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APPS.IGP_VW_GEN_002_PKG dependencies on FND_GLOBAL

Line 148: nbsp := fnd_global.local_chr(38) || 'nbsp;';

144: rec_port_info c_port_info%ROWTYPE;
146: BEGIN
147: l_basic_text :=' ';
148: nbsp := fnd_global.local_chr(38) || 'nbsp;';
149: l_portfolio_ids := p_portfolio_ids;
151: -- Get details of All Portfolios passed in the string.
152: -- LOOP and keep on adding into the HTML message

Line 471: nbsp := fnd_global.local_chr(38) || 'nbsp;';

467: BEGIN
469: l_seq_val_au := 'IGPVW2AU'||to_char(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS');
470: l_basic_text :=null;
471: nbsp := fnd_global.local_chr(38) || 'nbsp;';
472: l_author_event := 'oracle.apps.igs.igp.vw.inform_author_rem';
473: --
474: -- initialize the wf_event_t object
475: --