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Line 252: and ( exists (select 1 from ota_events evt where evt.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )

248: select 1
249: FROM ota_activity_versions tav
250: WHERE
251: not exists (select 1 from ota_offerings off where off.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )
252: and ( exists (select 1 from ota_events evt where evt.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )
253: or ( exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud where rud.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id)
254: and not exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud1 where rud1.activity_version_id= tav.activity_version_id
255: and rud1.offering_id is null))
256: or ( exists ( select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'TRAINER')

Line 262: from ota_events

258: and rownum =1;
260: cursor c_exist_0 is
261: select 1
262: from ota_events
263: where parent_offering_id is null
264: and rownum = 1 ;
266: l_exists boolean := false;

Line 319: from ota_events

315: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
316: function do_upgrade_evt return boolean is
317: cursor c_exist is
318: select 1
319: from ota_events
320: where line_id is not null
321: and ( nvl(book_independent_flag,'Y') <> 'N'
322: or nvl(Maximum_internal_attendees,0) <> 0)
323: and rownum = 1 ;

Line 346: from ota_events evt, ota_offerings off

342: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
343: function check_offering_event_link return boolean is
344: cursor csr_off_evt_link is
345: select evt.event_id,evt.activity_version_id evt_act_Ver_id, off.activity_version_id,evt.parent_offering_id
346: from ota_events evt, ota_offerings off
347: where evt.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id
348: and evt.activity_version_id <> off.activity_version_id ;
350: cursor csr_off_evt_lang is

Line 352: from ota_events evt, ota_offerings off

348: and evt.activity_version_id <> off.activity_version_id ;
350: cursor csr_off_evt_lang is
351: select evt.event_id,evt.activity_version_id evt_act_Ver_id, off.activity_version_id,evt.parent_offering_id,evt.language_id evt_lang, off.language_id off_lang
352: from ota_events evt, ota_offerings off
353: where evt.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id
354: and evt.language_id <> off.language_id ;

Line 363: Update ota_events

359: begin
360: -- Check if any event attached to a offering belongs to a different course. If any found remove the link.
361: for l_off_evt_link in csr_off_evt_link loop
362: l_exists := TRUE;
363: Update ota_events
364: set parent_offering_id = Null
365: Where event_id = l_off_evt_link.event_id
366: and parent_offering_id = l_off_evt_link.parent_offering_id ;
367: end loop;

Line 372: Update ota_events

369: -- Check if any event attached to a offering of differnt language. If any found remove the link.
370: for l_off_evt_lang in csr_off_evt_lang loop
371: l_exists := TRUE;
372: Update ota_events
373: set parent_offering_id = Null
374: Where event_id = l_off_evt_lang.event_id
375: and parent_offering_id = l_off_evt_lang.parent_offering_id ;
376: end loop;

Line 509: ,'OTA_EVENTS'

505: write_log (' Upgrading Events');
506: l_upgrade_done := true;
507: submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_events'
508: ,get_upgrade_name(UPG_EVENTS,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
509: ,'OTA_EVENTS'
510: ,'EVENT_ID');
511: end if;
513: -- 2733966