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Line 980: 'hz_relationships hzpr ';

976: 'FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all hzcsua, '||
977: 'hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzcasa, '||
978: 'hz_cust_accounts hzca, ';
979: l_party_select_sql := l_party_select_sql ||
980: 'hz_relationships hzpr ';
981: l_party_where_sql := 'WHERE ' ;
982: --R12
983: IF l_terr_limited_to_ou = 'Y'
984: THEN

Line 1011: ', hz_relationships hzpr ';

1007: --
1008: ELSE
1009: --
1010: l_party_select_sql := l_party_select_sql ||
1011: ', hz_relationships hzpr ';
1012: l_party_where_sql := l_party_where_sql ||
1013: 'hzpr.subject_id = hzca.party_id '||
1014: 'AND hzpr.start_date <= SYSDATE ' ;
1015: l_party_where_sql := l_party_where_sql ||

Line 1116: --R12: mkothari 'hz_relationships hzpr, '||

1112: 'FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all hzcsua, '||
1113: 'hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzcasa, '||
1114: 'hz_cust_accounts hzca, ';
1115: l_party_select_sql := l_party_select_sql ||
1116: --R12: mkothari 'hz_relationships hzpr, '||
1117: 'hz_party_sites hzps, '||
1118: 'hz_locations hzloc ';
1119: l_party_where_sql := 'WHERE ' || l_hzlocations_sql;
1120: --R12

Line 1664: FROM hz_relationships

1660: l_client_info NUMBER;
1661: l_index NUMBER;
1662: CURSOR c_get_object_ids IS
1663: SELECT subject_id
1664: FROM hz_relationships
1665: WHERE relationship_code = fnd_profile.VALUE('OZF_PARTY_RELATIONS_TYPE')
1666: AND subject_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
1667: AND subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
1668: AND object_type = 'ORGANIZATION'

Line 1957: FROM hz_relationships r1

1953: /* yzhao: 08/07/2002 fix performance issue. Use index on relationship_type */
1954: CURSOR c_get_all_bgroots(p_relationship_code VARCHAR2, p_relationship_type VARCHAR2, p_direction_code VARCHAR2) IS
1955: -- get all root object_ids
1956: SELECT distinct r1.object_id
1957: FROM hz_relationships r1
1958: WHERE r1.relationship_type = p_relationship_type
1959: AND r1.relationship_code = p_relationship_code
1960: AND r1.subject_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
1961: AND r1.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'

Line 1972: FROM hz_relationships r2

1968: */
1969: AND r1.directional_flag = NVL(p_direction_code, r1.directional_flag)
1971: (SELECT 1
1972: FROM hz_relationships r2
1973: WHERE r1.object_id = r2.subject_id
1974: AND r2.relationship_type = p_relationship_type
1975: AND r2.relationship_code = p_relationship_code
1976: AND r2.subject_type = 'ORGANIZATION'