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Line 88: CURSOR get_sys_person_id(cp_person_type_code igs_pe_typ_instances_all.person_type_code%TYPE) IS

84: || Who When What
85: || ssawhney 18-AUG-2005 Bug#: 4378028 added end date.
86: */
87: ---- Cursor to get system_type_person
88: CURSOR get_sys_person_id(cp_person_type_code igs_pe_typ_instances_all.person_type_code%TYPE) IS
89: SELECT ppt.system_type
90: FROM igs_pe_person_types ppt
91: WHERE ppt.person_type_code = cp_person_type_code;

Line 214: FROM igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti , igs_pe_person_types typ , igs_pe_typ_rsp_dflt dflt

210: -- if a resp is through 2 pti. then since the event is fired after_dml, then max of null and static would return static
211: -- hence need to use l_default.
212: CURSOR get_max_date (cp_person_id NUMBER, cp_resp_key VARCHAR2,cp_app_short_name VARCHAR2) IS
213: SELECT max(NVL(pti.end_date , l_default_date))
214: FROM igs_pe_typ_instances_all pti , igs_pe_person_types typ , igs_pe_typ_rsp_dflt dflt
215: WHERE pti.person_id = cp_person_id AND
216: pti.person_type_code = typ.person_type_code AND
217: typ.system_type = dflt.s_person_type AND
218: dflt.responsibility_key = cp_resp_key AND