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Line 1030: from bom_bill_of_materials a

1026: -- FP Bug 4643335 : Rewrote the query by adding a subquery to improve performance.
1027: --FP Bug 6502612 : Added Check for Engineering BOMs .
1028: select a.organization_id, a.bill_sequence_id
1029: into l_cmnOrgID, l_cmnBillID
1030: from bom_bill_of_materials a
1031: where a.bill_sequence_id = (select b.common_bill_sequence_id
1032: from bom_bill_of_materials b
1033: where b.assembly_item_id = p_itemID
1034: and b.organization_id = p_orgID

Line 1032: from bom_bill_of_materials b

1028: select a.organization_id, a.bill_sequence_id
1029: into l_cmnOrgID, l_cmnBillID
1030: from bom_bill_of_materials a
1031: where a.bill_sequence_id = (select b.common_bill_sequence_id
1032: from bom_bill_of_materials b
1033: where b.assembly_item_id = p_itemID
1034: and b.organization_id = p_orgID
1035: and nvl(b.alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@@') = NVL(p_altBomDesig, '@@@@@')
1036: and (b.assembly_type = wip_constants.manufacturing_bill or --FP Bug 6502612

Line 1042: from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_bill_of_materials b

1039: /******
1040: select a.organization_id, a.bill_sequence_id
1041: into l_cmnOrgID, l_cmnBillID
1042: from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_bill_of_materials b
1043: where a.bill_sequence_id = b.common_bill_sequence_id
1044: and b.assembly_item_id = p_itemID
1045: and b.organization_id = p_orgID
1046: and nvl(b.alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@@') = nvl(p_altBomDesig, '@@@@@');

Line 1051: from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_bill_of_materials b

1047: ******/
1048: else
1049: select a.organization_id, a.bill_sequence_id
1050: into l_cmnOrgID, l_cmnBillID
1051: from bom_bill_of_materials a, bom_bill_of_materials b
1052: where a.bill_sequence_id = b.common_bill_sequence_id
1053: and b.assembly_item_id = p_itemID
1054: and b.organization_id = p_orgID
1055: and ( nvl(b.alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@@') = nvl(p_altBomDesig , '@@@@@')

Line 1060: from bom_bill_of_materials c

1056: or
1057: ( b.alternate_bom_designator is null
1058: and
1059: not exists (select 'x'
1060: from bom_bill_of_materials c
1061: where c.assembly_item_id = p_itemID
1062: and c.organization_id = p_orgID
1063: and c.alternate_bom_designator = p_altBomDesig)
1064: )