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2 /* $Header: bencwbsp.pkh 120.2 2007/08/21 12:14:54 steotia noship $ */
3 --
4 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |-----------------------------< process >--------------------------------|
6 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 procedure process
9                (errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
10                ,retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
11 	       ,p_validate in varchar2 default 'Y'
12 	       ,p_search_date in varchar2
13 	       ,p_person_id in number
14 	       ,p_business_group in number
15                ,p_group_pl_id in varchar2
16 	       ,p_lf_evt_dt_range in varchar2
17                ,p_lf_evt_dt in varchar2
18 	       ,p_run_from_ss in varchar2 default 'N'
19 	       ,p_clone_all_data_flag in varchar2 default 'N'
20 	       ,p_backout_and_process_flag in varchar2 default 'N');
21 --
22 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 -- |-----------------------< recreate_error_stack >-------------------------|
24 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 --
26 procedure recreate_error_stack(p_request_id in number);
27 --
28 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                         |
30 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 --
32 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- |----------------------< detect_method_and_warnings >---------------------|
34 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 --
36 procedure detect_method_and_warnings
37                (p_person_id in number
38                ,p_group_pl_id in number
39                ,p_lf_evt_dt in date
40                ,p_data_freeze_date in date
41                ,p_search_date in date
42                ,p_person_type out nocopy varchar2
43                ,p_method out nocopy varchar2
44                ,p_method_display out nocopy varchar2
45                ,p_special_flag out nocopy varchar2
46                ,p_start_date out nocopy varchar2
47                ,p_term_date out nocopy varchar2
48                ,p_no_payroll_warn out nocopy varchar2
49                ,p_no_salary_warn out nocopy varchar2
50                ,p_no_supervisor_warn out nocopy varchar2
51                ,p_no_position_warn out nocopy varchar2
52                ,p_no_paybasis_warn out nocopy varchar2
53                ,p_past_term_warn out nocopy varchar2
54                ,p_future_term_warn out nocopy varchar2
55                ,p_curr_absence_warn out nocopy varchar2
56                ,p_future_absence_warn out nocopy varchar2);
58 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 -- |----------------------< run_participation_process >---------------------|
60 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 -- This procedure calls ben_manage_cwb_life_events.global_online_process_w
62 -- for running the single person participation process. It returns back the
63 -- the following parameters.
64 --          Column                     Desc
65 --       p_group_per_in_ler_id   group_per_in_ler_id of the person
66 --       p_group_pl_name         group plan name
67 --       p_plan_name             plan name
68 --       p_prsrv_bdgt_cd         budgets storing method
69 --       p_period                period of plan
70 --       p_elig_satus            eligibility status
71 --       p_event_status          event status
72 --       p_pp_stat_cd            participation process status code
73 --       p_pl_id                 local plan for which the person is processed
74 --
75 procedure run_participation_process
76                (p_validate                 in     varchar2 default 'N'
77                ,p_effective_date           in     date
78                ,p_person_id                in     number   default null
79                ,p_business_group_id        in     number
80                ,p_group_pl_id              in     number   default null
81                ,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt           in     date default null
82                ,p_clone_all_data_flag      in     varchar2 default 'N'
83                ,p_backout_and_process_flag in     varchar2 default 'N'
84                ,p_group_per_in_ler_id      out nocopy number
85                ,p_group_pl_name            out nocopy varchar2
89                ,p_elig_status              out nocopy varchar2
86                ,p_plan_name                out nocopy varchar2
87                ,p_prsrv_bdgt_cd            out nocopy varchar2
88                ,p_period                   out nocopy varchar2
90                ,p_event_status             out nocopy varchar2
91                ,p_pp_stat_cd               out nocopy varchar2
92                ,p_pl_id                    out nocopy number);