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2 /* $Header: perca01t.pkb 115.4 2003/02/11 11:55:00 eumenyio ship $ */
3 --
4 /*  +=======================================================================+
5     |           Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
6     |              Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
7     |                   All rights reserved.                                |
8     +=======================================================================+
9  Name
10     per_recruitment_activities_pkg
11   Purpose
12     Supports the ACTIVITY block in the form PERWSDRA (Define Recruitment
13     Activity).
14   Notes
15     Changed X_Parent_Recruitment_Activity_Id to X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id
16     because was too long otherwise.
18   History
19     21-Feb-94  H.Minton   40.0         Date created.
20     01-JUL-94  H.Minton  40.1          Added procedure chk_auth_date
21     23-NOV-94  rfine      70.4         Suppressed index on business_group_id
22     29-JAN-95  D.Kerr     70.6         Removed WHO-columns for Set8 changes
23     24-JUL-95  AForte     70.6		Changed tokenised message
24 	       AMills			'HR_6695_RAC_PER_NOT_VALID' for
25 					'HR_7696_RAC_PER_NOT_VALID',
26 					'HR_7697_RAC_PER_NOT_VALID'
27     17-NOV-95  JThuringer 70.9         Removed ampersand from change history -
28                                        this was causing an
29                                        "expected symbol name is missing" error
30     22-MAR-96  A.Mills    70.10        Altered procedure chk_vacancy_dates to
31                                        accept and test on p_rec_activity_id.
32                                        Cursor changed.
33     05-MAR-97  J.Alloun   70.11        Changed all occurances of system.dual
34                                        to sys.dual for next release requirements.
35 ============================================================================*/
36 --
37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 -- Name                                                                    --
39 --   Check_Unique_Name                                                     --
40 -- Purpose                                                                 --
41 --   checks that the recruitment activity name is unique. Called from the  --
42 --   client side package ACTIVITY_ITEMS from the procedure 'name'. Called  --
43 --   on WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM from Name.                                      --
44 --                                                                         --
45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 --
47 PROCEDURE Check_Unique_Name(P_Name    			VARCHAR2,
48                             P_Business_group_id 	NUMBER,
49                             P_rowid                     VARCHAR2)  IS
51    CURSOR name_exists IS
52                        SELECT 1
53                        FROM   per_recruitment_activities rec
54                        WHERE  upper(rec.NAME) = upper(p_Name)
55                        AND    rec.business_group_id + 0 = P_business_group_id
56                        AND    (P_rowid <> rec.rowid
57                               or P_rowid is NULL);
58 v_dummy number;
59 --
61 --
62     OPEN name_exists;
63     FETCH name_exists INTO v_dummy;
64     IF name_exists%found THEN
65        CLOSE name_exists;
66        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6113_RAC_EXISTS');
67        hr_utility.raise_error;
68     ELSe CLOSE name_exists;
69     END IF;
70 END Check_Unique_Name;
71 --
72 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 -- Name                                                                    --
74 --   Check_references,                                                       --
75 -- Purpose                                                                 --
76 --   checks that deletes cannot take place of a recruitment activity if    --
77 --   there are vacancies i.e recruitment_activities_for the recruitment-   --
78 --   activity, or if the recruitment activity is being used in an          --
79 --   assignment or if the recruitment activity is a parent.
80 -- Arguments                                                               --
81 --   See below.                                                            --
82 -- Notes                                                                   --
83 --                                                                         --
85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 --
87 PROCEDURE Check_references(P_recruitment_activity_id    NUMBER,
88                            P_Business_group_id          NUMBER) IS
89 --
90 --
92   CURSOR csr_asg
93                (
94                 P_recruitment_activity_id   NUMBER,
95                 P_Business_group_id         NUMBER
96                ) IS
97     SELECT asg.recruitment_activity_id
98     FROM   per_assignments_F asg
99     WHERE  asg.recruitment_activity_id  = P_recruitment_activity_id
100     AND    asg.business_group_id + 0        = P_Business_group_id;
101 --
102 --
103   CURSOR csr_rec_acts
104                     (
105                      P_recruitment_activity_id   NUMBER,
106                      P_Business_group_id         NUMBER
107                     ) IS
108     SELECT acts.recruitment_activity_id
109     FROM   per_recruitment_activities acts
110     WHERE  acts.parent_recruitment_activity_id = P_recruitment_activity_id
111     AND    acts.business_group_id + 0              = P_Business_group_id;
112 --
113 --
114   v_dummy_id              number;
115 --
116 --
118   BEGIN
119 --
120         OPEN csr_asg(P_recruitment_activity_id,
121                      P_Business_group_id);
122         FETCH csr_asg into v_dummy_id;
123         IF csr_asg%found then
124           CLOSE csr_asg;
125            hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6682_RAC_RECRUIT_ASG_EXIST');
126            hr_utility.raise_error;
127         ELSE
128           CLOSE csr_asg;
129        END IF;
130 --
131 --
132        OPEN csr_rec_acts(P_recruitment_activity_id,
133                          P_Business_group_id);
134        FETCH csr_rec_acts into v_dummy_id;
135        IF csr_rec_acts%found then
136           CLOSE csr_rec_acts;
137             hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6111_RAC_RECRUIT_SUB_ACTS');
138             hr_utility.raise_error;
139         ELSE
140           CLOSE csr_rec_acts;
141         END IF;
142 --
143 --
144    END check_References;
145 --
146 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 -- Name                                                                    --
148 --   chk_org_date                                                          --
149 -- Purpose                                                                 --
150 --    Checks that on update of the Activity Start that the organization is --
151 --    not invalidated.                                                     --
152 -- Arguments                                                               --
153 --   See below.                                                            --
154 -- Notes                                                                   --
155 --   Called from the client side the WVI for the date_start                --
156  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 --
158 --
159    PROCEDURE chk_org_date(P_date_start 	     DATE,
160                          P_org_run_by_Id     NUMBER,
161                          P_Business_Group_id NUMBER) IS
162 --
163      CURSOR csr_org_dates IS
164       SELECT organization_id
165       FROM   hr_organization_units
166       WHERE  organization_id   =  P_org_run_by_Id
167       AND    business_group_id + 0 =  P_Business_Group_id
168       AND    date_from         <= P_date_start
169       AND    ((date_to is null) or
170              (date_to is not null and date_to >= P_date_start));
171 --
172 --
173   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
174 --
175 --
177        BEGIN
178              OPEN csr_org_dates;
179               FETCH csr_org_dates into v_dummy_id;
180               IF csr_org_dates%notfound then
181                  CLOSE csr_org_dates;
182                   hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6122_RAC_ORG_NOT_VALID');
183                   hr_utility.raise_error;
184               ELSE
185                   CLOSE csr_org_dates;
186               END IF;
187 --
188 --
190      END chk_org_date;
191 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 -- Name                                                                    --
193 --   chk_auth_date                                                         --
194 -- Purpose                                                                 --
195 --    Checks that on update of the Activity Start that the authoriser   is --
196 --    not invalidated.                                                     --
197 -- Arguments                                                               --
198 --   See below.                                                            --
199 -- Notes                                                                   --
200 --   Called from the client side the WVI for the date_start                --
201 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 --
203 --
204    PROCEDURE chk_auth_date(P_date_start        	       DATE,
205                            P_authorising_person_id     NUMBER,
206                            P_Business_Group_id         NUMBER) IS
207 --
208      CURSOR csr_auth_date IS
209            SELECT p.person_id
210            FROM   per_people_f p
211            WHERE  p.person_id              = P_authorising_person_id
212            AND    p.current_employee_flag  = 'Y'
213            AND    (p.business_group_id =  P_Business_Group_id OR
214                 nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'),'N')='Y')
215            AND    P_date_start
216                   between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date;
217 --
218 --
219   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
220 --
221 --
223        BEGIN
224              OPEN csr_auth_date;
225               FETCH csr_auth_date into v_dummy_id;
226               IF csr_auth_date%notfound then
227                  CLOSE csr_auth_date;
228                   hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_7697_RAC_PER_NOT_VALID');
229                   hr_utility.raise_error;
230               ELSE
231                   CLOSE csr_auth_date;
232               END IF;
233 --
234 --
236      END chk_auth_date;
237 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 -- Name                                                                    --
239 --   chk_int_cont_date                                                     --
240 -- Purpose                                                                 --
241 --    Checks that on update of the Activity Start that the internal contact--
242 --     is not invalidated.                                                 --
243 -- Arguments                                                               --
244 --   See below.                                                            --
245 -- Notes                                                                   --
246 --   Called from the client side the WVI for the date_start                --
247 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 --
249 --
250    PROCEDURE chk_int_cont_date(P_date_start        	 DATE,
251                            P_internal_contact_person_id  NUMBER,
252                            P_Business_Group_id           NUMBER) IS
253 --
254      CURSOR csr_int_con_date IS
255            SELECT p.person_id
256            FROM   per_people_f p
257            WHERE  p.person_id              = P_internal_contact_person_id
258            AND    p.current_employee_flag  = 'Y'
259            AND    p.employee_number is not null
260            AND    (nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'),'N') = 'Y'
261                   OR p.business_group_id =  P_Business_Group_id)
262            AND    P_date_start
263                   between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date;
264 --
265 --
266   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
267 --
268 --
269        BEGIN
270              OPEN csr_int_con_date;
271               FETCH csr_int_con_date into v_dummy_id;
272               IF csr_int_con_date%notfound then
273                  CLOSE csr_int_con_date;
274                   hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_7696_RAC_PER_NOT_VALID');
275                   hr_utility.raise_error;
276               ELSE
277                   CLOSE csr_int_con_date;
278               END IF;
279 --
280 --
281      END chk_int_cont_date;
282 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 -- Name                                                                    --
284 --   chk_parent_dates                                                      --
285 -- Purpose                                                                 --
286 --   Item handler procedure. Supports the validation on Date Start in the  --
287 --   ACTIVITY block                                                        --
288 -- Arguments                                                               --
289 --   See below.                                                            --
290 -- Notes                                                                   --
291 --                                                                         --
292 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 PROCEDURE chk_parent_dates(P_date_start        DATE,
294                            P_Business_Group_id NUMBER,
295                            P_parent_rec_id    NUMBER)  IS
296 --
297      CURSOR csr_par_rec_dates  IS
299        SELECT recruitment_activity_id
300        FROM   per_recruitment_activities
301        WHERE  recruitment_activity_id  =    P_parent_rec_id
302        AND    business_group_id + 0        =    P_Business_Group_id
303        AND    date_start               <=   P_date_start
304        AND    ((date_end is null) or
305                (date_end is not null and date_end >= P_date_start));
306 --
307 --
308   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
309 --
310 --
311        BEGIN
312               OPEN csr_par_rec_dates;
313                FETCH csr_par_rec_dates into v_dummy_id;
314                IF csr_par_rec_dates%notfound then
315                   CLOSE csr_par_rec_dates;
316                    hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6461_RAC_PARENT_RAC_INVALID');
317                    hr_utility.raise_error;
318                 ELSE
319                   CLOSE csr_par_rec_dates;
320                 END IF;
321 --
322 --
323       END chk_parent_dates;
324 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 -- Name                                                                    --
326 --   chk_vacancy_dates                                                     --
327 -- Purpose                                                                 --
328 --   Item handler procedure. Supports the validation on Date Start in the  --
329 --   ACTIVITY block                                                        --
330 -- Arguments                                                               --
331 --   See below.                                                            --
332 -- Notes                                                                   --
333 --                                                                         --
334 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 PROCEDURE chk_vacancy_dates(P_date_start              DATE,
336                             P_Business_Group_id       NUMBER,
337                             P_rec_activity_id              NUMBER) IS
338 --
339      CURSOR csr_vac_dates IS
340        SELECT raf.vacancy_id
341        FROM   per_vacancies v,
342               per_recruitment_activity_for raf
343        WHERE  raf.recruitment_activity_id     =    P_rec_activity_id
344        AND    v.business_group_id + 0        =    P_Business_Group_id
345        AND    raf.vacancy_id  = v.vacancy_id
346        AND    (v.date_from        >   P_date_start
347        OR     (v.date_to is not null and
348                 v.date_to < P_date_start));
349 --
350 --
351   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
352 --
353 --
354        BEGIN
355               OPEN csr_vac_dates;
356                FETCH csr_vac_dates into v_dummy_id;
360                    hr_utility.raise_error;
357                  IF csr_vac_dates%found then
358                   CLOSE csr_vac_dates;
359                    hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6121_RAC_VACANCY_NOT_VALID');
361                  ELSE
362                    CLOSE csr_vac_dates;
363                  END IF;
364 --
365 --
366       END chk_vacancy_dates;
367 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 -- Name                                                                    --
369 --   chk_child_rec_dates                                                   --
370 -- Purpose                                                                 --
371 --   Item handler procedure. Supports the validation on Date Start in the  --
372 --   ACTIVITY block                                                        --
373 -- Arguments                                                               --
374 --   See below.                                                            --
375 -- Notes                                                                   --
376 --                                                                         --
377 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 PROCEDURE chk_child_rec_dates(P_date_start              DATE,
379                               P_Business_Group_id       NUMBER,
380                               P_rec_act_id              NUMBER)  IS
381 --
382      CURSOR csr_chk_exist_child IS
383        SELECT 1
384        FROM   per_recruitment_activities
385        WHERE  parent_recruitment_activity_id = P_rec_act_id
386        AND    business_group_id + 0              = P_Business_Group_id;
387 --
389      CURSOR csr_child_dates IS
390        SELECT parent_recruitment_activity_id
391        FROM   per_recruitment_activities
392        WHERE  parent_recruitment_activity_id =  P_rec_act_id
393        AND    business_group_id + 0              =  P_Business_Group_id
394        AND    P_date_start                   > date_start;
395 --
396 --
397   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
398 --
399 --
400        BEGIN
401            v_dummy_id := null;
403            OPEN csr_chk_exist_child;
404             FETCH csr_chk_exist_child into v_dummy_id;
405               IF csr_chk_exist_child%found then
406                  v_dummy_id := null;
407                  CLOSE csr_chk_exist_child;
408                  OPEN csr_child_dates;
409                   FETCH csr_child_dates into v_dummy_id;
410                     IF csr_child_dates%found then
411                      CLOSE csr_child_dates;
412                      hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6621_RAC_CHILD_BEFORE_RAC');
413                      hr_utility.raise_error;
414                     ELSE
415                      CLOSE csr_child_dates;
416                     END IF;
417               END IF;
418 --
419 --
420       END chk_child_rec_dates;
421 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
422 -- Name                                                                    --
423 --   chk_child_end_dates                                                   --
424 -- Purpose                                                                 --
425 --   Item handler procedure. Supports the validation on Date Start in the  --
426 --   ACTIVITY block                                                        --
427 -- Arguments                                                               --
428 --   See below.                                                            --
429 -- Notes                                                                   --
430 --                                                                         --
431 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
432 PROCEDURE chk_child_end_dates(P_date_end                 DATE,
433                               P_Business_Group_id        NUMBER,
434                               P_rec_act_id               NUMBER)  IS
435 --
436      CURSOR csr_chk_exist_child IS
437        SELECT 1
438        FROM   per_recruitment_activities
439        WHERE  parent_recruitment_activity_id = P_rec_act_id
440        AND    business_group_id + 0              = P_Business_Group_id;
441 --
443      CURSOR csr_child_dates IS
444        SELECT parent_recruitment_activity_id
445        FROM   per_recruitment_activities
446        WHERE  parent_recruitment_activity_id =  P_rec_act_id
447        AND    business_group_id + 0              =  P_Business_Group_id
448        AND    P_date_end                     <  date_start;
449 --
450 --
451   v_dummy_id              NUMBER;
452 --
453 --
454        BEGIN
455            v_dummy_id := null;
457            OPEN csr_chk_exist_child;
458             FETCH csr_chk_exist_child into v_dummy_id;
459               IF csr_chk_exist_child%found then
460                  v_dummy_id := null;
461                  CLOSE csr_chk_exist_child;
462                  OPEN csr_child_dates;
463                   FETCH csr_child_dates into v_dummy_id;
464                     IF csr_child_dates%found then
465                      CLOSE csr_child_dates;
466                      hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_6622_RAC_CHILD_AFTER_RAC');
467                      hr_utility.raise_error;
468                     ELSE
469                      CLOSE csr_child_dates;
470                     END IF;
471               END IF;
472 --
473 --
474       END chk_child_end_dates;
478 -- Purpose                                                                 --
475 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
476 -- Name                                                                    --
477 --   default_currency_code
479 --    to find the currency code for the Business Group of the Recrutiment  --
480 --    activity.
481 -- Arguments                                                               --
482 --   See below.                                                            --
483 -- Notes                                                                   --
484 --                                                                         --
485 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
486 --
487 FUNCTION default_currency_code(P_Business_Group_id  NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 IS
488 --
489 	CURSOR csr_currency IS
490           SELECT currency_code
491           FROM   per_business_groups
492           WHERE  business_group_id = P_Business_Group_Id;
493 --
494     v_default_currency   VARCHAR2(100);
495 --
496      BEGIN
497          v_default_currency := null;
498          OPEN csr_currency;
499            FETCH csr_currency into v_default_currency;
500              CLOSE csr_currency;
501       RETURN v_default_currency;
502 --
503      END default_currency_code;
504 --
505 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 -- Name                                                                    --
507 --   Insert_Row                                                            --
508 -- Purpose                                                                 --
509 --   Table handler procedure. Supports the insert of an ACTIVITY via the   --
510 --   Define Recruitment Activity form.                                     --
511 -- Arguments                                                               --
512 --   See below.                                                            --
513 -- Notes                                                                   --
514 --                                                                         --
515  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 --
518 PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
519                      X_Recruitment_Activity_Id             IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
520                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
521                      X_Authorising_Person_Id               NUMBER,
522                      X_Run_By_Organization_Id              NUMBER,
523                      X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id          NUMBER,
524                      X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id      NUMBER,
525                      X_Currency_Code                       VARCHAR2,
526                      X_Date_Start                          DATE,
527                      X_Name                                VARCHAR2,
528                      X_Actual_Cost                         VARCHAR2,
529                      X_Comments                            varchar2,
530                      X_Contact_Telephone_Number            VARCHAR2,
531                      X_Date_Closing                        DATE,
532                      X_Date_End                            DATE,
533                      X_External_Contact                    VARCHAR2,
534                      X_Planned_Cost                        VARCHAR2,
535                      X_Type                                VARCHAR2,
536                      X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2,
537                      X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2,
538                      X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2,
539                      X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2,
540                      X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2,
541                      X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2,
542                      X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2,
543                      X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2,
544                      X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2,
545                      X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2,
546                      X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2,
547                      X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2,
548                      X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2,
549                      X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2,
550                      X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2,
551                      X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2,
552                      X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2,
553                      X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2,
554                      X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2,
555                      X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2,
556                      X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2
557  ) IS
558    CURSOR C IS
559             SELECT rowid
561             WHERE  recruitment_activity_id = X_Recruitment_Activity_Id;
565    CURSOR C2 IS
566              SELECT per_recruitment_activities_s.nextval
567              FROM sys.dual;
570    IF (X_Recruitment_Activity_Id is NULL) then
571      OPEN C2;
572        FETCH C2 INTO X_Recruitment_Activity_Id;
573      CLOSE C2;
574    end IF;
578           authorising_person_id,
576           recruitment_activity_id,
577           business_group_id,
579           run_by_organization_id,
580           internal_contact_person_id,
581           parent_recruitment_activity_id,
582           currency_code,
583           date_start,
584           name,
585           actual_cost,
587           contact_telephone_number,
588           date_closing,
589           date_end,
590           external_contact,
591           planned_cost,
592           type,
593           attribute_category,
594           attribute1,
595           attribute2,
596           attribute3,
597           attribute4,
598           attribute5,
599           attribute6,
600           attribute7,
601           attribute8,
602           attribute9,
603           attribute10,
604           attribute11,
605           attribute12,
606           attribute13,
607           attribute14,
608           attribute15,
609           attribute16,
610           attribute17,
611           attribute18,
612           attribute19,
613           attribute20
614          ) VALUES (
615           X_Recruitment_Activity_Id,
616           X_Business_Group_Id,
617           X_Authorising_Person_Id,
618           X_Run_By_Organization_Id,
619           X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id,
620           X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id,
621           X_Currency_Code,
622           X_Date_Start,
623           X_Name,
624           X_Actual_Cost,
625           X_Comments,
626           X_Contact_Telephone_Number,
627           X_Date_Closing,
628           X_Date_End,
629           X_External_Contact,
630           X_Planned_Cost,
631           X_Type,
632           X_Attribute_Category,
633           X_Attribute1,
634           X_Attribute2,
635           X_Attribute3,
636           X_Attribute4,
637           X_Attribute5,
638           X_Attribute6,
639           X_Attribute7,
640           X_Attribute8,
641           X_Attribute9,
642           X_Attribute10,
643           X_Attribute11,
644           X_Attribute12,
645           X_Attribute13,
646           X_Attribute14,
647           X_Attribute15,
648           X_Attribute16,
649           X_Attribute17,
650           X_Attribute18,
651           X_Attribute19,
652           X_Attribute20);
654   OPEN C;
655      FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
656   IF (C%NOTFOUND) then
657     CLOSE C;
658          hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
659          hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
660                                  'per_recruitment_activity_pkg.insert_row');
661          hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
662          hr_utility.raise_error;
663   end IF;
664   CLOSE C;
666 END Insert_Row;
667 --
668 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
669 -- Name                                                                    --
670 --   Lock_Row                                                              --
671 -- Purpose                                                                 --
672 --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert , update and delete  --
673 --   of an activity by applying a lock on an activity in the Define        --
674 --   Recruitment Activity form.                                            --
675 -- Arguments                                                               --
676 -- Notes                                                                   --
677 --   None.                                                                 --
678 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
679 --
680 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
682                    X_Recruitment_Activity_Id               NUMBER,
683                    X_Business_Group_Id                     NUMBER,
684                    X_Authorising_Person_Id                 NUMBER,
685                    X_Run_By_Organization_Id                NUMBER,
686                    X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id            NUMBER,
687                    X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id        NUMBER,
688                    X_Currency_Code                         VARCHAR2,
689                    X_Date_Start                            DATE,
690                    X_Name                                  VARCHAR2,
691                    X_Actual_Cost                           VARCHAR2,
692                    X_Comments                              varchar2,
693                    X_Contact_Telephone_Number              VARCHAR2,
694                    X_Date_Closing                          DATE,
695                    X_Date_End                              DATE,
696                    X_External_Contact                      VARCHAR2,
697                    X_Planned_Cost                          VARCHAR2,
698                    X_Type                                  VARCHAR2,
699                    X_Attribute_Category                    VARCHAR2,
700                    X_Attribute1                            VARCHAR2,
701                    X_Attribute2                            VARCHAR2,
702                    X_Attribute3                            VARCHAR2,
703                    X_Attribute4                            VARCHAR2,
704                    X_Attribute5                            VARCHAR2,
708                    X_Attribute9                            VARCHAR2,
705                    X_Attribute6                            VARCHAR2,
706                    X_Attribute7                            VARCHAR2,
707                    X_Attribute8                            VARCHAR2,
709                    X_Attribute10                           VARCHAR2,
710                    X_Attribute11                           VARCHAR2,
711                    X_Attribute12                           VARCHAR2,
712                    X_Attribute13                           VARCHAR2,
713                    X_Attribute14                           VARCHAR2,
714                    X_Attribute15                           VARCHAR2,
715                    X_Attribute16                           VARCHAR2,
716                    X_Attribute17                           VARCHAR2,
717                    X_Attribute18                           VARCHAR2,
718                    X_Attribute19                           VARCHAR2,
719                    X_Attribute20                           VARCHAR2
720 ) IS
722       SELECT *
724       WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid
725       FOR UPDATE of Recruitment_Activity_Id NOWAIT;
726   Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
728   OPEN C;
729      FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
730      IF (C%NOTFOUND) then
731      CLOSE C;
732     hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
733     hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
734                                  'per_recruitment_activity_pkg.lock_row');
735     hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
736     hr_utility.raise_error;
737   end IF;
738   CLOSE C;
739 --
740 -- Change needed to remove trailing spaces.
741 --
742 Recinfo.attribute17 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute17);
743 Recinfo.attribute18 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute18);
744 Recinfo.attribute19 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute19);
745 Recinfo.attribute20 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute20);
746 Recinfo.currency_code := rtrim(Recinfo.currency_code);
747 Recinfo.name := rtrim(Recinfo.name);
748 Recinfo.actual_cost := rtrim(Recinfo.actual_cost);
749 Recinfo.comments := rtrim(Recinfo.comments);
750 Recinfo.contact_telephone_number := rtrim(Recinfo.contact_telephone_number);
751 Recinfo.external_contact := rtrim(Recinfo.external_contact);
752 Recinfo.planned_cost := rtrim(Recinfo.planned_cost);
753 Recinfo.type := rtrim(Recinfo.type);
754 Recinfo.attribute_category := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute_category);
755 Recinfo.attribute1 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute1);
756 Recinfo.attribute2 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute2);
757 Recinfo.attribute3 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute3);
758 Recinfo.attribute4 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute4);
759 Recinfo.attribute5 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute5);
760 Recinfo.attribute6 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute6);
761 Recinfo.attribute7 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute7);
762 Recinfo.attribute8 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute8);
763 Recinfo.attribute9 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute9);
764 Recinfo.attribute10 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute10);
765 Recinfo.attribute11 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute11);
766 Recinfo.attribute12 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute12);
767 Recinfo.attribute13 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute13);
768 Recinfo.attribute14 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute14);
769 Recinfo.attribute15 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute15);
770 Recinfo.attribute16 := rtrim(Recinfo.attribute16);
771 --
772   IF (
773           (   (Recinfo.recruitment_activity_id = X_Recruitment_Activity_Id)
774            OR (    (Recinfo.recruitment_activity_id IS NULL)
775                AND (X_Recruitment_Activity_Id IS NULL)))
776       AND (   (Recinfo.business_group_id = X_Business_Group_Id)
777            OR (    (Recinfo.business_group_id IS NULL)
778                AND (X_Business_Group_Id IS NULL)))
779       AND (   (Recinfo.authorising_person_id = X_Authorising_Person_Id)
780            OR (    (Recinfo.authorising_person_id IS NULL)
781                AND (X_Authorising_Person_Id IS NULL)))
782       AND (   (Recinfo.run_by_organization_id = X_Run_By_Organization_Id)
783            OR (    (Recinfo.run_by_organization_id IS NULL)
784                AND (X_Run_By_Organization_Id IS NULL)))
785       AND (   (Recinfo.internal_contact_person_id = X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id)
786            OR (    (Recinfo.internal_contact_person_id IS NULL)
787                AND (X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id IS NULL)))
788       AND (   (Recinfo.parent_recruitment_activity_id =
789       X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id)
790            OR (    (Recinfo.parent_recruitment_activity_id IS NULL)
791                AND (X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id IS NULL)))
792       AND (   (Recinfo.currency_code = X_Currency_Code)
793            OR (    (Recinfo.currency_code IS NULL)
794                AND (X_Currency_Code IS NULL)))
795       AND (   (Recinfo.date_start = X_Date_Start)
796            OR (    (Recinfo.date_start IS NULL)
797                AND (X_Date_Start IS NULL)))
798       AND (   (Recinfo.name = X_Name)
799            OR (    (Recinfo.name IS NULL)
800                AND (X_Name IS NULL)))
801       AND (   (Recinfo.actual_cost = X_Actual_Cost)
802            OR (    (Recinfo.actual_cost IS NULL)
803                AND (X_Actual_Cost IS NULL)))
804       AND (   (Recinfo.comments = X_Comments)
805            OR (    (Recinfo.comments IS NULL)
806                AND (X_Comments IS NULL)))
807       AND (   (Recinfo.contact_telephone_number = X_Contact_Telephone_Number)
808            OR (    (Recinfo.contact_telephone_number IS NULL)
809                AND (X_Contact_Telephone_Number IS NULL)))
813       AND (   (Recinfo.date_end = X_Date_End)
810       AND (   (Recinfo.date_closing = X_Date_Closing)
811            OR (    (Recinfo.date_closing IS NULL)
812                AND (X_Date_Closing IS NULL)))
814            OR (    (Recinfo.date_end IS NULL)
815                AND (X_Date_End IS NULL)))
816       AND (   (Recinfo.external_contact = X_External_Contact)
817            OR (    (Recinfo.external_contact IS NULL)
818                AND (X_External_Contact IS NULL)))
819       AND (   (Recinfo.planned_cost = X_Planned_Cost)
820            OR (    (Recinfo.planned_cost IS NULL)
821                AND (X_Planned_Cost IS NULL)))
822       AND (   (Recinfo.type = X_Type)
823            OR (    (Recinfo.type IS NULL)
824                AND (X_Type IS NULL)))
825       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute_category = X_Attribute_Category)
826            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute_category IS NULL)
827                AND (X_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
828       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute1 = X_Attribute1)
829            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute1 IS NULL)
830                AND (X_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
831       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute2 = X_Attribute2)
832            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute2 IS NULL)
833                AND (X_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
834       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute3 = X_Attribute3)
835            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute3 IS NULL)
836                AND (X_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
837       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute4 = X_Attribute4)
838            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute4 IS NULL)
839                AND (X_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
840       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute5 = X_Attribute5)
841            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute5 IS NULL)
842                AND (X_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
843       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute6 = X_Attribute6)
844            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute6 IS NULL)
845                AND (X_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
846       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute7 = X_Attribute7)
847            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute7 IS NULL)
848                AND (X_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
849       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute8 = X_Attribute8)
850            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute8 IS NULL)
851                AND (X_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
852       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute9 = X_Attribute9)
853            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute9 IS NULL)
854                AND (X_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
855       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute10 = X_Attribute10)
856            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute10 IS NULL)
857                AND (X_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
858       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute11 = X_Attribute11)
859            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute11 IS NULL)
860                AND (X_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
861       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute12 = X_Attribute12)
862            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute12 IS NULL)
863                AND (X_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
864       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute13 = X_Attribute13)
865            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute13 IS NULL)
866                AND (X_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
867       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute14 = X_Attribute14)
868            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute14 IS NULL)
869                AND (X_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
870       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute15 = X_Attribute15)
871            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute15 IS NULL)
872                AND (X_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
873       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute16 = X_Attribute16)
874            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute16 IS NULL)
875                AND (X_Attribute16 IS NULL)))
876       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute17 = X_Attribute17)
877            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute17 IS NULL)
878                AND (X_Attribute17 IS NULL)))
879       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute18 = X_Attribute18)
880            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute18 IS NULL)
881                AND (X_Attribute18 IS NULL)))
882       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute19 = X_Attribute19)
883            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute19 IS NULL)
884                AND (X_Attribute19 IS NULL)))
885       AND (   (Recinfo.attribute20 = X_Attribute20)
886            OR (    (Recinfo.attribute20 IS NULL)
887                AND (X_Attribute20 IS NULL)))
888           ) then
889     return;
890   else
893   end IF;
895 END Lock_Row;
896 --
897 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
898 -- Name                                                                    --
899 --   Update_Row                                                            --
900 -- Purpose                                                                 --
901 --   Table handler procedure that supports the update of an ACTIVITY via   --
902 --   Define Recruitment Activity form.                                     --
903 -- Arguments                                                               --
904 --   See below.                                                            --
905 -- Notes                                                                   --
906 --   None.                                                                 --
907 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
908 --
909 PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
910                      X_Recruitment_Activity_Id             NUMBER,
911                      X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
912                      X_Authorising_Person_Id               NUMBER,
913                      X_Run_By_Organization_Id              NUMBER,
914                      X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id          NUMBER,
915                      X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id      NUMBER,
919                      X_Actual_Cost                         VARCHAR2,
916                      X_Currency_Code                       VARCHAR2,
917                      X_Date_Start                          DATE,
918                      X_Name                                VARCHAR2,
920                      X_Comments                            varchar2,
921                      X_Contact_Telephone_Number            VARCHAR2,
922                      X_Date_Closing                        DATE,
923                      X_Date_End                            DATE,
924                      X_External_Contact                    VARCHAR2,
925                      X_Planned_Cost                        VARCHAR2,
926                      X_Type                                VARCHAR2,
927                      X_Attribute_Category                  VARCHAR2,
928                      X_Attribute1                          VARCHAR2,
929                      X_Attribute2                          VARCHAR2,
930                      X_Attribute3                          VARCHAR2,
931                      X_Attribute4                          VARCHAR2,
932                      X_Attribute5                          VARCHAR2,
933                      X_Attribute6                          VARCHAR2,
934                      X_Attribute7                          VARCHAR2,
935                      X_Attribute8                          VARCHAR2,
936                      X_Attribute9                          VARCHAR2,
937                      X_Attribute10                         VARCHAR2,
938                      X_Attribute11                         VARCHAR2,
939                      X_Attribute12                         VARCHAR2,
940                      X_Attribute13                         VARCHAR2,
941                      X_Attribute14                         VARCHAR2,
942                      X_Attribute15                         VARCHAR2,
943                      X_Attribute16                         VARCHAR2,
944                      X_Attribute17                         VARCHAR2,
945                      X_Attribute18                         VARCHAR2,
946                      X_Attribute19                         VARCHAR2,
947                      X_Attribute20                         VARCHAR2
948 ) IS
951   SET
953     recruitment_activity_id                   =    X_Recruitment_Activity_Id,
954     business_group_id                         =    X_Business_Group_Id,
955     authorising_person_id                     =    X_Authorising_Person_Id,
956     run_by_organization_id                    =    X_Run_By_Organization_Id,
957     internal_contact_person_id                =    X_Internal_Contact_Person_Id,
958     parent_recruitment_activity_id            =    X_Parent_Rec_Activity_Id,
959     currency_code                             =    X_Currency_Code,
960     date_start                                =    X_Date_Start,
961     name                                      =    X_Name,
962     actual_cost                               =    X_Actual_Cost,
963     comments                                  =    X_Comments,
964     contact_telephone_number                  =    X_Contact_Telephone_Number,
965     date_closing                              =    X_Date_Closing,
966     date_end                                  =    X_Date_End,
967     external_contact                          =    X_External_Contact,
968     planned_cost                              =    X_Planned_Cost,
969     type                                      =    X_Type,
970     attribute_category                        =    X_Attribute_Category,
971     attribute1                                =    X_Attribute1,
972     attribute2                                =    X_Attribute2,
973     attribute3                                =    X_Attribute3,
974     attribute4                                =    X_Attribute4,
975     attribute5                                =    X_Attribute5,
976     attribute6                                =    X_Attribute6,
977     attribute7                                =    X_Attribute7,
978     attribute8                                =    X_Attribute8,
979     attribute9                                =    X_Attribute9,
980     attribute10                               =    X_Attribute10,
981     attribute11                               =    X_Attribute11,
982     attribute12                               =    X_Attribute12,
983     attribute13                               =    X_Attribute13,
984     attribute14                               =    X_Attribute14,
985     attribute15                               =    X_Attribute15,
986     attribute16                               =    X_Attribute16,
987     attribute17                               =    X_Attribute17,
988     attribute18                               =    X_Attribute18,
989     attribute19                               =    X_Attribute19,
990     attribute20                               =    X_Attribute20
991   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
993   IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
994     hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
995     hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
996                                  'per_recruitment_activities_pkg.update_row');
997     hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
998     hr_utility.raise_error;
999   end IF;
1001 END Update_Row;
1002 --
1003 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1004 -- Name                                                                    --
1005 --   Delete_Row                                                            --
1006 -- Purpose                                                                 --
1007 --   Table handler procedure that supports the delete of an ACTIVITY via   --
1008 --   the Define Recruitment Activity form.                                 --
1009 -- Arguments                                                               --
1010 --   See below.                                                            --
1011 -- Notes                                                                   --
1012 --                                                                         --
1013 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1014 --
1015 PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
1016 BEGIN
1018   WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
1020   IF (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
1021     hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
1022     hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
1023                                  'per_recruitment_activites_pkg.delete_row');
1024     hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
1025     hr_utility.raise_error;
1026   end IF;
1027 END Delete_Row;