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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

    It selects the sum of all assignment budget values for all assignments
    active on the effective_start_date and for all assignments active on the
    effective_end_date. These values are returned as the start and end value.
    The original value from the form is subtracted from the end value to give a
    return value for the variance, and this is multiplied by 100 to give
    the percentage variance.
    sasmith    31-MAR-98 110.1 - Change of table from per_assignment_budget_values to
                                per_assignment_budget_values_f as this table is now datetracked.
                                Also added the effective start/end dates when these tables are
                                being referenced. Required to restrict the rows to pick up the
                                correct actual values. Code has changed to use cursors.
    rfine      23-NOV-94 70.8 - Suppressed index on business_group_id
    rfine      25-OCT-94 70.7 -	Fixed bug G1450. The counts of active
				assignments were not excluding those with a
				status of Terminated Assignment, resulting in
				counts which included some leavers.
    mwcallag   01-MAR-1994 - p_variance_percent set to zero if both
                             p_actual_val and l_variance_amount are zero.
    mwcallag   11-MAY-1993 - p_variance_percent changed to varchar2 to handle
                             percentage values that are too large
    mwcallag   07-MAY-1993 - created
procedure get_actuals
    p_unit              in  varchar2,
    p_bus_group_id      in  number,
    p_organisation_id   in  number,
    p_job_id            in  number,
    p_position_id       in  number,
    p_grade_id          in  number,
    p_start_date        in  date,
    p_end_date          in  date,
    p_actual_val        in  number,
    p_actual_start_val  out number,
    p_actual_end_val    out number,
    p_variance_amount   out number,
    p_variance_percent  out varchar2
) is
l_actual_end_val     number;
Line: 83

     FROM   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv,
               per_assignment_status_types ast,
               per_all_assignments_f        asg
        WHERE  asg.business_group_id + 0      = p_bus_group_id
        AND    asg.assignment_id          =  abv.assignment_id
        AND    abv.unit                   = p_unit
        AND    asg.assignment_type        = 'E'
        AND    (p_start_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date)
        AND    (p_start_date BETWEEN abv.effective_start_date AND abv.effective_end_date)
        AND    NVL(p_organisation_id,  NVL(asg.organization_id,  -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.organization_id,  -999)
        AND    NVL(p_job_id,           NVL(asg.job_id,           -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.job_id,           -999)
        AND    NVL(p_position_id,      NVL(asg.position_id,      -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.position_id,      -999)
        AND    NVL(p_grade_id,         NVL(asg.grade_id,         -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.grade_id,         -999)
	-- G1450. New code to join to the per_system_status and ensure it isn't
	-- TERM_ASSIGN i.e. that we don't pick up terminated assignments
	-- RMF v70.7 25.10.94.

	AND    asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
	AND    ast.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN' ;
Line: 124

     FROM   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv,
               per_assignment_status_types ast,
               per_all_assignments_f        asg
        WHERE  asg.business_group_id + 0      = p_bus_group_id
        AND    asg.assignment_id          =  abv.assignment_id
        AND    abv.unit                   = p_unit
        AND    asg.assignment_type        = 'E'
        AND    (p_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date)
        AND    (p_end_date BETWEEN abv.effective_start_date AND abv.effective_end_date)
        AND    NVL(p_organisation_id,  NVL(asg.organization_id,  -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.organization_id,  -999)
        AND    NVL(p_job_id,           NVL(asg.job_id,           -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.job_id,           -999)
        AND    NVL(p_position_id,      NVL(asg.position_id,      -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.position_id,      -999)
        AND    NVL(p_grade_id,         NVL(asg.grade_id,         -999)) =
                                       NVL(asg.grade_id,         -999)
	-- G1450. New code to join to the per_system_status and ensure it isn't
	-- TERM_ASSIGN i.e. that we don't pick up terminated assignments
	-- RMF v70.7 25.10.94.

	AND    asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
	AND    ast.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN' ;
Line: 166

      FROM   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv,
             per_assignment_status_types ast,
             per_all_assignments_f        asg
      WHERE  asg.business_group_id + 0      = p_bus_group_id
      AND    asg.assignment_id          = abv.assignment_id
      AND    abv.unit                   = p_unit
      AND    asg.assignment_type        = 'E'
      AND    (p_start_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date)
      AND    (p_start_date BETWEEN abv.effective_start_date AND abv.effective_end_date)

      AND    p_organisation_id = asg.organization_id
      AND    NVL(p_job_id,       NVL(asg.job_id,        -999)) =
                                 NVL(asg.job_id,        -999)
      AND    NVL(p_position_id,  NVL(asg.position_id,   -999)) =
                                 NVL(asg.position_id,   -999)
      AND    NVL(p_grade_id,     NVL(asg.grade_id,      -999)) =
                                  NVL(asg.grade_id,      -999)
        -- G1450. New code to join to the per_system_status and ensure it isn't
        -- TERM_ASSIGN i.e. that we don't pick up terminated assignments
        -- RMF v70.7 25.10.94.
     AND    asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
     AND    ast.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN' ;
Line: 206

    FROM   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv,
           per_assignment_status_types ast,
           per_all_assignments_f        asg
    WHERE  asg.business_group_id + 0      = p_bus_group_id
    AND    asg.assignment_id          = abv.assignment_id
    AND    abv.unit                   = p_unit
    AND    asg.assignment_type        = 'E'
    AND    (p_end_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date)
    AND    (p_end_date BETWEEN abv.effective_start_date AND abv.effective_end_date)

    AND    p_organisation_id = asg.organization_id
    AND    NVL(p_job_id,       NVL(asg.job_id,        -999)) =
                               NVL(asg.job_id,        -999)
    AND    NVL(p_position_id,  NVL(asg.position_id,   -999)) =
                               NVL(asg.position_id,   -999)
    AND    NVL(p_grade_id,     NVL(asg.grade_id,      -999)) =
                                NVL(asg.grade_id,      -999)
        -- G1450. New code to join to the per_system_status and ensure it isn't
        -- TERM_ASSIGN i.e. that we don't pick up terminated assignments
        -- RMF v70.7 25.10.94.
    AND    asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
    AND    ast.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN' ;