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Line 6565: l_cash_flow_tbl OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.cash_flow_tbl;

6561: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
6562: x_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
6563: x_msg_count NUMBER;
6564: x_msg_data VARCHAR2(256);
6565: l_cash_flow_tbl OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.cash_flow_tbl;
6566: i NUMBER := 0;
6567: l_total_rent NUMBER := 0;
6568: l_rent NUMBER := 0;
6569: l_rate NUMBER := 0;

Line 6719: OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.get_present_value(

6715: END LOOP;
6716: --Call the API that does the PV calculation.
6718: IF l_cash_flow_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
6719: OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.get_present_value(
6720: p_api_version => l_api_version,
6721: p_init_msg_list => OKL_API.G_TRUE,
6722: p_cash_flow_tbl => l_cash_flow_tbl,
6723: p_rate => l_rate,

Line 6773: OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.get_present_value(

6769: END IF;
6770: END LOOP;
6771: --Call the API that does the PV calculation.
6772: IF l_cash_flow_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
6773: OKL_STREAM_GENERATOR_PVT.get_present_value(
6774: p_api_version => l_api_version,
6775: p_init_msg_list => OKL_API.G_TRUE,
6776: p_cash_flow_tbl => l_cash_flow_tbl,
6777: p_rate => l_rate,