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2 /* $Header: ozfvclas.pls 120.5 2008/01/11 12:52:09 psomyaju ship $ */
5 -- Default number of records fetch per call
8 --===================================================================
9 --    Start of Comments
10 --   -------------------------------------------------------
11 --    Record name
12 --             claim_rec_type
13 --   -------------------------------------------------------
14 --   Parameters:
15 --       claim_id
16 --       object_version_number
17 --       last_update_date
18 --       last_updated_by
19 --       creation_date
20 --       created_by
21 --       last_update_login
22 --       request_id
23 --       program_application_id
24 --       program_update_date
25 --       program_id
26 --       created_from
27 --       batch_id
28 --       claim_number
29 --       claim_type_id
30 --       claim_class
31 --       claim_date
32 --       due_date
33 --       owner_id
34 --       history_event
35 --       history_event_date
36 --       history_event_description
37 --       split_from_claim_id
38 --       duplicate_claim_id
39 --       split_date
40 --       root_claim_id
41 --       amount
42 --       amount_adjusted
43 --       amount_remaining
44 --       amount_settled
45 --       acctd_amount
46 --       acctd_amount_remaining
47 --       acctd_amount_adjusted
48 --       acctd_amount_settled
49 --       tax_amount
50 --       tax_code
51 --       tax_calculation_flag
52 --       currency_code
53 --       exchange_rate_type
54 --       exchange_rate_date
55 --       exchange_rate
56 --       set_of_books_id
57 --       original_claim_date
58 --       source_object_id
59 --       source_object_class
60 --       source_object_type_id
61 --       source_object_number
62 --       cust_account_id
63 --       cust_billto_acct_site_id
64 --       cust_shipto_acct_site_id
65 --       location_id
66 --       pay_related_account_flag
67 --       related_cust_account_id
68 --       related_site_use_id
69 --       relationship_type
70 --       vendor_id
71 --       vendor_site_id
72 --       reason_type
73 --       reason_code_id
74 --       task_template_group_id
75 --       status_code
76 --       user_status_id
77 --       sales_rep_id
78 --       collector_id
79 --       contact_id
80 --       broker_id
81 --       territory_id
82 --       customer_ref_date
83 --       customer_ref_number
84 --       assigned_to
85 --       receipt_id
86 --       receipt_number
87 --       doc_sequence_id
88 --       doc_sequence_value
89 --       gl_date
90 --       payment_method
91 --       voucher_id
92 --       voucher_number
93 --       payment_reference_id
94 --       payment_reference_number
95 --       payment_reference_date
96 --       payment_status
97 --       approved_flag
98 --       approved_date
99 --       approved_by
100 --       settled_date
101 --       settled_by
102 --       effective_date
103 --       custom_setup_id
104 --       task_id
105 --       country_id
106 --       order_type_id
107 --       comments
108 --       attribute_category
109 --       attribute1
110 --       attribute2
111 --       attribute3
112 --       attribute4
113 --       attribute5
114 --       attribute6
115 --       attribute7
116 --       attribute8
117 --       attribute9
118 --       attribute10
119 --       attribute11
120 --       attribute12
121 --       attribute13
122 --       attribute14
123 --       attribute15
124 --       deduction_attribute_category
125 --       deduction_attribute1
126 --       deduction_attribute2
127 --       deduction_attribute3
128 --       deduction_attribute4
129 --       deduction_attribute5
130 --       deduction_attribute6
131 --       deduction_attribute7
132 --       deduction_attribute8
133 --       deduction_attribute9
134 --       deduction_attribute10
135 --       deduction_attribute11
136 --       deduction_attribute12
137 --       deduction_attribute13
138 --       deduction_attribute14
139 --       deduction_attribute15
140 --       org_id
141 --       legal_entity_id
142 --       write_off_flag
143 --       write_off_threshold_amount
144 --       under_write_off_threshold
145 --       customer_reason
146 --       ship_to_cust_account_id
147 --       amount_applied             --Subsequent Receipt Application changes
148 --       applied_receipt_id         --Subsequent Receipt Application changes
149 --       applied_receipt_number     --Subsequent Receipt Application changes
150 --       wo_rec_trx_id              -- Write off Activity Id
151 --       group_claim_id
152 --       appr_wf_item_key
153 --       cstl_wf_item_key
154 --       batch_type
155 --       close_status_id
156 --       open_status_id
157 --    Required
158 --
159 --    Defaults
160 --
161 --    Note: This is automatic generated record definition, it includes all columns
162 --          defined in the table, developer must manually add or delete some of the attributes.
163 --
164 --   Changed by : Uday Poluri     Date:29-05-2003
165 --                1. Adding new paramters for Auto Write-off of DED/OPM's implementation.
166 --                2. Removed G_MISS_XXX initialization.
167 --   Changed by : Sandhya Amaresh Date:17-11-2004
168 --                1. Changed the length of payment_reference_number from varchar2(15) to varchar2(30)
169 --   Changed by : Kishore Dhulipati Date:28-06-2005
170 --                1. Adding new field for legal_entity_id.
171 --   End of Comments
172 --===================================================================
173 TYPE claim_rec_type IS RECORD
174 (
175        claim_id                        NUMBER,
176        object_version_number           NUMBER,
177        last_update_date                DATE,
178        last_updated_by                 NUMBER,
179        creation_date                   DATE,
180        created_by                      NUMBER,
181        last_update_login               NUMBER,
182        request_id                      NUMBER,
183        program_application_id          NUMBER,
184        program_update_date             DATE,
185        program_id                      NUMBER,
186        created_from                    VARCHAR2(30),
187        batch_id                        NUMBER,
188        claim_number                    VARCHAR2(30),
189        claim_type_id                   NUMBER,
190        claim_class                     VARCHAR2(30),
191        claim_date                      DATE,
192        due_date                        DATE,
193        owner_id                        NUMBER,
194        history_event                   VARCHAR2(30),
195        history_event_date              DATE,
196        history_event_description       VARCHAR2(2000),
197        split_from_claim_id             NUMBER,
198        duplicate_claim_id              NUMBER,
199        split_date                      DATE,
200        root_claim_id                   NUMBER,
201        amount                          NUMBER,
202        amount_adjusted                 NUMBER,
203        amount_remaining                NUMBER,
204        amount_settled                  NUMBER,
205        acctd_amount                    NUMBER,
206        acctd_amount_remaining          NUMBER,
207        acctd_amount_adjusted           NUMBER,
208        acctd_amount_settled            NUMBER,
209        tax_amount                      NUMBER,
210        tax_code                        VARCHAR2(50),
211        tax_calculation_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
212        currency_code                   VARCHAR2(15),
213        exchange_rate_type              VARCHAR2(30),
214        exchange_rate_date              DATE,
215        exchange_rate                   NUMBER,
216        set_of_books_id                 NUMBER,
217        original_claim_date             DATE,
218        source_object_id                NUMBER,
219        source_object_class             VARCHAR2(15),
220        source_object_type_id           NUMBER,
221        source_object_number            VARCHAR2(30),
222        cust_account_id                 NUMBER,
223        cust_billto_acct_site_id        NUMBER,
224        cust_shipto_acct_site_id        NUMBER,
225        location_id                     NUMBER,
226        pay_related_account_flag        VARCHAR2(1),
227        related_cust_account_id         NUMBER,
228        related_site_use_id             NUMBER,
229        relationship_type               VARCHAR2(30),
230        vendor_id                       NUMBER,
231        vendor_site_id                  NUMBER,
232        reason_type                     VARCHAR2(30),
233        reason_code_id                  NUMBER,
234        task_template_group_id          NUMBER,
235        status_code                     VARCHAR2(30),
236        user_status_id                  NUMBER,
237        sales_rep_id                    NUMBER,
238        collector_id                    NUMBER,
239        contact_id                      NUMBER,
240        broker_id                       NUMBER,
241        territory_id                    NUMBER,
242        customer_ref_date               DATE,
243        customer_ref_number             VARCHAR2(30),
244        assigned_to                     NUMBER,
245        receipt_id                      NUMBER,
246        receipt_number                  VARCHAR2(30),
247        doc_sequence_id                 NUMBER,
248        doc_sequence_value              NUMBER,
249        gl_date                         DATE,
250        payment_method                  VARCHAR2(30),
251        voucher_id                      NUMBER,
252        voucher_number                  VARCHAR2(30),
253        payment_reference_id            NUMBER,
254        payment_reference_number        VARCHAR2(30),
255        payment_reference_date          DATE,
256        payment_status                  VARCHAR2(30),
257        approved_flag                   VARCHAR2(1),
258        approved_date                   DATE,
259        approved_by                     NUMBER,
260        settled_date                    DATE,
261        settled_by                      NUMBER,
262        effective_date                  DATE,
263        custom_setup_id                 NUMBER,
264        task_id                         NUMBER,
265        country_id                      NUMBER,
266        order_type_id                   NUMBER,
267        comments                        VARCHAR2(2000),
268        attribute_category              VARCHAR2(30),
269        attribute1                      VARCHAR2(150),
270        attribute2                      VARCHAR2(150),
271        attribute3                      VARCHAR2(150),
272        attribute4                      VARCHAR2(150),
273        attribute5                      VARCHAR2(150),
274        attribute6                      VARCHAR2(150),
275        attribute7                      VARCHAR2(150),
276        attribute8                      VARCHAR2(150),
277        attribute9                      VARCHAR2(150),
278        attribute10                     VARCHAR2(150),
279        attribute11                     VARCHAR2(150),
280        attribute12                     VARCHAR2(150),
281        attribute13                     VARCHAR2(150),
282        attribute14                     VARCHAR2(150),
283        attribute15                     VARCHAR2(150),
284        deduction_attribute_category    VARCHAR2(30),
285        deduction_attribute1            VARCHAR2(150),
286        deduction_attribute2            VARCHAR2(150),
287        deduction_attribute3            VARCHAR2(150),
288        deduction_attribute4            VARCHAR2(150),
289        deduction_attribute5            VARCHAR2(150),
290        deduction_attribute6            VARCHAR2(150),
291        deduction_attribute7            VARCHAR2(150),
292        deduction_attribute8            VARCHAR2(150),
293        deduction_attribute9            VARCHAR2(150),
294        deduction_attribute10           VARCHAR2(150),
295        deduction_attribute11           VARCHAR2(150),
296        deduction_attribute12           VARCHAR2(150),
297        deduction_attribute13           VARCHAR2(150),
298        deduction_attribute14           VARCHAR2(150),
299        deduction_attribute15           VARCHAR2(150),
300        org_id                          NUMBER,
301        legal_entity_id                 NUMBER,      -- added by kishore.
302        write_off_flag                  VARCHAR2(1),
303        write_off_threshold_amount      NUMBER,
304        under_write_off_threshold       VARCHAR2(5),
305        customer_reason                 VARCHAR2(30),
306        ship_to_cust_account_id         NUMBER,        -- added by uday
307        amount_applied                  NUMBER,        -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
308        applied_receipt_id              NUMBER,        -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
309        applied_receipt_number          VARCHAR2(30),   -- Subsequent Receipt application changes
310        wo_rec_trx_id                   NUMBER,
311        group_claim_id                  NUMBER,
312        appr_wf_item_key                VARCHAR2(240),
313        cstl_wf_item_key                VARCHAR2(240),
314        batch_type                      VARCHAR2(30),
315        tax_action                      VARCHAR2(30),
316        close_status_id                 NUMBER,
317        open_status_id                  NUMBER
318 );
320 g_miss_claim_rec          claim_rec_type;
321 TYPE  claim_tbl_type      IS TABLE OF claim_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
322 g_miss_claim_tbl          claim_tbl_type;
327 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
329 --    Create_Claim
330 --
331 -- PURPOSE
332 --    Create a claim.
333 --
335 --    p_claim     : the new record to be inserted
336 --    x_claim_id  : return the claim_id of the new reason code
337 --
338 -- NOTES
339 --    1. object_version_number will be set to 1.
340 --    2. If claim_id is passed in, the uniqueness will be checked.
341 --       Raise exception in case of duplicates.
342 --    3. If claim_id is not passed in, generate a unique one from
343 --       the sequence.
344 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
345 PROCEDURE  Create_Claim (
346     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
347    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
348    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
349    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
351    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
352    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
353    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
355    ,p_claim                   IN     claim_rec_type
356    ,x_claim_id                OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
357 );
359 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
361 --    Update_Claim
362 --
363 -- PURPOSE
364 --    Update a claim code.
365 --
367 --    p_update_claim   : the record with new items.
368 --
369 -- NOTES
370 --    1. Raise exception if the object_version_number doesn't match.
371 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
372 PROCEDURE  Update_Claim (
373     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
374    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
375    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
376    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
378    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
379    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
380    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
382    ,p_claim                  IN    claim_rec_type
383    ,p_event                  IN    VARCHAR2
384    ,p_mode                   IN    VARCHAR2 := OZF_claim_Utility_pvt.G_AUTO_MODE
385    ,x_object_version_number  OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
386 );
387 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
389 --    Delete_Claim
390 --
391 -- PURPOSE
392 --    Update a claim code.
393 --
395 --    p_object_id   : the record with new items.
396 --    p_object_version_number   : object version number
397 --
398 -- NOTES
399 --    1. Raise exception if the object_version_number doesn't match.
400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
401 PROCEDURE  Delete_Claim (
402     p_api_version_number            IN    NUMBER
403    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
404    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
405    ,p_object_id           IN    NUMBER
406    ,p_object_version_number  IN    NUMBER
407    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
408    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
409 	,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
410 );
412 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
414 --    Validate_Claim
415 --
416 -- PURPOSE
420 --    p_validate_claim : the claim code record to be validated
417 --    Validate a claim code record.
418 --
421 --
422 -- NOTES
423 --
424 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
425 PROCEDURE  Validate_Claim (
426     p_api_version            IN   NUMBER
427    ,p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
428    ,p_validation_level       IN   NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
429    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
430    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
431    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
432    ,p_claim                 IN  claim_rec_type
433 );
435 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
437 --    Check_Claim_Common_Element
438 --
439 -- PURPOSE
440 --    The precedure does validations on claim elements that was not enforced by UI.
441 --
443 --    p_validate_claim : the claim code record to be validated
444 --
445 -- NOTES
446 --
447 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
448 PROCEDURE  Check_Claim_Common_Element (
449     p_api_version            IN   NUMBER
450    ,p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
451    ,p_validation_level       IN   NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
452    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
453    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
454    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
455    ,p_claim                  IN  claim_rec_type
456    ,x_claim                  OUT NOCOPY claim_rec_type
457    ,p_mode                   IN  VARCHAR2 := OZF_claim_Utility_pvt.G_AUTO_MODE
458    );
460 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
462 --    Check_Claim_Items
463 --
464 -- PURPOSE
465 --    Perform the item level checking including unique keys,
466 --    required columns, foreign keys, , flag items, domain constraints.
467 --
469 --    p_claim_rec      : the record to be validated
470 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
471 PROCEDURE Check_Claim_Items(
472    p_validation_mode   IN  VARCHAR2 := JTF_PLSQL_API.g_create
473   ,p_claim_rec         IN  claim_rec_type
474   ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
475 );
477 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
479 --    Complete_Claim_Rec
480 --
481 -- PURPOSE
482 --    For Update_Claim, some attributes may be passed in as
483 --    FND_API.g_miss_char/num/date if the user doesn't want to
484 --    update those attributes. This procedure will replace the
485 --    "g_miss" attributes with current database values.
486 --
488 --    p_claim_rec  : the record which may contain attributes as
489 --                    FND_API.g_miss_char/num/date
490 --    x_complete_rec: the complete record after all "g_miss" items
491 --                    have been replaced by current database values
492 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
493 PROCEDURE Complete_Claim_Rec (
494    p_claim_rec        IN   claim_rec_type
495   ,x_complete_rec     OUT NOCOPY  claim_rec_type
496   ,x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY  varchar2
497 );
499 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
501 --    Get_System_Status
502 --
503 -- PURPOSE
504 --    This procedure maps a user_status_id to a system status.
505 --
507 --    p_user_status_id: Id of the status defined by a user.
508 --    p_status_type:
509 --    x_system_status: the system status corresponding a user status id
510 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
511 PROCEDURE Get_System_Status( p_user_status_id IN NUMBER,
512                              p_status_type    IN VARCHAR2,
513                              x_system_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR,
514 			     x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
515                              x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
516 			     x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
517 );
519 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
521 --    Create_Claim_History
522 --
523 -- PURPOSE
524 --    This procedure create a history record of a claim if needed.
525 --
527 --    p_user_status_id: Id of the status defined by a user.
528 --    p_status_type:
529 --    x_system_status: the system status corresponding a user status id
530 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
531 PROCEDURE  Create_Claim_History (
532     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
533    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2
534    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2
535    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER
537    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
538    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
539    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
540    ,p_claim                  IN    claim_rec_type
541    ,p_event                  IN    VARCHAR2
542    ,x_need_to_create         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
543    ,x_claim_history_id       OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
544 );
546 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
548 --    Validate_Delete_Claim
549 --
550 -- PURPOSE
551 --    This procedure identify the list of deletable or non deletalbe dependent object
552 --    for a claim.
553 --
555 --    p_object_id                  IN   NUMBER,
556 --    p_object_version_number      IN   NUMBER,
557 --    x_dependent_object_tbl       OUT  ozf_utility_pvt.dependent_objects_tbl_type
558 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
559 PROCEDURE Validate_Delete_Claim (
560     p_api_version_number         IN   NUMBER,
561     p_init_msg_list              IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
562     p_commit                     IN   VARCHAR2     := FND_API.G_FALSE,
563     p_object_id                  IN   NUMBER,
564     p_object_version_number      IN   NUMBER,
565     x_dependent_object_tbl       OUT NOCOPY  ams_utility_pvt.dependent_objects_tbl_type,
566     x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
567     x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
568     x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
569  );
571 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
573 --    Create_Claim_tbl
574 --
575 -- PURPOSE
576 --    Create mutiple claims at one time.
577 --
579 --    p_claim_tbl     : the new record to be inserted
580 --
581 -- NOTES: for all the claims to be created
582 --    1. object_version_number will be set to 1.
583 --    2. If claim_number is passed in, the uniqueness will be checked.
584 --       Raise exception in case of duplicates.
585 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
586 PROCEDURE  Create_Claim_tbl (
587     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
588    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
589    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
590    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
592    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
593    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
594    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
595    ,p_claim_tbl              IN    claim_tbl_type
596    ,x_error_index            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER
597 );
600 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
601 -- Bug : 2732290
602 -- Changed by: (Uday Poluri) Date:03-JUN-2003
603 -- Comments: add new procedure to update claims from Claim Summary Screen.
604 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
605 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
607 --    Update_Claim_tbl
608 --
609 -- PURPOSE
610 --    Update mutiple claims at one time
611 --
613 --    p_claim_tbl     : the new record to be inserted
614 --
615 -- NOTES: for all the claims to be created
616 --    1. object_version_number will be set to 1.
617 --    2. If claim_number is passed in, the uniqueness will be checked.
618 --       Raise exception in case of duplicates.
619 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
620 PROCEDURE  Update_Claim_tbl (
621     p_api_version            IN    NUMBER
622    ,p_init_msg_list          IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
623    ,p_commit                 IN    VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
624    ,p_validation_level       IN    NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
626    ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
627    ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
628    ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
629    ,p_claim_tbl              IN    claim_tbl_type
630 );
632 -- --End Bug: 2732290 -----------------------------------------
634 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
635 -- Bug : 2710047
636 -- Changed by: (uday poluri) Date:28-May-2003
637 -- Comments: Called from OZF_Settlement_Doc_PVT
638 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
639 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
641 --    get_write_off_threshold
642 --
643 -- PURPOSE
644 --    This procedure gets (-VE and +VE)threshold value from customer profile
645 --    and system parameters.
646 --
647 --
649 --    p_cust_account_id : claim cust_account_id
650 --    x_ded_pos_write_off_threshold : Positive threshold value
651 --    x_opy_neg_write_off_threshold : Negetive threshold value
652 --
653 -- NOTES :
654 --
655 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
656 Procedure get_write_off_threshold(p_cust_account_id             IN  NUMBER,
657                                   x_ded_pos_write_off_threshold OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
658                                   x_opy_neg_write_off_threshold OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
659                                   X_RETURN_STATUS               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
660 -- --End Bug: 2732290 -----------------------------------------
663 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
665 --    Get_Claim_Number
666 --
667 -- PURPOSE
668 --    This procedure retrieves a claim number based on the object_type
669 --    and class.
670 --
672 --    p_claim  : The claim record passed in.
673 --    p_object_type : The type of object.
674 --    p_class       : class.
675 --    x_claim_number :claim number based on the object_type and class.
676 --    x_return_status
677 --
678 -- NOTES
679 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
680 PROCEDURE Get_Claim_Number( p_split_from_claim_id IN NUMBER,
681                             p_custom_setup_id IN NUMBER,
682                             x_claim_number   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
683                             x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
684                             x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
685                             x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);