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APPS.PA_BUDGET_CORE dependencies on DUAL

Line 630: from sys.dual;

627: -- get the dest version id
628: select pa_budget_versions_s.nextval
629: into x_dest_version_id
630: from sys.dual;
632: -- populate pa_budget_versions
633: x_err_stage := 'create baselined version <' || to_char(x_dest_version_id)
634: || '><' || to_char(max_version)

Line 1047: from sys.dual;

1043: else
1044: --insert into pa_budget_versions
1045: select pa_budget_versions_s.nextval
1046: into l_dest_version_id
1047: from sys.dual;
1049: insert into pa_budget_versions(
1050: budget_version_id,
1051: project_id,

Line 1795: from sys.dual;

1791: || '><' || x_dest_budget_type_code || '>' ;
1793: select pa_budget_versions_s.nextval
1794: into x_dest_version_id
1795: from sys.dual;
1796: insert into pa_budget_versions(
1797: budget_version_id,
1798: project_id,
1799: budget_type_code,

Line 2571: -- individual processing block due to performance reason so that

2568: end if; */
2570: -- bug 4772773: Splitted the above select and insert as following
2571: -- individual processing block due to performance reason so that
2572: -- we can make use of bulk processing logic wherever possible and required.
2573: --Bug 5151476
2574: if Nvl(x_shift_days, 0) = 0 OR (nvl(x_periods,0)=0 AND
2575: (x_time_phased_type_code='P' OR x_time_phased_type_code='G')) then