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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

  Purpose    : to remove the procedures like insert_row, update_row,lock_row,
               before DML, check_parent_existence,check_child_existence,
               check_constraints, set_column_values, after_dml for
               TCA related work as this would now be taken care through TCA
               table handlers.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  pkpatel         26-OCT-2002     Bug 2613704
                                  Removed GET_FK_IGS_OR_MEMBER_TYPE and GET_FK_IGS_OR_MEMBER_TYPE procedures since
								  the tables will be obsolete for lookup migration
  pkpatel         17-DEC-2003     Bug 3319026 (Replaced ROWID with ROW_ID while selecting from the complex view IGS_OR_UNIT)
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

  l_rowid VARCHAR2(25);
Line: 28

      SELECT   row_id
      FROM     IGS_OR_UNIT
      WHERE    org_unit_cd = x_org_unit_cd
      AND      start_dt = x_start_dt;
Line: 55

      SELECT   row_id
      FROM     IGS_OR_UNIT
      WHERE    org_unit_cd = x_org_unit_cd;
Line: 78

      SELECT   row_id
      FROM     IGS_OR_UNIT
      WHERE    institution_cd = x_institution_cd ;
Line: 99

      SELECT   row_id
      FROM     IGS_OR_UNIT
      WHERE    org_status = x_org_status ;