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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_fi_ss_acct_payment AS
2 /* $Header: IGSFI63B.pls 120.7 2006/06/27 14:14:35 skharida ship $ */
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------
4   --Change History:
5   --Who         When            What
6   --skharida  26-Jun-2006      Bug 5208136: Modified  finp_decline_Optional_fee and finp_set_optional_fee_flag procedures
7   --                           removed the obseleted columns of IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL.
8   --gurprsin   6-Dec-2005       Bug 4735807, Modified the finp_calc_fees_todo method, Added a condition to skip the addition of message onto the stack as it is already added in
9   --                            finp_ins_enr_fee_ass method for the case ' if no fee category is attached to the SPA.'. Otherwise a null message
10   --                            will be added and shown on the SS page.
11   --gurprsin    13-Sep-2005    Bug 3765876, Modified the Cursor c_get_msg_text select statement to add userenv. language condition with application id
12   --bannamal   26-Aug-2005     Enh#3392095 Tuition Waiver Build. Modified the call to finp_ins_enr_fee_ass
13   --                           to include two new parameters.
14   --svuppala  04-AUG-2005      Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
15   --                           Impact of Charges API version Number change
16   --                           Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
17   --pmarada    26-JUL-2005     Enh 3392095, modifed as per tution waiver build, passing p_api_version
18   --                           parameter value as 2.1 to the igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit call
19   -- svuppala   9-JUN-2005     Enh 3442712 - Impact of automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
20   --                           changed logic for credit_number in procedure create_cc_credit.
21   --pathipat    21-Apr-2004    Enh 3558549 - Comm Receivables Enh
22   --                           Modified update_cc_credit() - added param x_source_invoice_id
23   --                           in call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row()
24   --schodava   21-Jan-2004     Bug # 3062706 - Modified procedure finp_calc_fees_todo
25   --vvutukur   04-Dec-2003     Bug#3249288.Modified proceudure finp_set_optional_fee_flag.
26   --pathipat   06-Nov-2003     Enh 3117341 - Audit and Special Fees TD
27   --                           Modified finp_calc_fees_todo()
28   --vvutukur   26-Sep-2003     Enh#3045007.Payment Plans Build.Changes specific to TD.
29   --pathipat   19-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds build
30   --                           Modified create_cc_credit
31   --smadathi   01-jul-2003     Bug 3029782. Modified the procedure create_cc_credit.
32   --vvutukur   16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build.Modified create_cc_credit,update_cc_credit.
33   --schodava   16-Jun-2003     Enh 2381587 - Credit Card Fund Transfer Build.
34   --                           Modified procedures create_cc_credit, update_cc_credit
35   --pathipat   04-Jun-2003     Enh. 2831584- SS Enhancements build
36   --                           Modified procedures create_cc_credit() and finp_set_optional_fee_flag()
37   --smadathi   03-jun-2002     Enh. Bug 2831584. Added new function get_msg_text
38   --smadathi   28-MAY-2003     Bug 2849142. Modified procedure finp_calc_fees_todo
39   --shtatiko   09-APR-2003     Enh# 2831554, modified procedure create_cc_credit
40   --vchappid   14-Mar-2003     Bug#2849142,In procedure finp_calc_fees_todo, Only one error message has to be shown
41   --                           to the user when any error occurs.
42   --schodava   7-Jan-2003      Bug # 2662124. SQLs using literals is against performance standards.
43   --                           Modified cursor c_credit_inst_cd to use cursor parameters.
44   --vvutukur   13-Dec-2002     Enh#2584741.Modified procedures create_cc_credit,update_cc_credit.
45   --vchappid   02-Dec-2002     Enh#2584986, NOCOPY is manually added for x_return_status parameter in procedure update_cc_credit
46   --vvutukur   15-Nov-2002     Enh#2584986.Modified procedures finp_decline_Optional_fee,create_cc_credit,
47   --                           finp_set_optional_fee_flag,update_cc_credit.
48   --smadathi   06-Nov-2002     Enh. Bug 2584986. Removed procedure create_posting_int. Modified
49   --                           finp_calc_fees_todo procedure .
50   --vvutukur   16-Sep-2002     Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id from CREATE_CC_CREDIT,
52  --                         In finp_calc_fees_todo procedure,removed DEFAULT from procedure parameters
53  --                            to avoid gscc warning.
54   --smadathi   24-Jun-2002     Bug 2404720. Procedure create_cc_credit Modified.
55   --smadathi   25-Mar-2002     Bug 2280971. Added new procedure finp_calc_fees_todo
56   --jbegum     25 Feb 02       As part of Enh bug #2238226
57   --                           Modified the local procedure create_posting_int
58   --                           Removed the following parameters:
59   --                           p_batch_name,p_source_transaction_id,p_source_transaction_type,
60   --                           p_status, x_result
61   --                           Added the following parameters:
62   --                           p_person_number,p_adm_appl_number,x_return_status,
63   --                           x_msg_count,x_msg_data
64   --                           Also added the local procedure lookup_desc
65   ------------------------------------------------------------------
68  FUNCTION lookup_desc( l_type in igs_lookups_view.lookup_type%TYPE ,
69                        l_code in igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE
70                      )RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
71   /******************************************************************
72   Created By        : jbegum
73   Date Created By   : 25-FEB-2002
74   Purpose           : Local Function Returns the meaning for the given lookup code
76   Known limitations,
77   enhancements,
78   remarks            :
79   Change History
80   Who      When        What
81   smadathi 13-nov-2002 Bug 2584986. Modified cursor cur_desc
82                        select list to fetch meaning from igs_lookup_values
83    ******************************************************************/
85      CURSOR cur_desc( x_type igs_lookups_view.lookup_type%TYPE, x_code  igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE ) IS
86      SELECT meaning
87      FROM   igs_lookup_values
88      WHERE  lookup_type = x_type
89      AND    lookup_code = x_code
90      AND    (SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active,SYSDATE)
91      AND    NVL(end_date_active,SYSDATE))
92      AND    enabled_flag = 'Y';
94  l_desc igs_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE;
97    IF l_code IS NULL OR l_type IS NULL THEN
98      RETURN NULL ;
99    ELSE
100       OPEN cur_desc(l_type,l_code);
101       FETCH cur_desc into l_desc ;
102       CLOSE cur_desc ;
103    END IF ;
104    RETURN l_desc ;
105  END lookup_desc;
107 PROCEDURE create_cc_credit(
108              p_party_id IN VARCHAR2,
109              p_description IN VARCHAR2,
110              p_amount IN VARCHAR,
111              p_credit_card_code IN VARCHAR2,
112              p_credit_card_holder_name IN VARCHAR2,
113              p_credit_card_number IN VARCHAR2,
114              p_credit_card_expiration_date IN VARCHAR2,
115              p_credit_card_approval_code IN VARCHAR2,
116              p_credit_card_tangible_cd IN VARCHAR2,
117              x_credit_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
118              x_credit_activity_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
119              x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
120              x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
121              x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122              x_credit_number      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
123              x_transaction_date   OUT NOCOPY DATE,
124              p_credit_class       IN VARCHAR2
125              ) AS
126  /*************************************************************
127   Created By :samaresh
128   Date Created By : 29-SEP-2001
129   Purpose : This Procedure calls the Create Credits API
130   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
131   Change History
133   Who             When            What
134   pmarada         26-JUL-2005     Enh 3392095, modifed as per tution waiver build, passing p_api_version
135                                   parameter value as 2.1 to the igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit call
136   svuppala        9-JUN-2005      Enh 3442712 - Impact of automatic generation of the Receipt Number.
137                                   changed logic for credit_number.
138   pmarada         14-sep-2004     Bug 3886740, If there is no active credit type for a credit class then logging a message
139   vvutukur        26-Sep-2003     Enh#3045007.Payment Plans Build.Changes specific to TD.
140   pathipat        19-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds build
141                                   Added code to check for return status of 'S' from credits api
142   smadathi        01-jul-2003     Bug 3029782. Assigned TRUNC of l_credit_rec.p_transaction_date to out parameter x_transaction_date to
143                                   remove time component.
144   vvutukur        16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Added 3 new parameters(lockbox_interface_id,batch_name,deposit_date) to the record
145                                   type variable l_credit_rec before calling credits api.
146   schodava        16-Jun-2003     Enh 2381587 - Credit Card Fund Transfer Build.
147                                   Modified the spec of the procedure, and call to credits API.
148   pathipat        04-Jun-2003     Enh 2831584 - SS Enhancements Build
149                                   Added 2 new out parameters x_Credit_number, x_transaction_date
150   shtatiko        09-APR-2003     Enh# 2831554, Replaced the call to Public Credits API with call with
151                                   Private API with validation level as G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE
152   schodava        7-Jan-2003      Bug # 2662124. SQLs using literals is against performance standards.
153                                   Modified cursor c_credit_inst_cd to use cursor parameters.
154   vvutukur        13-Dec-2002     Enh#2584741.Deposits Build.Modified the call to credits api to remove p_validation_level
155                                   parameter and add 3 new parameters p_v_check_number,p_v_source_tran_type,p_v_source_tran_ref_number.
156   vvutukur        15-Nov-2002     Enh#2584986.Modified the call to credits api to pass sysdate to the parameter
157                                   p_d_gl_date.
158   vvutukur        16-Sep-2002     Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie., from parameters
159                                   list,from where clause of cursor c_credittype_id,from the call to
160                                   igs_fi_credits_api_pub.create_credit.
161   smadathi        24-Jun-2002     Bug 2404720. The cursor c_credittype_id select is modified to fetch description column along
162                                   with credit_type_id column. The call to IGS_FI_CREDITS_API_PUB.Create_Credit has been modified
163                                   to  pass this description value to the formal parameter p_description.
165   brajendr        22-FEB-2002     modifed the cursor (c_cc_number)which is used for creating the credit number as per the DLD
167   jbegum          20-FEB-2002     Enh bug # 2228910
168                                   Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
170   sykrishn        04-FEB-2002     Modifications due to SFCR020- Changes to call to credits  API and changes in igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row
171                                   to add the new columns
172                                   Code related to derivation of credit_source removed since it is going to be passed as null to credits API. - SFCR020 - 2191470
174   sarakshi        01-Feb-2002     In the call to the credit's API adding a new parameter p_invoice_id as a part of
175                                   SFCR003 , bug:2195715.
177   masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
178                                   Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
179   ***************************************************************/
180   CURSOR c_credittype_id(cp_v_credit_class igs_fi_cr_types.credit_class%TYPE) IS
181   SELECT credit_type_id , description
182   FROM   igs_fi_cr_types
183   WHERE  SYSDATE BETWEEN effective_start_date AND NVL(effective_end_date,SYSDATE)
184   AND    credit_class  = cp_v_credit_class;
187   CURSOR c_credit_card_code(cp_meaning VARCHAR2) IS
188   SELECT lookup_code
189   FROM   igs_lookup_values
190   WHERE  lookup_type = 'IGS_CREDIT_CARDS'
191   AND    meaning = ''||cp_meaning||'';
193   CURSOR c_expiration_date(cp_month_year VARCHAR2) IS
194   SELECT LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('01/' || cp_month_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')) expiry_date
195   FROM   dual;
197   l_cc_meaning  igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;
198   l_credit_type_id c_credittype_id%ROWTYPE;
199   l_credit_card_code c_credit_card_code%ROWTYPE;
200   l_attribute_rec igs_fi_credits_api_pub.attribute_rec_type;
201   l_expiration_date c_expiration_date%ROWTYPE;
203   l_v_currency      igs_fi_control_all.currency_cd%TYPE;
204   l_v_curr_desc     fnd_currencies_tl.name%TYPE;
205   l_v_message_name  fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
207   l_b_return_status BOOLEAN;
208   l_credit_rec      igs_fi_credit_pvt.credit_rec_type;
209   l_exception       EXCEPTION;
211   l_v_transaction_date    igs_fi_credits_all.transaction_date%TYPE := NULL;
214      x_credit_id := NULL;
215      x_credit_activity_id :=NULL;
216      x_return_status  :=NULL;
217      x_msg_count :=NULL;
218      x_msg_data  :=NULL;
219      x_credit_number := NULL;
220      -- Calling Credits API to insert data in the credits table in student finance.
221      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute_category := NULL;
222      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute1         := NULL;
223      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute2         := NULL;
224      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute3         := NULL;
225      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute4         := NULL;
226      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute5         := NULL;
227      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute6         := NULL;
228      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute7         := NULL;
229      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute8         := NULL;
230      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute9         := NULL;
231      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute10        := NULL;
232      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute11        := NULL;
233      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute12        := NULL;
234      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute13        := NULL;
235      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute14        := NULL;
236      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute15        := NULL;
237      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute16        := NULL;
238      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute17        := NULL;
239      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute18        := NULL;
240      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute19        := NULL;
241      l_attribute_rec.p_attribute20        := NULL;
242      -- Fetch the parameters from the respective cursors
244      -- Initialize the message stack.
245      fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
247       -- Get the Credit Type Id
248       -- Check whether credit id exists or not
249      OPEN c_credittype_id(p_credit_class);
250      FETCH c_credittype_id INTO l_credit_type_id;
251      IF c_credittype_id%NOTFOUND THEN
252         -- Get the lookup meaning
253        l_cc_meaning := IGS_FI_GEN_GL.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_CREDIT_CLASS',p_credit_class);
254        CLOSE c_credittype_id;
255        fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_NO_ACTIVE_CT');
256        fnd_message.set_token('CREDIT_CLASS',l_cc_meaning);
257        fnd_msg_pub.add;
258        RAISE l_exception;
259      END IF;
260      CLOSE c_credittype_id;
262      -- Credit Instrument Code
263      -- Validate Credit Instrument Code by calling igs_fi_crdapi_util.validate_igs_lkp function
264      -- This call has been added as part of Enh# 2831554, Internal Credits API Build
265      IF NOT igs_fi_crdapi_util.validate_igs_lkp( p_v_lookup_type => 'IGS_FI_CREDIT_INSTRUMENT', p_v_lookup_code => 'CC' ) THEN
266        fnd_message.set_name ( 'IGS', 'IGS_FI_CAPI_CRD_INSTR_NULL' );
267        fnd_message.set_token ( 'CR_INSTR', 'CC' );
268        fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
269        RAISE l_exception;
270      END IF;
272      -- Validate amount. This validation has been added as part of Enh# 2831554, Internal Credits API Build
273      igs_fi_crdapi_util.validate_amount ( p_n_amount => p_amount,
274                                           p_b_return_status => l_b_return_status,
275                                           p_v_message_name => l_v_message_name );
276      IF NOT l_b_return_status THEN
277        fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_v_message_name);
278        IF l_v_message_name = 'IGS_FI_CRD_AMT_NEGATIVE' THEN
279          fnd_message.set_token ( 'CR_AMT', p_amount );
280        END IF;
281        fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
282        RAISE l_exception;
283      END IF;
285     --Capture the default currency that is set up in System Options Form.
286     igs_fi_gen_gl.finp_get_cur( p_v_currency_cd   => l_v_currency,
287                                 p_v_curr_desc     => l_v_curr_desc,
288                                 p_v_message_name  => l_v_message_name
289                                );
290     IF l_v_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
291       fnd_message.set_name('IGS',l_v_message_name);
292       fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
293       RAISE l_exception;
294     END IF;
296      -- Credit Card Code
297      OPEN c_credit_card_code(p_credit_card_code);
298      FETCH c_credit_card_code INTO l_credit_card_code;
299      CLOSE c_credit_card_code;
300      -- Credit Card Expiry Date
301      OPEN c_expiration_date(p_credit_card_expiration_date);
302      FETCH c_expiration_date INTO l_expiration_date;
303      CLOSE c_expiration_date;
305      -- Validate Expiry Date. This validation has been added as part of Enh# 2831554, Internal Credits API Build
306      IF TRUNC(l_expiration_date.expiry_date) < TRUNC(SYSDATE) THEN
307        fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_CRD_EXPDT_INVALID');
308        fnd_message.set_token('EXP_DATE', l_expiration_date.expiry_date);
309        fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
310        RAISE l_exception;
311      END IF;
313      -- Replaced the call to Public Credits API with call with Private API with validation level as G_VALID_LEVEL_NONE
314      -- This has been added as part of Enh# 2831554, Internal Credits API.
315      l_credit_rec.p_credit_status := 'CLEARED';
316      l_credit_rec.p_credit_source := NULL;
317      l_credit_rec.p_party_id := TO_NUMBER( p_party_id );
318      l_credit_rec.p_credit_type_id := l_credit_type_id.credit_type_id;
319      l_credit_rec.p_credit_instrument := 'CC';
320      l_credit_rec.p_description := l_credit_type_id.description;
321      l_credit_rec.p_amount := TO_NUMBER( p_amount );
322      l_credit_rec.p_currency_cd := l_v_currency;
323      l_credit_rec.p_exchange_rate := 1;
324      l_credit_rec.p_transaction_date := SYSDATE;
325      l_credit_rec.p_effective_date := SYSDATE;
326      l_credit_rec.p_source_transaction_id := NULL;
327      l_credit_rec.p_receipt_lockbox_number := NULL;
328      l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_code := l_credit_card_code.lookup_code;
329      l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_holder_name := p_credit_card_holder_name;
330      l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_number := p_credit_card_number;
331      l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_expiration_date := l_expiration_date.expiry_date;
332      l_credit_rec.p_credit_card_approval_code := NULL;
333      l_credit_rec.p_invoice_id := NULL;
334      l_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_cal_type := NULL;
335      l_credit_rec.p_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number := NULL;
336      l_credit_rec.p_fee_cal_type := NULL;
337      l_credit_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number := NULL;
338      l_credit_rec.p_check_number := NULL;
339      l_credit_rec.p_source_tran_type := NULL;
340      l_credit_rec.p_source_tran_ref_number := NULL;
341      l_credit_rec.p_gl_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
342      l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_payee_cd := fnd_profile.value('IGS_FI_PAYEE_NAME');
343      l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_status_code := 'PENDING';
344      l_credit_rec.p_v_credit_card_tangible_cd := p_credit_card_tangible_cd;
345      l_credit_rec.p_lockbox_interface_id      := NULL;
346      l_credit_rec.p_batch_name                := NULL;
347      l_credit_rec.p_deposit_date              := NULL;
349      l_v_transaction_date := TRUNC(l_credit_rec.p_transaction_date);
351      igs_fi_credit_pvt.create_credit ( p_api_version         => 2.1,
352                                        p_init_msg_list       => fnd_api.g_false, /* Passing False because stack has already been initialized */
353                                        p_commit              => fnd_api.g_false,
354                                        p_validation_level    => fnd_api.g_valid_level_none,
355                                        x_return_status       => x_return_status,
356                                        x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
357                                        x_msg_data            => x_msg_data,
358                                        p_credit_rec          => l_credit_rec,
359                                        p_attribute_record    => l_attribute_rec,
360                                        x_credit_id           => x_credit_id,
361                                        x_credit_activity_id  => x_credit_activity_id,
362                                        x_credit_number       => x_credit_number);
365      -- Pass the following values to the out parameters
366      x_transaction_date :=  l_v_transaction_date;
368      -- If the credit creation was successful, but holds release failed, then
369      -- the return status will be S but message count will be > 0.
370      IF ( x_return_status = 'S' AND x_msg_count <> 0 ) THEN
371            x_msg_data := 'IGS_FI_NO_AUTO_HOLD_REL';
372            RETURN;
373      END IF;
377        x_return_status := 'E';
378        RETURN ;
379     WHEN l_exception THEN
380       x_return_status := 'E';
381       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count  => x_msg_count,
382                                  p_data   => x_msg_data);
384       x_return_status := 'E';
385       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get( p_count  => x_msg_count,
386                                  p_data   => x_msg_data);
387       RETURN;
388 END create_cc_credit;
391 PROCEDURE update_cc_credit(
392              p_credit_card_approval_code IN NUMBER,
393              p_credit_id IN NUMBER,
394              x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
395              x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
396              x_msg_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
397              ) AS
398  /*************************************************************
399   Created By :samaresh
400   Date Created By : 29-SEP-2001
401   Purpose : This Procedure calls the Create Credits API
402   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
403   Change History
404   Who             When            What
405   pmarada         26-May-2005     Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
406   pathipat        21-Apr-2004     Enh 3558549 - Comm Receivables Enh
407                                   Added param x_source_invoice_id in call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row()
408   vvutukur        16-Jun-2003     Enh#2831582.Lockbox Build. Added 3 new parameters(lockbox_interface_id,batch_name,deposit_date) to the TBH
409                                   update_row call of credits table.
410   schodava        16-Jun-2003     Enh 2381587 - Credit Card Fund Transfer Build.
411                                   Modified the Credits TBH update row
412   vvutukur        16-Dec-2002     Enh#2584741.Modified the tbh call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row to add 3 new
413                                   parameters check_number,source_transaction_type,source_transaction_ref.
414   vchappid        02-Dec-2002     Enh#2584986, NOCOPY is manually added for x_return_status procedure parameter
415   vvutukur        25-Nov-2002     Enh#2584986.Modified the call to igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row to pass gl_date.
416   vvutukur        16-Sep-2002     Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,from the call to
417                                   IGS_FI_CREDITS_pkg.Update_Row,
418   ***************************************************************/
419   CURSOR c_credit_dtls(cp_credit_id NUMBER) IS
420     SELECT *
421     FROM igs_fi_credits
422     WHERE credit_id = cp_credit_id;
424   l_credit_dtls_rec c_credit_dtls%ROWTYPE;
427      -- Fetch the values from the igs_fi_credits table for the credit_id
428      -- Credit Source
429      OPEN c_credit_dtls(p_credit_id);
430      FETCH c_credit_dtls INTO l_credit_dtls_rec;
431      CLOSE c_credit_dtls;
433          igs_fi_credits_pkg.update_row(x_rowid                       => l_credit_dtls_rec.row_id,
434                                        x_credit_id                   => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_id,
435                                        x_credit_number               => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_number,
436                                        x_status                      => l_credit_dtls_rec.status,
437                                        x_credit_source               => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_source,
438                                        x_party_id                    => l_credit_dtls_rec.party_id,
439                                        x_credit_type_id              => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_type_id,
440                                        x_credit_instrument           => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_instrument,
441                                        x_description                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.description,
442                                        x_amount                      => l_credit_dtls_rec.amount,
443                                        x_currency_cd                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.currency_cd,
444                                        x_exchange_rate               => l_credit_dtls_rec.exchange_rate,
445                                        x_transaction_date            => l_credit_dtls_rec.transaction_date,
446                                        x_effective_date              => l_credit_dtls_rec.effective_date,
447                                        x_reversal_date               => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_date,
448                                        x_reversal_reason_code        => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_reason_code,
449                                        x_reversal_comments           => l_credit_dtls_rec.reversal_comments,
450                                        x_unapplied_amount            => l_credit_dtls_rec.unapplied_amount,
451                                        x_source_transaction_id       => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_id,
452                                        x_receipt_lockbox_number      => l_credit_dtls_rec.receipt_lockbox_number,
453                                        x_merchant_id                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.merchant_id,
454                                        x_credit_card_code            => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_code,
455                                        x_credit_card_holder_name     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_holder_name,
456                                        x_credit_card_number          => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_number,
457                                        x_credit_card_expiration_date => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_expiration_date,
458                                        x_credit_card_approval_code   => TO_CHAR(p_credit_card_approval_code),
459                                        x_awd_yr_cal_type             => l_credit_dtls_rec.awd_yr_cal_type,
460                                        x_awd_yr_ci_sequence_number   => l_credit_dtls_rec.awd_yr_ci_sequence_number,
461                                        x_fee_cal_type                => l_credit_dtls_rec.fee_cal_type,
462                                        x_fee_ci_sequence_number      => l_credit_dtls_rec.fee_ci_sequence_number,
463                                        x_attribute_category          => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute_category,
464                                        x_attribute1                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute1,
465                                        x_attribute2                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute2,
466                                        x_attribute3                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute3,
467                                        x_attribute4                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute4,
468                                        x_attribute5                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute5,
469                                        x_attribute6                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute6,
470                                        x_attribute7                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute7,
471                                        x_attribute8                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute8,
472                                        x_attribute9                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute9,
473                                        x_attribute10                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute10,
474                                        x_attribute11                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute11,
475                                        x_attribute12                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute12,
476                                        x_attribute13                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute13,
477                                        x_attribute14                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute14,
478                                        x_attribute15                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute15,
479                                        x_attribute16                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute16,
480                                        x_attribute17                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute17,
481                                        x_attribute18                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute18,
482                                        x_attribute19                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute19,
483                                        x_attribute20                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.attribute20,
484                                        x_gl_date                     => l_credit_dtls_rec.gl_date,
485                                        x_check_number                => l_credit_dtls_rec.check_number,
486                                        x_source_transaction_type     => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_type,
487                                        x_source_transaction_ref      => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_transaction_ref,
488                                        x_credit_card_status_code     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_status_code,
489                                        x_credit_card_payee_cd        => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_payee_cd,
490                                        x_credit_card_tangible_cd     => l_credit_dtls_rec.credit_card_tangible_cd,
491                                        x_lockbox_interface_id        => l_credit_dtls_rec.lockbox_interface_id,
492                                        x_batch_name                  => l_credit_dtls_rec.batch_name,
493                                        x_deposit_date                => l_credit_dtls_rec.deposit_date,
494                                        x_source_invoice_id           => l_credit_dtls_rec.source_invoice_id,
495                                        x_tax_year_code               => l_credit_dtls_rec.tax_year_code,
496                                        x_waiver_name                 => l_credit_dtls_rec.waiver_name
497                                       );
500          x_return_status := 'S';
503        x_return_status := 'E';
504        RETURN ;
506        x_return_status := 'E';
507        RETURN;
508 END update_cc_credit;
510 PROCEDURE finp_decline_Optional_fee(
511 p_invoice_id IN VARCHAR2,
512 p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
513 p_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
514 p_message_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
515 )AS
516 /*************************************************************
517   Created By :knaraset
518   Date Created By : 02-OCT-2001
519   Purpose : This Procedure Create Reversal of the charge for the Declined Invoice record
520             And Update Invoice record with optional_fee_flag=>'D'(Declined)
521   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
522   Change History
523   Who             When            What
524   svuppala        04-AUG-2005     Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
525                                  Impact of Charges API version Number change
526                                  Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
527   pmarada         26-May-2005    Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
528   smadathi        03-jun-2002    Enh. Bug 2831584. Modified opening of cursor cur_invheader to pass TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id))
529                                  instead of passing l_inv_id. This was changed because the amount due and amount made same
530                                  by the update row call even after the declining of fees by charges API.
531   vvutukur        15-Nov-2002    Enh#2584986.Passed SYSDATE to the call to charges API for the parameter
532                                  l_chg_line_tbl(1).p_gl_date.
533   vvutukur        16-Sep-2002    Enh#2564643.Removed references to subaccount_id.ie.,the assignment of
534                                  L_CHG_REC.P_SUBACCOUNT_ID to L_CUR_INVHEADER.SUBACCOUNT_ID,and from
535                                  calls to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
536   masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
537                                   Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
538 ***************************************************************/
539 -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Header details
540     CURSOR cur_invheader(cp_invoice_id IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
541           SELECT *
542       FROM igs_fi_inv_int
543           WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id;
544 -- Cursor for fetching Invoice Lines details
545   CURSOR cur_invln(p_invoice_id    IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE) IS
546     SELECT *
548     WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
549     l_chg_rec             Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Header_Rec_Type;
550     l_chg_line_tbl        Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Line_Tbl_Type;
551     l_line_tbl            Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Line_Id_Tbl_Type;
552     l_inv_id              IGS_FI_INV_INT.Invoice_Id%TYPE;
553     l_msg_data            VARCHAR2(2000);
554     l_var                 NUMBER(5) := 0;
555     l_cur_invheader cur_invheader%ROWTYPE;
556         l_msg                 VARCHAR2(2000);
557     l_n_waiver_amount NUMBER;
560 -- Fetch the Invoice Header Details
561 OPEN cur_invheader(TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id));
562 FETCH cur_invheader INTO l_cur_invheader;
563 CLOSE cur_invheader;
564 -- Assign Invoice Header details to the Record Variable
565     l_chg_rec.p_person_id                := l_cur_invheader.person_id;
566     l_chg_rec.p_fee_type                 := l_cur_invheader.fee_type;
567     l_chg_rec.p_fee_cat                  := l_cur_invheader.fee_cat;
568     l_chg_rec.p_fee_cal_type             := l_cur_invheader.fee_cal_type;
569     l_chg_rec.p_fee_ci_sequence_number   := l_cur_invheader.fee_ci_sequence_number;
570     l_chg_rec.p_course_cd                := l_cur_invheader.course_cd;
571     l_chg_rec.p_attendance_type          := l_cur_invheader.attendance_type;
572     l_chg_rec.p_attendance_mode          := l_cur_invheader.attendance_mode;
573     l_chg_rec.p_invoice_amount           := -(l_cur_invheader.invoice_amount);
574     l_chg_rec.p_invoice_creation_date    := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
575     l_chg_rec.p_invoice_desc             := l_cur_invheader.invoice_desc;
576     l_chg_rec.p_transaction_type         := l_cur_invheader.transaction_type;
577     l_chg_rec.p_currency_cd              := l_cur_invheader.currency_cd;
578     l_chg_rec.p_exchange_rate            := l_cur_invheader.exchange_rate;
579     l_chg_rec.p_effective_date           := l_cur_invheader.effective_date;
580     l_chg_rec.p_waiver_flag              := NULL;
581     l_chg_rec.p_waiver_reason            := NULL;
582     l_chg_rec.p_source_transaction_id    := l_cur_invheader.invoice_id;
583     FOR invrec IN cur_invln(l_cur_invheader.invoice_id) LOOP
584       l_var := l_var + 1;
585       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_s_chg_method_type         := invrec.s_chg_method_type;
586       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_description               := invrec.description;
587       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_chg_elements              := invrec.chg_elements;
588       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_amount                    := -(invrec.amount);
589       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_uoo_id                    := invrec.uoo_id;
590       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_unit_attempt_status       := invrec.unit_attempt_status;
591       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_eftsu                     := invrec.eftsu;
592       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_credit_points             := invrec.credit_points;
593       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_org_unit_cd               := invrec.org_unit_cd;
594       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute_category        := invrec.attribute_category;
595       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute1                := invrec.attribute1;
596       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute2                := invrec.attribute2;
597       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute3                := invrec.attribute3;
598       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute4                := invrec.attribute4;
599       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute5                := invrec.attribute5;
600       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute6                := invrec.attribute6;
601       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute7                := invrec.attribute7;
602       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute8                := invrec.attribute8;
603       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute9                := invrec.attribute9;
604       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute10               := invrec.attribute10;
605       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute11               := invrec.attribute11;
606       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute12               := invrec.attribute12;
607       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute13               := invrec.attribute13;
608       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute14               := invrec.attribute14;
609       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute15               := invrec.attribute15;
610       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute16               := invrec.attribute16;
611       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute17               := invrec.attribute17;
612       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute18               := invrec.attribute18;
613       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute19               := invrec.attribute19;
614       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_attribute20               := invrec.attribute20;
615       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_override_dr_rec_ccid      := invrec.rec_gl_ccid;
616       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_override_cr_rev_ccid      := invrec.rev_gl_ccid;
617       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_override_dr_rec_account_cd := invrec.rec_account_cd;
618       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_override_cr_rev_account_cd := invrec.rev_account_cd;
619       l_chg_line_tbl(l_var).p_d_gl_date                  := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
621     END LOOP;
622     Igs_Fi_Charges_Api_Pvt.Create_Charge(p_api_version      => 2.0,
623                                          p_init_msg_list    => 'T',
624                                          p_commit           => 'F',
625                                          p_validation_level => 100,
626                                          p_header_rec       => l_chg_rec,
627                                          p_line_tbl         => l_chg_line_tbl,
628                                          x_invoice_id       => l_inv_id,
629                                          x_line_id_tbl      => l_line_tbl,
630                                          x_return_status    => p_return_status,
631                                          x_msg_count        => p_message_count,
632                                          x_msg_data         => p_message_data,
633                                          x_waiver_amount    => l_n_waiver_amount);
634     IF p_return_status <> 'S' THEN
635 /*         IF p_message_count = 1 THEN
636              FND_MESSAGE.SET_ENCODED(l_msg_data);
637                  p_message_data := FND_MESSAGE.Get;
638            ELSE
639              FOR l_cnt IN 1..p_message_count LOOP
640                    l_msg := l_msg||FND_MSG_PUB.Get(p_msg_index => l_cnt,
641                                             p_encoded   => 'T');
642                  END LOOP;
643          p_message_data := l_msg;
644            END IF;*/
645        RETURN;
646         ELSE
647         -- Update Invoice record with optional_fee_flag=>'D'(Declined)
649 --Change History
650 --Who        When              What
651 --skharida     26-Jun-2006    Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
652 --vvutukur     25-Nov-2002    Enh#2584986.Removed the call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
653 --vvutukur     16-Sep-2002    Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build,removed parameter
654 --                            x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
655 --jbegum       20 feb 02      Enh bug # 2228910
656 --                            Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
657 --masehgal   17-Jan-2002       ENH # 2170429
658 --                             Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
660        -- Fetch the Invoice Header Details for the Reversal record to update optional_fee_flag to 'D'
661            -- So that reversal record won't be available for Decline again
662        OPEN cur_invheader(TO_NUMBER(p_invoice_id));
663        FETCH cur_invheader INTO l_cur_invheader;
664        CLOSE cur_invheader;
666           igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                                    =>    l_cur_invheader.row_id                        ,
667                                           x_invoice_id                               =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_id                    ,
668                                           x_person_id                                =>    l_cur_invheader.person_id                     ,
669                                           x_fee_type                                 =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_type                      ,
670                                           x_fee_cat                                  =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_cat                       ,
671                                           x_fee_cal_type                             =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_cal_type                  ,
672                                           x_fee_ci_sequence_number                   =>    l_cur_invheader.fee_ci_sequence_number        ,
673                                           x_course_cd                                =>    l_cur_invheader.course_cd                     ,
674                                           x_attendance_mode                          =>    l_cur_invheader.attendance_mode               ,
675                                           x_attendance_type                          =>    l_cur_invheader.attendance_type               ,
676                                           x_invoice_amount_due                       =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_amount_due            ,
677                                           x_invoice_creation_date                    =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_creation_date         ,
678                                           x_invoice_desc                             =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_desc                  ,
679                                           x_transaction_type                         =>    l_cur_invheader.transaction_type              ,
680                                           x_currency_cd                              =>    l_cur_invheader.currency_cd                   ,
681                                           x_status                                   =>    l_cur_invheader.status                        ,
682                                           x_attribute_category                       =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute_category            ,
683                                           x_attribute1                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute1                    ,
684                                           x_attribute2                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute2                    ,
685                                           x_attribute3                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute3                    ,
686                                           x_attribute4                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute4                    ,
687                                           x_attribute5                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute5                    ,
688                                           x_attribute6                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute6                    ,
689                                           x_attribute7                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute7                    ,
690                                           x_attribute8                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute8                    ,
691                                           x_attribute9                               =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute9                    ,
692                                           x_attribute10                              =>    l_cur_invheader.attribute10                   ,
693                                           x_invoice_amount                           =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_amount                ,
694                                           x_bill_id                                  =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_id                       ,
695                                           x_bill_number                              =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_number                   ,
696                                           x_bill_date                                =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_date                     ,
697                                           x_waiver_flag                              =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_flag                   ,
698                                           x_waiver_reason                            =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_reason                 ,
699                                           x_effective_date                           =>    l_cur_invheader.effective_date                ,
700                                           x_invoice_number                           =>    l_cur_invheader.invoice_number                ,
701                                           x_exchange_rate                            =>    l_cur_invheader.exchange_rate                 ,
702                                           x_bill_payment_due_date                    =>    l_cur_invheader.bill_payment_due_date         ,
703                                           x_optional_fee_flag                        =>    'D'                                           ,
704                                           x_mode                                     =>    'R',
705                                           x_reversal_gl_date                         =>    TRUNC(SYSDATE),
706                                           x_tax_year_code                            =>    l_cur_invheader.tax_year_code,
707                                           x_waiver_name                              =>    l_cur_invheader.waiver_name
708                                        );
709     END IF;
713        p_return_status := 'E';
714        RETURN;
716 END finp_decline_Optional_fee;
718 PROCEDURE finp_set_optional_fee_flag(
719 p_person_id IN VARCHAR2,
720 p_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
721 p_message_count OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
722 p_message_data  OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
723 ) AS
724 /*************************************************************
725   Created By :knaraset
726   Date Created By : 02-OCT-2001
727   Purpose : This Procedure Updates All Invoice records which are not Declined
728             for the given Student and SubAccountID with optional_fee_flag => 'A'(Accepted)
729   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
730   Change History
731   Who             When            What
732   pmarada        26-May-2005    Enh#3020586- added tax year code column as per 1098-t reporting build
733   vvutukur        04-Dec-2003   Bug#3249288.Modified cursor cur_opt_fees to select invoice records having
734                                 optional fee flag as 'O' without need to look at the value of optional_payment_ind
735 				at fee type set up level.
736   pathipat        04-Jun-2003   Enh 2831584 - SS Enhancements Build
737                                 Modified cursor cur_opt_fees - included join with igs_fi_invln_int_all
738   vvutukur        25-Nov-2002   Enh#2584986.Passed NULL to the newly added parameter x_reversal_gl_date in the call to
739                                 igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
740   vvutukur        16-Sep-2002   Enh#2564643.Removed the references to subaccount_id.ie., from
741                                 parameters list p_subaccount_id,from cursor cur_opt_fees and from the
742                                 call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.9/16/02
743                                   removal build.
744   masehgal        17-Jan-2002     ENH # 2170429
745                                   Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
746   ***************************************************************/
748 -- Cursor to fetch all the Optional fees which are not Declined
749   CURSOR cur_opt_fees IS
750     SELECT inv.invoice_id
751     FROM   igs_fi_inv_int_all inv ,
752            igs_fi_invln_int_all invln
753     WHERE  invln.invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
754     AND    NVL(invln.error_account,'N') = 'N'
755     AND    inv.person_id = p_person_id
756     AND    inv.optional_fee_flag ='O';
758 -- cursor reads from the charges tables
759    CURSOR  cur_inv_int(p_invoice_id NUMBER) IS
760      SELECT  *
761      FROM  igs_fi_inv_int
762      WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
763 l_cur_inv_int cur_inv_int%ROWTYPE;
765   FOR l_cur_opt_fees IN cur_opt_fees LOOP
766      OPEN cur_inv_int(l_cur_opt_fees.invoice_id);
767          FETCH cur_inv_int INTO l_cur_inv_int ;
769 --Change History
770 --Who             When             What
771 --skharida     26-Jun-2006    Bug# 5208136 - Removed the obsoleted columns from the table IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL
772 --vvutukur     16-Sep-2002    Enh#2564643.As part of subaccount removal build, removed parameter
773 --                            x_subaccount_id from the following call to igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row.
774 --jbegum       20 feb 02      Enh bug # 2228910
775 --                            Removed the source_transaction_id column from igs_fi_inv_int_pkg.update_row
776 --masehgal        17-Jan-2002      ENH # 2170429
777 --                                 Obsoletion of SPONSOR_CD from UPDATE_ROW Call to IGS_FI_INV_INT Tablehandler
779           Igs_Fi_Inv_Int_Pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.row_id                        ,
780                                           x_invoice_id                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_id                    ,
781                                           x_person_id                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.person_id                     ,
782                                           x_fee_type                                 =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_type                      ,
783                                           x_fee_cat                                  =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_cat                       ,
784                                           x_fee_cal_type                             =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_cal_type                  ,
785                                           x_fee_ci_sequence_number                   =>    l_cur_inv_int.fee_ci_sequence_number        ,
786                                           x_course_cd                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.course_cd                     ,
787                                           x_attendance_mode                          =>    l_cur_inv_int.attendance_mode               ,
788                                           x_attendance_type                          =>    l_cur_inv_int.attendance_type               ,
789                                           x_invoice_amount_due                       =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_amount_due            ,
790                                           x_invoice_creation_date                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_creation_date         ,
791                                           x_invoice_desc                             =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_desc                  ,
792                                           x_transaction_type                         =>    l_cur_inv_int.transaction_type              ,
793                                           x_currency_cd                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.currency_cd                   ,
794                                           x_status                                   =>    l_cur_inv_int.status                        ,
795                                           x_attribute_category                       =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute_category            ,
796                                           x_attribute1                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute1                    ,
797                                           x_attribute2                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute2                    ,
798                                           x_attribute3                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute3                    ,
799                                           x_attribute4                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute4                    ,
800                                           x_attribute5                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute5                    ,
801                                           x_attribute6                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute6                    ,
802                                           x_attribute7                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute7                    ,
803                                           x_attribute8                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute8                    ,
804                                           x_attribute9                               =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute9                    ,
805                                           x_attribute10                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.attribute10                   ,
806                                           x_invoice_amount                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_amount                ,
807                                           x_bill_id                                  =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_id                       ,
808                                           x_bill_number                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_number                   ,
809                                           x_bill_date                                =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_date                     ,
810                                           x_waiver_flag                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_flag                   ,
811                                           x_waiver_reason                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_reason                 ,
812                                           x_effective_date                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.effective_date                ,
813                                           x_invoice_number                           =>    l_cur_inv_int.invoice_number                ,
814                                           x_exchange_rate                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.exchange_rate                 ,
815                                           x_bill_payment_due_date                    =>    l_cur_inv_int.bill_payment_due_date         ,
816                                           x_optional_fee_flag                        =>    'A'                                         ,
817                                           x_mode                                     =>    'R',
818                                           x_reversal_gl_date                         =>    l_cur_inv_int.reversal_gl_date,
819                                           x_tax_year_code                            =>    l_cur_inv_int.tax_year_code,
820                                           x_waiver_name                              =>    l_cur_inv_int.waiver_name
821                                        );
822      CLOSE cur_inv_int;
823   END LOOP; -- l_cur_opt_fees
827        p_return_status := 'E';
828        RETURN;
830 END finp_set_optional_fee_flag;
833 PROCEDURE  finp_calc_fees_todo
834            (
835              p_person_id     IN  igs_pe_std_todo_ref.person_id%TYPE,
836              p_init_msg_list IN  VARCHAR2,
837              p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
838              p_message_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
839              p_message_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
840            ) IS
841   ------------------------------------------------------------------
842   --Created by  : Sanil Madathil, Oracle IDC
843   --Date created: 22 Mar 2002
844   --
845   --Purpose:
846   -- Invoked     : From  Student Acoount History and Payment Page.
847   -- Function    : Procedure checks for any pending todo records of type fee_recalc.
848   --               If any entry is found, process calls the fee assessment routine for the FCI
849   -- Parameters  : p_person_id : IN parameter. Required. Identifies the person for which ToDo Enteries
850   --               needs to be checked from IGS_PE_STD_TODO_REF table.
851   --
852   --               p_return_status : OUT parmeter.
853   --
854   --               p_message_count : OUT parameter
855   --
856   --               p_message_data  : OUT parameter
857   --
858   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
859   --
860   --Change History:
861   --Who         When            What
862   --gurprsin   6-Dec-2005      Bug 4735807, Modified the finp_calc_fees_todo method, Added a condition to skip the addition of message onto the stack as it is already added in
863   --                           finp_ins_enr_fee_ass method for the case ' if no fee category is attached to the SPA.'. Otherwise a null message
864   --                           will be added and shown on the SS page.
865   --schodava   21-Jan-2004     Bug # 3062706 - Removed the initialization of the variable l_d_creation_dt
866   --                           within the loop across the records in the IGS_PE_STD_TODO_REF table.
867   --shtatiko   15-DEC_2003     Bug# 3230754, Replaced AND with OR when checking for uniqueness of FTCI.
868   --pathipat   06-Nov-2003     Enh 3117341 - Audit and Special Fees TD
869   --                           Added logic for processing Special Fees after Fee Assessment
870   --smadathi   28-MAY-2003     Bug 2849142. Modified the exceptional handling. Used p_message_data to return message_name
871   --                           instead.
872   --knaraset   12-May-2003    Modified cursor c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref to select uoo_id
873   --                          also added uoo_id in TBH call to todo_ref, as part of MUS build bug 2829262
874   --vchappid   14-Mar-2003    Bug#2849142, Only one error message has to be shown to the user when any error occurs.
875   --smadathi   13-nov-2002    Added p_d_gl_date parameter to the call igs_fi_prc_fee_ass.finp_ins_enr_fee_ass
876   --vvutukur   17-Sep-2002    Enh#2564643.Removed DEFAULT clause from parameter list to avoid
877   --                          gscc warning in order to comply with 9i standards.
878   ------------------------------------------------------------------
879   l_c_rpt_ld_cal_type             igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type%TYPE;
880   l_n_rpt_ld_ci_sequence_number   igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number%TYPE;
881   l_c_fee_cal_type                igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE;
882   l_n_fee_ci_sequence_number      igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE;
883   l_c_message_name                fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE DEFAULT NULL;
884   l_c_message                     VARCHAR2(32767) DEFAULT NULL;
885   l_d_creation_dt                 DATE;
886   cst_fee_recalc                  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'FEE_RECALC';
888   l_c_msg VARCHAR2(2000);
889   l_c_appln VARCHAR2(10);
891   -- Cursor to fetch all the open todo records from the igs_pe_std_todo_ref table for the person that are
892   -- of type 'FEE_RECALC'
894   CURSOR   c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref( cp_n_person_id igs_pe_std_todo_ref.person_id%TYPE) IS
895   SELECT   person_id           ,  s_student_todo_type    , sequence_number    ,
896            reference_number    ,  cal_type               , ci_sequence_number ,
897            course_cd           ,  unit_cd                , other_reference    ,
898            logical_delete_dt   ,  Created_by             , creation_date      ,
899            last_updated_by     ,  last_update_date       , last_update_login  ,
900            request_id          ,  program_application_id , program_id         ,
901            program_update_date ,  rowid,uoo_id
902   FROM     igs_pe_std_todo_ref
903   WHERE    person_id            = cp_n_person_id
904   AND      s_student_todo_type  = cst_fee_recalc
905   AND      logical_delete_dt  IS NULL
906   ORDER BY cal_type , ci_sequence_number;
907   -- cursor % rowtype variable
908   rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref%ROWTYPE;
909   -- user defined exception
910   e_resource_busy  EXCEPTION;
911   --associating the oracle error number and user defined exception using compiler directive
912   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_resource_busy,-00054);
914   l_b_fees_assessed     BOOLEAN := TRUE;
915   l_b_recs_found        BOOLEAN := FALSE;
916   l_v_ret_status        VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
917   l_n_waiver_amount     NUMBER;
919   BEGIN
921     --Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE.
922     IF FND_API.TO_BOOLEAN(p_init_msg_list) THEN
924     END IF;
925     -- Initialize return status to success
926     p_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
928     -- Initialize repeat counter for load calendar type and load sequence number
929     l_c_rpt_ld_cal_type             :=  ' ';
930     l_n_rpt_ld_ci_sequence_number   :=  0;
932     --Validating if the mandatory parameter person_id is passed to the process
933     IF (p_person_id IS NULL) THEN
935       FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
937     END IF;
939     -- validate the person id passed to the procedure
940     IF (igs_fi_gen_007.validate_person(p_person_id) = 'N' ) THEN
942       FND_MSG_PUB.ADD;
944     END IF;
946     l_b_fees_assessed := TRUE;
947     FOR rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref  IN c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref (cp_n_person_id => p_person_id) LOOP
949       -- compare the fetched LCI with the last processed LCI
950       IF ((l_c_rpt_ld_cal_type <> rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type ) OR
951           (l_n_rpt_ld_ci_sequence_number <> rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number))
952       THEN
953         l_c_message_name  := NULL;
954         -- call to function which converts the LCI to FCI
955         IF igs_fi_gen_001.finp_get_lfci_reln
956            (
957             p_cal_type                   =>   rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type  ,
958             p_ci_sequence_number         =>   rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number ,
959             p_cal_category               =>   'LOAD',
960             p_ret_cal_type               =>   l_c_fee_cal_type,
961             p_ret_ci_sequence_number     =>   l_n_fee_ci_sequence_number,
962             p_message_name               =>   l_c_message_name
963            ) = FALSE  THEN
964           IF l_c_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
965             fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_c_message_name);
966             fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
967           END IF;
968           -- Set Flag denoting that Fee Assessment failed
969           -- Exception is raised after Special Fee processing happens
970           l_b_fees_assessed := FALSE;
971         ELSE
972           -- Removed commit from this place as COMMIT has to happen once for all Load Calendars.
973           -- COMMIT after the for loop will do that.
974           l_c_message_name := NULL;
975           BEGIN
976             -- calls the fee calc routine
977             -- This routine will commit internally as we are calling with Test Run parameter as N.
978             IF igs_fi_prc_fee_ass.finp_ins_enr_fee_ass
979                (
980                  p_effective_dt           =>    SYSDATE,
981                  p_person_id              =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.person_id,
982                  p_course_cd              =>    NULL,
983                  p_fee_category           =>    NULL,
984                  p_fee_cal_type           =>    l_c_fee_cal_type,
985                  p_fee_ci_sequence_num    =>    l_n_fee_ci_sequence_number,
986                  p_fee_type               =>    NULL,
987                  p_trace_on               =>    'N',
988                  p_test_run               =>    'N',
989                  p_creation_dt            =>    l_d_creation_dt,
990                  p_message_name           =>    l_c_message_name,
991                  p_d_gl_date              =>    TRUNC(SYSDATE),
992                  p_v_wav_calc_flag        =>    'N',
993                  p_n_waiver_amount        =>    l_n_waiver_amount
994                ) = FALSE THEN
995               IF l_c_message_name IS NOT NULL THEN
996                 --Bug 4735807, Added thiscondition to skip the addition of message onto the stack as it is already added in
997                 --finp_ins_enr_fee_ass method for the case ' if no fee category is attached to the SPA.'. Otherwise a null message
998                 --will be added and shown on the SS page.
999                 IF l_c_message_name <> 'IGS_FI_NO_SPA_FEE_CAT' THEN
1000                   fnd_message.set_name('IGS', l_c_message_name);
1001                   IF l_c_message_name = 'IGS_FI_NO_CENSUS_DT_SETUP' THEN
1002                     fnd_message.set_token('ALT_CD', igs_fi_prc_fee_ass.g_v_load_alt_code);
1003                   END IF;
1004                   fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1005                 END IF;
1006               END IF;
1007               -- Exception is raised after Special Fee processing happens
1008               l_b_fees_assessed := FALSE;
1009             END IF; -- fee calc routine check condition ends here
1010           EXCEPTION
1011             WHEN OTHERS THEN
1012               -- Even if Fee Assessment raises exception, Special Fees processing
1013               -- has to happen. So set flag to False and continue
1014               -- Exception is raised after Special Fee processing happens
1015               l_b_fees_assessed := FALSE;
1016           END ;
1017         END IF; -- condition check for LCI to FCI ends here
1019         -- assign the fetched values to repeat values
1020         l_c_rpt_ld_cal_type             :=  rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type;
1021         l_n_rpt_ld_ci_sequence_number   :=  rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number;
1022       END IF;  -- check condition for comparing the fetched LCI with the last processed LCI
1024       -- update the logical delete date so that this record would no longer be an open todo
1025       -- Update the TODO record only if Fee Assessment was successful.
1026       IF l_b_fees_assessed THEN
1027         igs_pe_std_todo_ref_pkg.update_row ( x_rowid                  =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.rowid,
1028                                              x_person_id              =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.person_id,
1029                                              x_s_student_todo_type    =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.s_student_todo_type,
1030                                              x_sequence_number        =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.sequence_number,
1031                                              x_reference_number       =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.reference_number,
1032                                              x_cal_type               =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.cal_type,
1033                                              x_ci_sequence_number     =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.ci_sequence_number,
1034                                              x_course_cd              =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.course_cd,
1035                                              x_unit_cd                =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.unit_cd,
1036                                              x_other_reference        =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.other_reference,
1037                                              x_logical_delete_dt      =>    SYSDATE,
1038                                              x_mode                   =>    'R',
1039                                              x_uoo_id                 =>    rec_c_igs_pe_std_todo_ref.uoo_id);
1040       ELSE
1041         -- i.e., l_b_fees_assessed == FALSE which means there is an error in deriving the Fee/Load period relation OR in fee assessment.
1042         -- So, Stop processing TODO REF records and exit out of loop
1043         EXIT;
1044       END IF;
1046     END LOOP;
1048     -- Commit if Fees is assessed.
1049     IF l_b_fees_assessed THEN
1050       COMMIT WORK;
1051     END IF;
1053     -- Call Special Fees routine to assess Special Fees
1054     -- This has to be called irrespective of whether Fee Assessment is successful or not.
1055     igs_fi_prc_sp_fees.process_special_fees(p_n_person_id          => p_person_id,
1056                                             p_v_fee_cal_type       => NULL,
1057                                             p_n_fee_ci_seq_number  => NULL,
1058                                             p_v_load_cal_type      => NULL,
1059                                             p_n_load_ci_seq_number => NULL,
1060                                             p_d_gl_date            => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
1061                                             p_v_test_run           => 'N',
1062                                             p_b_log_messages       => FALSE,
1063                                             p_b_recs_found         => l_b_recs_found,
1064                                             p_v_return_status      => l_v_ret_status);
1065     -- If Fee Assessment completed successfully, only then log any error messages of
1066     -- Special Fees Assessment, else SS pages would show only the Fee Assessment error
1067     IF l_b_fees_assessed THEN
1068       IF l_v_ret_status <> 'S' THEN
1069         -- Add Special Fee error message to the stack
1070         fnd_message.set_name('IGS','IGS_FI_SS_SP_NOT_ASSESSED');
1071         fnd_msg_pub.add;
1072         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1073       END IF;
1074     ELSE
1075       -- Raise error since Fee Assessment errored out
1076       -- Error messages have already been added to the stack
1077       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1078     END IF;
1080     fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count      => p_message_count,
1081                               p_data       => p_message_data
1082                              );
1085     WHEN e_resource_busy THEN
1086       p_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1087       p_message_count := 1;
1088       p_message_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => 1, p_encoded => 'F');
1091       ROLLBACK ;
1092       p_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1094       -- assign message data to this out parameter
1095       -- count should be initialized to 1 such that only one message is shown in the SS page
1096       -- after setting the message data OUT variable, initialize the message stack.
1098       p_message_count := 1;
1099       p_message_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => 1, p_encoded => 'F');
1102       ROLLBACK ;
1103       p_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
1104       p_message_count := 1;
1105       p_message_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => 1, p_encoded => 'F');
1108       ROLLBACK ;
1109       p_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
1110       p_message_count := 1;
1111       p_message_data := fnd_message.get_string('IGS', 'IGS_FI_SS_SP_NOT_ASSESSED');
1113   END finp_calc_fees_todo;
1115 FUNCTION get_msg_text(
1116              p_v_message_name  IN  fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE
1117              ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
1118   ------------------------------------------------------------------
1119   --Created by  : Sanil Madathil, Oracle IDC
1120   --Date created: 30 May 2003
1121   --
1122   --Purpose:
1123   -- Invoked     : From  Student Homepage VO
1124   -- Function    : Returns message text for the input message passed as parameter to it.
1125   -- Parameters  :
1126   --               p_v_message_name : IN parmeter.
1127   --
1128   --Known limitations/enhancements and/or remarks:
1129   --
1130   --Change History:
1131   --Who         When            What
1132   --gurprsin    13-Sep-2005     Bug 3765876, Modified the Cursor c_get_msg_text select statement to add userenv. language condition with application id
1133   ------------------------------------------------------------------
1135   CURSOR c_get_msg_text(cp_v_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE) IS
1136   SELECT message_text
1137   FROM   fnd_new_messages
1138   WHERE  message_name = cp_v_message_name
1139   AND    application_id = 8405
1140   AND    language_code = USERENV('LANG');
1142   rec_c_get_msg_text c_get_msg_text%ROWTYPE;
1144   BEGIN
1146     IF p_v_message_name IS NULL THEN
1147       RETURN NULL;
1148     END IF;
1150     OPEN  c_get_msg_text(cp_v_message_name => p_v_message_name);
1151     FETCH c_get_msg_text INTO rec_c_get_msg_text;
1152     CLOSE c_get_msg_text;
1154     RETURN rec_c_get_msg_text.message_text;
1156   END get_msg_text;
1158 END igs_fi_ss_acct_payment;