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1 package body pay_jp_bal_upload as
2 /* $Header: pyjpupld.pkb 120.1 2006/04/24 00:54:12 ttagawa noship $ */
3 /*
4  Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1995 All rights reserved
6   Oracle*Payroll
8   pyjpupld.pkb
10   Provides support for the upload of balances based on UK dimensions.
12   expiry_date
13   include_adjustment
14   is_supported
15   validate_batch_lines
18   40.0  J.S.Hobbs   16-May-1995         created.
19   40.2  A.Snell     03-Oct-1995         added director logic
20   40.3  N.Bristow   06-Oct-1995         ITD dimensions not supported
21                                         for balance upload.
22   40.5  N.Bristow   17-Oct-1995         Changes to support ITD balances.
23   40.6  N.Bristow   19-Oct-1995         Uncomment exit.
24   40.7  A.Snell     28-Feb-1996         Bug 345309 mid year starters
25   40.8  J.Alloun    30-JUL-1996         Added error handling.
26   40.9  C.Barbieri  13-AUG-1996         Added ASG_TD_ITD dimension.
27   40.10 C.Barbieri  28-Oct-1996         Changed User Balance Name
28                                         Convenction.
29   40.10 C.Barbieri  28-Oct-1996         Changed User Balance naming.
30   40.11 R.Kamiyama  27-Jan-1997	        Modified for JP dimensions.
31   40.11 R.Kamiyama  05-Jan-1997         Added select stmt to get
32 				        business_group_id to for JP functions.
33   40.11 R.Kamiyama  07-Mar-1997         Changed to BONUS_YEAR_STARTS from
34 				        JP_BONUS_YEAR_STARTS
35   40.12 R.Kamiyama  13-Mar-1998         Translated to JP dim name.
36   40.17 Y.Negoro    11-Nov-1998         Fix 665503.
37   110.01 Y.Negoro   13-Nov-1998         Create for R11
38   115.1  Y.Negoro   03-JUN-1999         Create for R11i
39   115.2  K.Yazawa   17-JUN-1999	        Change the package name.
40                                         (hr_jpbal => hr_jprts)
41   115.4  Y.Tohya    06-Oct-1999         Fix 1020589.
42   115.5  K.Yazawa   08-Oct-1999         Remove Multi byte Character.
43 				        per_assignments_f => per_all_assignments_f
44   115.6  T.Tagawa   25-Sep-2002 2597843 ASG_ITD support.
45                                         Added code to avoid HR_6614_PAY_NO_TIME_PERIOD.
46   115.7  T.Tagawa   18-OCT-2002 2597843 IS_SUPPORTED function simplified(UTF8 support).
47   115.8  T.Tagawa   06-NOV-2002 2597843 Added code to avoid error if the payroll on actual
48                                         upload date is different from that on batch upload date.
49   115.9 M.Iwamoto   19-JAN-2003 2708491 Total Reward System Support.
50   115.10 T.Tagawa   15-MAY-2003         Added ASG_JULTD and new ASG_FYTD to is_supported.
51                                         Added new ASG_FYTD expiry date routine.
52   115.11 T.Tagawa   21-MAY-2003         show err commented out.
53   115.12 T.Tagawa   21-APR-2006 2656208 Re-built. All potential bugs fixed.
54 */
55 --
56 -- Constants
57 --
58 c_package     constant varchar2(31) := 'pay_jp_bal_upload.';
59 START_OF_TIME constant date := to_date('01/01/0001','DD/MM/YYYY');
60 END_OF_TIME   constant date := to_date('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY');
61 --
62 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- NAME
64 --  expiry_date
66 --  Returns the expiry date of a given dimension relative to a date.
68 --  p_upload_date       - the date on which the balance should be correct.
69 --  p_dimension_name    - the dimension being set.
70 --  p_assignment_id     - the assignment involved.
71 --  p_original_entry_id - ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID context.
72 -- USES
73 -- NOTES
74 --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.dim_expiry_date.
75 --  If the expiry date cannot be derived then it is set to the end of time
76 --  to indicate that a failure has occured. The process that uses the
77 --  expiry date knows this rulw and acts accordingly.
78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 --
80 function expiry_date(
81 	p_upload_date		in date,
82 	p_dimension_name	in varchar2,
83 	p_assignment_id		in number,
84 	p_original_entry_id	in number) return date
85 is
86 	c_proc			constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'expiry_date';
87 	--
88 	l_business_group_id	number;
89 	l_payroll_id		number;
90 	l_ptp_start_date	date;
91 	l_asg_start_date	date;
92 	l_ee_start_date		date;
93 	l_legislation_code	pay_balance_dimensions.legislation_code%type;
94 	l_period_type		pay_balance_dimensions.period_type%type;
95 	l_start_date_code	pay_balance_dimensions.start_date_code%type;
96 	l_dim_start_date	date;
97 	l_expiry_date		date;
98 begin
99 	hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || c_proc, 10);
100 	hr_utility.trace('dimension_name: ' || p_dimension_name);
101 	hr_utility.trace('upload_date   : ' || p_upload_date);
102 	--
103 	select	business_group_id,
104 		payroll_id
105 	into	l_business_group_id,
106 		l_payroll_id
107 	from	per_all_assignments_f
108 	where	assignment_id = p_assignment_id
109 	and	p_upload_date
110 		between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
111 	--
112 	-- Calculate the expiry date for the specified dimension relative to the
113 	-- upload date, taking into account any contexts where appropriate. Each of
114 	-- the calculations also takes into account when the assignment is on a
115 	-- payroll to ensure that a balance adjustment could be made at that point
116 	-- if it were required.
117 	--
118 	-- Returns 1st Period Start Date.
119 	-- Also check whether payroll period exists as of p_upload_date.
120 	--
121 	hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 20);
122 	--
123 	select	nvl(min(ptp2.start_date), END_OF_TIME)
124 	into	l_ptp_start_date
125 	from	per_time_periods	ptp,
126 		per_time_periods	ptp2
127 	where	ptp.payroll_id = l_payroll_id
128 	and	p_upload_date
129 		between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
130 	and	ptp2.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
131 	and	ptp2.start_date <= p_upload_date;
132 	--
133 	-- Returns the date on which the assignment transferred payroll prior to
134 	-- the upload date NB. the payroll is the one the assignment is assigned to
135 	-- on the upload date.
136 	--
137 	hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 30);
138 	--
139 	select	max(asg.effective_end_date) + 1
140 	into	l_asg_start_date
141 	from	per_all_assignments_f	asg
142 	where	asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
143 	and	asg.effective_end_date < p_upload_date
144 	and	nvl(asg.payroll_id, -1) <> l_payroll_id;
145 	--
146 	if l_asg_start_date is null then
147 		hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 35);
148 		--
149 		select	min(asg.effective_start_date)
150 		into	l_asg_start_date
151 		from	per_all_assignments_f	asg
152 		where	asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
153 	end if;
154 	--
155 	-- In case of element level dimension
156 	--
157 	if p_original_entry_id is not null then
158 		hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 41);
159 		--
160 		select	nvl(min(ee.effective_start_date), END_OF_TIME)
161 		into	l_ee_start_date
162 		from	pay_element_entries_f	ee
163 		where	(	ee.element_entry_id = p_original_entry_id
164 			or	ee.original_entry_id = p_original_entry_id)
165 		and	ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
166 		and	ee.entry_type = 'E'
167 		and	ee.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date;
168 	else
169 		hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 42);
170 		--
171 		l_ee_start_date := START_OF_TIME;
172 	end if;
173 	--
174 	-- Returns the start date of balance dimension.
175 	--
176 	l_legislation_code := hr_api.return_legislation_code(l_business_group_id);
177 	--
178 	hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 50);
179 	--
180 	select	period_type,
181 		start_date_code
182 	into	l_period_type,
183 		l_start_date_code
184 	from	pay_balance_dimensions
185 	where	dimension_name = p_dimension_name
186 	and	nvl(business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
187 	and	nvl(legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code;
188 	--
189 	hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 51);
190 	--
191 	pay_balance_pkg.get_period_type_start(
192 		P_PERIOD_TYPE		=> l_period_type,
193 		P_EFFECTIVE_DATE	=> p_upload_date,
194 		P_START_DATE		=> l_dim_start_date,
195 		P_START_DATE_CODE	=> l_start_date_code,
196 		P_PAYROLL_ID		=> l_payroll_id,
197 		P_BUS_GRP		=> l_business_group_id);
198 	--
199 	hr_utility.set_location(c_proc, 60);
200 	--
201 	l_expiry_date := greatest(l_ptp_start_date, l_asg_start_date, l_ee_start_date, l_dim_start_date);
202 	--
203 	hr_utility.trace('PTP_START_DATE: ' || l_ptp_start_date);
204 	hr_utility.trace('ASG_START_DATE: ' || l_asg_start_date);
205 	hr_utility.trace('EE_START_DATE : ' || l_ee_start_date);
206 	hr_utility.trace('DIM_START_DATE: ' || l_dim_start_date);
207 	hr_utility.trace('EXPIRY_DATE   : ' || l_expiry_date);
208 	--
209 	hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: ' || c_proc, 100);
210 	return (l_expiry_date);
211 end expiry_date;
212 --
213 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 -- NAME
215 --  is_supported
216 -- PURPOSE
217 --  Checks if the dimension is supported by the upload process.
219 --  p_dimension_name - the balance dimension to be checked.
220 -- USES
221 -- NOTES
222 --  Only a subset of the UK dimensions are supported and these have been
223 --  picked to allow effective migration to release 10.
224 --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.validate_dimension.
225 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 --
227 function is_supported
228 (
229   p_dimension_name  in varchar2
230 ) return boolean
231 is
232   c_proc             constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'is_supported';
233   l_is_supported     boolean;
234   l_description      pay_balance_dimensions.description%type;
235   l_dimension_level  pay_balance_dimensions.dimension_level%type;
236   l_period_type      pay_balance_dimensions.period_type%type;
237 begin
238   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || c_proc, 10);
239   --
240   -- This SQL can possiblly raise TOO_MANY_ROWS exception
241   -- when the same dimension name exists over multiple business groups.
242   -- Current temporary workaround is to use distinct.
243   -- If user defines the same dimension_name for dimensions with different parameters
244   -- over multiple business groups, following SQL still raises TOO_MANY_ROWS error.
245   -- In this case, this function will return "FALSE", which means this dimension is
246   -- not supported for Balance Initialization.
247   --
248   select  distinct
249           description,
250           dimension_level,
251           period_type
252   into    l_description,
253           l_dimension_level,
254           l_period_type
255   from    pay_balance_dimensions    dim,
256           per_business_groups_perf  bg
257   where   dim.dimension_name = p_dimension_name
258   and     bg.business_group_id(+) = dim.business_group_id
259   and     nvl(dim.legislation_code, bg.legislation_code) = 'JP';
260   --
261   -- See if the dimension is supported.
262   -- DATE_EARNED based dimensions cannot be supported because of PURGE process.
263   --
264   if  l_dimension_level = 'ASG'
265   and nvl(l_period_type, 'RUN') not in ('RUN', 'PAYMENT')
266   and nvl(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('DATE_TYPE', l_description), 'DP') <> 'DE' then
267     l_is_supported := true;
268   else
269     l_is_supported := false;
270   end if;
271   --
272   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: ' || c_proc, 100);
273   return (l_is_supported);
274 exception
275   when no_data_found then
276     return false;
277   when too_many_rows then
278     return false;
279 end is_supported;
280 --
281 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 -- NAME
283 --  include_adjustment
284 -- PURPOSE
285 --  Given a dimension, and relevant contexts and details of an existing
286 --  balanmce adjustment, it will find out if the balance adjustment effects
287 --  the dimension to be set. Both the dimension to be set and the adjustment
288 --  are for the same assignment and balance.
290 --  p_balance_type_id    - the balance to be set.
291 --  p_dimension_name     - the balance dimension to be set.
292 --  p_original_entry_id  - ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID context.
293 --  p_bal_adjustment_rec - details of an existing balance adjustment.
294 -- USES
295 -- NOTES
296 --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.get_current_value.
297 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 --
299 function include_adjustment
300 (
301   p_balance_type_id     in number
302  ,p_dimension_name      in varchar2
303  ,p_original_entry_id   in number
304  ,p_bal_adjustment_rec  in pay_balance_upload.csr_balance_adjustment%rowtype -- pay_temp_balance_adjustments
305 ) return boolean
306 is
307   c_proc  constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'include_adjustment';
308   ret_val boolean;
309 begin
310   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || c_proc, 10);
311   --
312   if (p_original_entry_id = p_bal_adjustment_rec.original_entry_id)
313   or (p_original_entry_id is null) then
314 --  or (p_original_entry_id is null
315 --      and p_bal_adjustment_rec.original_entry_id is null) then
316     ret_val := TRUE;
317   else
318     ret_val := FALSE;
319   end if;
320   --
321   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: ' || c_proc, 100);
322   return (ret_val);
323 end include_adjustment;
324 --
325 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
326 -- NAME
327 --  validate_batch_lines
328 -- PURPOSE
329 --  Applies UK specific validation to the batch.
331 --  p_batch_id - the batch to be validate_batch_linesd.
332 -- USES
333 -- NOTES
334 --  This is used by pay_balance_upload.validate_batch_lines.
335 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 --
337 procedure validate_batch_lines
338 (
339   p_batch_id  in number
340 )
341 is
342   c_proc  constant varchar2(61) := c_package || 'validate_batch_lines';
343 begin
344   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: ' || c_proc, 10);
345   --
346   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: ' || c_proc, 100);
347 end validate_batch_lines;
348 --
349 end pay_jp_bal_upload;