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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 77

        SELECT  aid.distribution_line_number 										FII_AP_DIST_NUM,
                alc.displayed_field											FII_AP_DIST_TYPE,
                aid.amount												FII_AP_DIST_AMOUNT,
                apps.fnd_flex_ext.get_segs(''SQLGL'',''GL#'',glcc.chart_of_accounts_id,aid.dist_code_combination_id)	FII_AP_ACCOUNT,
                fii_ap_detail.get_account_desc(glcc.chart_of_accounts_id,aid.dist_code_combination_id)			FII_AP_ACCOUNT_DESC,
                sum (aid.amount) over()											FII_AP_DIST_AMOUNT_GT
        FROM    ap_invoice_distributions_all    	aid,
                ap_lookup_codes                 	alc,
                gl_code_combinations            	glcc
        WHERE   aid.line_type_lookup_code               = alc.lookup_code
		AND alc.lookup_type = ''INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE''
                AND aid.dist_code_combination_id        = glcc.code_combination_id
                AND aid.invoice_id                      = :INVOICE_ID'||l_line_stmt||'
Line: 161

		    SELECT hold.hold_lookup_code	FII_MEASURE1
	                  ,TRUNC(hold.hold_date)	FII_MEASURE2
	                  ,DECODE(hold.release_lookup_code, NULL, NULL,hold.last_update_date)	FII_MEASURE4
	                  ,fnd_usr.user_name		FII_MEASURE3
		     FROM  ap_invoices_all    inv
			  ,ap_holds_all	      hold
			  ,fnd_user_view      fnd_usr
	            WHERE inv.invoice_id  = hold.invoice_id
	              AND hold.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
	              AND hold.held_by = fnd_usr.user_id
	              AND inv.cancelled_date IS NULL
	              AND inv.invoice_type_lookup_code NOT IN (''PREPAYMENT'')
Line: 264

       sqlstmt := 'select action FII_MEASURE1,
                   action_date FII_MEASURE2,
                   usr.user_name FII_MEASURE3
                   (select :ENTRY  action,
                    entered_date action_date,
                    created_by by_whom
                   from fii_ap_invoice_b
                   where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
                   union all
                   select :HOLD_PLACED action,
                   hold_date action_date,
                   held_by by_whom
                   from fii_ap_inv_holds_b
                   where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
                   and period_type_id = 1
                   union all
                   select :HOLD_RELEASED action,
                   release_date action_date,
                   released_by by_whom
                   from fii_ap_inv_holds_b
                   where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
                   and period_type_id = 1
                   union all
                   SELECT CASE WHEN b.amount < 0 THEN
                   END action,
                   trunc(b.creation_date) action_date,
                   a.last_updated_by by_whom
                   from ap_invoice_distributions_all a, ap_invoice_distributions_all b
                   where a.invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
                   and a.invoice_distribution_id  = b.prepay_distribution_id
                   and b.line_type_lookup_code = ''PREPAY''
                   and b.amount <> 0
                   and a.invoice_id <> b.invoice_id
                   union all
                   select :PAYMT action,
                   action_date action_date,
                   created_by by_whom
                   from fii_ap_pay_sched_b
                   where invoice_id=:INVOICE_ID
                   and action in (''PAYMENT'', ''PREPAYMENT'')
                   and period_type_id = 1
                   union all
                   select CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
                   THEN :PAYMT_STOP
                   ELSE :PAYMT_RELEASE END action,
                   CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
                   THEN c.stopped_date
                   ELSE c.released_date END action_date,
                   CASE WHEN  c.stopped_date is not null
                   THEN c.stopped_by
                   ELSE c.released_by END  by_whom
                   from ap_checks_all c, ap_invoice_payments_all p
                   where c.check_id = p.check_id
                   and p.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
                   and (c.stopped_date is not null
                   OR c.released_date is not null)
                   ) a,
                   fnd_user usr
                   Where a.by_whom = usr.user_id
                   &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE ';
Line: 428

        sqlstmt := 'select a.Payment_Num      FII_MEASURE1,
                           a.due_date         FII_MEASURE2,
                           a.Gross_Amount            FII_MEASURE3,
                           to_char(discount_date,'''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE4,
                           a.Discount_Amount_Available   FII_MEASURE5,
                           to_char(second_discount_date,'''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE6,
                           a.Second_Disc_Amt_Available   FII_MEASURE7,
                           to_char(third_discount_date, '''||l_date_mask||''')             FII_MEASURE8,
                           a.Third_Disc_Amt_Available    FII_MEASURE9,
                           decode(nvl(a.hold_flag, ''N''), ''Y'', '''||l_yes||''', ''N'', '''||l_no||''') FII_MEASURE10,
                           sum(a.gross_amount) over()              FII_MEASURE11
                    from AP_Payment_Schedules_All a
                    where a.invoice_id = :INVOICE_ID
                    &ORDER_BY_CLAUSE        '
Line: 508

        SELECT  ail.line_number                 FII_AP_LINE_NUM,
                alc.displayed_field 		FII_AP_LINE_TYPE,
                ail.amount			FII_AP_LINE_AMOUNT,
                ail.description			FII_AP_LINE_DESC,
                ail.quantity_invoiced           FII_AP_QUANTITY,
                muom.unit_of_measure_tl         FII_AP_UOM,				--  muom.uom_code
                poh.segment1	                FII_AP_PO_NUM,				--  poh.segment1
                poll.shipment_num		FII_AP_PO_SHIPMENT_NUM,
                por.release_num			FII_AP_RELEASE_NUM,
                rcvsh.receipt_num 		FII_AP_RECEIPT_NUM,                     --  receipt_num
                sum (ail.amount) over()		FII_AP_GT_LINE_AMOUNT,
                -- Drill from Line Amount column to Invoice Distributions Detail report
                ''' || l_url_line_amount || ''' FII_AP_LINE_AMOUNT_DRILL,
                -- Drill from PO Number column to PO Overview report
                ''' || l_url_po_number || ''' FII_AP_PO_NUM_DRILL
        FROM    ap_invoice_lines_all            ail,
                ap_lookup_codes            	alc,
                mtl_units_of_measure       	muom,
                po_headers_all             	poh,
                po_line_locations_all      	poll,
                po_releases_all            	por,
                rcv_transactions           	rcvt,
                rcv_shipment_headers       	rcvsh
        WHERE   ail.line_type_lookup_code       = alc.lookup_code
		AND alc.lookup_type = ''INVOICE LINE TYPE''
                AND ail.unit_meas_lookup_code   = muom.unit_of_measure(+)
                AND ail.po_header_id          = poh.po_header_id(+)
                AND ail.po_line_location_id   = poll.line_location_id(+)
                AND ail.po_release_id         = por.po_release_id(+)
                AND ail.rcv_transaction_id    = rcvt.transaction_id(+)
                AND rcvt.shipment_header_id   = rcvsh.shipment_header_id(+)
                AND ail.invoice_id              = :INVOICE_ID
        ORDER BY ail.line_number';