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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 75

        UPDATE ak_web_user_sec_attr_values
        SET number_value = p_new_vendor_site_id
        WHERE attribute_code = 'ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID'
        AND attribute_application_id = 177
        AND number_value = p_old_vendor_site_id;
Line: 83

        UPDATE ak_web_user_sec_attr_values
        SET number_value = p_new_vendor_id
        WHERE attribute_code = 'ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID'
        AND attribute_application_id = 177
        AND number_value = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 89

	UPDATE fnd_registration_details
	  SET field_value_string = (SELECT vendor_name FROM po_vendors WHERE vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id)
	  WHERE field_name = 'Supplier Name'
	  AND registration_id IN
	  (SELECT DISTINCT registration_id
	   FROM fnd_registration_details WHERE field_name = 'Supplier Number'
	   AND field_value_number = p_old_vendor_id
Line: 98

	UPDATE fnd_registration_details
	  SET field_value_number = p_new_vendor_id
	  WHERE field_name = 'Supplier Number'
	  AND registration_id IN
	  (SELECT DISTINCT registration_id
	   FROM fnd_registration_details WHERE field_name = 'Supplier Number'
	   AND field_value_number = p_old_vendor_id
Line: 119

        UPDATE pos_acct_addr_rel
        SET vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id,
            last_update_date = SYSDATE,
            last_updated_by  = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
            last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
        WHERE vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 127

        UPDATE pos_supplier_mappings
        SET vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id,
            last_update_date = SYSDATE,
            last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
            last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
        WHERE vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 134

        UPDATE pos_supplier_registrations
        SET po_vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id,
            last_update_date = SYSDATE,
            last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
            last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
        WHERE po_vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 141

        UPDATE pos_sup_bank_account_requests
        SET vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id,
            last_update_date = SYSDATE,
            last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
            last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
        WHERE vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 151

	 -- delete classifications of the merged-from vendor that
	 -- the merged-to vendor also has

          DELETE pos_sup_products_services t1
           WHERE vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id
             AND exists
	     (SELECT 1 FROM pos_sup_products_services t2
	      WHERE (t1.segment1  = t2.segment1  OR t1.segment1  IS NULL AND t2.segment1  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment2  = t2.segment2  OR t1.segment2  IS NULL AND t2.segment2  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment3  = t2.segment3  OR t1.segment3  IS NULL AND t2.segment3  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment4  = t2.segment4  OR t1.segment4  IS NULL AND t2.segment4  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment5  = t2.segment5  OR t1.segment5  IS NULL AND t2.segment5  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment6  = t2.segment6  OR t1.segment6  IS NULL AND t2.segment6  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment7  = t2.segment7  OR t1.segment7  IS NULL AND t2.segment7  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment8  = t2.segment8  OR t1.segment8  IS NULL AND t2.segment8  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment9  = t2.segment9  OR t1.segment9  IS NULL AND t2.segment9  IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment10 = t2.segment10 OR t1.segment10 IS NULL AND t2.segment10 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment11 = t2.segment11 OR t1.segment11 IS NULL AND t2.segment11 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment12 = t2.segment12 OR t1.segment12 IS NULL AND t2.segment12 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment13 = t2.segment13 OR t1.segment13 IS NULL AND t2.segment13 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment14 = t2.segment14 OR t1.segment14 IS NULL AND t2.segment14 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment15 = t2.segment15 OR t1.segment15 IS NULL AND t2.segment15 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment16 = t2.segment16 OR t1.segment16 IS NULL AND t2.segment16 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment17 = t2.segment17 OR t1.segment17 IS NULL AND t2.segment17 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment18 = t2.segment18 OR t1.segment18 IS NULL AND t2.segment18 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment19 = t2.segment19 OR t1.segment19 IS NULL AND t2.segment19 IS NULL)
	        AND (t1.segment20 = t2.segment20 OR t1.segment20 IS NULL AND t2.segment20 IS NULL)
                AND t2.vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id);
Line: 181

	  UPDATE pos_sup_products_services
	    SET vendor_id = p_new_vendor_id,
	    last_update_date = SYSDATE,
	    last_updated_by = FND_GLOBAL.user_id,
	    last_update_login = FND_GLOBAL.login_id
	    WHERE vendor_id = p_old_vendor_id;
Line: 245

      SELECT count(*)
      INTO l_num_active_sites
      FROM po_vendor_sites_all
      WHERE vendor_id = p_dup_vendor_id
	    AND vendor_site_id <> p_dup_vendor_site_id
	    AND nvl(inactive_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate;