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1 PACKAGE BODY mrp_release_so AS
2 /*$Header: MRPRLSOB.pls 120.1.12010000.2 2008/12/12 15:50:00 eychen ship $ */
4 PROCEDURE release_so_program
5 (
6 errbuf                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
7 ,retcode                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
8 p_batch_id IN NUMBER,
9 p_dblink in varchar2,
10 p_instance_id in number
11 ) IS
13  TYPE type_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
14  so_cursor type_cursor;
15  sql_stmt varchar2(2000);
16  x_return_status varchar2(1) :=FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
17  x_crm_return_status varchar2(1) :=FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
18  a number;
19  p_so_table OE_SCHEDULE_GRP.Sch_Tbl_Type;
20  p_crm_so_table AHL_LTP_ASCP_ORDERS_PVT.Sched_Orders_Tbl;
22  CURSOR header_c(p_line_id number) is
23   select header_id
24     from oe_order_lines
25    where line_id = p_line_id;
28  CURSOR populate_ou(p_line_id number)  is
29   select org_id
30   from oe_order_lines_all
31   where line_id = p_line_id;
33  p_status number;
34  p_user_name varchar2(30) :=FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USERNAME');
35  p_need_notify boolean := false;
36  p_request_id number;
37  l_file_name varchar2(1000);
38  so_count number :=0;
39  crm_so_count number :=0;
40 begin
44   FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'batch_id='||p_batch_id||', instance_id='||p_instance_id||', dblink='||p_dblink);
46  retcode :=0;
48 -- release so with source_type = null thru oe package
49  sql_stmt:=
50    ' select schedule_ship_date,'||
51           ' schedule_arrival_date,'||
52           ' earliest_ship_date, '||
53           ' header_id,'||
54           ' line_id,'||
55           ' org_id,'||
56           ' operating_unit,'||
57           ' delivery_lead_time,'||
58           ' ship_method, '||
59           ' orig_schedule_ship_date,'||
60           ' orig_schedule_arrival_date,'||
61           ' orig_org_id,'||
62           ' orig_ship_method, '||
63           ' quantity, '||
64           ' decode(firm_flag,1,''Y'',''N''), '||
65           ' orig_item_id, '||
66           ' inventory_item_id '||
67  ' from msc_sales_order_interface'||p_dblink||
68  ' where sr_instance_id = : p_instance_id '||
69    ' and source_type is null '||
70    ' and batch_id = :p_batch_id ';
72    a :=1;
73    OPEN so_cursor FOR sql_stmt using p_instance_id, p_batch_id;
74    LOOP
75       FETCH so_cursor INTO p_so_table(a).schedule_ship_date,
76                         p_so_table(a).schedule_arrival_date,
77                         p_so_table(a).earliest_ship_date,
78                         p_so_table(a).header_id,
79                         p_so_table(a).line_id,
80                         p_so_table(a).Ship_from_org_id,
81                         p_so_table(a).org_id,
82                         p_so_table(a).delivery_lead_time,
83                         p_so_table(a).shipping_method_code,
84                         p_so_table(a).orig_schedule_ship_date,
85                         p_so_table(a).orig_schedule_arrival_date,
86                         p_so_table(a).orig_ship_from_org_id,
87                         p_so_table(a).orig_shipping_method_code,
88                         p_so_table(a).orig_ordered_quantity,
89                         p_so_table(a).firm_demand_flag,
90                         p_so_table(a).orig_inventory_item_id,
91                         p_so_table(a).inventory_item_id;
92        EXIT WHEN so_cursor%NOTFOUND;
93        so_count := so_count +1;
94 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'schedule_ship_date='||to_char(p_so_table(a).schedule_ship_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
95 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'schedule_arrival_date='||to_char(p_so_table(a).schedule_arrival_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
96 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'earliest_ship_date='||to_char(p_so_table(a).earliest_ship_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
97 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'line_id='||p_so_table(a).line_id);
98 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Ship_from_org_id='||p_so_table(a).Ship_from_org_id);
99 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'delivery_lead_time='||p_so_table(a).delivery_lead_time);
100 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'shipping_method_code='||p_so_table(a).shipping_method_code);
101 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_schedule_ship_date='||to_char(p_so_table(a).orig_schedule_ship_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
102 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_schedule_arrival_date='||to_char(p_so_table(a).orig_schedule_arrival_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
103 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_ship_from_org_id='||p_so_table(a).orig_ship_from_org_id);
104 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_shipping_method_code='||p_so_table(a).orig_shipping_method_code);
105 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_ordered_quantity='||p_so_table(a).orig_ordered_quantity);
106 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'firm_demand_flag='||p_so_table(a).firm_demand_flag);
107 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'orig_inventory_item_id='||p_so_table(a).orig_inventory_item_id);
108 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'inventory_item_id='||p_so_table(a).inventory_item_id);
109        if p_so_table(a).header_id is null then
110           OPEN header_c(p_so_table(a).line_id);
111           FETCH header_c INTO p_so_table(a).header_id;
112           CLOSE header_c;
113 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'header_id='||p_so_table(a).header_id);
114        end if;
117      -- populating correct OU
118           OPEN populate_ou(p_so_table(a).line_id);
119           FETCH populate_ou INTO p_so_table(a).org_id;
120           CLOSE populate_ou;
121 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'org_id='||p_so_table(a).org_id);
123        a := a+1;
124    END LOOP;
125    CLOSE so_cursor;
127 -- release so with source_type =100 thru crm package
128  sql_stmt:=
129    ' select schedule_ship_date,'||
130           ' schedule_arrival_date,'||
131           ' earliest_ship_date, '||
132           ' header_id,'||
133           ' line_id,'||
134           ' org_id,'||
135           ' quantity '||
136  ' from msc_sales_order_interface'||p_dblink||
137  ' where sr_instance_id = : p_instance_id '||
138    ' and source_type =100 '||
139    ' and batch_id = :p_batch_id ';
141    a :=1;
142    OPEN so_cursor FOR sql_stmt using p_instance_id, p_batch_id;
143    LOOP
144       FETCH so_cursor INTO p_crm_so_table(a).schedule_ship_date,
145                         p_crm_so_table(a).schedule_arrival_date,
146                         p_crm_so_table(a).earliest_ship_date,
147                         p_crm_so_table(a).header_id,
148                         p_crm_so_table(a).order_line_id,
149                         p_crm_so_table(a).org_id,
150                         p_crm_so_table(a).quantity_by_due_date;
151        EXIT WHEN so_cursor%NOTFOUND;
152        crm_so_count := crm_so_count +1;
153 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'schedule_ship_date='||to_char(p_crm_so_table(a).schedule_ship_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
154 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'schedule_arrival_date='||to_char(p_crm_so_table(a).schedule_arrival_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
155 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'earliest_ship_date='||to_char(p_crm_so_table(a).earliest_ship_date,'MM-DD-RRRR HH24:MI:SS'));
156 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'line_id='||p_crm_so_table(a).order_line_id);
157 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'org_id='||p_crm_so_table(a).org_id);
158 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'qty='||p_crm_so_table(a).quantity_by_due_date);
159        a := a+1;
160    END LOOP;
161    CLOSE so_cursor;
163   if p_dblink is not null and p_dblink <> ' ' then
164             commit;
165             begin
166                sql_stmt:= ' alter session close database link '||
167                                     ltrim(p_dblink,'@');
168                execute immediate sql_stmt;
169             exception when others then
170                  null;
171             end;
172   end if;
176    IF p_so_table.count > 0 then
177          mo_global.init('ONT');
178          OE_SCHEDULE_GRP.Update_Scheduling_Results(
179               p_so_table,
180               p_batch_id,
181               x_return_status);
182          commit;
183    END IF;
187    IF p_crm_so_table.count >0 then
188       AHL_LTP_ASCP_ORDERS_PVT.Update_Scheduling_Results(
189               1.0,
190               FND_API.g_false,
191               FND_API.g_false,
192               FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
193               p_crm_so_table,
194               x_crm_return_status);
195        commit;
196    END IF;
199       -- send workflow notification for the failed so
200    for a in 1..so_count loop
201       if nvl(p_so_table(a).x_return_status, FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) <>
202              FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS or
203          p_so_table(a).x_override_atp_date_code = 'Y' then
204             sql_stmt:=
205                 ' update msc_sales_order_interface'||p_dblink||
206                  '   set return_status = :p_status '||
207                  ' where sr_instance_id = :p_instance_id '||
208                    ' and batch_id = :p_batch_id '||
209                    ' and line_id = :p_line_id ';
210             if nvl(p_so_table(a).x_return_status, FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) <>
211                FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then
212 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'update fails for line id '||p_so_table(a).line_id||', om return status ='||p_so_table(a).x_return_status);
213                p_status := 2; -- fails
214                retcode :=2;
215             else
216 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'atp override for line id'||p_so_table(a).line_id);
217                p_status := 1; -- override
218             end if;
219           EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt using p_status, p_instance_id, p_batch_id,
220                                     p_so_table(a).line_id;
221           p_need_notify := true;
222       else
223 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'update scceeds for line id'||p_so_table(a).line_id);
224       end if;
226    end loop;
228    IF nvl(x_crm_return_status, FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) <>
230       p_status := 2; -- fails
231       retcode :=2;
232       sql_stmt:=
233                 ' update msc_sales_order_interface'||p_dblink||
234                  '   set return_status = :p_status '||
235                  ' where sr_instance_id = :p_instance_id '||
236                    ' and batch_id = :p_batch_id '||
237                    ' and source_type = 100 ';
238       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt using p_status, p_instance_id, p_batch_id;
239       commit;
240       for a in 1..crm_so_count loop
241         FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'update fails for line id '||p_crm_so_table(a).order_line_id);
242       end loop;
243    ELSE
244       for a in 1..crm_so_count loop
245         FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'update successfully for line id '||p_crm_so_table(a).order_line_id);
246       end loop;
247    END IF;
249    sql_stmt:=
250                 ' delete from msc_sales_order_interface'||p_dblink||
251                  ' where sr_instance_id = :p_instance_id '||
252                    ' and batch_id = :p_batch_id '||
253                    ' and return_status is null ';
254    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt using p_instance_id, p_batch_id;
255    commit;
257    if p_need_notify then
258        sql_stmt:=
259            'BEGIN'
260         ||'  msc_rel_wf.so_release_workflow_program'||p_dblink||'('
261                                           ||'   :p_batch_id, '
262                                           ||' :p_instance_id,'
263                                           ||' :p_planner,'
264                                           ||' :p_request_id);'
265         ||' END;';
266        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt using in p_batch_id,in p_instance_id,
267                                         in p_user_name, out p_request_id ;
268        commit;
270 FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'send workflow notification to planner '||p_user_name||', request id='||p_request_id);
271    end if;
272 exception when others then
273  retcode :=2;
274  raise;
276 END release_so_program;
278 end mrp_release_so;