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1 PACKAGE hrhirapl AS
2 /* $Header: pehirapl.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/28 04:48:18 appldev ship $ */
3 /*
4 /*
5  ******************************************************************
6  *                                                                *
7  *  Copyright (C) 1992 Oracle Corporation UK Ltd.,                *
8  *                   Chertsey, England.                           *
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12  *  This material has been provided pursuant to an agreement      *
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21  *                                                                *
22  ****************************************************************** */
23 /*
24  Name        : hrhirapl  (HEADER)
26  Description : Package contains procedures used when hiring an
27                applicant (PER_SYSTEM_STATUS='APL') or an
28                employee_applicant (PER_SYSTEM_STATUS='EMP_APL').
30  Change List
31  -----------
32  Version Date      Author     ER/CR No. Description of Change
33  -------+---------+----------+---------+--------------------------
34  70.0    11-JAN-93 JRHODES              Date Created
35  70.1    19-APR-93 TMATHERS             Added end_unaccepted_app_assign.
36  70.2    10-Jun-93 TMathers             Added p_employee_number to
37                                         employ applicant.
38  70.5    10-Jan-94 TMathers             Added p_set_of_books_id to
39                                         employ applicant.
40  70.7    29-Apr-95 TMathers   275870    Added End bookings.
41  70.9    23-Apr-96 AMills     294004    Added definition of ins_per_list
42                                         to make the procedure externally
43                                         visible.
44 115.1    05-May-98 CCarter              p_adjusted_svc_date added to
45                                         employ_applicant procedure for OAB
46                                         development
47 115.2    13-MAR-1999 mmillmor 795287    corrected ins_per_list to work with
48                                         EMP-APL's
49 115.5    18-mar-2002 irgonzal           Reverted 2119831 changes.
50 115.6    17-apr-2002 irgonzal 2264569   Modified employ_applicant procedure.
51                                         Includes fix to WWBUG 2119831.
52 115.8    20-APR-2004 kjagadee 3564129   Added parameter p_session_date to
53                                         procedure EMPLOY_APPLICANT.
54 ================================================================= */
55 PROCEDURE employ_applicant (p_person_id IN INTEGER
56                                  ,p_business_group_id IN INTEGER
57                                  ,p_legislation_code IN VARCHAR2
58                                  ,p_new_primary_id IN INTEGER
59                                  ,p_assignment_status_type_id IN INTEGER
60                                  ,p_user_id IN INTEGER
61                                  ,p_login_id IN INTEGER
62                                  ,p_start_date IN DATE
63                                  ,p_end_of_time IN DATE
64                                  ,p_current_date IN DATE
65                                  ,p_update_primary_flag VARCHAR2
66                                  ,p_employee_number VARCHAR2
67                                  ,p_set_of_books_id IN INTEGER
68                                  ,p_emp_apl VARCHAR2
69                                  ,p_adjusted_svc_date IN DATE
70                                  ,p_session_date IN DATE -- Bug 3564129
71                                  -- #2264569
72                                  ,p_table IN hr_employee_applicant_api.t_ApplTable
73                                        default hr_employee_applicant_api.T_EmptyAPPL
74 --
75                                 );
76 --
77 --
78 procedure end_unaccepted_app_assign(p_person_id IN INTEGER
79                                    ,p_business_group_id IN INTEGER
80                                    ,p_legislation_code IN VARCHAR2
81                                    ,p_end_date IN DATE
82                                    -- #2264569
83                                    ,p_table IN hr_employee_applicant_api.t_ApplTable
84                                        default hr_employee_applicant_api.T_EmptyAPPL
85                                    );
86 --
87 --
88 procedure ins_per_list(p_person_id IN number
89                       ,p_business_group_id IN  number
90                       ,p_legislation_code IN VARCHAR2 default NULL
91                       ,p_start_date IN DATE
92                       ,p_apl in VARCHAR2 default 'Y'
93                       ,p_emp in VARCHAR2 default 'N');
94 --
95 --
96 procedure end_bookings(p_person_id number
97                           ,p_business_group_id number
98                           ,p_start_date DATE);
99 --
100 end hrhirapl;