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Line 48: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: hr_sum_store.store_data', 10);

44: --
46: begin
47: --
48: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: hr_sum_store.store_data', 10);
49: --
50: p_error := 0; /* Default error parameter to zero to indicate success */
51: source_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
52: --

Line 59: hr_utility.trace ('convert statement');

56: --
57: -- If p_debug = 'Y' change the statement to select just the name
58: --
59: hr_utility.trace ('convert statement');
60: -- the following have multiple group bys' which are currently not handled by debug.
61: if p_debug = 'Y' and p_item_name not in ('10_HIGHEST_REMUNERATION',

Line 80: hr_utility.trace('cols required = ' || l_columns_required);

76: if instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1) <> 0 then
77: l_columns_to_append := ',' || substr(l_new_stmt,(instr(l_new_stmt,concat('/','*DBG'),1)+6),(
78: instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1) - (instr(l_new_stmt,concat('/','*DBG'),1)+6)));
79: l_columns_required := to_number(nvl(substr(l_new_stmt,(instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1)+7),1),'0'));
80: hr_utility.trace('cols required = ' || l_columns_required);
81: end if;
83: -- Determine the names of the appended debug columns so that they can be output with the value
84: -- the column names follow the DBGCOLS text and are should appear in the corect order

Line 87: hr_utility.trace('_pos1 = ' || l_pos1 || ' ' || l_pos2);

83: -- Determine the names of the appended debug columns so that they can be output with the value
84: -- the column names follow the DBGCOLS text and are should appear in the corect order
85: l_pos1 := instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1);
86: l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos1); -- find the position of the space preceeding the 1st col
87: hr_utility.trace('_pos1 = ' || l_pos1 || ' ' || l_pos2);
88: for i in 0..(l_columns_required-1) loop
89: hr_utility.trace('colname asssign');
90: ColNameTab(i).col_name := substr(l_new_stmt,(l_pos2+1),instr(l_new_stmt,' ',(l_pos2+1))-(l_pos2));
91: l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos2+1);

Line 89: hr_utility.trace('colname asssign');

85: l_pos1 := instr(l_new_stmt,'DBGCOLS',1);
86: l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos1); -- find the position of the space preceeding the 1st col
87: hr_utility.trace('_pos1 = ' || l_pos1 || ' ' || l_pos2);
88: for i in 0..(l_columns_required-1) loop
89: hr_utility.trace('colname asssign');
90: ColNameTab(i).col_name := substr(l_new_stmt,(l_pos2+1),instr(l_new_stmt,' ',(l_pos2+1))-(l_pos2));
91: l_pos2 := instr(l_new_stmt,' ',l_pos2+1);
92: end loop;

Line 119: hr_utility.trace('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);

116: if p_debug = 'Y' then
117: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => 'new stmt is' || l_new_stmt);
118: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
119: hr_utility.trace('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
120: end if;
122: hr_utility.trace ('complete convert statement');

Line 122: hr_utility.trace ('complete convert statement');

118: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
119: hr_utility.trace('ITEM NAME = ' || p_itu_name || ' ' || p_item_name);
120: end if;
122: hr_utility.trace ('complete convert statement');
125: <>
126: begin

Line 130: hr_utility.trace('parse stmt');

126: begin
127: l_error := false;
128: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get_string('PER','PER_74874_PARSE_ERROR')||' '||p_item_name;
129: -- dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,p_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
130: hr_utility.trace('parse stmt');
131: dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,l_new_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
132: hr_utility.trace('complete parse stmt');
133: l_error_mesg := null;
134: fnd_message.set_name('PER','PER_74877_DEFINE_COLUMN');

Line 132: hr_utility.trace('complete parse stmt');

128: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get_string('PER','PER_74874_PARSE_ERROR')||' '||p_item_name;
129: -- dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,p_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
130: hr_utility.trace('parse stmt');
131: dbms_sql.parse(source_cursor,l_new_stmt,dbms_sql.v7);
132: hr_utility.trace('complete parse stmt');
133: l_error_mesg := null;
134: fnd_message.set_name('PER','PER_74877_DEFINE_COLUMN');
135: fnd_message.set_token('NUM','1');
136: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;

Line 173: hr_utility.trace('l_columns_required after adding is ' || l_columns_required);

169: j := 2;
170: -- if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
171: if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 or l_columns_required > 0 then
172: l_columns_required := l_columns_required + nvl(hrsumrep.ktyTab.last,0);
173: hr_utility.trace('l_columns_required after adding is ' || l_columns_required);
174: --for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
175: for i in nvl(hrsumrep.ktyTab.first,1)..l_columns_required loop
176: fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
177: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;

Line 178: hr_utility.trace('define col');

174: --for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
175: for i in nvl(hrsumrep.ktyTab.first,1)..l_columns_required loop
176: fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
177: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
178: hr_utility.trace('define col');
179: dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,j,l_key_value,80);
180: hr_utility.trace('define col2');
181: l_error_mesg := null;
182: j := j + 1;

Line 180: hr_utility.trace('define col2');

176: fnd_message.set_token('NUM',to_char(j));
177: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
178: hr_utility.trace('define col');
179: dbms_sql.define_column(source_cursor,j,l_key_value,80);
180: hr_utility.trace('define col2');
181: l_error_mesg := null;
182: j := j + 1;
183: end loop;
184: end if;

Line 199: hr_utility.trace(' col value');

195: fnd_message.set_token('NUM','1');
196: l_error_mesg := fnd_message.get;
198: if p_debug = 'Y' then
199: hr_utility.trace(' col value');
200: dbms_sql.column_value(source_cursor,1,l_item_value_char);
201: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => null);
202: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => '***** PERSON NAME is ' || l_item_value_char);
203: else

Line 276: hr_utility.trace('col value start');

273: If p_debug = 'Y' then
274: j :=2;
275: -- if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 then
276: hr_utility.trace('col value start');
277: if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 or l_columns_required > 0 then
278: --l_columns_required := l_columns_required + hrsumrep.ktyTab.count;
279: -- for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
280: hr_utility.trace('col value start loop');

Line 280: hr_utility.trace('col value start loop');

276: hr_utility.trace('col value start');
277: if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count > 0 or l_columns_required > 0 then
278: --l_columns_required := l_columns_required + hrsumrep.ktyTab.count;
279: -- for i in hrsumrep.ktyTab.first..hrsumrep.ktyTab.last loop
280: hr_utility.trace('col value start loop');
281: -- cater for the situation where an item has no keys
282: if hrsumrep.ktyTab.count = 0 then
283: l_start_index :=0;
284: else

Line 318: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: hr_sum_store.store_data', 20);

314: end loop;
315: --
316: -- hrsumrep.write_error(p_itu_name||': '||z);
317: --
318: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: hr_sum_store.store_data', 20);
319: --
320: exception when others then
321: p_error := 1; /* If error occurs set p_error to 1 to indicate error */
322: if l_error_mesg is null then

Line 323: hr_utility.trace('exception in HR_SUM_STORE');

319: --
320: exception when others then
321: p_error := 1; /* If error occurs set p_error to 1 to indicate error */
322: if l_error_mesg is null then
323: hr_utility.trace('exception in HR_SUM_STORE');
324: hr_utility.trace(SQLCODE);
325: hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);
326: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
327: null;

Line 324: hr_utility.trace(SQLCODE);

320: exception when others then
321: p_error := 1; /* If error occurs set p_error to 1 to indicate error */
322: if l_error_mesg is null then
323: hr_utility.trace('exception in HR_SUM_STORE');
324: hr_utility.trace(SQLCODE);
325: hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);
326: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
327: null;
328: else

Line 325: hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);

321: p_error := 1; /* If error occurs set p_error to 1 to indicate error */
322: if l_error_mesg is null then
323: hr_utility.trace('exception in HR_SUM_STORE');
324: hr_utility.trace(SQLCODE);
325: hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);
326: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
327: null;
328: else
329: hr_utility.trace('error in HR_SUM_STORE');

Line 329: hr_utility.trace('error in HR_SUM_STORE');

325: hr_utility.trace(SQLERRM);
326: hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => l_new_stmt);
327: null;
328: else
329: hr_utility.trace('error in HR_SUM_STORE');
330: hrsumrep.write_error(null);
331: hrsumrep.write_error(l_error_mesg);
332: hrsumrep.write_error(sqlerrm);
333: -- hrsumrep.write_stmt_log(p_stmt => p_stmt);