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1 PACKAGE BODY fnd_oam_dashboard_util AS
2   /* $Header: AFOAMDUB.pls 115.3 2004/04/16 10:49:53 swpattab noship $ */
4   -- Name
5   --   get_trans_name_values
6   --
7   -- Purpose
8   --   Gets the translated list of name values that will be used in the
9   --   system alert raised by the dashboard collection program.
10   --
11   -- Input Arguments
12   --   p_message_type - Value should be either 'MET' for message based on
13   --     threshold values
14   --     or 'STATUS' for metrics based on status values
15   --   p_name_val_codes:
16   --     If p_message_type is 'MET' then this should be a comma delimited
17   --      list of metric_short_names:threshold_operator:threshold_value
18   --      values. For example:
19   --	   'ACTIVE_USERS:G:300,DB_SESSIONS:G:300'
20   --     If p_message_type is 'STATUS' then this should be a comma delimited
21   --      list of application_id:concurrent_queue_id:status_code or
22   --      metric_short_name:statis_code values
23   --
24   --      For example:
25   --       '0:3042:2,0:10434:2,PHP_GEN:2'
26   --
27   -- Output Arguments
28   --
29   -- Returns
30   --     If p_message_type is 'MET' then returns the list of
31   --     translated metric display name, operator and threshold values
32   --
33   --     If p_message_type is 'STATUS' then returns the list of
34   --     translated service instance display name and status values.
35   --
36   --     For example:
37   --      MET: 'Active Users Greater than 300;Database Sessions Greater than 404;'
38   --      STATUS: 'Workflow Mailer: Down; Standard Manager: Down; PHP: Down'
39   -- Notes:
40   --   INTERNAL_USE_ONLY - This function is for use by the dashboard
41   --   collection program only.
42   --
43   FUNCTION get_trans_name_values (
44 	p_message_type varchar2,
45 	p_name_val_codes varchar2) RETURN varchar2
46   IS
47 	v_remainder varchar2(4000) := p_name_val_codes;
48 	v_entity varchar2(1024);
49 	v_retu varchar2(2000) := null;
50   BEGIN
51 	if (p_message_type is null or p_name_val_codes is null or
52 	    length(p_name_val_codes) <= 0) then
53 		return NULL;
54 	end if;
55         if (p_message_type <> 'MET' and p_message_type <> 'STATUS') then
56 		return 'UNKNOWN_MSG_TYPE: ' || p_message_type;
57 	end if;
58 	--dbms_output.put_line('INITIAL v_remainder: ' || v_remainder);
59         --dbms_output.put_line('last comma: '|| instr(p_name_val_codes, ',', -1));
60 	--dbms_output.put_line('length: '|| length(p_name_val_codes));
62 	if (instr(p_name_val_codes, ',', -1) < length(p_name_val_codes)) then
63   	  --dbms_output.put_line('No comma at the end');
64 	  v_remainder := v_remainder || ',';
65 	  --dbms_output.put_line('Added comma at the end');
66 	end if;
68 	while (length(v_remainder) > 0) loop
69 	  --dbms_output.put_line('v_remainder: ' || v_remainder);
70 	  v_entity := substr(v_remainder,1,instr(v_remainder,',') -1);
72 	  --dbms_output.put_line('v_entity: ' || v_entity);
74 	  declare
75 	    v_first_delim number;
76 	    v_second_delim number;
78 	    v_first_portion varchar2(256);
79 	    v_second_portion varchar2(256);
80 	    v_third_portion varchar2(256);
82 	    v_name varchar2(256);
83 	    v_threshold_oper varchar2(256);
84 	    v_value varchar2(256);
86 	    v_name_value_pair varchar2(1024);
87 	  begin
89 	      v_first_delim := instr(v_entity,':',1,1);
90 	      v_second_delim := instr(v_entity,':',-1,1);
92 	      v_first_portion := substr(v_entity,1,v_first_delim-1);
93 	      if (v_first_delim = v_second_delim) then
94 	      	-- we only have two portions
95 		v_second_portion := substr(v_entity,v_first_delim +1);
96 		v_third_portion := null;
97 	      else
98 		-- we have three portions
99 		v_second_portion := substr(v_entity,v_first_delim+1,v_second_delim-v_first_delim-1);
100 		v_third_portion := substr(v_entity,v_second_delim+1);
101 	      end if;
103               --dbms_output.put_line('POR 1: ' || v_first_portion);
104 	      --dbms_output.put_line('POR 2: ' || v_second_portion);
105               --dbms_output.put_line('POR 3: ' || v_third_portion);
106 	   if (p_message_type = 'MET') then
107 		select metric_display_name into v_name
108 		  from fnd_oam_metval_vl
109 		  where metric_short_name=v_first_portion;
110 		select meaning into v_threshold_oper
111 		    from fnd_lookups
112 		    where lookup_type = 'OAM_DASHBOARD_THRESHOLD_OPER'
113 		    and lookup_code = v_second_portion;
114 		v_value := v_third_portion;
116 		-- we wont keep the value in the message since this may
117 		-- raise a new alert every time value changes
118 		v_name_value_pair := v_name||' '||v_threshold_oper||' '||v_value||';';
119 	   elsif (p_message_type = 'STATUS') then
121 	      if (v_third_portion is null) then
122 		  -- only two portions so this is dashboard status metric
123 		  select metric_display_name into v_name
124 		    from fnd_oam_metval_vl
125 		    where metric_short_name=v_first_portion;
126 		  select meaning into v_value
127 		    from fnd_lookups
128 		    where lookup_type = 'OAM_DASHBOARD_METRIC_STATUS'
129 		    and lookup_code = v_second_portion;
130 	      else
131 		  -- three portions so this is a service instance
132 		  select user_concurrent_queue_name into v_name
133 		    from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl
134 		    where to_char(application_id) = v_first_portion
135 		    and to_char(concurrent_queue_id) = v_second_portion;
136 		  select meaning into v_value
137 		    from fnd_lookups
138 		    where lookup_type = 'OAM_DASHBOARD_METRIC_STATUS'
139 		    and lookup_code = v_third_portion;
140 	      end if;
142 	      fnd_message.clear;
143 	      fnd_message.set_name('FND','OAM_DASHBOARD_NAME_VALUE');
144 	      fnd_message.set_token('NAME',v_name);
145 	      fnd_message.set_token('VALUE',v_value);
146 	      v_name_value_pair := fnd_message.get;
147 	    end if;
151 	    v_retu := substr(v_retu || ' ' || v_name_value_pair,1,2000);
153 	  end;
154 	  v_remainder := substr(v_remainder, instr(v_remainder,',') +1);
155 	end loop;
157 	--dbms_output.put_line('OUTPUT: ' || v_retu);
158 	return v_retu;
160 	when others then
161 	  v_retu := '*EXCEPTION* ' || SQLERRM;
162 	  return v_retu;
163   END get_trans_name_values;
166   -- Name
167   --   load_svci_info
168   --
169   -- Purpose
170   --   Loads services instances related alerting, collection information
171   --   into fnd_oam_svci_info. For the given service instance if a row
172   --   already exists it updates the row; otherwise it inserts a new row.
173   --
174   -- Input Arguments
175   --
176   -- Output Arguments
177   --
178   -- Returns
179   --
180   -- Notes:
181   --
182   PROCEDURE load_svci_info(
183 	p_application_id number,
184 	p_concurrent_queue_name varchar2,
185 	p_alert_enabled_flag varchar2,
186 	p_collection_enabled_flag varchar2,
187 	p_threshold_value varchar2,
188 	p_owner varchar2)
189    IS
190 	v_x number;
191 	v_userid number := 0;
192    BEGIN
193 	begin
194 	  select user_id into v_userid
195 	    from fnd_user where upper(user_name) = upper(p_owner);
196 	exception
197 	  when no_data_found then
198 	    v_userid := 0;
199 	end;
201 	select 1 into v_x
202 	  from fnd_oam_svci_info
203 	  where application_id = p_application_id
204 	  and concurrent_queue_name = p_concurrent_queue_name;
206 	-- update
207 	update fnd_oam_svci_info
208 		set alert_enabled_flag = p_alert_enabled_flag,
209 		    collection_enabled_flag = p_collection_enabled_flag,
210 		    threshold_value = p_threshold_value,
211 		    last_updated_by = v_userid,
212 		    last_update_date = sysdate,
213 		    last_update_login = 0
214 		where application_id = p_application_id
215 		  and concurrent_queue_name = p_concurrent_queue_name;
217 	when no_data_found then
218 		insert into fnd_oam_svci_info (
219 			application_id,
220 			concurrent_queue_name,
221 			alert_enabled_flag,
222 			collection_enabled_flag,
223 			threshold_value,
224 			created_by,
225 			creation_date,
226 			last_updated_by,
227 			last_update_date,
228 			last_update_login)
229 		values (
230 			p_application_id,
231 			p_concurrent_queue_name,
232 			p_alert_enabled_flag,
233 			p_collection_enabled_flag,
234 			p_threshold_value,
235 			v_userid,
236 			sysdate,
237 			v_userid,
238 			sysdate,
239 			0);
240 	when others then
241 		raise;
242   END load_svci_info;
244   -- Name
245   --   save_web_ping_timeout
246   --
247   -- Purpose
248   --   Saves the value for the new web ping timeout by simply updating
249   --   the profile option "OAM_DASHBOARD_WEB_PING_TIMEOUT"
250   --
251   -- Input Arguments
252   --
253   -- Output Arguments
254   --
255   -- Returns
256   --
257   -- Notes:
258   --
259   FUNCTION save_web_ping_timeout(p_new_val VARCHAR2) return number
260   IS
261 	v_ret boolean;
262 	v_ret_val number;
263   BEGIN
264 	v_ret := fnd_profile.save(
266 		x_value => p_new_val,
267 		x_level_name => 'SITE');
269 	if (v_ret = true) then
270 		v_ret_val := 0;
271 		fnd_profile.put(
273 		  val => p_new_val);
274 	else
275 		v_ret_val := 1;
276 	end if;
277 	return v_ret_val;
279 	when others then
280 		raise;
281   END save_web_ping_timeout;
283   -- Name
284   --   format_time
285   --
286   -- Purpose
287   --   Formats the given number of seconds into 'HH:MM:SS' format.
288   --   e.g. 66 is converted to 00:01:06
289   --
290   -- Input Arguments
291   --   p_seconds - Time in seconds
292   --
293   -- Output Arguments
294   --
295   -- Returns
296   --  Formated String in 'HH:MM:SS' format
297   --
298   -- Notes:
299   --
300   FUNCTION format_time(p_seconds number) return varchar2
301   IS
302 	v_retu varchar2(50) := '00:00:00';
303         v_hh number;
304 	v_mm number;
305 	v_ss number;
307 	--v_hh_tmp number;
308 	--v_mm_tmp number;
309 	--v_ss_tmp number;
311 	v_seconds number;
312   BEGIN
313 	select round(nvl(p_seconds, 0)) into v_seconds from dual;
315 	v_hh := floor(v_seconds/60/60);
316 	v_mm := floor((v_seconds - (v_hh*3600))/60);
317         v_ss := floor((v_seconds - (v_hh*3600) - (v_mm*60)));
318 	if (v_hh = 0 and v_mm = 0 and v_ss = 0) then
319 		v_ss := 1;
320 	end if;
321 	v_retu := to_char(v_hh) || ':' ||
322 		  to_char(v_mm) || ':' ||
323 		  to_char(v_ss);
324 	return v_retu;
326 	when others then
327 		v_retu := substr(SQLERRM,1,49);
328 		return v_retu;
329   END format_time;
331   -- Name
332   --   get_meaning
333   --
334   -- Purpose
335   --   Gets the meaning for the given lookup_type and comma seperated
336   --   look_up codes from the fnd_lookups table
337   --
338   -- Input Arguments
339   --   p_lookup_type - Look up type (String)
340   --   p_lookup_codes - Comma separated lookup codes with no space in between
341   --      them. for eg: '2,1,3,4' etc.
342   --
343   -- Output Arguments
344   --
345   -- Returns
346   --  Comma separated meanings corresponding to each code.
347   --
348   -- Notes:
349   --
350   FUNCTION get_meaning (p_lookup_type varchar2,
351 	p_lookup_codes varchar2) RETURN varchar2
352   IS
353 	v_remainder varchar2(1000) := p_lookup_codes;
354 	v_entity varchar2(1024);
355 	v_retu varchar2(2000) := null;
356 	v_status varchar2(100);
357   BEGIN
358 	if (p_lookup_codes is null or
359 	    length(p_lookup_codes) <= 0) then
360 		return NULL;
361 	end if;
363 	-- code for putting a comma at the end of the line
364 	-- if not already present
365 	if (instr(p_lookup_codes, ',', -1, 1) < length(p_lookup_codes)) then
366 	  v_remainder := v_remainder || ',';
367 	end if;
369 	while (length(v_remainder) > 0) loop
370 	  --dbms_output.put_line('v_remainder: ' || v_remainder);
371 	  v_entity := substr(v_remainder,1,instr(v_remainder,',',1,1) -1);
373 	  select meaning into v_status
374 	    from fnd_lookups
375 	    where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
376 	    and lookup_code = v_entity;
380 	  v_remainder := substr(v_remainder, instr(v_remainder,',') +1);
382           v_retu := v_retu || v_status;
384 	  if (length(v_remainder) > 0) then
385 	     v_retu := v_retu || ', ';
386 	  end if;
388 	end loop;
390 	--dbms_output.put_line('OUTPUT: ' || v_retu);
391 	return v_retu;
393 	when others then
394 	  v_retu := '*EXCEPTION* ' || SQLERRM;
395 	  return v_retu;
396   END get_meaning;
398 END fnd_oam_dashboard_util;