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1 package body hr_chkfmt as
2 /* $Header: pychkfmt.pkb 120.7 2007/11/06 10:38:55 ayegappa noship $ */
4 g_group_sep_profile CONSTANT VARCHAR2(2) := NVL(fnd_profile.value('HR_NUMBER_SEPARATOR'),'N');
6 FUNCTION add_remove_group_separator ( input            IN VARCHAR2
7                                     , remove_separator IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE)
9 IS
10   l_output VARCHAR2(100);
11   l_group_separator  VARCHAR2(2) := substr(ltrim(to_char(1032,'0G999')),2,1);
12                                     --NVL(SUBSTR(fnd_profile.value('ICX_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS'),2,1),',');
13   l_dec_separator    VARCHAR2(2) := substr(ltrim(to_char(.3,'0D0')),2,1);
14                                     --NVL(SUBSTR(fnd_profile.value('ICX_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS'),1,1),'.');
15   l_negative_flag  BOOLEAN  := FALSE ;
18    IF remove_separator THEN
19      l_output := REPLACE(input,l_group_separator,'');
20    ELSE
22      IF (input<0 and input>-1) THEN     -- Added for bug 5707731.
23         l_negative_flag := TRUE;
24      END IF;
26      l_output := LTRIM(TO_CHAR( TRUNC(TO_NUMBER(input)), '99G999G999G999G999G999G990'));
28      IF INSTR(input,l_dec_separator) <> 0 THEN
29         l_output := l_output || l_dec_separator || SUBSTR(input,INSTR(input,l_dec_separator) + 1);
30      END IF;
32      IF (l_negative_flag) THEN          -- Added for bug 5707731
33         l_output := '-' || l_output ;
34      END IF;
37    END IF;
39   RETURN l_output;
41 END add_remove_group_separator;
43 ----------------------------- chkmoney ----------------------------------
44 /*
45    NAME
46       chkmoney - format currency.
48        Formats and checks currency input.
49        Uses FND_CURRENCIES to get information about precision.
50    NOTES
51        p_value can be passed in in either NLS or canonical format, as
52        indicated by p_value_is_canonical. p_value is always returned in
53        NLS format, rounded and padded according to the rules in table
54        fnd_currencies.
55 */
56 PROCEDURE chkmoney
57 (
58    p_value   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- the input to be formatted (see notes).
59    p_output  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- the canonical format of returned p_value.
60    p_curcode IN            VARCHAR2, -- currency code.
61    p_minimum IN            VARCHAR2, -- minimum in canonical format.
62    p_maximum IN            VARCHAR2, -- maximum in canonical format.
63    p_rgeflg  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- success or otherwise of range check.
64    p_result     OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,  -- the result of the format check.
65    p_value_is_canonical IN BOOLEAN --TRUE if value is passed IN in canonical format.
66 ) IS
69    --
70    -- Max and min value that can be handled by the money format.
71    --
72    MAX_VALUE CONSTANT NUMBER     := 99999999999999999999;
73    MIN_VALUE CONSTANT NUMBER     := -99999999999999999999;
75    nvalue   NUMBER; -- used to hold p_value as a number.
76    noutput  NUMBER; -- used to hold p_output as a number.
77    l_value  VARCHAR2(100);
79    p_result := TRUE;
80    IF p_value_is_canonical THEN
81       nvalue := fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_value );
82    ELSE
83       IF g_group_sep_profile = 'Y' THEN
84          l_value := add_remove_group_separator(p_value,TRUE);
85          IF p_value = l_value THEN
86             nvalue := TO_NUMBER( l_value );
87          ELSIF p_value = add_remove_group_separator(l_value) THEN
88             nvalue := TO_NUMBER(l_value);
89          ELSE
90             nvalue := p_value;
91 	        p_result := FALSE;
92         END IF;
93       ELSE
94           nvalue := TO_NUMBER( p_value ); --uses session NLS settings.
95       END IF;
96    END IF;
97    SELECT DECODE --round to min acct limits if available.
98           ( fc.minimum_accountable_unit,
99             NULL, ROUND( nvalue, fc.precision ),
100             ROUND( nvalue / fc.minimum_accountable_unit ) * fc.minimum_accountable_unit
101           )
102    ,      LTRIM
103           ( TO_CHAR
104             ( DECODE --round to min acct limits if available.
105               ( fc.minimum_accountable_unit,
106                 NULL, ROUND( nvalue, fc.precision ),
107                 ROUND( nvalue / fc.minimum_accountable_unit ) * fc.minimum_accountable_unit
108               )
109             , CONCAT --construct NLS format mask.
110               ( '99999999999999999990', --currencies formatted without NLS 'G'.
111                 DECODE( fc.precision, 0, '', RPAD( 'D', fc.precision+1, '9' ) )
112               )
113             ), ' ' --left trim white space.
114           )
115    INTO noutput
116    ,    p_value
117    FROM fnd_currencies fc
118    WHERE fc.currency_code = p_curcode;
119    -- range checking.
120    IF p_minimum IS NOT NULL THEN
121       IF noutput < fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_minimum ) THEN
122          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
123       END IF;
124    END IF;
125    IF p_maximum IS NOT NULL THEN
126       IF noutput > fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_maximum ) THEN
127          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
128       END IF;
129    END IF;
131    IF not (noutput between MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE) then
132       p_result := FALSE;
133    END IF;
135    IF g_group_sep_profile = 'Y' THEN
136       p_value := add_remove_group_separator(p_value);
137    END IF;
139    p_output := fnd_number.number_to_canonical( noutput );
141    -- this catches illegal numbers.
143       p_result := FALSE;
145       p_result := FALSE;
146 END chkmoney;
147 --
148 ------------------------------ chkdech ----------------------------------
149 /*
150    NAME
151       chkdech - format check hours in decimal format..
153       Converts p_value to an NLS VARCHAR2 representation with p_format
154       number of significant decimal places.
155       P_result returns FALSE if p_value fails conversion to a number.
156    NOTES
157        p_value can be passed in in either NLS or canonical format, as
158        indicated by p_value_is_canonical. p_value is always returned in
159        NLS format, rounded and padded according to p_format.
160 */
161 PROCEDURE chkdech
162 (
163    p_value   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- the input to be formatted.
164    p_format  IN            VARCHAR2, -- the specific format.
165    p_minimum IN            VARCHAR2, -- minimum in canonical format.
166    p_maximum IN            VARCHAR2, -- maximum in canonical format.
167    p_rgeflg  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- success or otherwise of range check.
168    p_result     OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,  -- the result of the format check.
169    p_value_is_canonical IN BOOLEAN --TRUE if value is passed IN in canonical format.
170 ) IS
173    decplace PLS_INTEGER;      -- number of decimal places.
174    nvalue   NUMBER; -- used to hold p_value as a number.
176    p_result := TRUE; -- start by assuming success.
177    IF p_value_is_canonical THEN
178       nvalue := fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_value );
179    ELSE
180       nvalue := TO_NUMBER( p_value ); --uses session NLS settings.
181    END IF;
182    -- can get dec places from the last character of the format:
183    IF p_format = 'HOURS' THEN
184       decplace := 3; -- for backwards compatability.
185    ELSE
186       decplace := TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( p_format, -1, 1 ) );
187    END IF;
188    -- round and format the number.
189    nvalue :=  ROUND( nvalue, decplace );
190    SELECT LTRIM( TO_CHAR( nvalue, CONCAT( '999999999999990',
191            DECODE( decplace, 0, '', RPAD( 'D', decplace+1, '9' ) ) ) ) , ' ' )
192    INTO p_value
193    FROM dual;
194    -- range checking.
195    IF p_minimum IS NOT NULL THEN
196       IF nvalue < fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_minimum ) THEN
197          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
198       END IF;
199    END IF;
200    IF p_maximum IS NOT NULL THEN
201       IF nvalue > fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_maximum ) THEN
202          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
203       END IF;
204    END IF;
206    WHEN OTHERS THEN --when varchar2 conversion to number fails.
207       p_result := FALSE;
208 END chkdech;
209 --
210 --------------------------------- chknum --------------------------------
211 /*
212    NAME
213       chknum - check format of number
215       Check format of number (decimal) and integer.
216       P_result returns FALSE if p_value fails conversion to a number.
217    NOTES
218        p_value can be passed in in either NLS or canonical format, as
219        indicated by p_value_is_canonical. p_value is always returned in
220        NLS format (integers are unaffected by NLS formatting).  Note
221        Decimal separater is still required, even for whole decimal
222        numbers. E.g. 20 becomes '20.'.
223 */
224 PROCEDURE chknum
225 (
226    p_value   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- value to be formatted.
227    p_output  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- the canonical format of returned p_value.
228    p_minimum IN            VARCHAR2, -- minimum in canonical format.
229    p_maximum IN            VARCHAR2, -- maximum in canonical format.
230    p_rgeflg  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, -- success or otherwise of range check.
231    p_format  IN            VARCHAR2, -- the format to check.
232    p_result  OUT    NOCOPY BOOLEAN,  -- true (success) or false (failure).
233    p_value_is_canonical IN BOOLEAN --TRUE if value is passed IN in canonical format.
234 ) IS
238    --
239    -- Max and min value that can be handled by the number format.
240    --
241    MAX_VALUE CONSTANT NUMBER     := 99999999999999999999;
242    MIN_VALUE CONSTANT NUMBER     := -99999999999999999999;
244    nvalue   NUMBER; -- used to hold p_value as a number.
245    l_value  VARCHAR2(100);
247    p_result := TRUE; -- start by assuming success.
248    IF p_value_is_canonical THEN
249       nvalue := fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_value );
250    ELSE
251       IF g_group_sep_profile = 'Y' THEN
252          l_value := add_remove_group_separator(p_value,TRUE);
253          IF p_value = l_value THEN
254             nvalue := TO_NUMBER( l_value );
255          ELSIF p_value = add_remove_group_separator(l_value) THEN
256             nvalue := TO_NUMBER(l_value);
257          ELSE
258             nvalue := p_value;
259 	        p_result := FALSE;
260          END IF;
261       ELSE
262          nvalue := TO_NUMBER( p_value ); --uses session NLS settings.
263       END IF;
264    END IF;
266    IF p_format = 'INTEGER' or p_format = 'I' THEN
267       IF MOD( nvalue, 1 ) <> 0 THEN
268          p_result := FALSE; --p_value is not an integer.
269       ELSE
270          p_value := TO_CHAR( nvalue ); --integers do not have Decimal separater.
271       END IF;
272    ELSE
273       -- Convert number to NLS string.
274       if (nvalue = trunc(nvalue)) then
275          p_value := LTRIM( TO_CHAR( nvalue, '99999999999999999990' ) );
276       else
277          p_value := LTRIM( RTRIM( TO_CHAR( nvalue,
278                               '99999999999999999990D99999999999999999999' ), '0' ) );
279       end if;
280    END IF;
281    -- range checking.
282    IF p_minimum IS NOT NULL THEN
283       IF nvalue < fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_minimum ) THEN
284          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
285       END IF;
286    END IF;
287    IF p_maximum IS NOT NULL THEN
288       IF nvalue > fnd_number.canonical_to_number( p_maximum ) THEN
289          p_rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
290       END IF;
291    END IF;
293    IF not (nvalue between MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE) then
294       p_result := FALSE;
295    END IF;
297    p_output := fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_value);
299    IF g_group_sep_profile = 'Y' THEN
300       p_value := add_remove_group_separator(p_value);
301    END IF;
303    WHEN OTHERS THEN --when varchar2 conversion to number fails.
304       p_result := FALSE;
305 END chknum;
306 --
307 --------------------------- checkformat -----------------------------------
308 /*
309    NAME
310       checkformat - checks format of various inputs.
312       Entry point for the checkformat routine.
313       Is used to check the validity of the following formats:
314       CHAR           : arbitrary string of characters.
315       UPPER          : converts string to upper case.
316       LOWER          : converts string to lower case.
317       INITCAP        : init caps string.
318       INTEGER        : checks that input is integer.
319       NUMBER         : checks input is valid decimal number.
320       ND             : Same as number, (another days format).
321       TIMES          : checks input is valid time.
322       DATE           : checks input is valid date (DD-MON-YYYY).
323       HOURS          : checks input is valid number of hours.
324       DB_ITEM_NAME   : checks input is valid database item name.
325       PAY_NAME       : checks input is valid payroll name.
326       NACHA          : checks input contains valid nacha digits.
327       KANA           : checks input is KANA character.
328    NOTES
329       This procedure is called directly from FF RSP user exit.
330       Maximum and minimum parameters:
331         Use canonical format for decimal numbers.
332 */
333 procedure checkformat
334 (
335    value   in out nocopy varchar2, -- the value to be formatted.
336    format  in            varchar2, -- the format to check.
337    output  in out nocopy varchar2, -- the formatted value on output.
338    minimum in            varchar2, -- minimum value (can be null).
339    maximum in            varchar2, -- maximum value (can be null).
340    nullok  in            varchar2, -- is ok to be null ?
341    rgeflg  in out nocopy varchar2, -- used for range checking.
342    curcode in            varchar2  -- currency code to be used for money format.
343 ) is
344    result boolean;
345    RGE_SUCC constant varchar2(1) := 'S';
346    RGE_FAIL constant varchar2(1) := 'F';
347 --
348    -------------------------------- chkdate --------------------------------
349    /*
350       NAME
351          chkdate - check format of date
353          Checks date formats.
354       NOTES
355          The following date formats are now handled:
356          Specified    Real        Input Field Output Field
357          ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------
358          D_DDMONYY    DD-MON-RR   28-JAN-92   28-JAN-1992
359          D_DDMONYYYY  DD-MON-RRRR 28-JAN-1992 28-JAN-1992
360          D_DDMONYYYY  DD-MON-RRRR 28-AUG-01   28-AUG-2001
361          D_DDMMYY     DD-MM-RR    28-01-92    28-JAN-1992
362          D_DDMMYYYY   DD-MM-RRRR  28-01-1992  28-JAN-1992
363          D_DDMMYYYY   DD-MM-RRRR  28-01-01    28-JAN-2001
364          D_MMDDYY     MM-DD-RR    01-28-02    28-JAN-2002
365          D_MMDDYYYY   MM-DD-RRRR  01-28-1992  28-JAN-1992
366          D_MMDDYYYY   MM-DD-RRRR  01-28-01    28-JAN-2001
367 --
368          - If format is one of the 'YYYY' types, and only 'YY'
369            value is input, the date is output using century rounding.
370            See the examples above.
371          - The exception handler is used to detect illegal dates.
372          - Range checking is allowed on all formats, but the
373            limits must be in the same format as the input.
374          - The output format is always in 'DD-MON-YYYY'.
375          - If the input format has a 2 digit year
376    */
377    procedure chkdate
378    (
379       value   in out nocopy varchar2, -- date value to be checked.
380       format  in            varchar2, -- the particular date format.
384       rgeflg  in out nocopy varchar2, -- success or otherwise of range check.
381       output  in out nocopy varchar2, -- the converted date format.
382       minimum in            varchar2, -- minimum date.
383       maximum in            varchar2, -- maximum date.
385       result     out nocopy boolean   -- format success or fail.
386    ) is
387       realfmt varchar2(11); -- the real format.
388       l_date  date;
389    begin
391       result := TRUE;
392       -- now check that we have the correct date format
393       -- passed in.
394       l_date := fnd_date.displaydate_to_date(value);
395 --
396       -- the date format has been correctly verified.
397       -- now return it to the output field in the
398       -- canonical format of of 'YYYY/MM/DD'
399       output := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_date);
400 --
401       -- Return the corrected format to the output.
402       -- Needed for instance where user inputs a
403       -- value like '01-jan-99' which we want displayed
404       -- as '01-JAN-1999'.
405       value := fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(l_date);
406 --
407       -- minimum and maximum checking.
408       if(minimum is not null) then
409          if(l_date < fnd_date.canonical_to_date(minimum)) then
410             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
411             return;
412          end if;
413       end if;
414       if(maximum is not null) then
415          if(l_date > fnd_date.canonical_to_date(maximum)) then
416             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
417             return;
418          end if;
419       end if;
420    exception
421       -- have to user the 'others' exception, since there is
422       -- no specific exception to catch illegal date formats.
423       when others then
424          result := FALSE;
425    end chkdate;
426 --
427    ------------------------------- chkhours --------------------------------
428    /*
429       NAME
430          chkhours - check hours format and convert.
432          Performs the following actions. Firstly, validates
433          hours in the following formats: H_HH, H_HHMM, H_HHMMSS.
434          Secondly, it converts these to an internal format,
435          which is currently number(40,20).
436          Will perform conversions such as 112:3 -> 112:30.
437       NOTES
438          <none>
439    */
440    procedure chkhours
441    (
442       value   in out nocopy varchar2, -- the input value to be formatted.
443       format  in            varchar2, -- the specific format.
444       output  in out nocopy varchar2, -- value in canonical format.
445       minimum in            varchar2, -- min hours value in canonical format.
446       maximum in            varchar2, -- min hours value in canonical format.
447       rgeflg  in out nocopy varchar2, -- indicate success or otherwise of range.
448       result     out nocopy boolean   -- success or failure flag.
449    ) is
450       INT_PREC   constant number := 20; -- internal format precision.
451       SEPARATOR  constant varchar2(1) := ':';
452       MIN_HHMM   constant number := 3;
453       MIN_HHMMSS constant number := 6;
454       hours      varchar2(40);
455       minutes    varchar2(40);
456       seconds    varchar2(40);
457       minplussec varchar2(40); -- holds minutes + seconds string.
458       len        number;  -- length of the input string.
459       minseppos  number;  -- minute separator position.
460       secseppos  number;  -- seconds separator position.
461       negative   boolean; -- is the input negative??
462    begin
463       hours := 0;
464       minutes := 0;
465       seconds := 0;
466       negative := FALSE;
467       -- if the first character of the input
468       -- is a minus sign, we assume the input is negative.
469       if(substr(value,1,1) = '-') then
470          negative := TRUE;
471          value := substr(value,2); -- remove the minus sign.
472       end if;
473       -- bug 6522314. Added nvl
474       len := nvl(length(value),0); -- len of input without any negation sign.
475       -- get the values of hours, minutes and seconds,
476       -- depending on the format passed.
477       if(format = 'H_HH') then
478          -- check is number and integer.
479          if(trunc(value) <> value) then
480             result := FALSE;
481             return;
482          end if;
483          hours := value;
484       elsif(format = 'H_HHMM') then
485          declare
486             check_fmt varchar2(10);
487          begin
488             if(len < MIN_HHMM) then
489                result := FALSE;
490                return;
491             end if;
492             minseppos := instr(value,SEPARATOR); -- where is the colon char.
493             -- error if either the separator is the first or last
494             -- character, or there is an illegal separator.
495             if(minseppos = 1 or minseppos = len or minseppos = 0) then
496                result := FALSE;
497                return;
498             end if;
499             hours := substr(value,1,(minseppos - 1));      -- hours string.
500             minutes := substr(value,(minseppos + 1),len); -- minutes string.
501             -- Check that we do not have any illegal
502             -- characters in our format.
503             check_fmt := to_char(to_date(minutes,'MI'),'MI');
504             minutes := rpad(minutes,2,'0'); -- format correctly.
508          -- Check that we have a legal minutes separator.
505          end;
506       elsif(format = 'H_HHMMSS') then
507          minseppos := instr(value,SEPARATOR);    -- pos of minutes sep.
509          if(minseppos = 1 or minseppos = len or minseppos = 0) then
510             result := FALSE;
511             return;
512          end if;
513          hours := substr(value,1,(minseppos - 1));
514          -- check that the hours string represents an integer.
515          if(trunc(hours) <> hours) then
516             result := FALSE;
517             return;
518          end if;
519          minplussec := substr(value,(minseppos + 1),len);
520          minutes := to_char(to_date(minplussec,'MI:SS'),'MI');
521          seconds := to_char(to_date(minplussec,'MI:SS'),'SS');
522       end if;
523 --
524       -- apply some sanity checks.
525       if(hours < 0 or minutes < 0 or minutes > 59 or
526       seconds < 0 or seconds > 59) then
527          result := FALSE;
528          return;
529       end if;
530 --
531       -- do the output of the format.
532       if(format = 'H_HHMM') then
533          value := hours || SEPARATOR || minutes;
534       elsif(format = 'H_HHMMSS') then
535          value := hours || SEPARATOR || minutes || SEPARATOR || seconds;
536       else
537          -- format is H_HH.
538          null;
539       end if;
540 --
541       -- output the converted value.
542       output := fnd_number.number_to_canonical(
543                   round(hours + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600),INT_PREC) );
544 --
545       -- having done the checks, we need to check
546       -- if we originally had negative input
547       if(negative = TRUE) then
548          output := '-' || output;
549          value := '-' || value;
550       end if;
551       -- minimum and maximum checking.
552       if(minimum is not null) then
553          if(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(output) <
554                  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(minimum)) then
555             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
556             return;
557          end if;
558       end if;
559       if(maximum is not null) then
560          if(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(output) >
561                  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(maximum)) then
562             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
563             return;
564          end if;
565       end if;
566    exception
567       -- this exception could be raised if illegal
568       -- number supplied as a minimum or maximum.
569       when value_error then
570          result := FALSE;
571       when others then
572          result := FALSE;
573    end chkhours;
574 --
575    -------------------------------- chktime --------------------------------
576    /*
577       NAME
578          chktime - check the format of time.
580          Routine checks that time is correcly formatted.
581          Will do format conversions like '2:2' -> '02:20'.
582       NOTES
583          Exceptions processing used to catch any illegal
584          time formats passed to routine.
585    */
586    procedure chktime
587    (
588       value   in out nocopy varchar2,
589       minimum in            varchar2, -- minimum allow able value
590       maximum in            varchar2, -- maximum allowable value
591       rgeflg  in out nocopy varchar2, -- success or otherwise of range check.
592       result     out nocopy boolean
593    ) is
594       TIME_SEPARATOR constant varchar2(1) := ':'; -- make this a constant.
595       isdate date; -- used when checking is legal date.
596       hours   varchar2(2); -- hold hours component.
597       minutes varchar2(2); -- hold minutes component.
598       len     number;      -- length of string.
599       seppos  number;      -- the character position of the time separator.
600 --
601    begin
602       -- first thing, check that we have a legal oracle time format.
603       isdate := to_date(value,'HH24:MI');  -- raises exception if not.
604       seppos := instr(value,TIME_SEPARATOR);  -- look for legal separator.
605       if(seppos = 0) then
606          result := FALSE;
607          return;
608       end if;
609       -- separate hours and minutes.
610       len := length(value); -- how long the time string.
611       hours := substr(value,1,(seppos - 1));     -- get hours string.
612       minutes := substr(value,(seppos + 1),len); -- get minutes string.
613       -- now we put them together using lpad and rpad to format correctly.
614       value := lpad(hours,2,'0') || TIME_SEPARATOR || rpad(minutes,2,'0');
615 --
616       -- check this again following formatting.
617       isdate := to_date(value,'HH24:MI');
618       --
619       result := TRUE;
620       if(minimum is not null) then
621         if(isdate <
622           to_date(minimum,'HH24:MI')) then
623           rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
624           return;
625         end if;
626       end if;
627       if(maximum is not null) then
628         if(isdate >
629           to_date(maximum,'HH24:MI')) then
630           rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
631           return;
632         end if;
633       end if;
634    exception
635       -- use 'others' exception because there are
636       -- no specific errors we can trap for illegal times.
637       when others then
638          result := FALSE;
642    /*
639    end chktime;
640 --
641    -------------------------------- chkpay ---------------------------------
643       NAME
644          chkpay - check payroll name does not contain illegal characters.
646          Used to ensure that a name passed in only comprises of:
647          First character : alpha characters (upper or lower case).
648          Subsequent chars: alpha, numeric, space and underscore.
649       NOTES
650          Use the translate function and dbms_sql package to check for
651          illegal chars. Cannot be called from pragma restrict_references
652          code.
653    */
654    function chkpay
655    (
656       value in varchar2 -- the name to check.
657    ) return boolean is
658       l_cursor_id binary_integer; -- Cursor for dynamic PL/SQL.
659       statement varchar2(2000);    -- Dynamic PL/SQL statement.
661       copy  varchar2(240);  -- Copy of string without spaces.
663       chunk varchar2(2000); -- Chunk to be syntax-checked.
664       spos integer;         -- Start position of chunk in input string.
665       epos integer;         -- End position of chunk in input string.
666       clen number;          -- Length of input string in characters.
667       first boolean;        -- Is this the first chunk being processed ?
669       -- The following string will be added to any chunks to avoid problems
670       -- with reserved words being rejected.
671       MUCK    constant varchar2(3) := 'ZQX';
673       -- Variables for checking for PL/SQL characters that aren't
674       -- allowed in name syntax.
675       exchk varchar2(240);
676       match varchar2(240);
677       PADCH constant varchar2(1) := '$';
679       SPACE constant varchar2(1) := ' ';
681       -- Valid PL/SQL identifier name characters that are are illegal
682       -- in HR, Payroll, and Formula names.
683       PLSQL_EXCLUDE varchar2(64);
684       -- Maximum length of the name being checked in bytes.
685       MAX_NAME_LEN  constant number := 80;
686       -- Maximum PL/SQL name length in bytes.
687       MAX_PLSQL_LEN constant number := 30;
688    begin
689       -------------------------------------------------------------
690       -- Name syntax is a letter followed by a string containing --
691       -- letters, digits, ' ', and '_'. PL/SQL does not have any --
692       -- character classification functions e.g. to say what's a --
693       -- 'letter' or a 'digit'. PL/SQL identifier name syntax is --
694       -- the same as the name syntax except that it allows '#'   --
695       -- and '$' characters in the names, and allows " quoted    --
696       -- identifier names which may contain spaces.              --
697       -------------------------------------------------------------
698       -- The basic algorithm is to use the input value as a      --
699       -- PL/SQL identifier name in some dynamic PL/SQL code. The --
700       -- PL/SQL parser will syntax check the value as a PL/SQL   --
701       -- identifier name - if an error is detected an exception  --
702       -- will be raised. The code can reject values that contain --
703       -- '#', '$', or could be quoted identifiers, before trying --
704       -- to parse the dynamic PL/SQL. If the parse is okay, the  --
705       -- syntax is okay. The algorithm is slightly complicated   --
706       -- by fact the PL/SQL names may only be up 30 bytes in     --
707       -- length, whereas the names being checked may be up to 80 --
708       -- bytes in length. The input value is chopped into chunks --
709       -- of size 30 bytes or less and the PL/SQL test is run on  --
710       -- the chunks.                                             --
711       -------------------------------------------------------------
713       if ( ( value is not null or length( value ) <> 0 ) and
714            lengthb( value ) <= MAX_NAME_LEN ) then
716          -- Set up the PL/SQL exclusion characters.
717          PLSQL_EXCLUDE := '"$#' || to_multi_byte( '"$#' );
719          -- Check that the string does not contain any excluded PL/SQL
720          -- characters.
721          match := PADCH;
722          match := lpad( match, length( PLSQL_EXCLUDE ), PADCH );
723          exchk := translate( value, PLSQL_EXCLUDE, match );
724          exchk := replace( exchk, PADCH, '' );
725          if ( exchk is null or length( exchk ) < length( value ) ) then
726             return( FALSE );
727          end if;
729          -- We have to operate on a copy of the string without the spaces
730          -- because PL/SQL variable names may not contain spaces.
731          if ( substr( value, 1, 1 ) = SPACE ) then
732             return( FALSE );
733          end if;
734          copy := replace( value, SPACE, '' );
735          clen := length( copy );
737          -- Check the name string chunk by chunk. Need to do this chunk
738          -- by chunk because string can be longer than the PL/SQL allows.
740          -- Set up information for the first chunk to be checked.
741          first := TRUE;
742          spos := 1;
743          epos := clen;
744          chunk := copy || MUCK;
746          while ( spos <= clen ) loop
747             -- Make sure that the chunk is short enough for PL/SQL to
748             -- handle.
749             while ( lengthb( chunk ) > MAX_PLSQL_LEN ) loop
750                epos := ( spos + epos ) / 2;
751                if ( first ) then
755                else
752                   -- Append MUCK to make sure that the start of the name
753                   -- is okay.
754                   chunk := substr( copy, spos, epos - spos + 1 ) || MUCK;
756                   -- Prepend MUCK because the chunk may not start with a
757                   -- letter.
758                   chunk := MUCK || substr( copy, spos, epos - spos + 1 );
759                end if;
760             end loop;
762             if ( first ) then
763                first := FALSE;
764             end if;
766             -- Build a dynamic SQL statement using the name as a variable
767             -- name. This will syntax check the name as a valid PL/SQL name.
768             statement := 'DECLARE ' || chunk || ' NUMBER;BEGIN ' ||
769                          chunk || ':=1;END;';
770             l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
771             dbms_sql.parse( l_cursor_id, statement, dbms_sql.native );
772             dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_cursor_id );
774             -- Move onto next the chunk.
775             spos := epos + 1;
776             epos := clen;
777             if ( spos <= clen ) then
778                -- Prepend MUCK because the chunk may not start
779                -- with a letter.
780                chunk := MUCK || substr( copy, spos, epos - spos + 1 );
781             end if;
782          end loop;
784          -- Exited the loop without problems, so value is good.
785          return( TRUE );
786      else
787         -- String is null, zero length, or too long.
788         return( FALSE );
789      end if;
791      -- Exception handler to catch errors in the dynamic SQL ie.
792      -- the syntax of the chunk being tested is invalid.
793      exception
794         when others then
795         begin
796            --
797            -- Make sure that the cursor was closed.
798            --
799            if ( dbms_sql.is_open( l_cursor_id ) ) then
800               dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_cursor_id );
801            end if;
802            return( FALSE );
803         end;
804    end chkpay;
805 --
806    -------------------------------- chkdbi ---------------------------------
807    /*
808       NAME
809          chkdbi - check format of database item name.
811          Check that db item name only contains legal characters.
812          The are the following:
813          First character : upper or lower case alphabetic characters.
814          Subsequent chars: alpha, numeric or underscore.
816          JULY-2004: introduced a new style of database item name where
817          any text within double-quotes is allowed.
819       NOTES
820          Use the translate function and dbms_sql package to check for
821          illegal chars. Cannot be called from pragma restrict_references
822          code.
823    */
824    function chkdbi
825    (
826       value in varchar2 -- the name to check.
827    ) return boolean is
828       l_cursor_id binary_integer; -- Cursor for dynamic PL/SQL.
829       statement varchar2(2000);    -- Dynamic PL/SQL statement.
831       chunk varchar2(2000); -- Chunk to be syntax-checked.
832       spos integer;         -- Start position of chunk in input string.
833       epos integer;         -- End position of chunk in input string.
834       clen number;          -- Length of input string in characters.
835       first boolean;        -- Is this the first chunk being processed ?
837       -- The following string will be added to any chunks to avoid problems
838       -- with reserved words being rejected.
839       MUCK    constant varchar2(3) := 'ZQX';
841       -- Variables for checking for PL/SQL characters that aren't
842       -- allowed in name syntax.
843       exchk varchar2(240);
844       match varchar2(240);
845       PADCH constant varchar2(1) := '$';
847       -- Valid PL/SQL identifier name characters that are are illegal
848       -- in HR, Payroll, and Formula names.
849       PLSQL_EXCLUDE varchar2(64);
850       -- Maximum length of the name being checked in characters.
851       MAX_NAME_LEN  constant number := 160;
852       -- Maximum PL/SQL name length in bytes.
853       MAX_PLSQL_LEN constant number := 30;
854       -- Maximum  name length in bytes.
855       MAX_BYTE_LENGTH constant number := 240;
857       QUOTE1  varchar2(16);
858       QUOTE2  varchar2(16);
859       thechar varchar2(16);
860    begin
861       -------------------------------------------------------------
862       -- Name syntax is a letter followed by a string containing --
863       -- letters, digits, and '_'. PL/SQL does not have any      --
864       -- character classification functions e.g. to say what's a --
865       -- 'letter' or a 'digit'. PL/SQL identifier name syntax is --
866       -- the same as the name syntax except that it allows '#'   --
867       -- and '$' characters in the names, and allows " quoted    --
868       -- identifier names which may contain spaces.              --
869       -------------------------------------------------------------
870       -- The basic algorithm is to use the input value as a      --
871       -- PL/SQL identifier name in some dynamic PL/SQL code. The --
872       -- PL/SQL parser will syntax check the value as a PL/SQL   --
876       -- to parse the dynamic PL/SQL. If the parse is okay, the  --
873       -- identifier name - if an error is detected an exception  --
874       -- will be raised. The code can reject values that contain --
875       -- '#', '$', or could be quoted identifiers, before trying --
877       -- syntax is okay. The algorithm is slightly complicated   --
878       -- by fact the PL/SQL names may only be up 30 bytes in     --
879       -- length, whereas the names being checked may be up to 80 --
880       -- bytes in length. The input value is chopped into chunks --
881       -- of size 30 bytes or less and the PL/SQL test is run on  --
882       -- the chunks.                                             --
883       -------------------------------------------------------------
885       if ( ( value is not null or length( value ) <> 0 ) and
886            length( value ) <= MAX_NAME_LEN
887            and lengthb( value ) <= MAX_BYTE_LENGTH ) then
888          --
889          -- First look for double-quote delimited value.
890          --
891          QUOTE1 := '"';
892          QUOTE2 := to_multi_byte('"');
893          thechar := substr(value, 1, 1);
894          if thechar = QUOTE1 or thechar = QUOTE2 then
895             --
896             -- Minimum acceptable string is "".
897             --
898             clen := length(value);
899             if clen = 1 then
900                return FALSE;
901             end if;
902             --
903             -- Check for end-quote.
904             --
905             thechar :=  substr(value, clen, 1);
906             if thechar = QUOTE1 or thechar = QUOTE2 then
907                --
908                -- Quotes must be paired within the string.
909                --
910                if clen > 2 then
911                   --
912                   -- Strip off start and end quotes.
913                   --
914                   chunk := substr(value, 2, clen - 2);
915                   while chunk is not null and
916                         instr(chunk, QUOTE1) <> 0 and
917                         instr(chunk, QUOTE2) <> 0 loop
918                     thechar := substr(chunk, 1, 1);
919                     if thechar = QUOTE1 or thechar = QUOTE2 then
920                        thechar := substr(chunk, 2, 1);
921                        if thechar is not null and
922                           (thechar = QUOTE1 or thechar = QUOTE2) then
923                           --
924                           -- Skip the paired quotes.
925                           --
926                           chunk := substr(chunk, 3);
927                        else
928                           --
929                           -- Error because of unpaired quote.
930                           --
931                           return FALSE;
932                        end if;
933                     else
934                        --
935                        -- Skip the first character.
936                        --
937                        chunk := substr(chunk, 2);
938                     end if;
939                   end loop;
940                end if;
941                --
942                -- It's got here so it's valid.
943                --
944                return TRUE;
945             end if;
946             --
947             -- No end-quote found.
948             --
949             return FALSE;
950          end if;
952          -- Set up the PL/SQL exclusion characters.
953          PLSQL_EXCLUDE := '"$#' || to_multi_byte( '"$#' );
955          -- Save the length (in characters) of the input string.
956          clen := length( value );
958          -- Check that the string does not contain any excluded PL/SQL
959          -- characters.
960          match := PADCH;
961          match := lpad( match, length( PLSQL_EXCLUDE ), PADCH );
962          exchk := translate( value, PLSQL_EXCLUDE, match );
963          exchk := replace( exchk, PADCH, '' );
964          if ( exchk is null or length( exchk ) < clen ) then
965             return( FALSE );
966          end if;
968          -- Check the name string chunk by chunk. Need to do this chunk
969          -- by chunk because string can be longer than the PL/SQL allows.
971          -- Set up information for the first chunk to be checked.
972          first := TRUE;
973          spos := 1;
974          epos := clen;
975          chunk := value || MUCK;
977          while ( spos <= clen ) loop
978             -- Make sure that the chunk is short enough for PL/SQL to
979             -- handle.
980             while ( lengthb( chunk ) > MAX_PLSQL_LEN ) loop
981                epos := ( spos + epos ) / 2;
982                if ( first ) then
983                   -- Append MUCK to make sure that the start of the name
984                   -- is okay.
985                   chunk := substr( value, spos, epos - spos + 1 ) || MUCK;
986                else
987                   -- Prepend MUCK because the chunk may not start with a
988                   -- letter.
989                   chunk := MUCK || substr( value, spos, epos - spos + 1 );
990                end if;
991             end loop;
993             if ( first ) then
994                first := FALSE;
995             end if;
997             -- Build a dynamic SQL statement using the name as a variable
1001             l_cursor_id := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
998             -- name. This will syntax check the name as a valid PL/SQL name.
999             statement := 'DECLARE ' || chunk || ' NUMBER;BEGIN ' ||
1000                          chunk || ':=1;END;';
1002             dbms_sql.parse( l_cursor_id, statement, dbms_sql.native );
1003             dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_cursor_id );
1005             -- Move onto next the chunk.
1006             spos := epos + 1;
1007             epos := clen;
1008             if ( spos <= clen ) then
1009                -- Prepend MUCK because the chunk may not start
1010                -- with a letter.
1011                chunk := MUCK || substr( value, spos, epos - spos + 1 );
1012             end if;
1013          end loop;
1015          -- Exited the loop without problems, so value is good.
1016          return( TRUE );
1017      else
1018         -- String is null, zero length, or too long.
1019         return( FALSE );
1020      end if;
1022      -- Exception handler to catch errors in the dynamic SQL ie.
1023      -- the syntax of the chunk being tested is invalid.
1024      exception
1025         when others then
1026         begin
1027            --
1028            -- Make sure that the cursor was closed.
1029            --
1030            if ( dbms_sql.is_open( l_cursor_id ) ) then
1031               dbms_sql.close_cursor( l_cursor_id );
1032            end if;
1033            return( FALSE );
1034         end;
1035    end chkdbi;
1036 --
1037    -------------------------------- chknacha -------------------------------
1038    /*
1039       NAME
1040          chkknacha - check legal NACHA string.
1041       DESCRIPTION
1042          Checks that inputs used for NACHA only contain
1043          a certain defined range of characters. These are:
1044          0-9, A-Z (upper case), blank, asterisk, ampersand,
1045          comma, hyphen, decimal and dollar.
1046       NOTES
1047          Uses translate to check for illegal characters.
1048    */
1049    procedure chknacha
1050    (
1051       value  in out nocopy varchar2, -- the name to check.
1052       result    out nocopy boolean   -- result of the formatting.
1053    ) is
1054       trres  varchar(240);   -- result from the translate statement.
1055       legal  varchar(100); -- holds list of legal characters.
1056       match  varchar(100); -- holds match characters for translate.
1057       ALPHA   constant varchar2(52) := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
1058       NUMERIC constant varchar(10) := '0123456789';
1059       SPECIAL constant varchar(8) := '*&,-.$_ ';
1060       LEGCHAR constant varchar(1) := '*';
1061    begin
1062       -- convert any alpha characters to upper case.
1063       value := nls_upper(value);
1064       -- build up list of legal characters for first character.
1065       legal := ALPHA;
1066       -- now do a translate on the first character of value.
1067       trres := translate(substr(value,1,1),legal,LEGCHAR);
1068       if(nvl(trres,LEGCHAR) <> LEGCHAR) then
1069          result := FALSE;
1070          return;
1071       end if;
1072       -- if string is longer than one character,
1073       -- check the full legal list.
1074       if(length(value) > 1) then
1075          legal := ALPHA || NUMERIC || SPECIAL;
1076          match := lpad(LEGCHAR,length(legal),LEGCHAR);
1077          trres := translate(substr(value,2),legal,LEGCHAR);
1078          trres := replace(trres,LEGCHAR,'');
1079          -- if all characters in value are legal, trres should be null.
1080          if(trres is not null) then
1081             result := FALSE;
1082             return;
1083          end if;
1084       end if;
1085    end chknacha;
1086    --
1087    ------------------------ chk_half_kana --------------------------------
1088    procedure chk_half_kana(value in varchar2,
1089                            result out nocopy boolean) is
1090      l_charset varchar2(64) := substr(userenv('language'),instr(userenv('language'),'.')+1);
1091      l_strlen  number := length(value);
1092      l_ch      varchar2(5);
1093      l_correct BOOLEAN := TRUE;
1094      i         number := 1;
1095    begin
1096    --
1097    -- make sure that all the characters are half kana
1098    --
1099       while i <= l_strlen and l_correct loop
1100         l_ch := substr(value, i, 1);
1101         --
1102         -- Check if characters are valid against the characterset.
1103         --
1104         if l_charset='JA16SJIS' then
1105           if not ascii(l_ch) between 32 and 126 and
1106              not ascii(l_ch) between 161 and 223 then
1107             l_correct := FALSE;
1108           end if;
1109         elsif l_charset='JA16EUC' then
1110           if not ascii(l_ch) between 32 and 126 and
1111              not ascii(l_ch) between 36513 and 36575 then
1112             l_correct := FALSE;
1113           end if;
1114         elsif (l_charset='UTF8' or l_charset='AL32UTF8') then
1115           if not ascii(l_ch) between 32 and 126 and
1116              not ascii(l_ch) between 15711649 and 15711679 and
1117              not ascii(l_ch) between 15711872 and 15711903 then
1118             l_correct := FALSE;
1119           end if;
1120         else
1121           --  (Bug 1477718)
1122           --  Exit and return true when another characterset is used.
1123           --
1124           exit;
1125         end if;
1126         i := i + 1;
1127       end loop;
1131       result:=l_correct;
1128       --
1129       -- Set out variable
1130       --
1132       --
1133     end chk_half_kana;
1134 --
1135 begin
1136    rgeflg := RGE_SUCC; -- start by saying range checking succeeded.
1137    -- start by checking if the input is allowed to be null.
1138    if(nullok = 'N' and value is null) then
1139       hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51159_INVAL_VALUE_FORMAT');
1140       hr_utility.raise_error;
1141    end if;
1142    -- if ok to be null and value is null, then return immediately.
1143    if(nullok = 'Y' and value is null) then
1144       output := NULL;
1145       return;
1146    end if;
1147    -- Choose correct action for format specifier.
1148    if(format = 'CHAR' or format = 'C') then
1149       -- we can have minimum and maximum values.
1150       if(minimum is not null) then
1151          if(value < minimum) then
1152             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
1153          end if;
1154       end if;
1155       if(maximum is not null) then
1156          if(value > maximum) then
1157             rgeflg := RGE_FAIL;
1158          end if;
1159       end if;
1160       output := value;
1161    elsif(format = 'UPPER') then
1162       value := nls_upper(value);
1163       output := value;
1164    elsif(format = 'LOWER') then
1165       value := nls_lower(value);
1166       output := value;
1167    elsif(format = 'INITCAP') then
1168       value := nls_initcap(value);
1169       output := value;
1170    --
1171    elsif(format = 'M' or format = 'MONEY') then
1172       chkmoney(value,output,curcode,minimum,maximum,rgeflg,result,FALSE);
1173       if(result = FALSE) then
1174          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51152_INVAL_MON_FORMAT');
1175          hr_utility.raise_error;
1176       end if;
1177    elsif(format = 'I' or format = 'N' or format = 'NUMBER'
1178       or format = 'ND') then
1179       chknum(value,output,minimum,maximum,rgeflg,format,result,FALSE);
1180       if(result = FALSE) then
1181          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51153_INVAL_NUM_FORMAT');
1182          hr_utility.raise_error;
1183       end if;
1184       --output is in canonical format
1185       --output := fnd_number.number_to_canonical( to_number(value) );
1186    elsif(format = 'H_HH' or format = 'H_HHMM' or
1187       format = 'H_HHMMSS') then
1188       chkhours(value,format,output,minimum,maximum,rgeflg,result);
1189       if(result = FALSE) then
1190          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51153_INVAL_NUM_FORMAT');
1191          hr_utility.raise_error;
1192       end if;
1193    elsif(format = 'TIMES' or format = 'T') then
1194       chktime(value, minimum, maximum, rgeflg, result);
1195       if(result = FALSE) then
1196          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51154_INVAL_TIME_FORMAT');
1197          hr_utility.raise_error;
1198       end if;
1199       output := value;
1201    --elsif(format = 'D_DDMONYY' or format = 'D_DDMONYYYY' or
1202          --format = 'D_DDMMYY' or format = 'D_DDMMYYYY' or
1203          --format = 'D_MMDDYY' or format = 'D_MMDDYYYY' or
1204          --format = 'DATE') then
1205    elsif (format = 'D' or format = 'DATE') then
1206       chkdate(value,format,output,minimum,maximum,rgeflg,result);
1207       if(result = FALSE) then
1208          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51155_INVAL_DATE_FORMAT');
1209          hr_utility.raise_error;
1210       end if;
1211    elsif(format = 'H_DECIMAL1' or format = 'H_DECIMAL2'
1212       or format = 'H_DECIMAL3' or format = 'HOURS') then
1213       chkdech(value,format,minimum,maximum,rgeflg,result,FALSE);
1214       if(result = FALSE) then
1215          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51153_INVAL_NUM_FORMAT');
1216          hr_utility.raise_error;
1217       end if;
1218       --output is in canonical format
1219       output := fnd_number.number_to_canonical( to_number(value) );
1220    elsif(format = 'DB_ITEM_NAME') then
1221       if(chkdbi(value) = FALSE) then
1222          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51156_INVAL_NUM_FORMAT');
1223          hr_utility.raise_error;
1224       end if;
1225       output := value;
1226    elsif(format = 'PAY_NAME') then
1227       if(chkpay(value) = FALSE) then
1228          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51157_INVAL_PAY_NAME_FORMAT');
1229          hr_utility.raise_error;
1230       end if;
1231       output := value;
1232    elsif(format = 'NACHA') then
1233       chknacha(value,result); -- check for legal NACHA characters
1234       if(result = FALSE) then
1235          hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51158_INVAL_NACHA_FORMAT');
1236          hr_utility.raise_error;
1237       end if;
1238       output := value;
1239    elsif(format = 'KANA'or format = 'K') then
1240       chk_half_kana(value,result);
1241       if(result = FALSE) then
1242         hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_72021_PER_INVALID_KANA');
1243         hr_utility.raise_error;
1244       end if;
1245    else
1246       -- invalid format.
1247       hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51159_INVAL_VALUE_FORMAT');
1248       hr_utility.raise_error;
1249    end if;
1250 end checkformat;
1251 --
1252 --------------------------- changeformat -----------------------------------
1253 /*
1254    NAME
1255       changeformat - converts from internal to external formats.
1257       Is called when you need to convert from a format that is
1258       held in one format internally but which needs to be
1259       displayed in another format.
1260    NOTES
1264 function changeformat
1261       Currently, the following formats require conversion:
1262       date formats, money and H_HHMM/H_HHMMSS.
1263 */
1265 (
1266    input   in     varchar2, -- the input format.
1267    format  in     varchar2, -- indicates the format to convert to.
1268    curcode in     varchar2  -- currency code for money format.
1269 ) return varchar2 is
1270 --
1271    value  varchar2(240); -- needed when calling chkdech.
1272    rgeflg varchar2(1);   -- needed when calling chkdech.
1273    result boolean;       -- needed when calling chkdech.
1274    output varchar2(240);      -- the output format.
1275 --
1276    ---------------------------- to_money ----------------------------------
1277    /*
1278       NAME
1279          to_money - converts internal currency format to external one.
1280       DESCRIPTION
1281          Converts a decimal number (in which currency is held)
1282          to the external format.
1283       NOTES
1284          Currently, the internal and external formats are the same,
1285          but this function exists as a stub for later use.
1286    */
1287    function to_money
1288    (
1289       input   in varchar2, -- the input to format.
1290       curcode in varchar2  -- the currency code.
1291    ) return  varchar2 is
1292       value  varchar2(240);
1293       output varchar2(240);
1294       rgeflg varchar2(10);
1295       result boolean;
1296    begin
1297       -- use the checkformat procedure to handle format.
1298       value := input;
1299       chkmoney(value,output,curcode,null,null,rgeflg,result,TRUE);
1300       return(value);
1301    end to_money;
1302 --
1303    ---------------------------- to_hours -----------------------------------
1304    /*
1305       NAME
1306          to_hours - converts decimal hours to hours formats.
1307       DESCRIPTION
1308          This converts from decimal into either H_HHMM or H_HHMMSS.
1309       NOTES
1310          <none>
1311    */
1312    function to_hours(input in varchar2, format in varchar2)
1313    return varchar2 is
1314       hours varchar2(100); -- holds the hours string.
1315       mins  number;        -- holds minutes (and seconds) string.
1316    begin
1317       -- separate hours string.
1318       hours := trunc(fnd_number.canonical_to_number( input ));
1319       mins  := abs(round((fnd_number.canonical_to_number( input ) - hours)
1320                           * 3600));
1321 --
1322       -- Bugfix 4269787
1323       -- If mins has been rounded to 3600 we have 1 hour!
1324       if mins = 3600 then
1325          hours := hours+1;
1326          mins := 0;
1327       end if;
1328 --
1329       -- Bugfix 3650335
1330       -- Ensure the sign of the input is maintained.
1331       if hours = '0' and mins > 0
1332         and sign(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(input)) = -1 then
1333         --
1334         -- Prefix the hours value with a minus sign as this will have been
1335         -- lost in the conversion process.
1336         --
1337         hours := '-'||hours;
1338         --
1339       end if;
1340 --
1341       -- process diffferently for H_HHMM and H_HHMMSS.
1342       if(format = 'H_HHMM') then
1343          return(hours || ':' ||
1344          to_char(to_date(to_char(mins),'SSSSS'),'MI'));
1345       else
1346          return(hours || ':' ||
1347          to_char(to_date(to_char(mins),'SSSSS'),'MI:SS'));
1348       end if;
1349    end to_hours;
1350 --
1351    ---------------------------- conv_date ----------------------------------
1352    /*
1353       NAME
1354          conv_date - convert internal to displayed date format.
1355       DESCRIPTION
1356          Dates are converted from the universal internal format
1357          of 'DD-MON-YYYY' to whatever is specified by 'format'.
1358       NOTES
1359          <none>
1360    */
1361    function conv_date(input in varchar2,format in varchar2)
1362    return varchar2 is
1363          l_date date ;
1364       oraformat varchar2(11);
1365    begin
1366       if(format = 'D' or format = 'DATE') then
1367          l_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(input) ;
1368       else
1369          oraformat := 'UNKNOWN';  -- this should cause failure.
1370       end if;
1371 --
1372       -- now convert to external format.
1373       return(fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(l_date));
1374    end conv_date;
1375 --
1376 begin
1377    if(input is null) then
1378       output := NULL; -- if input is null, do not do any processing.
1379       -- main statement to do the conversion.
1380    else
1381       if(format = 'H_HHMM' or format = 'H_HHMMSS') then
1382          output := to_hours(input,format);
1383       elsif(format = 'M' or format = 'MONEY') then
1384          output := to_money(input,curcode);
1385       elsif(format like 'H_DECIMAL%') then
1386          value := input;
1387          chkdech(value,format,null,null,rgeflg,result,TRUE);
1388          output := value;
1389       elsif(format = 'N' or format = 'NUMBER' or format = 'ND') then
1390          value := input;
1391          chknum(value,output,null,null,rgeflg,format,result,TRUE);
1392          output := value;
1393       elsif(format = 'INTEGER' or format = 'I' ) then
1394          value := input;
1395          chknum(value,output,null,null,rgeflg,format,result,TRUE);
1396          output := value;
1397       elsif(format = 'D' or format = 'DATE') then
1398          -- convert to required external format.
1399          output := conv_date(input,format);
1400       else
1401          -- all other formats remain the same.
1402          output := input;
1403       end if;
1404    end if;
1405    return(output);
1406 end changeformat;
1407 --
1408 --------------------------- changeformat -----------------------------------
1409 /*
1410    NAME
1411       changeformat - converts from internal to external formats.
1413       Is called when you need to convert from a format that is
1414       held in one format internally but which needs to be
1415       displayed in another format.
1416    NOTES
1417       Currently, the following formats require conversion:
1418       date formats, money and H_HHMM/H_HHMMSS.
1419 */
1420 procedure changeformat
1421 (
1422    input   in            varchar2, -- the input format.
1423    output  out    nocopy varchar2, -- the output formated
1424    format  in            varchar2, -- indicates the format to convert to.
1425    curcode in            varchar2  -- currency code for money format.
1426 ) is
1427 begin
1428    output := changeformat(input, format, curcode);
1429 end changeformat;
1430 --
1431 end hr_chkfmt;