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Line 380: dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor,'select code_combination_id from gl_code_combinations where chart_of_accounts_id = :p_chart_of_accounts_id ' || l_sql_string,dbms_sql.V7);

376: --dbms_output.put_line('DEBUG.....Chart of accounts ' || to_char(l_chart_of_accounts_id));
377: --dbms_output.put_line('DEBUG.....Set of Books ' || to_char(p_set_of_books_id));
378: if l_chart_of_accounts_id <> 0 then
379: l_cursor :=dbms_sql.open_cursor;
380: dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor,'select code_combination_id from gl_code_combinations where chart_of_accounts_id = :p_chart_of_accounts_id ' || l_sql_string,dbms_sql.V7);
381: dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cursor,'p_chart_of_accounts_id',l_chart_of_accounts_id);
382: dbms_sql.define_column(l_cursor,1,l_gl_ccid);
383: l_rows := dbms_sql.execute_and_fetch(l_cursor);
384: dbms_sql.column_value(l_cursor,1,l_gl_ccid);

Line 628: FROM gl_code_combinations

624: END IF;
625: ---
626: SELECT 'x'
627: INTO t_dummy
628: FROM gl_code_combinations
629: WHERE code_combination_id = code_combination_id1 AND
630: chart_of_accounts_id = chart_of_accounts_id1 AND
631: ROWNUM = 1;
632: RETURN(0);

Line 1179: FROM gl_code_combinations

1175: END IF;
1176: ---
1177: SELECT 'x'
1178: INTO t_dummy
1179: FROM gl_code_combinations
1180: WHERE code_combination_id = code_combination_id1 AND
1181: chart_of_accounts_id = chart_of_accounts_id1 AND
1182: ROWNUM = 1;
1183: RETURN(0);