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1 PACKAGE dbms_plugts IS
3   TS_EXP_BEGIN  CONSTANT binary_integer := 1;
4   TS_EXP_END    CONSTANT binary_integer := 2;
6   --
7   -- Tables to hold list of users and tablespaces.
8   --
9   v_tts_usr$    tts_info_tab := tts_info_tab();
10   v_tts_tbs$    tts_info_tab := tts_info_tab();
12   /**********************************************
13   **   Routines called directly by EXPORT      **
14   **********************************************/
16   --++
17   -- Definition:  This procedure constructs the beginImport call in an
18   --              anonymous PL/SQL block.
19   --
20   -- Inputs:      None
21   --
22   -- Outputs:     None
23   --++
24   PROCEDURE beginExport;
26   --++
27   -- Definition:  This procedure verifies tablespaces are read-only during
28   --              export. It is called for each tablespace specified
29   --
30   -- Inputs:      tsname = tablespace name to verify
31   --
32   -- Outputs:     None
33   --
34   -- Possible Exceptions:
35   --              ts_not_found
36   --              ts_not_read_only
37   --++
38   PROCEDURE beginExpTablespace (
39         tsname  IN varchar2);
41   --++
42   -- Definition:  This procedure verifies objects are self-contained in the
43   --              tablespaces specified.
44   --
45   -- Inputs:      incl_constraints = 1 if include constraints, 0 otherwise
46   --              incl_triggers    = 1 if include triggers, 0 otherwise
47   --              incl_grants      = 1 if include grants, 0 otherwise
48   --              full_closure     = TRUE if both IN and OUT pointers are
49   --                                 considered violations
50   --                                 (should be TRUE for TSPITR)
51   --              do_check         = 1 if check should be done, 0 if not done
52   --              job_type         = DATABASE_EXPORT IF FULL TTS
53   --              encryption_password = true if encryption password supplied
54   --                                    on command line.
55   --
56   -- Outputs:     None
57   --
58   -- Possible Exceptions:
59   --              ORA-29341 (not_self_contained)
60   --++
61   PROCEDURE checkPluggable (
62         incl_constraints        IN number,
63         incl_triggers           IN number,
64         incl_grants             IN number,
65         full_check              IN number,
66         do_check                IN number DEFAULT 1,
67         job_type                IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
68         encryption_password     IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
70   --++
71   -- Definition:  This function returns the next line of a block that has been
72   --              previously selected for retrieval via selectBlock.
73   --
74   -- Inputs:      None
75   --
76   -- Outputs:     None
77   --
78   -- Returns:     A string to be appended to the export file.
79   --++
80   FUNCTION getLine
81     RETURN varchar2;
83   --++
84   -- Definition:  This procedures selects a particular PL/SQL anonymous block
85   --              for retrieval.
86   --
87   -- Inputs:      blockID = the ID to pick a PL/SQL anonymous block
88   --                        dbms_plugts.TS_EXP_BEGIN at the beginning of export
89   --                        dbms_plugts.TS_EXP_END at the end of export
90   -- Outputs:     None
91   --++
92   PROCEDURE selectBlock (
93         blockID         IN binary_integer);
95   /**********************************************
96   **   Routines called directly by IMPORT      **
97   **********************************************/
99   --++
100   -- Definition:  The procedure informs the dbms_Plugts package about the
101   --              location of the new datafiles. If the file can not be found,
102   --              an error will be signaled, possible at a later point.
103   --
104   -- Inputs:      filename = file name (including path)
105   --
106   -- Outputs:     None
107   --++
108   PROCEDURE newDatafile (
109         filename        IN varchar2);
111   --++
113   --
114   -- Description:  Tell the plugts code which mode Data Pump is running in.
115   --
116   -- Notes:        - Called directly by import.
117   --
118   -- Inputs:       job_mode - (full, schema, table, etc.)
119   --
120   -- Outputs       None
121   --++
123       job_mode IN varchar2);
125   --++
126   -- Definition:  This procedure informs the dbms_plugts package about
127   --              tablespace name to be included in the job.
128   --
129   -- Inputs:      tsname - Tablespace name
130   --
131   -- Outputs:     None
132   --++
133   PROCEDURE newTablespace (
134         tsname          IN varchar2);
136   --++
137   -- Definition:   This procedure adds a user to the import job.
138   --
139   -- Inputs:       usrname - user name
140   --
141   -- Outputs:      None
142   --++
143   PROCEDURE pluggableUser (
144         usrname         IN varchar2);
146   --++
147   -- Definition:  This procedure informs the plugts package about remap_user
148   --              information.
149   --
150   -- Inputs:      from_user - a user in FROM_USER list
151   --              to_user   - the corresponding user in TO_USER list
152   --
153   -- Outputs:     None
154   --++
155   PROCEDURE mapUser (
156         from_user       IN varchar2,
157         to_user         IN varchar2);
159   --++
160   -- Definition:  This procedure informs the plugts package about
161   --              REMAP_TABLESPACE information.
162   --
163   -- Inputs:      from_ts - a tablespace name to be remapped
164   --              to_ts   - the new corresponding tablespace to be created
165   --
166   -- Outputs:     None
167   --++
168   PROCEDURE mapTs (
169         from_ts         IN varchar2,
170         to_ts           IN varchar2);
172   /*******************************************************************
173   **  Routines called automatically via the PL/SQL anonymous block  **
174   *******************************************************************/
175   --++
176   -- Definition:  This procedure informs the plugts package about the target
177   --              tablespaces and it's owner. It checks to make sure the
178   --              tablespace name does not conflict with any existing
179   --              tablespaces already in the database. It verifies the block
180   --              size is the same as that in the target database. If all this
181   --              succeeds, it begins importing metadata for the tablespace.
182   --              This procedure call appears in the export file.
183   --
184   --              The parameter list includes all columns for ts$, except those
185   --              that will be discarded (online$, undofile#, undoblock#,
186   --              ownerinstance, backupowner).  The spares are included so that
187   --              the interface does not have to be changed even when these
188   --              spares are used in the future.
189   --
190   --              Three extra parameters are added for transporting migrated
191   --              tablespaces. seg_fno, seg_bno and seg_blks represent the
192   --              dictionary information held in SEG$ for any tablespace which
193   --              was migrated from dictionary managed to locally managed. The
194   --              file# and block# give the location of bitmap space header for
195   --              the migrated tablespace and the blocks parameter represents
196   --              the size of the space header in blocks.
197   --
198   -- Inputs:      tsname          - tablespace name
199   --              tsID            - tablespace ID in original database
200   --              owner           - owner of tablespace
201   --              n_files         - number of datafiles in the tablespace
202   --              contents        - contents column of ts$ (TEMP/PERMANENT)
203   --              blkSize         - size of block in bytes
204   --              inc_num         - incarnation number of extent
205   --              clean_SCN       - tablespace clean SCN,
206   --              dflminext       - default minimum number of extents
207   --              dflmaxext       - default maximum number of extents
208   --              dflinit         - default initial extent size
209   --              dflincr         - default initial extent size
210   --              dflminlen       - default minimum extent size
211   --              dflextpct       - default percent extent size increase
212   --              dflogging       - default logging attribute
213   --              affstrength     - Affinity strength
214   --              bitmapped       - If bitmapped
215   --              dbID            - database ID
216   --              directallowed   - allowed
217   --              flags           - flags
218   --              creation_SCN    - tablespace creation SCN
219   --              groupname       - Group name
220   --              spare1          - spare1 in ts$
221   --              spare2          - spare2 in ts$
222   --              spare3          - spare3 in ts$
223   --              spare4          - spare4 in ts$
224   --              seg_fno         - file# for space_hdr in seg$
225   --              seg_bno         - block# for space_hdr in seg$
226   --              seg_blks        - blocks, size of space_hdr in seg$
227   --
228   -- Outputs:     None
229   --++
230   PROCEDURE beginImpTablespace (
231         tsname          IN varchar2,
232         tsID            IN number,
233         owner           IN varchar2,
234         n_files         IN binary_integer,
235         contents        IN binary_integer,
236         blkSize         IN binary_integer,
237         inc_num         IN binary_integer,
238         clean_SCN       IN number,
239         dflminext       IN number,
240         dflmaxext       IN number,
241         dflinit         IN number,
242         dflincr         IN number,
243         dflminlen       IN number,
244         dflextpct       IN binary_integer,
245         dflogging       IN binary_integer,
246         affstrength     IN number,
247         bitmapped       IN number,
248         dbID            IN number,
249         directallowed   IN number,
250         flags           IN number,
251         creation_SCN    IN number,
252         groupname       IN varchar2,
253         spare1          IN number,
254         spare2          IN number,
255         spare3          IN varchar2,
256         spare4          IN date,
257         seg_fno         IN number DEFAULT 0,
258         seg_bno         IN number DEFAULT 0,
259         seg_blks        IN number DEFAULT 0);
261   --++
262   -- Definition:  This procedure checks to see that the user name in the
263   --              pluggable set matches that entered by the DBA via the import
264   --              USERS command line option. Make sure that, after the user
265   --              mappings, the required user is already in the database. This
266   --              procedure call appears in the export file.
267   --
268   -- Inputs:      username - user name
269   --
270   -- Outputs:     None
271   --++
272   PROCEDURE checkUser (
273         username        IN varchar2);
275   --++
276   -- Definition:  This procedure passes the information about the pluggable set
277   --              to the PL/SQL package. Among them is the release version of
278   --              the Oracle executable that created the pluggable set, which
279   --              is used for checking compatibility.  This procedure call
280   --              appears in the export file.
281   --
282   -- Inputs:      clone_oracle_version - release version of Oracle executable
283   --                                     that created the pluggable set
284   --              charsetID            - character set ID
285   --              ncharsetID           - nchar set ID, in varchar2 format
286   --                                     (May be NULL if generated by 8.1.5)
287   --              platformID           - platform ID
288   --              platformName         - platform name
289   --              highest_data_objnum  - highest data object # in pluggable set
290   --              highest_lob_sequence - highest LOB seq # in pluggable set
291   --              n_ts                 - number of tablespace to be plugged in
292   --              has_clobs            - if tablespaces have CLOB data
293   --              has_nchars           - if tablespaces have nchar data
294   --              char_smeantics_on    - if tablespaces have char semantic data
295   --
296   -- Outputs:     None
297   --++
298   PROCEDURE beginImport (
299         clone_oracle_version    IN varchar2,
300         charsetID               IN binary_integer,
301         ncharsetID              IN varchar2,
302         srcplatformID           IN binary_integer,
303         srcplatformName         IN varchar2,
304         highest_data_objnum     IN number,
305         highest_lob_sequence    IN number,
306         n_ts                    IN number,
307         has_clobs               IN number DEFAULT 1,
308         has_nchars              IN number DEFAULT 1,
309         char_semantics_on       IN number DEFAULT 1);
311   --++
312   -- Definition:  This procedure checks and adjusts the version for each
313   --              compatibility type. This procedure is in the export file.
314   --
315   -- Inputs:      compID - compatibility type name
316   --              compRL - release level
317   --
318   -- Outputs:     None
319   --++
320   PROCEDURE checkCompType (
321         compID          IN varchar2,
322         compRL          IN varchar2);
324   --++
325   -- Definition:  This procedure calls statically linked C routines to
326   --              associate the datafile with the tablespace and validates file
327   --              headers. This procedure appears in the export file.
328   --
329   --              The parameter list includes all columns in file$, except
330   --              those that will be discarded (status$, ownerinstance).
331   --
332   -- Inputs:      name             - file name (excluding path)
333   --              databaseID       - database ID
334   --              absolute_fno     - absolute file number
335   --              curFileBlks      - size of file in blocks
336   --              tablespace_ID    - tablespace ID in original database
337   --              relative_fno     - relative file number
338   --              maxextend        - maximum file size
339   --              inc              - increment amount
340   --              creation_SCN     - file creation SCN
341   --              checkpoint_SCN   - file checkpoint SCN
342   --              reset_SCN        - file reset SCN
343   --              spare1           - spare1 in file$
344   --              spare2           - spare2 in file$
345   --              spare3           - spare3 in file$
346   --              spare4           - spare4 in file$
347   --
348   -- Outputs:     None
349   --++
350   PROCEDURE checkDatafile (
351         name            IN varchar2,
352         databaseID      IN number,
353         absolute_fno    IN binary_integer,
354         curFileBlks     IN number,
355         tablespace_ID   IN number,
356         relative_fno    IN binary_integer,
357         maxextend       IN number,
358         inc             IN number,
359         creation_SCN    IN number,
360         checkpoint_SCN  IN number,
361         reset_SCN       IN number,
362         spare1          IN number,
363         spare2          IN number,
364         spare3          IN varchar2,
365         spare4          IN date);
367   --++
368   -- Definition:  This procedure wraps up the tablespace check. This procedure
369   --              call appears in the export file.
370   --
371   -- Inputs:      None
372   --
373   -- Outputs:     None
374   --++
375   PROCEDURE endImpTablespace;
377   --++
378   -- Definition:  This procedure calls a statically linked C routine to
379   --              atomically plug-in the pluggable set. This procedure call
380   --              appears in the export file.
381   --
382   -- Inputs:      None
383   --
384   -- Outputs:     None
385   --++
386   PROCEDURE commitPluggable;
388   --++
392   --
389   -- Definition:  This procedure reclaims a segment by calling the statically
390   --              linked C routine kcp_plg_reclaim_segment.  This procedure
391   --              call appears in the export file.
393   -- Inputs:      The parameters match seg$ columns exactly. See seg$
394   --              description.
395   --
396   -- Outputs:     NOne
397   --++
398   PROCEDURE reclaimTempSegment(
399         file_no         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
400         block_no        IN BINARY_INTEGER,
401         type_no         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
402         ts_no           IN BINARY_INTEGER,
403         blocks          IN BINARY_INTEGER,
404         extents         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
405         iniexts         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
406         minexts         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
407         maxexts         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
408         extsize         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
409         extpct          IN BINARY_INTEGER,
410         user_no         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
411         lists           IN BINARY_INTEGER,
412         groups          IN BINARY_INTEGER,
413         bitmapranges    IN NUMBER,
414         cachehint       IN BINARY_INTEGER,
415         scanhint        IN BINARY_INTEGER,
416         hwmincr         IN NUMBER,
417         spare1          IN NUMBER,
418         spare2          IN BINARY_INTEGER);
420   --++
421   -- Definition:  This procedure does any final cleanup to end the import job.
422   --
423   -- Inputs:      None
424   --
425   -- Outputs:     None
426   --++
427   PROCEDURE endImport;
429   --++
430   -- Definition:  This procedure gets the db char set properties of the
431   --              tablespaces in sys.tts_tbs$
432   --
433   -- Inputs:      None
434   --
435   -- Outputs:     has_clobs       - tablespaces have clobs columns
436   --              has_nchars      - tablespaces have nchars columns
437   --              char_semantics  - has character semantics columns
438   --++
439   PROCEDURE get_db_char_properties (
440         has_clobs       OUT binary_integer,
441         has_nchars      OUT binary_integer,
442         char_semantics  OUT binary_integer);
444   --++
445   -- Definition:  This function queries the pl/sql table and pipelines it to
446   --              look like a sql table.
447   --
448   -- Inputs:      ind     - 1 indicates the tablespace table
449   --                      - 2 indicates the user table
450   --
451   -- Outputs:     None
452   --++
453   FUNCTION tab_func(ind NUMBER) RETURN sys.tts_info_tab pipelined;
455   /*******************************************************************
456   **               Possible Exceptions                              **
457   *******************************************************************/
458   ts_not_found                  EXCEPTION;
459   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_not_found, -29304);
460   ts_not_found_num              NUMBER := -29304;
462   ts_not_read_only              EXCEPTION;
463   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_not_read_only, -29335);
464   ts_not_read_only_num          NUMBER := -29335;
466   internal_error                EXCEPTION;
467   PRAGMA exception_init         (internal_error, -29336);
468   internal_error_num            NUMBER := -29336;
470   datafile_not_ready            EXCEPTION;
471   PRAGMA exception_init         (datafile_not_ready, -29338);
472   datafile_not_ready_num        NUMBER := -29338;
474   blocksize_mismatch            EXCEPTION;
475   PRAGMA exception_init         (blocksize_mismatch, -29339);
476   blocksize_mismatch_num        NUMBER := -29339;
478   exportfile_corrupted          EXCEPTION;
479   PRAGMA exception_init         (exportfile_corrupted, -29340);
480   exportfile_corrupted_num      NUMBER := -29340;
482   not_self_contained            EXCEPTION;
483   PRAGMA exception_init         (not_self_contained, -29341);
484   not_self_contained_num        NUMBER := -29341;
486   user_not_found                EXCEPTION;
487   PRAGMA exception_init         (user_not_found, -29342);
488   user_not_found_num            NUMBER := -29342;
490   mapped_user_not_found         EXCEPTION;
491   PRAGMA exception_init         (mapped_user_not_found, -29343);
492   mapped_user_not_found_num     NUMBER := -29343;
494   user_not_in_list              EXCEPTION;
495   PRAGMA exception_init         (user_not_in_list, -29344);
496   user_not_in_list_num          NUMBER := -29344;
498   different_char_set            EXCEPTION;
499   PRAGMA exception_init         (different_char_set, -29345);
500   different_char_set_num        NUMBER := -29345;
502   invalid_ts_list               EXCEPTION;
503   PRAGMA exception_init         (invalid_ts_list, -29346);
504   invalid_ts_list_num           NUMBER := -29346;
506   ts_not_in_list                EXCEPTION;
507   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_not_in_list, -29347);
508   ts_not_in_list_num            NUMBER := -29347;
510   datafiles_missing             EXCEPTION;
511   PRAGMA exception_init         (datafiles_missing, -29348);
512   datafiles_missing_num         NUMBER := -29348;
514   ts_name_conflict              EXCEPTION;
515   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_name_conflict, -29349);
516   ts_name_conflict_num          NUMBER := -29349;
518   sys_or_tmp_ts                 EXCEPTION;
519   PRAGMA exception_init         (sys_or_tmp_ts, -29351);
520   sys_or_tmp_ts_num             NUMBER := -29351;
522   ts_list_overflow              EXCEPTION;
523   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_list_overflow, -29353);
524   ts_list_overflow_num          NUMBER := -29353;
526   ts_failure_list               EXCEPTION;
527   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_failure_list, -39185);
528   ts_failure_list_num           NUMBER := -39185;
530   ts_list_empty                 EXCEPTION;
531   PRAGMA exception_init         (ts_list_empty, -39186);
532   ts_list_empty_num             NUMBER := -39186;
534   not_self_contained_list       EXCEPTION;
535   PRAGMA exception_init         (not_self_contained_list, -39187);
536   not_self_contained_list_num   NUMBER := -39187;
538   /******************************************************************
539   **             Interface for testing, etc.                       **
540   ******************************************************************/
541   PROCEDURE init;
543   --++
544   -- Description:  Initialize global variables used for debugging trace
545   --               messages
546   --
547   -- Inputs:       debug_flags: Trace/debug flags from /TRACE param or
548   --                            trace/debug event, possibly including global
549   --                            trace/debug flags
550   --
551   -- Outputs:      None
552   --++
553   PROCEDURE SetDebug (
554     debug_flags IN BINARY_INTEGER);
555   --++
556   -- Description: This procedure will send a message to the trace file using
557   --              KUPF$FILE.TRACE.
558   --
559   -- Inputs:
560   --      msg                     - message to print
561   --
562   -- Outputs:
563   --      None
564   --+
565   PROCEDURE SendTraceMsg (
566     msg         IN VARCHAR2);
568   /*******************************************************************
569   **               Interface for trusted callouts                   **
570   *******************************************************************/
571   -- begin export
572   PROCEDURE kcp_bexp(
573         vsn             OUT varchar2,           -- Oracle server version
574         dobj_half       OUT binary_integer,     -- half of data obj#
575         dobj_odd        OUT binary_integer);    -- lowest bit of data obj#
577   -- get char, nchar ID and name
578   PROCEDURE kcp_getchar(
579         cid             OUT binary_integer,     -- char ID
580         ncid            OUT binary_integer);    -- nchar ID
582   -- check if char, nchar set match (signal error is not)
583   PROCEDURE kcp_chkchar(
584         cid             IN binary_integer,      -- char ID
585         ncid            IN binary_integer,      -- nchar ID
586         chknc           IN binary_integer,      -- chech nchar (1 or 0)
587         has_clobs       IN binary_integer,
588         has_nchars      IN binary_integer,
589         char_semantics_on IN binary_integer);
591   -- read file header
592   PROCEDURE kcp_rdfh(
593         fname           IN varchar2);
595   -- convert sb4 to ub4
596   FUNCTION sb4_to_ub4 (
597         b               IN binary_integer)
598     RETURN number;
600   -- new tablespace
601   PROCEDURE kcp_newts(
602         tsname          IN varchar2,            -- tablespace name
603         tsid            IN binary_integer,      -- ts ID
604         n_files         IN binary_integer,      -- # of datafiles in ts
605         blksz           IN binary_integer,      -- block size
606         inc_num         IN binary_integer,      -- inc #
607         cleanSCN        IN number,              -- cleanSCN
608         dflminext       IN binary_integer,      -- dflminext in ts$
609         dflmaxext       IN binary_integer,      -- dflmaxext in ts$
610         dflinit         IN binary_integer,      -- dflinit in ts$
611         dflincr         IN binary_integer,      -- dflincr in ts$
612         dflminlen       IN binary_integer,      -- dflminlen in ts$
613         dflextpct       IN binary_integer,      -- dflextpct in ts$
614         dflogging       IN binary_integer,      -- dflogging in ts$
615         bitmapped       IN binary_integer,      -- bitmapped in ts$
616         dbID            IN binary_integer,      -- db ID
617         crtSCN          IN number,              -- creation SCN
618         contents        IN binary_integer,      -- contents$ in ts$
619         flags           IN number,              -- flags in ts$
620         seg_fno         IN binary_integer,      -- file# in seg$
621         seg_bno         IN binary_integer,      -- block# in seg$
622         seg_blks        IN binary_integer);     -- blocks in seg$
624   -- Plug in datafile
625   PROCEDURE kcp_plgdf(
626         dbID            IN binary_integer,      -- database ID
627         afn             IN binary_integer,      -- absolute file #
628         fileBlks        IN binary_integer,      -- size of file in blocks
629         tsID            IN binary_integer,      -- tablespace ID
630         rfn             IN binary_integer,      -- relative file #
631         maxextend       IN binary_integer,
632         inc             IN binary_integer,
633         crtSCN          IN number,              -- creation SCN
634         cptSCN          IN number,              -- checkpoint SCN
635         rstSCN          IN number,              -- reset SCN
636         spare1          IN binary_integer);     -- spare1 in file$
638   -- Commit Pluggable
639   PROCEDURE kcp_cmt (
640         data_objn       IN number);             -- data object number
642   -- Initialize kernel data structures
643   PROCEDURE kcp_init;
645   -- adjust compatibility level
646   PROCEDURE kcp_acomp (
647         compID          IN varchar2,            -- compatibility type
648         compRL          IN varchar2);           -- release level
650   -- get current compatible setting
651   --
652   PROCEDURE kcp_getcomp (szcomp  OUT varchar2);           -- compatible setting
654   -- get file header infomation according to file number
655   PROCEDURE kcp_getfh (
656         afn             IN  binary_integer,     -- absolute file number
657         dbID            OUT binary_integer,     -- database ID
658         ckpt_SCN        OUT varchar2,           -- checkpoint SCN
659         reset_SCN       OUT varchar2,           -- reset log SCN
660         hdr_afn         OUT binary_integer);    -- file# from header
662   -- verification checks needed for cross platform transport
663   PROCEDURE kcp_chkxPlatform(
664         srcplatformID   IN binary_integer,
665         srcplatformName IN varchar2,
666         tgtplatformID   IN binary_integer,
667         tgtplatformName IN varchar2,
668         src_rls_version IN varchar2);
670   -- fix up seg$ to reclaim a temp segment
671   PROCEDURE kcp_plg_reclaim_segment(
672         file_no         IN binary_integer,
673         block_no        IN binary_integer,
674         type_no         IN binary_integer,
675         ts_no           IN binary_integer,
676         blocks          IN binary_integer,
677         extents         IN binary_integer,
678         iniexts         IN binary_integer,
679         minexts         IN binary_integer,
680         maxexts         IN binary_integer,
681         extpct          IN binary_integer,
682         user_no         IN binary_integer,
683         lists           IN binary_integer,
684         groups          IN binary_integer,
685         bitmapranges    IN binary_integer,
686         cachehint       IN binary_integer,
687         scanhint        IN binary_integer,
688         hwmincr         IN number,
689         spare1          IN number,
690         spare2          IN binary_integer);
692   -- compute whether a plug into a specified db char and nchar set is
693   -- compatible with current db.
694   PROCEDURE kcp_check_tts_char_set_compat(
695         has_clobs               IN binary_integer,
696         has_nchars              IN binary_integer,
697         char_semantics_on       IN binary_integer,
698         target_charset_name     IN varchar2,
699         target_ncharset_name    IN varchar2);
701 END dbms_plugts;