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Line 107: elsif (l_doc_type = 'PO' or l_doc_type = 'STANDARD') then --for standard POs.

103: into l_revision_num,l_vendor_id ,l_vendor_site_id,l_doc_id
104: from po_headers_all poh,po_releases_all por
105: where poh.po_header_id=por.po_header_id
106: and por.po_release_id = l_doc_rel_id;
107: elsif (l_doc_type = 'PO' or l_doc_type = 'STANDARD') then --for standard POs.
108: select revision_num,vendor_id,vendor_site_id
109: into l_revision_num,l_vendor_id ,l_vendor_site_id
110: from po_headers_all
111: where po_header_id= l_doc_id;

Line 191: if (l_po_type = 'STANDARD' or l_po_type = 'PO') then

187: aname => 'PO_REVISION_NUM');
191: if (l_po_type = 'STANDARD' or l_po_type = 'PO') then
192: select segment1, org_id, vendor_id, vendor_site_id, comments, type_lookup_code,creation_date
193: into l_po_number, l_org_id, l_party_id, l_party_site_id, l_po_desc, l_po_subtype,l_doc_creation_date
194: from po_headers_all
195: where po_header_id = l_po_header_id;

Line 441: elsif (l_doc_type = 'PO' or l_doc_type = 'STANDARD') then --for standard POs.

437: where poh.po_header_id=por.po_header_id
438: and por.po_release_id = l_doc_rel_id;
441: elsif (l_doc_type = 'PO' or l_doc_type = 'STANDARD') then --for standard POs.
442: select revision_num,vendor_id,vendor_site_id,cancel_flag
443: into l_revision_num,l_vendor_id ,l_vendor_site_id, l_cancel_flag --B4407795,reading cancel flag
444: from po_headers_all
445: where po_header_id= l_doc_id;

Line 585: -- as of current implementation, ecx standard activity raises exception if trading partner setup has problem

581: raise;
583: END set_delivery_data;
585: -- as of current implementation, ecx standard activity raises exception if trading partner setup has problem
586: -- this procedure will check the setup and return no if trading partner setup has problem
588: Procedure is_partner_setup ( itemtype in varchar2,
589: itemkey in varchar2,

Line 767: elsif (l_doc_type = 'STANDARD' or l_doc_type = 'PO') then --for standard POs.

763: from po_headers_all poh,po_releases_all por
764: where poh.po_header_id=por.po_header_id
765: and por.po_release_id = l_doc_rel_id;
767: elsif (l_doc_type = 'STANDARD' or l_doc_type = 'PO') then --for standard POs.
768: x_progress := 'PO_XML_DELIVERY.is_xml_chosen : 04';
769: select poh.xml_flag, poh.agent_id into l_xml_flag, l_agent_id
770: from po_headers_all poh
771: where po_header_id= l_doc_id;

Line 797: if(p_document_type ='STANDARD') then

793: is
794: --Bug 7436414- FP of 7423133 - Changed this proc to automonous to avoid deadlock
796: begin
797: if(p_document_type ='STANDARD') then
798: if(p_txn_type = 'PRO') then
799: update po_headers_all
800: set xml_send_date = sysdate
801: where

Line 876: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then

872: l_count_distinct number;
873: l_agent_id number;
874: begin
875: p_requestor := '';
876: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then
877: select count(1) into l_count_distinct from (
878: select distinct(deliver_to_person_id)
879: from po_distributions_archive_all pda
880: where pda.po_header_id = p_header_id

Line 934: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then

930: is
931: l_poco_date date;
932: l_pro_date date;
933: begin
934: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then
935: select xml_change_send_date, xml_send_date into
936: l_poco_date, l_pro_date
937: from po_headers_all
938: where po_header_id = p_header_id;

Line 1114: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then

1110: p_card_brand out nocopy varchar2)
1111: is
1112: is_supplier_pcard number;
1113: begin
1114: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then
1115: select aca.card_number, aca.cardmember_name,aca.card_expiration_date,
1116: acpa.card_brand_lookup_code
1117: into p_card_num, p_card_name, p_card_exp_date, p_card_brand
1118: from ap_cards_all aca, ap_card_programs_all acpa, po_headers_all pha

Line 1133: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then

1129: and pra.pcard_id = aca.card_id
1130: and aca.card_program_id = acpa.card_program_id;
1131: end if;
1133: if(p_document_type = 'STANDARD') then
1134: select count(1)
1135: into is_supplier_pcard
1136: from ap_card_suppliers_all acsa, po_headers_all pha
1137: where acsa.card_id = pha.pcard_id

Line 1427: else --for standard POs.

1424: l_user_key := l_ponum || '-' || to_char(l_revision_num)
1425: || '-' || to_char(l_release_num);
1427: else --for standard POs.
1428: x_progress := 'PO_XML_DELIVERY.setwfUserKey : 04';
1429: select segment1 into l_ponum
1430: from po_headers_archive_all poh
1431: where po_header_id= l_document_id and