context FTCI is either Tuition or Other.
428         IF l_cur_ftci.s_fee_type IN ('TUTNFEE','OTHER') THEN
429           --Check if a record is present in the accounts table for the context FTCI combination.
431                                        l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
432                                        l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number);
433           FETCH cur_chk_acct_rec_exists INTO l_v_var;
435           --For a Fee Type Calendar Instance in context, if the user has already defined the Accounting details in the Account Table,
436           --(igs_fi_ftci_accts), log the error message in the log file, skip the current FTCI record and process the next one.
437           IF cur_chk_acct_rec_exists%FOUND THEN
438             CLOSE cur_chk_acct_rec_exists;
439             fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_FTCI_ACCT_REC_EXISTS');
440             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_message_text||RPAD(' ',6,' ')||': '||fnd_message.get);
441             RAISE skip;
442           END IF;
443           CLOSE cur_chk_acct_rec_exists;
445           l_n_seq := 0;
447           --Get the accounting hierarchy order for the account hierarchy attached to the Fee Type Calendar Instance.
448           FOR l_cur_hier IN cur_hier(l_cur_ftci.acct_hier_id) LOOP
450             --If the hierarchy entity is either System Options or Fee Type.
451             IF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code IN ('FTCI','SA') THEN
453               --Check there is no record in the accounts table with the context FTCI details and other attributes as NULL.
454               --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
455               IF NOT igs_fi_ftci_accts_pkg.get_uk2_for_validation( x_fee_type                => l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
456                                                                    x_fee_cal_type            => l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
457                                                                    x_fee_ci_sequence_number  => l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
458                                                                    x_location_cd             => NULL,
459                                                                    x_attendance_type         => NULL,
460                                                                    x_attendance_mode         => NULL,
461                                                                    x_course_cd               => NULL,
462                                                                    x_crs_version_number      => NULL,
463                                                                    x_unit_cd                 => NULL,
464                                                                    x_unit_version_number     => NULL,
465                                                                    x_org_unit_cd             => NULL,
466                                                                    x_residency_status_cd     => NULL,
467                                                                    x_uoo_id                  => NULL,
468                                                                    x_unit_level              => NULL,
469                                                                    x_unit_type_id            => NULL,
470                                                                    x_unit_mode               => NULL,
471                                                                    x_unit_class              => NULL
472                                                                   ) THEN
474                 --Get the revenue account code that is set up at context entity type.(either FTCI or SA).
475                 IF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'FTCI' THEN
476                   l_v_rev_account_cd := l_cur_ftci.rev_account_cd;
477                 ELSE
478                   l_v_rev_account_cd := l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd;
479                 END IF;
481                 IF l_v_rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
483                   --Increment the order sequence as this is part of unique key.
484                   l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
486                   --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table.
487                   --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
488                   insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
489                                        p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
490                                        p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
491                                        p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
492                                        p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
493                                        p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  l_v_rev_account_cd,
494                                        p_v_location_cd               =>  NULL,
495                                        p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
496                                        p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
497                                        p_v_course_cd                 =>  NULL,
498                                        p_n_crs_version_number        =>  NULL,
499                                        p_v_unit_cd                   =>  NULL,
500                                        p_n_unit_version_number       =>  NULL,
501                                        p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  NULL,
502                                        p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
503                                        p_n_uoo_id                    =>  NULL,
504                                        p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
505                                        p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
509               END IF;
506                                        p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
507                                        p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
508                 END IF;
510             ELSIF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'PS' THEN
511               IF prg_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
512                 FOR i IN prg_tbl.FIRST .. prg_tbl.LAST LOOP
513                   IF prg_tbl.EXISTS(i) THEN
514                     --Increment the order sequence as this is part of unique key.
515                     l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
516                   --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table with corresponding program details.
517                   --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
518                     insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
519                                          p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
520                                          p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
521                                          p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
522                                          p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
523                                          p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  prg_tbl(i).rev_account_cd,
524                                          p_v_location_cd               =>  NULL,
525                                          p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
526                                          p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
527                                          p_v_course_cd                 =>  prg_tbl(i).course_cd,
528                                          p_n_crs_version_number        =>  prg_tbl(i).version_number,
529                                          p_v_unit_cd                   =>  NULL,
530                                          p_n_unit_version_number       =>  NULL,
531                                          p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  NULL,
532                                          p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
533                                          p_n_uoo_id                    =>  NULL,
534                                          p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
535                                          p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
536                                          p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
537                                          p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
538                   END IF;
539                 END LOOP;
540               END IF;
541             ELSIF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'UNIT' THEN
542               IF unit_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
543                 FOR i IN unit_tbl.FIRST .. unit_tbl.LAST LOOP
544                   IF unit_tbl.EXISTS(i) THEN
546                     --Increment the order sequence as this is part of unique key.
547                     l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
549                     --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table with corresponding unit details.
550                     --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
551                     insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
552                                          p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
553                                          p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
554                                          p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
555                                          p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
556                                          p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  unit_tbl(i).rev_account_cd,
557                                          p_v_location_cd               =>  NULL,
558                                          p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
559                                          p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
560                                          p_v_course_cd                 =>  NULL,
561                                          p_n_crs_version_number        =>  NULL,
562                                          p_v_unit_cd                   =>  unit_tbl(i).unit_cd,
563                                          p_n_unit_version_number       =>  unit_tbl(i).version_number,
564                                          p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  NULL,
565                                          p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
566                                          p_n_uoo_id                    =>  NULL,
567                                          p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
568                                          p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
569                                          p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
570                                          p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
571                   END IF;
572                 END LOOP;
573               END IF;
574             ELSIF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'USEC' THEN
575               IF usec_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
576                 FOR i IN usec_tbl.FIRST .. usec_tbl.LAST LOOP
577                   IF usec_tbl.EXISTS(i) THEN
578                     l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
580                     --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table with corresponding unit section details.
581                     --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
582                     insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
583                                          p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
584                                          p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
588                                          p_v_location_cd               =>  NULL,
585                                          p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
586                                          p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
587                                          p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  usec_tbl(i).rev_account_cd,
589                                          p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
590                                          p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
591                                          p_v_course_cd                 =>  NULL,
592                                          p_n_crs_version_number        =>  NULL,
593                                          p_v_unit_cd                   =>  NULL,
594                                          p_n_unit_version_number       =>  NULL,
595                                          p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  NULL,
596                                          p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
597                                          p_n_uoo_id                    =>  usec_tbl(i).uoo_id,
598                                          p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
599                                          p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
600                                          p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
601                                          p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
602                   END IF;
603                 END LOOP;
604               END IF;
605             ELSIF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'LOC' THEN
606               IF loc_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
607                 FOR i IN loc_tbl.FIRST .. loc_tbl.LAST LOOP
608                   IF loc_tbl.EXISTS(i) THEN
610                     --Increment the order sequence as this is part of unique key.
611                     l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
613                     --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table with corresponding location details.
614                     --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
615                     insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
616                                          p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
617                                          p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
618                                          p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
619                                          p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
620                                          p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  loc_tbl(i).rev_account_cd,
621                                          p_v_location_cd               =>  loc_tbl(i).location_cd,
622                                          p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
623                                          p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
624                                          p_v_course_cd                 =>  NULL,
625                                          p_n_crs_version_number        =>  NULL,
626                                          p_v_unit_cd                   =>  NULL,
627                                          p_n_unit_version_number       =>  NULL,
628                                          p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  NULL,
629                                          p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
630                                          p_n_uoo_id                    =>  NULL,
631                                          p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
632                                          p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
633                                          p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
634                                          p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
635                   END IF;
636                 END LOOP;
637               END IF;
638             ELSIF l_cur_hier.entity_type_code = 'ORG' THEN
639               IF org_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
640                 FOR i IN org_tbl.FIRST .. org_tbl.LAST LOOP
641                   IF org_tbl.EXISTS(i) THEN
643                     --Increment the order sequence as this is part of unique key.
644                     l_n_seq := l_n_seq + 1;
646                     --Insert a record in igs_fi_ftci_accts table with corresponding org unit code details.
647                     --Added 4 new paramters for Unit Level Attributes
648                     insert_ftci_accounts(p_v_fee_type                  =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_type,
649                                          p_v_fee_cal_type              =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_cal_type,
650                                          p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    =>  l_cur_ftci.fee_ci_sequence_number,
651                                          p_n_order_sequence            =>  l_n_seq,
652                                          p_n_natural_account_segment   =>  NULL,
653                                          p_v_rev_account_cd            =>  org_tbl(i).rev_account_cd,
654                                          p_v_location_cd               =>  NULL,
655                                          p_v_attendance_type           =>  NULL,
656                                          p_v_attendance_mode           =>  NULL,
657                                          p_v_course_cd                 =>  NULL,
658                                          p_n_crs_version_number        =>  NULL,
659                                          p_v_unit_cd                   =>  NULL,
660                                          p_n_unit_version_number       =>  NULL,
661                                          p_v_org_unit_cd               =>  org_tbl(i).org_unit_cd,
662                                          p_v_residency_status_cd       =>  NULL,
666                                          p_v_unit_mode                 =>  NULL,
663                                          p_n_uoo_id                    =>  NULL,
664                                          p_v_unit_level                =>  NULL,
665                                          p_n_unit_type_id              =>  NULL,
667                                          p_v_unit_class                =>  NULL);
668                   END IF;
669                 END LOOP;
670               END IF;
671             END IF;
672           END LOOP;--cur_hier loop.
674           --If the user has not set up the Revenue Account Code anywhere...
675           IF l_n_seq = 0 THEN
676             RAISE incomplete_setup;
677           ELSE
678             RAISE success;
679           END IF;
681         ELSE--If system fee type is not in either TUTNFEE or OTHER.
683           --Check how many hierarchy order entities are defined in the hierarchy order form.
684           OPEN cur_hier_oth_count(l_cur_ftci.acct_hier_id);
685           FETCH cur_hier_oth_count INTO l_n_no_of_hier_entities;
686           CLOSE cur_hier_oth_count;
688           --If no hierarchy order ntities are defined for the account hierarchy, which is attached to the context FTCI.
689           IF l_n_no_of_hier_entities = 0 THEN
690             --log the incomplete account set up information message in the log file.
691             RAISE incomplete_setup;
692           ELSE--if atleast one hierarchy order entity is specified..
694             --Capture the first hierarchy order entity.
695             OPEN cur_hier_oth(l_cur_ftci.acct_hier_id);
696             FETCH cur_hier_oth INTO l_v_entity_code;
697             CLOSE cur_hier_oth;
698             --If the only one hierarchy order entity is specified in hierarchy order form..
699             IF l_n_no_of_hier_entities = 1 THEN
700               --If System Options is the one and only hierarchy order specified in hierarchy order form.
701               IF l_v_entity_code = 'SA' THEN
702                 --Override the revenue account code at FTCI with the revenue account code that is present in System Options Level.
703                 --Here irrespective of the values present at both the levels, the value will be overridden.
704                 update_ftci_rev_acc_cd(l_cur_ftci,l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd);
706                 --After the above update happens, if the revenue account code is NULL both at System Options Level and FTCI level.
707                 --show the incomplete account set up message to the user.
708                 IF l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd IS NULL THEN
709                   RAISE incomplete_setup;
710                 END IF;
711               ELSE
712                 --If FTCI is the one and only hierarchy order specified in hierarchy order form, we do not need to do anything for conversion.
713                 --But if revenue account code is not set up at both levels, incomplete set up message should be logged.
714                 IF l_cur_ftci.rev_account_cd IS NULL THEN
715                   RAISE incomplete_setup;
716                 END IF;
717               END IF;
718             --If both Fee Type and System Option hierarchy orders are specified in the hierarchy order form.
719             ELSIF l_n_no_of_hier_entities = 2 THEN
720               --Check if the first in the order of sequence is Fee Type.
721               IF l_v_entity_code = 'FTCI' THEN
722                 --
723                 IF l_cur_ftci.rev_account_cd IS NULL THEN
724                   IF l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
725                     update_ftci_rev_acc_cd(l_cur_ftci,l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd);
726                   ELSE
727                     RAISE incomplete_setup;
728                   END IF;
729                 END IF;
730               --Check if the first in the order of sequence is Fee Type.
731               ELSIF l_v_entity_code = 'SA' THEN
732                 --Check if a value is present for the revenue account code at System level.
733                 IF l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd IS NOT NULL THEN
734                   --the context FTCI record's revenue account code will be overridden with the revenue account code at system level,
735                   --if revenue account code at system level is having some value.
736                   update_ftci_rev_acc_cd(l_cur_ftci,l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd);
737                 ELSE
738                   --If revenue account code is not specified either at system level or at FTCI level..
739                   IF l_cur_ftci.rev_account_cd IS NULL THEN
740                     --then log the incomplete account set up message.
741                     RAISE incomplete_setup;
742                   END IF;
743                 END IF;
744               END IF;
745             END IF;
746           END IF;
748         END IF;--System Fee Type.
750         --log successful account conversion message for the FTCI record after all the above steps are passed.
751         RAISE success;
753       EXCEPTION
754         WHEN incomplete_setup THEN
755           --log the information message that the accounting setup is incomplete for the context FTCI.
756           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ACCT_INCOMPLETE_SETUP');
757           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_message_text||RPAD(' ',6,' ')||': '||fnd_message.get);
758           retcode := 1;
759         WHEN success THEN
760           --log the information message that the accounting setup is completed.
761           fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_ACCT_CNV_PRC_SUCCESS');
762           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,l_v_message_text||RPAD(' ',6,' ')||': '||fnd_message.get);
763         WHEN skip THEN
764           NULL;
765       END;
767       -- Committing after each and every FTCI record.
768       COMMIT;
770     END LOOP;--FTCI loop
772     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD('-',77,'-'));
775     --After accounting conversion is completed, update the Account Conversion Flag to Y.
777     --Update acct_conv_flag column only with value 'Y', of igs_fi_control table.
778     -- Removed lockbox_context, lockbox_number_attribute and ar_int_org_id columns from the following call
779     -- as part of Enh# 2831582, Lockbox.
780     -- Bug#2998266 Removed the column next_invoice_number from call to igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row
781     -- Enh 3392095 added two new columns post_waiver_gl_flag, waiver_notify_finaid_flag
782     igs_fi_control_pkg.update_row(x_rowid                      => l_cur_ctrl.rowid,
783                                   x_rec_installed              => l_cur_ctrl.rec_installed,
784                                   x_accounting_method          => l_cur_ctrl.accounting_method,
785                                   x_set_of_books_id            => l_cur_ctrl.set_of_books_id,
786                                   x_refund_dr_gl_ccid          => l_cur_ctrl.refund_dr_gl_ccid,
787                                   x_refund_cr_gl_ccid          => l_cur_ctrl.refund_cr_gl_ccid,
788                                   x_refund_dr_account_cd       => l_cur_ctrl.refund_dr_account_cd,
789                                   x_refund_cr_account_cd       => l_cur_ctrl.refund_cr_account_cd,
790                                   x_refund_dt_alias            => l_cur_ctrl.refund_dt_alias,
791                                   x_fee_calc_mthd_code         => l_cur_ctrl.fee_calc_mthd_code,
792                                   x_planned_credits_ind        => l_cur_ctrl.planned_credits_ind,
793                                   x_rec_gl_ccid                => l_cur_ctrl.rec_gl_ccid,
794                                   x_cash_gl_ccid               => l_cur_ctrl.cash_gl_ccid,
795                                   x_unapp_gl_ccid              => l_cur_ctrl.unapp_gl_ccid,
796                                   x_rec_account_cd             => l_cur_ctrl.rec_account_cd,
797                                   x_rev_account_cd             => l_cur_ctrl.rev_account_cd,
798                                   x_cash_account_cd            => l_cur_ctrl.cash_account_cd,
799                                   x_unapp_account_cd           => l_cur_ctrl.unapp_account_cd,
800                                   x_conv_process_run_ind       => l_cur_ctrl.conv_process_run_ind,
801                                   x_currency_cd                => l_cur_ctrl.currency_cd,
802                                   x_rfnd_destination           => l_cur_ctrl.rfnd_destination,
803                                   x_ap_org_id                  => l_cur_ctrl.ap_org_id,
804                                   x_dflt_supplier_site_name    => l_cur_ctrl.dflt_supplier_site_name,
805                                   x_manage_accounts            => l_cur_ctrl.manage_accounts,
806                                   x_acct_conv_flag             => 'Y',
807                                   x_post_waiver_gl_flag        => l_cur_ctrl.post_waiver_gl_flag,
808                                   x_waiver_notify_finaid_flag  => l_cur_ctrl.waiver_notify_finaid_flag
809                                   );
810     -- Issuing commit here to update the account conversion flag to 'Y' even if the process completes with warning.
811     -- Issued explicit commit as the concurrent manager does not commit when the process completes with warning.
812     COMMIT;
815       ROLLBACK;
816       retcode := 2;
817       errbuf  := fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION')||SQLERRM;
818       igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
820   END updt_ftci_acct_info;
822 END igs_fi_acct_stp_cnv;